Chapter 1: Interesting Times


Yes, this is dog
In the Libraries of the Black Rose

The Library is that sort of quiet one can only get in a library. A hush teeming with the whispers of fluttering pages, silent footfalls, and barely audible breathing. Motes of dust perpetually hang in the air, and sometimes you almost think you can see shapes in the writhing blackness between the rows.

  • Mother has left another of her little shadow notes in your books again. This time it seems to be a reminder to pick up after yourself while in the library, complete with a rather sketchy, animate impression of your father frowning at pile of unkempt books.

    Guildenstern himself is probably off on the prowl on one of the lower floors, though he does seem to enjoy letting you know that he's aware of precisely where you are at all times, if the steady stream of servants with tea and biscuits to your exact location are any inclination.

    Mal, an older indentured serving as a Librarian's assistant, is cleaning up some older, rather worthless little trinkets across from you. He's surprisingly inaudible for a non-Hulbrad.

    Despite your efforts, the library has not been forthcoming with information about that thing, beyond what you have already contributed yourself. There is little on the subject, though you have noted the occurrence of a highly similar phenomena called Phayder...

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Lybar Davore


Softly, so very softly, Davore murmurs to Hrune.

"Would it be possible to see a living model, or failing that, an adequately accurate anatomical mannequin?"

He barely lifts his gaze from the book and glances in her direction. Ah. Junior Librarian Hrune? Floating Secretary Hrune? Better not call her either Assassin Hrune or Babysitter Hrune.
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Hulbrad Fortesque


Well. This is interesting. Enough to warrant a promotion? I hope not. A little more academic clout wouldn't hurt, though.

Grumbling his way through the stacks, Q wonders which section is apt to have some relevant. Bah, nothing for it but to browse recent admissions and then find a junior assistant librarian to trawl through the index for him.
Cecilia Arrington

Oh, it was almost too much, she was just drinking in the view around her, the thoughts of just how much she might be able to glean from such an expansive collection nearly made her head spin. Were she not brought up to be so reserved and respectful of libraries as this, she might as well have just burst into song right there. Instead, she simply smiled (well, grinning widely rather than smiling, her mother would not have approved) and admired the walls upon walls of tomes and scrolls, trying to keep herself focused on her task.

After all, she was here for a reason, as much as she probably would have loved and not loved getting lost in here. Lost in all there was to see and learn here, yes. But she had to keep in mind those unsettling feelings and who the collection belonged to. She glanced back over her shoulder to make sure Cled was keeping up before stepping into the section she had sought and stopping, wondering where to even begin.

Deep breath. No need to get overwhelmed. Plenty of time. She reminded herself.
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Yrva Andran

Eurrrrrghh! It was maddening! Of all the vile, deplorable, horrendous evil things one could do to any being of House Yrva, to constantly remind that one could NOT have! And this foolish man, somehow capable of keeping up with her erratic movements through the endless aisles. Phillip his name was or something just as equally annoying. Continuing to pace through the aisles, one hand holding the puzzle and the other her list. This Agnu fellow, quite the character but damn he knew how to tempt her greed.

Her legs click and chitter, picking up speed to distance herself from the indentured. She wouldn't steal, or at least she kept telling herself that. Sometimes she didn't think things through and her eyes would settle on something that had to be hers. The puzzle warms in her hand, yet another step closer to being solved.

Coming to a gradual stop, Andran brings her list up again. Her mandibles click in excitement. Her readings had been speaking about some sort of power filled device in here. And this newest item, a receptor of sorts, would help her find that. With the proper tweaking at least it would...Andran looks around, seeing if anyone was near.

He pads softly a few paces behind his little Mage, disconcertingly quiet for someone so large and heavily armoured. He was almost matching Harrison in his silence of footfalls, throwing bemused glances down at the Servant every so often. Neither of them has said much... Cled even less so.

Despite the sheer size of the place, he felt oddly stifled. It didn't have the same airy feel to it like Home did...

Still, the Little Miss seemed to be having fun. So long as she was safe and happy, he was doing his job.

His firearms clinked faintly on his back. They had frowned on him bringing them in here. He frowned harder.

And won.

  • Mal bobs his white haired head in a nod as you pass, but continues on with his drearily monotonous work without further comment.

