Story Chapter 11: san fishica ahoy!


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 11: san fishica ahoy!

For the 45th time, Roxana threw up in her bucket, blitz rubbed her back feeling his sister's sickness, and sighed. Roxana had always been airsick since she was a baby so it was already known to the flight attendants and they already had a bucket prepared for the teenager. The plane descended into the water forming a bubble around itself. Sampton gasped as he saw the gorgeous underwater country of alentia. And he was amazed to find humanoid sharks and different types of humanoid fish, and mermaids and mermen living their day-to-day lives in different cities.

Then they arrived in Alentia's second capital, San fishica. “Woah!! This is so beautiful, look at the lights Dad!” Joseph gave a small smile and looked out his window, to his bewilderment, San Fishica had a very tourist appeal and saw humans and other non-fish people in swimsuits and air-breathing masks swimming around exploring and having a great time.

Soon they landed, unpacked, and headed to the hotel Alfredo booked for them. They unpacked in their suite. Next, the group moved forward to go to the parking lot to resize the car. “Alright, now that's done we need to” A roar was heard and people screamed as a giant seaweed monster jumped down from the hotel building and pounced on Tetris who used his hands to form a shield and firmly planted his feet into the soft sandstone “joseph! Get the twins and Sam somewhere safe now!” joseph nodded and the 4 ran towards the hotel till a familiar elf hybrid stopped in front of them with his staff in hand, “ahh my beautiful blitz was wondering when you’d get here my dear.” the prince’s eyes widened upon seeing the general that was seeing him there, in alentia, in san fishica, at the exact hotel.

Without thinking blitz summoned his staff and went to attack him with rage. “Haha always so spunky my love, I haven't seen you this alive when you kissed my mate.” Blitz stopped mid-swing to look at the ex. Sampton pushed Blitz out of the way of a plant attack and got grabbed by the plant hand. “Oh, you’ve gotten a new one this time, look at him being mr romeo~, I don't know why my love you always cheat on me with someone who can barely defend themselves to protect you” Joseph and Roxana shared the same look and both ran at alexio who simply side-stepped them, and used his fire magic to make them dodge out of the way “Im impressed who knew they chose a well-known business human male for this no-” it took for Tetris to throw the monster he was wrestling with at alexio who only dissolved with the monster running away cackling in delight.

Blitz clung to Roxana hyperventilating in a panic “n-no no no no no this can't be that wasn't real, he wasn't here… I can't breathe!!” Tetris firmly grabbed his arm and put him in a protective hold which made him feel safer as he started to cry and panic “We need to take him inside now.” Joseph nodded and helped to usher everyone into their room. Tetris still held Blitz in his arms, calming him down and kissing his forehead continually “Hey shh it'll be ok, I refuse to have him even touch you again.” his crying slowed to sniffles and he completely stopped crying. Joseph’s expression hardened and he chewed on his thumb “So now they know where we are and what we look like. Crap! We need a backup plan.”

Something clicked in Roxana's mind “Why not ask the king himself.” everyone looked at her “Here me out, Alfredo’s castle is invincible nobody knows where it is unless you have special access. We need to get in contact with Alfred immediately. or else we sit here like sitting ducks waiting for her army to wipe us out” Joseph and Tetris nodded, “sampton we need you to go downstairs, and pleasee pleasee pay attention and go shrink the car.” Joseph tossed him the keys. “Yes sir.” he went downstairs and did what his father told him to. He quickly put the car in his hoodie pocket and hurried upstairs and back into the room locking the door. “We can use my portal powers to teleport us to his castle.” Tetris used the TV's built-in Facetime to call Alfred.

“Mmm~ I missed you today my king~.” Alfred’s phone was buzzing as he and rocktooth were making out on his bed “mm~ oh shoot someone facetiming me, quickly hide.” Rocktooth hid underneath the covers and he answered, clearing his throat acting like he was taking a nap. “Hello? Who- blitzy! Roxana! You guys are here! Why are you both calling me at 6 pm and not at the scroll building to see how we can put safety measures in place for the golden scroll day.” blitz and Roxana stepped forward with frowns. “Oh, you lot are not here to tell me y'all were here and heading to the scroll building. What's wrong.”

