Story Chapter 12: planning out how to save a country and its king


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 12: planning out how to save a country and its king

The group plus newly assigned bodyguards came to the location of the golden scroll building: it was beautifully adorned with sea jewels and diamonds and had statues of Alentian kings with a new king Alfredo being placed in. “Watch Your Step sampton.” Joseph warned, helping his adopted son swim up onto the steps. Blitz twirled in front of sampton with his mermaid tail shining, causing the boy to stare and hit a pole. Blitz swam to his aid. “Are you ok?” sampton blushed more and turned his head so his blush won't see it “I'm fine Blitz go ahead I'll be fine.” blitz pouted but let the matter go *I never thought the royal coronolians were part alentian.*

The prince felt his merman gills opening up and he loved the feel of breathing underwater. They stepped into the building which surprised sampton and Joseph that they stayed outside and there was no water on the inside. “Wow this place looks-” they saw multiple octopoid people scurrying around putting scrolls in places and taking everything down. “Welcome to Alentia's very own law-keeping building where laws from 1,000 years ago have been passed, vetoed, or got rewritten into something a lot better,” Michael announced causing sampton and Joseph to look around in amazement, while the twins only looked on it fondly having seen it dozens of times over the years.

An elderly octopoid used her tentacles to travel across the room to greet the newcomers. “Hello, there your majesties, bodyguards, and ecklairs; we’ve been awaiting your arrival for quite some time since we heard of you all minus King Alfred’s guardsmen saving that human town. Now that we are sure we know you all are the destined heroes." She came to all of them, he examined all of them, and smiled at Michael. “My grandchild, you look amazing today. I'm sure King Alfred keeps you very active.” he put her tentacle to his forehead to show respect “Now that we got that over with, we need to get to the bottom of this whole situation, his majesty already told me that he informed you a lot about what will occur. Just to let you know it's inevitable.” with that she gave them all a whole tour of the building. ‘Oh! So you know some strange maintenance people came on behalf of the king to place down security measures for the event. I suggest checking them to see what they put down.

They regrouped back at the entrance, and they all decided that Blitz, Tetris, and Willam should stay behind and check the security cams of said devices. While Roxana, sampton, Joseph, rocktooth, and Michael went to the streets to see if they could get information on those who had seen or heard of the taking over of the building.

(2hrs later)

Team Streets finally came back into the car exhausted from traveling around in and out of the city finding a bit of information but not a lot. Sampton sighed as he ate a bit of his fish burrito with eggs in it “So we know of 18 possible suspects that will take part in this event.'' Roxana said, shoving a whole burger in her mouth. Without the heroes seeing Michael gave rocktooth a kiss laying on his shoulder, “Thank you for buying lunch.” rock looked at his and nodded “Willam would have my fin if I didn't grab him some juabberfish doughnuts.” “he'd have your butt instead.'' Rocktooth gently punched his arm causing Michael to laugh.

(with Tetris, blitz, and Willam)

“On the right under that chair tet-tet that's the last one they placed down.” Tetris nodded and crushed the spy device and nodded towards the building's actual camera to let Blitz know they found it, willam took the memory card out and crushed the device. “Good work you guys now come back up here so that way we can look over the footage from when they came and planted everything to make sure we got all of the devices.” They nodded at each other and came back upstairs to discuss and go back over the footage. Soon the other team came back and each discussed what they found on each of their finds.
(in san fishica, at a house.)

keyboard was thrown across the room, and Gabriel caught it with a sigh, Alexio's anger was getting the better of him when he checked all of the spy cams, audio, and motion cameras. Each. and. Every. One. of. Them. are. Off. line. His growl made Gabriel walk over to him with a stern look. “What's the matter elf?” the name aggravated alexio more, if he wasn't being evaluated on his loyalty he’d already snap at the number of times Gabriel downplayed and called him elf. “Look! Look! Whoever it was found our devices have destroyed them!!” Gabriel rehooked the keyboard and did something that made the computer show Tetris and Willam destroying each one of the devices including the ones that were in the security room and the elder scribe’s office.

Gabriel started with a small chuckle and then into a full-blown maniacal laughter who only ended it with a malicious smile. Alexio looked at him with more anger “I don't see what's so funny about my blitz’s bodyguard and some sharman destroying our only chance of finding where they keep the golden scrolls, hilarious General Gabriel!” he simply looked at alexio with amusement, and some sort of morbid fascination “Sofiatun has finally come to the show fully. Pause it.'' Alexio paused it and turned on the audio; Tetris, Willam, and Blitz were at the beginning of their search when Tetris reached under the desk and destroyed the first one. Then Gabriel played the footage backward, pointing out when the heroes arrived.

“There! Were these the ones you found while out surveilling what the witch’s pet told us they were here.” alexio nodded sighing lovingly at the sight of Blitz transforming back into his regular form “Yes~ though these 3.” he pointed to the three shark bodyguards, “weren't there at all, so they must've alerted king Alfred as soon as they went back to that room they shared.'' Alexio bit his forefinger nail in thought. Gabriel pointed to how close Tetris is to Blitz, and how he is always behind or beside the prince in a protective manner. “look that Prince has fuatun as a bodyguard.'' Alexio stopped midbite and smiled maliciously too, “if we separate those two,'' Gabriel finished the sentence “then we can easily take those two down, cellania wants at least 2 alive and given to her. So what I suggest is to bring Blitz to her and maybe that human boy.'' Alexio smirked, “yep I'm in favor of that since she also needs a power source to activate that machine. Once we have that we can move on to better things.”

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