    As you pass through the rows, you spy a dainty young woman coming towards you, quite blatantly not a Hulbrad, with white blond hair and a fine, shimmering blue dress. Her blue eyes are wide with wonder, and almost looks as if she was about to burst into song.

    Behind her trumps a rather sizable orc, replete with cast iron plates, and a pair of very obvious firearms. He almost looks to be scowling, peering about with bemusement. They're accompanied by the fledgling servant Harrison, a new addition to the House some months ago.

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Davore looks puzzled for a moment, then switches back to Urd.

"Devoted servant, I misspoke in the tongue of the unascended. This one wishes to see a living model, in the sense of human being, with a back bared, covered in neither a tunic nor a tattoo. I have seen artists drawing such models out on the courtyard."

His lips quirk.

This one wishes to attempt a more direct illustration of such a model."

He glances up at the recent arrival.

"Hello miss.
If my compatriot is seeking something, perhaps this one may assist?"

Cecilia Arrington

The ancient manatech is incredibly fascinating but not what she's looking for really. Perhaps another time of if she needs a break from reading. Her eyes linger on the pieces briefly before returning to see the name of the section by them.

"Harrison, could you show me where the historical related books are kept in this section please?" She asked their guide. "I simply wouldn't know where to begin in such a vast collection."

Noticing movement down the way, she turns her gaze on the gentleman coming their direction and gives a polite smile and dip of her head. "Good afternoon."
Yrva Andran

Ohhh a favor. The offer of service at no price. Sheer delight! Andran stops skittering and rears up on her limbs. In a flash she skitters forward, uncomfortably close. Her face close enough for Davore to just see her mandibles clicking and twitching under her hood. Andran takes a deep breath, savoring the exotic scents flowing off him. He reeked of Lybar just so perfectly.

Not missing a beat, she places her list and puzzle in her satchel and palms Davore's chest. Inspecting each and every Infernal inch of him.

"Yes...yes..well built-sturdy-craftedbeyondstandard, typical Lybarim shifting marks-SignsofbiologicalAscendence. Scents and remnants of incense-tastesoftheprofane, some illegal-wrong-heresy? Must hear about your supplier-source-exceptional purveyor" Another deep breath "Excuse me Exalted Cousin, I am Yrva Andran. Pleasure to meet you."

Davore smiles and steps back, so gracefully that it almost masks how swift the movement is.

"Likewise, my Cousin." I...should I ask her We only just met, hopefully she won't do that again.

Gently, so very, very gently, Davore leaves the book back in its correct place, and picks up a sketch he had made before being interrupted, a crude rendering of the design across poor Righteous Condemnation of Monstrous Endeavor's back.

This one was about to go in search of a study aid, and can pause along the way to offer assistance to my sister of Yrva."

He looks in Hrune's direction. "
Does this devoted servant of the Houses know whether I may find a model on which to replicate this design? Temporarily of course, in inks upon the skin, not within it. I merely wish to see the design upon a moving, breathing figure."
Yrva Andran

"This one-TheAscendedself-Scion? I like how you speak. Where did you study-abscondwithonowldege? Forgive me if I assume you are a pupil-student-seekerof thetruth but mostly everyone here is one. Would you like to know what I seek"

She seems to rise up, becoming more excited as she spoke, very nearly fully rearing up on the spider like legs completely. Only now does she pay attention to her body position, gently lowering herself to his eye level.

"What aid do you need. I am an expert-professional-doublyblessed item locating lost items after.

Davore joins her in switching back to Tradestongue.

"I'm not looking for an item, I need a person who is willing to let me draw on their back for a few minutes."
Hulbrad Fortesque


He pauses, makes a polite bow. "Belated welcome as day ends, unfamiliar but treasured guest. I am endarkened by the name Hulbrad Fortesque." He introduces himself, with a slight, polite smile. "I trust this loyal servant acts with efficacy and decorum?" He asks, eyeing Harrison. She will give herself away in introduction, he is sure, saving him the trouble of closer reading. And these pleasantries done, I can be about my work...

The Orc stares blankly during the exchange between Little Miss and this new Gentleman, having not the faintest clue what either of them said, but if he had to guess tone and gesture, it was mere pleasantries. He had come across a few Hulbradum before, but it never ceased to bewilder him the sheer variety of their forms.

