Chaotic Seed[On Pause]


Esoterically Discontented
Players (Max of 3)

1st. Naguru

2nd. Shanay Marie Williams

3rd. Jason Arthur-Horn

Chaotic Seed

Before the world we knew there existed another, millions of years in to the past back when Earth was still a hot mess covered with searing stone and pools of Lava another species existed, formed in such a way considered unbelievable by most, a race of 'Demons' lived here. Their species were very sensitive to magic and were able to use the arcane and cosmic arts to live comfortable lives, until a dark force began to spread, feeding on the traces of magic in the air and being attracted to the magic wielding creatures. This force was named Deep Corruption and spread in the form of a black tar that produces an aura of black smoke that held tightly to the corruption with the exception of small areas where the aura would rise to the air and fade slowly in to nothing. The corruption could hold the form of what ever it touched, it's rumored that it's 'tar' like texture is the result of taking the form of thick molten lava, when the first Demon's corpse was felt by the corruption the Demon rose once again armed with a vicious attitude, a resistance to magic and hellish strength. The creature was fearsome and consumed the bodies of it's victims adding to itself, making it bigger and stronger, with the left over pieces it would craft weaker and smaller creatures with just as much hunger for destruction. As the corruption spread more and more creatures were formed, some even snow balling to the size of ten floor buildings. Twelve skilled warrior Demons each gifted with great power fought back the corruption tearing apart the creatures, removing their flesh and bone so that they may no more hold the form of a living being, they allowed four creatures to live so that they might suffer an empty and caged existence, The Demons then forced the corruption in to four deep pits rumored to lead to the Earths very core, at these four points the Demon warriors sealed the corruption away in trios, using the artifacts that allowed them to direct their great powers to create a magic gate and then ripping their very hearts from their bodies to fuel the power hungry gates. Sadly for the Demon race the damage was done, the race died faster than it could reproduce and eventually they became extinct.

Skip forward a few hundred million years and you'll find the stories of many unfortunate souls, slaves to cruel scientists working to unlock the ability to tap in to magic for humans, their experiments are more like torture as they work through every aspect to bring forth this magic. In their past they found evidence of a human able to use very, very weak magic during moments of extreme pain or anger, the scientists took great pride in working on torturing people and expecting great results but their results were rare and usually a lot weaker than that of the recorded human. Archaeological, the explorers of the Earth's physical history stumble upon ruins of the old Demon civilization and eventually one of the four pits, those in charge of the project to establish a connection between humans and magic took great interested in this pit which had three beautiful artifacts hovering over the pit directing an aura that covered the entrance to the pit with a transparent glow, to each side of the artifacts are three alters and mounted on each is a beating heart shaped object each with unique visual characteristics. They can be seen pumping out the aura that the Artifacts are directing in to the cap over the pits entrance, every few beats a stray aura cloud will float away than take hold of an object such as a rock or dirt, hold it in the air for awhile then disappear.

These objects would kill anyone who touched them, when they were taken for research they were quickly named 'Chaotic Seeds' for their ability to give a being power and use of magic, but also for the violent ways they would turn people inside out or reconfigure their structure until the victim died. The scientist became infatuated with the idea of finding a host able to hold the heart that was three times larger than a normal humans, with in their chest. Their hope would be that a host would contain the physical secrets to how we would be able to feel and use magic. Sadly they did not know that removing the artifacts and hearts would result in the Deep Corruption starting it's decade long climb to freedom. Within that decade two hosts were found, yet each appeared to be psychologically damaged and they refused communication with their captors and would lash out in violence using their powers to kill any and all who attempted to enter their holding rooms, the hosts could never hope for escape with out the artifacts to help direct and fine tune their powers. Eight years after the opening of the pit, the underground facility housing these experiments were at risk of being found, because of this the entire inside of the facility was flooded with flames burning near everything and everyone to ashes, the hosts survived by using their powers to protect their hearts which rebuilt their bodies slowly when the flames stopped.

Skip forward thirty two years to today and one of the doors sealing a host away finally weakens enough to be broken open due to a mixture of decay, fire damage and being worn down by the host. The world outside is a desolate and terrible place, survivors are few in number and the worlds dominate species takes the form of corruption covered bundles of corpses stronger and smarter than their ancestors. The world is home to the wolves but two hungry tigers have just been unleashed and uncaged, the feeding frenzy is about to commence.

