Story Chapter 13: a request and confrontation with a familiar person.


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 13: a request and confrontation with a familiar person.

Blitz and Tetris traveled to Alfredo's tea party room with lots of gifts that he likes and things he eats. Tetris held onto the gifts with care and peaked over the sides to look at the long-haired prince who had his back to him; *he looked amazing today, I hope the request he's gonna ask for works bc we’re gonna need all hands on deck for this battle*

He then turned towards the gifts and sighed “your majesty please remind me as to why we need gifts to convince Alfred to allow us his guardsmen for the golden scroll building?” blitz turned to look and pout at him “Tet-tet, it traditional in cornolia to give gifts to your host; since he is allowing us to stay safely at his palace we need to at least gift them.” Tetris nodded remembering the traditions of the coronolians. They arrived at the door and blitz-knocked. “Who is it?” blitz could hear laughter and giggles in the room “Blitz Your Majesty. I need a word with you.”

Micheal opened the door; the two walked in and saw that Alfred was having a tea party with many of his Nobel friends who were near his age with their bodyguards as well. “Blitzy!! Ohh welcome welcome oh wow you brought me a lot of… aww bestie thank you." They hugged each other and Alfred looked into his face and he softly smiled, “I'm sure you need something important and not here for a chat.” blitz nodded smiling his full dimple smile, Alfred looked over at his friends ``oh right, blitzy this is, lord and lordess hermin and sera, duke yendad, duchess seaweed she's duke yenpad’s baby sister. Everyone this is the crown prince of coronolia and one of the heroes of eitheria blitz evergreen and his bodyguard Tetris.``

They all oo’d with giggles and waved hellos, though Blitz could tell they were more towards Tetris rather than him. Which isn't something he minded. To them, Tetris is a rockian that has more bite than bark. And how his frame is muscular and his facial features resem-. Blitz stopped that thought and stepped into Alfred's side room to chat. Tetris placed down the gifts and stood at attention by the side door. The nobles kept talking and giggling about Tetris starting a bit.

Alfred sat in the seat and motioned for Blitz to sit in a seat across from him, “So what do you need to ask my friend? Anything you need I have at my disposal, especially after what happened at the resignage."He sat in a better position and ate a cupcake and a servant brought him “Thank you sala." Blitz crossed his legs and looked straight into Alfredo's eyes which surprised the taller male.

“My request is for guards at the building. We’ve found out now that there are over 500 people from here and beyond alentia coming here to help the sorceress in her goal to reach this event. Me and my company King Alfredo cannot fight off that many at the same time they would overpower us and gain the scroll in an instant." Alfred nodded in thought “Very well then. You have my word I'll have my guards and best generals fight by your side, my friend.'' They got up, hugged each other and walked out.

The alentian nobles were asking Tetris personal questions to which he deflected nonchalantly and was happy it see Blitz coming out *finally, they were starting to aggravate me, the prince was happy, and I could tell the request went well. It makes me happy to see Blitz calm and collected.* “Come on, we need to get with the others. Tetris nodded and they headed out to go back with the group.

(two days later at the law building)

Everything was set, the best of the best of Alfred's army was at every guarding post inside, outside, and around. The elder scribe rushed the group into a secret room and closed down the door; Alfred's top generals rocktooth, ashnikagwe 20-star navy general, and Ferlad 20-star general of the guards, stayed near the entrance ready for whatever was to come. The elder looked between everyone and picked Blitz out of everyone; “now young ones, I need 2 of you on the sides of the walls and I need another of you with those generals defending the front. We mustn't dwell on this matter for too long. Prince Blitz, I need you with me.” blitz and the chief scribe walked over to a strange pillar with a golden scrollbar in the middle of it. She looked at the prince with a frown “Me and you need to create a protection spell for when the golden scroll comes.” blitz nodded and went into permission.