He distracts himself with trying to read some of the spines of the books on the shelves... falling at the first hurdle as most of them are written in Urd.

He pouts to himself.

  • The servant inclines her head gently, eyes fluttering shut as she did so.

    "If the master so wishes, mine may be his canvas," she intones softly.

    Behind Andran, a large, barrel chested man seeps into view without the slightest of sounds. His jaw, already square enough to crack rocks with, is set with barely perceptible annoyance, though as he sees Davore, the expression instantly straightens.

    "Honored Ascended Guest," he greets smoothly, bowing in much the same manner as Hrune moments before him.

Cecilia Arrington

"He is a most helpful guide, I would be lost without." She agrees, glancing at Harrison's nervousness before introducing herself. "I am Lady Cecilia Arrington, of Arrington Spire. My companion and bodyguard is called Cledwyn Bedwyr." She gestures to the orc and turns to speak to him, slipping into Tradestongue to include him in the conversation.

"Cled, this is Hulbrad Fortesque. I've just introduced us." She explains to him with a smile.
Hulbrad Fortesque


He nods. "I am pleased to know this. I overheard due to simple perspicacity and location that you seek tomes of <untranslatable> history. With efficient convenience the path I take will run through the location you seek, and therefore as host I offer to lead you and your noteworthy servant." He barely registers the Orc; bodyguards are to be seen and not heard.

Davore's smile vanishes, as his face becomes a perfectly even mask. "Thank you, Hrune, but that will not be necessary. I would prefer a male example, and will seek one out, possibly from among the guard. Someone with a martial bent would perhaps be best...."

Any scent his body had disappears with his expression. He smells of dust and fabric alone.

He looks up to the new arrival while carefully folding his sketch and tucking it away.

"Greetings. Ah, this Ascendant would ask, have we met? I run a clinic in the fourth circle, off the Yard of Willows."

His smile returns, but it's clearly a more conscious politeness now.

In any case, this surgeon who pretends to humility has, it would appear, offered to curtail his reading. It seems I am assisting my honoured arachnid cousin in her search? I will tell you my name, if you tell me what you are looking for. I am Lybar Davore."
Cecilia Arrington

"That is most kind. I'm very appreciative of your offer and we will gladly follow your lead." Cecilia smiles, dipping her head in respectful acceptance. This gentleman seems nice enough, so she turns to Cled to explain so he can understand what's going on. "He's going to show us where to find the books I'm looking for. They're on his way, he says."

"...'Lo," the Orc responds at his translated introduction, two fingers touching his temple in a salute of acknowledgement.

He watches them talk, expression as neutral as a such a natural glowering mein will allow.

"Well, that's good," was his response at the next information, "That's less time wasting for us,"
Cecilia Arrington

"The more we keep moving, the better..." Cecilia agreed, though she cast another look around the library with a wishful sigh. "Wish it wasn't like that though. I'd have loved to spend a good deal of time researching and reading in here on not just my research topic. Still, what we can find while we're here will be sure to be very insightful." She beamed at her Orc companion cheerfully, turning in step to follow their new guide.
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Hulbrad Fortesque


"Attend my motions with care; I walk paths open only to specific steps," Q recommends, and begins walking through the stacks.

The journey will not entirely conform to the visible, physical reality of the structure, but it will move them no less reliably. Onward to history, and one forty-six degree vertical turn later he can be at current events.
Cecilia Arrington

The young woman follows him closely, not entirely sure what he meant by that. But then, it could just be the language. She's still getting used to speaking it again, it's different with the native speakers after all. She glances back to make sure Cled is still there before continuing her way.
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Yrva Andran

"Well well well. Or did I speak those words already? Doesn't matter." She bobs several times and skitters about, making sure to view everyone around her from all available angles as she memorized their image. "What I'm searching for? All sorts of things but what I want, I cannot find. Cannot find in reality at all but I know it exists, tales of odd stories, whispers, all sorts."

She chitters, lowering herself to her human feet. It was surprising how large her mechanical joints in her back made her look, without them hoisting her up, she almost could pass for a smallish human. Then you see the jaws. Sharp dangerous looking things that seemed never to be still.

"I'm not good with people-mortals-cattle. I need help keeping focused as well. Many tasks rest upon my shoulders."

The jaws rest as she switches back to Urd and tries her best to smile happily.

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