Blitz looked at him with sadness and fear, “alexio found us; he somehow tracked us, and he brought an amalgamation that looked like the mix between a seadog and a shark.” Alfredo audibly gasped and was horrified that his former friend would do that. “B-b-but why would he do something like this, im positive this sorceress h-” Blitz looked at him dead in his eyes. “No ally, that was the real him; the one that no one else saw but only me! So no ally he wasn't under a spell." Alfred sighed, “OK then, come over and I'll make sure you guys have rooms for yourselves and bodyguards as well.”

Before they could say anything else he hung up. “Well what are we waiting for?” Blitz teleported all of their luggage and packed up whatever things were unpacked, Roxana formed her portal and all stepped in and the portal thankfully closed behind them. Sam and Joseph were unsteady walking inside the bubble “Don't touch the walls unless you wanna fall to your death.” sampton immediately removed his hand from almost touching the wall. “Gee, thanks tetris for the warning.” Tetris picked up the skinny boy and held him in his arms, “welcome skinny.” The phrase caught Sam off guard. “S-skinny?!!” The smile Tetris gave only told sampton he was pleased with himself.

“Ohh you think you're so funny… AHH!” They all fell on top of each other inside Alfred's underwater palace: with sampton falling back into tetris’s arms, Joseph falling face first, and the twins floating in the air. They all looked and saw Alfredo's servants and maids waiting on them with expectation and patience. Tetris saw that Sam was in his arms and simply dropped him on his butt and stood by a now-landed blitz who helped Joseph up, by healing the man's nose. “Welcome your majesties, Mr. Ecklairs and Mr. Tetris. King Alfredo is waiting for you in his dining room.” They all said simultaneously which freaked Sam out because he never believed the rumors of the king’s servants often speaking at the same time with guests.

They began to walk with one of the maids, Joseph was in awe at how beautiful the palace colors were and how large everything was as if a giant lived there. If he was, to be honest with himself the coronolians had their types of architects down, but when it came to designing; he had to give it to the Alentians. They came into the dining room and saw Alfred enjoying his breakfast and listening to his royal advisors telling him of his royal duties for the day. The king finally looked up and saw his friends coming to him.
“Blitz! Roxana!,” they hugged him happy to see that he was safe and looking a lot better since they last saw him. “Alfredo sauce. How are you, man? " Alfredo looked up to Roxana “I'm doing good, my dear princess friend.” He kissed her hand as a friendship gesture and proceeded to do it with everyone else including the maid greeting her as if she was a close friend like the twins or an acquaintance like Joseph. Soon the king clapped his hands together and his maid and advisors left at the sound and he began to walk which was a clear indicator for the group to walk with him.

“Now as I was briefly told about what happened between you guys and Alexio, I'd like to fully blitz.” The tone told Blitz he was in his serious king mode and not the best friend mode. Blitz told him what occurred; Blitz honestly thought his lifetime friend and confidant would take the emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically abusive ex’s side but surprisingly Alfredo hugged Blitz tightly “I am so proud of you and to see just how brave you are. You’ve grown a lot more than you were when you were with that backstabbing, traitorous, manipulative dundderbul/ butthead.” Blitz giggled a bit and smiled finally for that day. “Thank you all, I appreciate you.” he made the hand gesture and Alfred did it back to tell him he appreciated him for coming to save the scroll building.

Alfred explained the situation a lot better than the human president: what happened was Alfred's head general, General Hisopa got a notification on a recent coronolian report on cellania sending 2 mysterious generals; they all knew that alexio was one of them who would be here when he showed up. The only problem is they don't know who’d be the second general coming to take the golden scroll. “She wants the scroll to gain another country and to try and more than likely find another piece of the puzzle, any questions?” He turned towards everyone as they approached the very tall and muscular humanoid sharks. “Yea who are those big muscular people,” Joseph asked, nodding towards the 3 guards.

