Story Chapter 10: Packing Yay!


a happy traveling fox
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Chapter 10: Packing Yay!

*a few days later brought to you by Blitz not liking to pack*

Everything was done: the town people held a going away party for the 5 heroes; the day after that, tetris’s friend showed everyone the best tourist sights and picked the perfect picnic spot and had a picnic with his family laughing at the stories they told. “Let me tell you about what our friend here used to do back in the day.” Joshua nudged Tetris to signify he was talking about him “What did he use to do!” blitz asked, happy to get a firsthand insight into tetris’s mysterious life. “Don't you do it.” the simple statement made Joshua only smirk.

“This man used to be a player before the rockian war.” Joseph started to chuckle at the word; Sam and Roxana were surprised, and only Blitz was confused by the term. “Player?!” the man laughed at the reaction and his wife nodded in agreement growing beautiful crystal flowers in her palm, “Josh is correct, tetris had a lot of followers even when he was young, though he always accidentally turned them down without even knowing until years later *giggles* The only reason why he managed to have a rockmate was because she made him go on dates with her till he realized he loved her, and then 3 yrs later got married and then had a child.” blitz and sam both looked up at tetris whose face had hardened into a scary look, “they died in the rockian civil war thanks to that general that was with that woman. She helped to destroy and take down the rockian revolutionaries but failed when the coronolian and Mermen army came to our aid and helped restore peace in Terraria having the government reform how they do things.”

The man got up and walked off after the sensitive topic was revealed. Joshua sighed and looked directly at Blitz, “You know Prince Blitz, Tetris is constantly reminded of her through you.” blitz’s eyes widened more, “how though.” “Your ever-youthful face, your soft tone, hell just how you are naturally elegant.” this surprised the heroes more to learn that Blitz had traits similar to Tetris's former spouse. Blitz looked at where Tetris stood and now knew why he kept his guard up around everyone. The prince got up and ran to his bodyguard to hug him.

Tetris stared into the setting sun and saw a vision of his wife and son “Move on Tetris, please enjoy yourself for my sake my love. Those two boys are good for you." Tetris reached up to touch her with teary eyes, but they both faded away by the time Blitz reached him and hugged him. He felt someone wrapping their around them and he just placed his hands on Blitz’s as a response to him

(2 days later)

Joseph, Roxana, and Tetris were packing up the truck: Tetris handed Roxana the suitcases and other items and she slid them into the car for Joseph to organize them. Sampton and Blitz were upstairs checking if everything was packed and out of the room. The 2 did 4 checks and went to sit on the couch with Blitz lying on his shoulder. Sam blushed and his body became rigid “You did a lot better than I expected with that coronolian accent. It impressed me.'' Sam's face went red and nodded, “I was personally taught by my uncle Gambina how to speak your language and the way to portray coronolian mannerisms with me. He's half Valkyrie and half Jackal. His parents were naturally born in coronolia, met at a mutual friend's house, became friends then got married and had him and his siblings. So he only thought it was fair to teach my father and aunt; later me and my sisters.”

Blitz ohh’d and held his hand “Thank you for becoming my friend, I hope that after this journey we can still be friends and keep in touch.” the innocent, and hopeful look in his eyes made sampton smile a little “Yes I do so as well.” *He smells like candy and dreams. Do dreams even have a smell?* blitz blushed a little bit himself and started tracing his face *He has strong cheekbones and his freckles are so cute.* they stared at each other for a long while till Roxana came barging into the living room looking annoyed “Come on you little lovebugs, time to get yall butts up so we can go we got a kingdom and friend to save hello.'' Blitz glared at her and was going to give her a piece of his mind but she blocked the mind connection.

“We’re not gonna argue right now, come on chop chippity chop chop.” They both sighed and got up to go outside. Tetris bumped into Blitz, causing the 4 '5 people to fall and land on his hand “Ow!!” Tetris immediately bent down, picked him up, and checked him all over “Where are you hurt, are you good?” Blitz held his hand up and Tetris inspected it, rubbing the injury and kissed his wrist. Blitz put his fan up to avoid his bodyguard seeing his blush “Thank you tet-tet I feel better now.”

He nodded and led his charge to the truck and helped him to get into the backseat. Joseph patted his son and sampton looked up at him “You did well these past 3 weeks im pleased with you.” Sam smiled and got into the car after the blitz. They drove to the airport and all got out of the car with the private plane's staff taking their luggage out. Tetris honked the car keys and the truck shrunk to a tiny toy car which he put in his bag for safety. The group got into the plane, got in their seats and smiled at each other.

Time to head to San Fishica

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