The World

Over the years Deep Corruption has changed and evolved in many ways, three of the four pits are open however the Deep Corruption is on the march racing to open the last. Towns and Cities are entirely over run and most buildings are covered partly or entirely with corruption, corrupt creatures are able to move and climb faster on corrupt terrain and are also able to rebuild themselves slowly while on corruption. Corruption isn't drawn to trees or plant life in particular and usually consume and cover trees in order to construct walls or giant golem like corruption creatures. Guns are useless against the creatures, explosives are very good at halting and slowing the creatures and even destroying them as long as the explosive makes it through enough tar to get close to the corpse parts inside of the creature before it explodes bladed and heavy melee weapons have been proven to be the most useful as long as the attacker is able to put enough force behind their attack to sever a limb or turn the bones to dust and rip the flesh apart, the force of a well swung melee weapon can often cause bones and flesh to break with out exposing it. Most groups of survivors make a living in deep forest land and are usually armed with explosives, early alarm systems and a variety of melee weapons. They prize fruit and vegetable seeds and anything to do with agriculture, groups hail plant life as their guardians some even claim that it fights back the corruption which simply hasn't been proven, yet?

Deep Corruption

Corruption comes in many forms, here I'll provide you information of the very basic species, any more advanced species will be added after the first time we see them, I'll send you a private message if you're in a position to meet a new species, as soon as we see it I'll list their details here so if you're sent a PM about noticing a new species I'll give you a broad outline of there attacks and style, however please do not kill them(unless you're able to do so quickly with out struggle.) until you've read about them so that you don't start a major battle only to find you have no chance of winning or that you killed it with out it showing it's true potential even though it had the position and means to do so. Before I list the species I should tell you that your hearts grant you the ability to analyse species and their capabilities as a kind of sixth sense, the analyse gives you similar information to that found in the list here. Some of the information can be collected through just general observation as well(E.g. It's a no brainier that a species with blades for arms will fight primarily up close with it's blades.) this knowledge(Observation) will be the extent of mortals who haven't seen species in action before.


This species is pretty much anything with missing limbs, due to being incomplete they're usually weak and slow but they're massive in number. They should be considered more of an annoyance rather then a threat, they only because dangers when around bigger enemies who tend to throw them to put them in to positions that allow them to hold and limit your movement. Their weapons are usually just their fists, feet or mouths, try not to get bitten. Like all Corrupt species their bites will introduce corruption in to your body which attempts to block your blood flow, this can cause pain and in drastic cases, will slow your movement and cause you to become light headed. If you don't have a blood system or body like a mortals then the corruption will try to find another way to limit you, it takes roughly a minute to three minutes for your heart to clear away any issues caused by this effect.

Destroying Crawlers is quite easy, for minion controller they can be quite useful for harvesting resources. Larger creatures who're missing limbs will usually gather Crawlers and use them to replace body parts if they get the chance.


Surges are small in size usually build up for a torso and small bones for their limbs, they attach a sharp piece of metal or glass to their right arm and crystallize the corruption around it giving it a bladed form. These creatures are fast and territorial when it comes to other Surges or none corruption beings, they are weak when alone but in large numbers can become a threat. They're based on speed and slashing attacks but have very little defense, Surges rarely pack together unless corpses are many in number, they often collect food in piles to attract wild animals or pets who've managed to survive.

Mind Set

Ok so I want to quickly give you a broad mind set of the RP so you know what kind of, frame of mind to get your characters in to. You're a tortured soul who's expected nothing out of life expect death, the concept of the heart and corruption are things you still don't understand very well however you're able to acknowledge that you're hosts because you share a similar sadistic side to that of the warrior demons who owned the hearts originality. You'll have an instinctive hatred towards corruption. The outside world you always dreamed off as a peaceful, lovely place where you can live a much better life however you will soon realize that is not the case, how you react to this is up to you, but there is that sense of disappointment there for all of us. Despite your twisted and possibly sick nature you'll be driven to try and re-create the life you dreamed of, even if you are too mentally unstable to live in it. This 'peaceful world' picture was something painted in your minds by those who tortured you, they convinced you if you survived and didn't commit suicide like the others, you'd eventually see this world and live there in happiness. Later on in the RP (Even as early as after killing the first enemy.) you can obviously change this world view, these are your characters after all, however we must have these beginning similarities because, we'll we've all been treated the same way and brainwashed in this same way. Although this world view is an important part of your mind set, it doesn't have to be the dominate thing in your characters mind. I know my character will consider one of his personal problems far worse then the fact that his paradise doesn't exist. Try to think depressing, gloomy and dark HOWEVER this isn't dominate, it's merely a key aspect, your character could still be a happy charismatic blood loving freak, but when describing and thinking about your surroundings in places like towns and cities, try to think dark.