Alfred realized there were men behind him and he turned and smiled at the guards who smiled back “These boys are your new bodyguards. Meet Air Force Ground Lieutenant Willam Jerberfish.” he smiled and waved, “This mean, gangster-looking one is rocktooth gerb, he's our head lieutenant drill sergeant. And finally, this one is one of my personal bodyguard’s Micheal Keke Pua, and yes he's not a full shark; he is half shark half merman." Rocktooth seemingly glared at them all with his one eye and then tried to smile “Hi I am pleased to meet you all, I know I've met the crown prince and princess before so I'm glad to see you guys again, and safe too.” Roxana saluted at him out of respect due to him being a military superior from another country, and he saluted back at her out of respect as well.

Tetris raised his hand “Yes Tetris.” “I don't believe that Prince Blitz will need another bodyguard, I believe that whoever you assign to the twins should be for Princess Roxana.'' Alfredo smiled and laughed “You are right, Tetris, though you guys will need all hands on deck, which is why I had called these 3. They are the best of the best: in spying, finding out information, recognizing things that seem out of place, and tracking. They will be vital for this event.” the heroes modded “Now rocktooth with sampton and Joseph, Micheal with Miss Roxana, and Willam with Tetris and Blitz. Now my friends over here.” he shows them their separate rooms which were all the size of tetris’s living room back in coronolia.

The heroes chose different rooms with Blitz’s room being in the middle between Samptons room, and Tetris's room, Roxana’s being next to Sam’s. Joseph’s room was across the hall from the teenagers and young adults.

(2 hours later)

Blitz and Alfred drank tea in Alfred's tea party room alone with Tetris and Michael inside the room at the door being stationary. Blitz kept looking back at Tetris with a smile, Alfredo noticed it and cleared his throat. “So blitzy, I saw you gazing at that cute human~ are you thinking about taking him as your conlinx?” blitz’s attention quickly turned back to Alfred when he mentioned sampton he blushed and hid his face from his best friend, “i-i n-n-n don't know what you're referring to alfredo, please clarify.” Alfredo leaned forward with a smirk knowing he hit his mark and proceeded to ask about Tetris. “Since you don't know who I'm referring to my dear, doncha think that Tetris is pretty neat with big muscles and how whenever you're in danger or having a mental breakdown he wraps them big strong arms. You got it bad for both of them.” blitz spat out his tea coughing uncontrollably at how his friend described his muscular bodyguard.

Alfredo started to laugh as Tetris rushed to Blitz’s aid and with one big slap on the back blitz returned to normal with him still kinda of coughing “'m f-fine *coughs* Tetris.” blitz’s eyes wandered to his strong biceps and his eyes then went lower. Blitz stopped himself and turned his head away. “Are you sure of your majesty?” his deep voice sent chills down his spine “Y-yes.” Michael gave Alfred a look of ‘Why do you always do this to him’ Alfred only flirtatiously smiled back at his ‘bodyguard’ and sighed as Tetris went back to his position *He did that on purpose! Ally’s trying to get me to confess that I like that curly-headed cute freckled face sampton, or that I think of Tetris more than a bodyguard and friend!*

The friends moved onto different topics of what occurred in the past few months and how Alfredo's relationships with his secret partners were going, soon the two ended up getting up and walking to the dining hall to join the others for dinner. Blitz sat between sampton and Tetris, throughout the evening he stared at the two being distracted by what Alfredo's words. By the time Tetris tucked him into bed, kissed his forehead good night, and left; he soon realized that al was correct once he kept tossing and turning in his bed continually thinking of Tetris and Sam. “oh no, he was right I do have it bad for them.” he sat up and then smiled blushing *yes i do have a crush on my bodyguard and new friend and i'm proud of it.” he smiled to himself till he heard roxana’s angry sleepy voice *go to bed!! I don't wanna hear you talking about Sampton's cute skinny body compared to tetris’s chiseled abs at 2 in the morning!!* The yell made Blitz smile even more due to him messing with his sister accidentally *sorry Roxy I didn't realize our twin connection was still on.*

Roxana’s groan made him giggle *It its fine plz turn it off and go to bed. We need to get up early tomorrow to prepare and gather info for the event.* *oki goodnight* *goodnight.* They both went to sleep so they could be at peak performance.

Gabriel sighed happily and went back to sharpening himself for the upcoming battle. *just you wait fuatun, I have new tricks up my sleeve, you thought I was horrible during the war. You won't know what’s going to hit you where it'll hurt the most.*
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