Alexio and Gabriel were peering down from a building with their part of the army; Gabriel used the binoculars watching all of the guards in and out of the building and he growled. Alexio tried to look through the binoculars too, but Gabriel snatched it away trying to locate the heroes. “They got all these guards here how are we going to-” Gabriel had a big idea and only smiled crazily “I know where to make our entrance.” he pointed to an unguarded section; alexio nodded and formed a monster from his monster gun who cannonballed into the unguarded side causing the building to shake everyone felt it as the elder scribe began the spell “now your majesty!” They began the spell, Gabriel and alexio jumped down as the army followed in. A golden beam shot into the air and a scroll got hit by the beam and began to float away. “After that scroll!! Kill anyone's insight!! Don't let them get in your way!!.” The king's guards fought hard against the army keeping most at bay but the monster swatted them away and made a way for more of the sorceress's army causing the guards to fall back and move backward toward the scroll room.

The golden scroll zipped past all of the grabby hands and Alexio's sticky goo hand and fazed through the golden scroll room and into the pillar, the sheer intensity of the spell was thankfully over but it was far from done. The monster barreled through the guards stopping at where he saw the golden scroll go. “It's in there, use all force you guys can do, ye must giant hat golden scroll. The alentians will fall to Cellania and her army!” There was great cheer among the men as they started to try and break down the wall. “Use the shields now!” Tetris and the generals activated the shields to avoid any more damage to the door as it repaired itself “That should hold them off till we can secure the scroll.”

Gabriel growled at the progress being made by the soldier. He saw something scattering away from everything. He made a halt signal to alexio walked to the person and grabbed them by their scribe hood with a wicked smile. “I found our way in.” he walked back to the group with the sacred scribe begging and pleading for his life, “P-p-please sir let me go please I don't know how to” Gabriel shoved him into the wall which caused the defenses to lower.

The look of horror on Blitz’s face pleased alexio *soon my love you'll understand my take on why im doing this for your good* Gabriel threw the poor boy into a guard that was in the room with them and formed an obsidian glass sword. “Rocktooth, ferlad, ashki I need you guys near the others! Form a protective circle around the prince and the elder scribe; leave the defending to me and the others; we cannot allow them to reach the scroll." Tetris formed a large emerald sword and came at Gabriel with all the hate and rage he had for what he did to his village. Gabriel formed a shield and blocked his attack; the two proceeded to fight both showing off their raw talent and not holding anything back from each other like all those years ago. The monsters and the army moved forward engaging in battle with each of the heroes.

Roxana and Sam both defended off the invaders with their separate skills. Joseph surprisingly for his old age moved fluently next to the younger generals, he stabbed and pushed down a soldier and defended the pillar with his life. There was a beep and the spell was in place, “it's done!.” blitz used his mage senses and dodged a leaf attack by alexio and used his staff to block the next one, alexio smiled in his opinion lovingly, but Blitz it was a menacing predatory stare. “Hehe~ my sweet blitzy always using your brain in these things, it's sad that you're fighting for the wrong side, my love. Soon you'll understand why I'm the ideal conlinx for you!” alexio whipped out his knife and went to stab him, blitz got stabbed but for the next swing, he managed to hit the crazed ex with his staff. “Alexio this doesn't have to end like this please.” The prince breathed heavily as he barely dodged a kick, he moved towards a couple of file cabinets and used them as a shield to avoid the attacks.

Roxana and sampton felt a rumble as the monsters from earlier were trying to topple down the pillar with the golden scroll in it. One was getting ready to use the acid breath when Roxana kicked it directly in the jaw, while sampton grabbed onto the bird-like one and tossed sampton back and forth till he somehow had a lightning bolt come out of his hands shocking the bird and himself. He fell off of the falling beast, tetris saw it from the corner of his eyes and ran to sampton doing a military roll to get him from the beast, the man carefully put the boy down and deflected shots from Gabriel. “Are you alright, sampton!” he shouted over the noise “Yeah I think so my leg hurts a lot!” Tetris looked behind him “Walk it off right now, we need all hands on deck go help Roxana!” sampton nodded, and went back into battle as Gabriel came back after Tetris landed a hit in the lower side of his thighs trying to slice it up into his pelvis.

Tetris groaned in pain and kicked Gabriel off of him causing the wound to twist out of him causing him to gasp in sharp breaths. “I'm impressed by my old friend, you can still keep up, though that little spoiled brat’s made you soft.” Tetris roared at him punching him directly in the mouth causing the smaller rockian to stumble back, tetris could feel himself bleeding directly from an artery and an organ. He spat out blood as he made his hand into a bow and began shooting arrows at the man, “Don't you dare talk about blitz like that. Unlike you, his parents teach him how to treat people.” Those words made Gabriel snarl and he lunged at Tetris who side-stepped him and managed to kick him in the stomach to gain some ground.

Gabriel looked at alexio “Get the scroll elf! Stop toying with your ex!'' Alexio glared at him and complied, blitz fell to the floor having been stabbed in his stomach by the elven knife “T-t-tet- '' he slowly crawled towards the rockian. Tetris ran towards him and scooped him up “I-I don't feel well.” tried to touch the pillar but got flown back by Joseph who put his twin swords in front of himself in a protective manner “I refuse for an abuser to gain control of a country.” They both stared at each other with intensity. Plus I doubt you'd want to be electrocuted by this thing to try and grab this scroll." Alexio used his powers to overpower Joseph and tossed him on the floor. He sighed happily “Finally I can prove to cellania that I am loyal to only her and my cause.” he went to touch it and got thrown into the wall.

Gabriel took that chance of vulnerability, kicked Tetris in the head and grabbed Blitz with malice. “Well well well, guess I caught a little spoiled fly!” blitz struggled underneath his grasp as the grown rockian strangled him. “Let. him. Go!!!” Tetris stood up and tackled Gabriel who in surprise released a nearly conscious blitz and just lay limp on the floor coughing up a pool of blood. Gabriel punched him off of him and ran to alexio who was struggling to break the protection spell. “Let's go!” alexio looked at him with wild eyes, “what do you mean let's go!! We have.” he interrupted him, grabbing him by the arm roughly. “This is a suicide mission cellania wouldn't want us to keep fighting till the death I refuse to lose another soldier of a careless deed.” they stared at each other for a while and teleported those that were still standing leaving the downed ones.

Tetris saw Blitz lying limp and ran to him “Blitz?'' Blitz faintly looked at him with a smile and he finally lost consciousness. Tetris had barely enough strength to get himself up but he forced himself to walk towards Roxana who gasped and ran to them. “H-here Your Majesty, now I'm gonna peacefully fall now with the thought that we won.” Tetris fell to the ground in his own pool of blood.

(1 week later)

Everyone was good, all of the families of the heroes came in a hurry; Tetris was still in the hospital for serious injuries, he was healing slowly but it was getting there. His baby brothers would come see me when they came to alentia. Roxana was completely injury-free; the queen's armor had a spell that made the user invulnerable to attacks, so she was fine. Joseph had a sprained shoulder which pleased the grown man when he was telling his grandchildren about his adventure, though it pained him when his triplets flicked it one at a time for his recklessness. Sampton had sprained legs which had to be in the cast; he didn't mind it because he had his big sisters to dote on him and bring him treats and snacks. The only one who wasn't alright was Blitz. He was in a coma and wouldn't be awake for a few weeks, Roxana and sampton kept at his side talking to him as if he was up listening as he always did.

One night Joseph snuck into Blitz’s room and saw sampton caressing Blitz’s cheek telling him he had a crush on him and how he was the beautifulest, kindest, and bravest person he ever met, and hoped one day to be more than just friends. Joseph smiled proudly and quietly left back out *I'm proud of you son, I do hope you get your wish.

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