With the treatment our characters have suffered, there is the obvious fall backs, so please try to work in some type of social issues or thinking/empathy issues unless you have a good reason in your back story not to have them. E.g. your character used to be a moral heavy modern day religious type so they still have a strong sense of empathy for others due to their teachings that claimed this. Thank you.

Demon Hearts

We each get four of these, they act as an infinite source of power for us and grant us our abilities and powers. Certain powers sometimes come at a cost depending on how it works, for example my character no longer has a human form due to his power. Each heart has an artifact, these artifact give you the equivalent to centuries of training in the use of your power but only in the use, not the knowledge; it s up to your to figure out what exactly you can and cannot do and how to use your abilities effectively. The hearts have a 'true nature' form available to those who wield them, these are going to be referred to as 'Beast Forms'(Unless someone comes up with a better name.) and are our primary fighting forms, Beast forms work in stages of percentage that our hearts force us to yell out when it increase the percentage, they do this as an aspect we've gained from their previous owners who were at risk of losing control of their minds when going further in to their beast forms, as a safety precaution they would shout out the percentage of beast form they were taking on. As successors to their power and people able to use these forms but with multiple hearts we'll be taking this a step further. The way Beast form work is that you have 100% to achieve, as you work your way to 100% your appearance changes and your figure reforms your heart grows as well thus requiring a bigger body to hold it or an alternative form of holding it as well as increasing your overall power drastically with each little bit it gets bigger. As you delve more and more in to this form you'll be exposed to the nature of both the Demons who owned the hearts and the Beast, this can cause you to go out of control and become a pure monster however once you lose control you cannot go further up in percentage, so early on there will be levels of percentage that will be impossible to reach unless you begin training it. Each heart's beast form needs separate training to withstand more of it, when you've managed at least 10% of two hearts you're able to begin training in 'Hybrid Beast Form' which allows for 100% of mixed beast, E.G. You turn 25% of one beast form and 10% of another, in total you're at 35% Beast form, in this instance we're to shout out first the overall percentage then the percentages of each heart, to clarify; my character will have a heart he names 'Threaded Heart' so he'll shout '35%! 25% THREADED HEART! 10% Other'.

Very later on, once the players are able to use each heart at 100% they are able to learn an ability called 'Over Burst' which allows them to surpass 100% to a maximum of 400% however to use more then 1 beasts form while at 100% with at least one of them already you need to ensure your hearts are all beating at the same rate, this usually involves grabbing and constricting your own heart with your hand while you are your natural self.(You cannot be using any sub-forms of your body if your powers allow you to change or constrict your shape.) The beast with which you base your beast forms can be inspired by mythology and real animals, just try to mix in a demonic, darkish theme with them if you're able too, try not to make them too complicated so that you can merge the beasts with out have to explain to many details.(I'm not asking you to restrict your imagination, just try to take in to consideration that others have to read your post so try not to spend an entire paragraph on just the look of your ultimate form.)

Character Sheet

(Nick names or what ever you want is fine.)

Age: (Your choice, anything over 12 is acceptable)


1st Heart: (This is the name of your heart, usually it's just '[Prefix] Heart', but the prefix can be more then one word, it's best to use something that can describe your Hearts theme or style in one word but try not to be too vague. E.G. if your heart is based on shadows and darkness(Lightless Darkness, not the 'death and evil' darkness.) try not to call it 'Dark Heart' for obvious reasons. Shadow Heart would be far better.)


​(List the abilities and powers you're granted from the heart here.)


(What the heart looks like, what it pumps out looks like, auras it produces, ect.)


(Listed bellow will be some base strengths and weaknesses everyone has from just having a Chaotic Seed, however in certain cases people will gain certain specific strengths and weaknesses, these sections are for that. For example: Frost resistance, heat resistance, weakness to frost or fire, basically anything you gain as a passive bonus or debuff can go in these sections.)



(Add a few details about it's look and any other aspects about it, if it's a weapon add how effective it is, ect.)

Beast Form:

(Please note that beast form doesn't have to be based off an animal or a beast specifically, you can use things such as angels, demons, hell even elves as your motivation, however as the beast you choose must have some darker, sadistic aspect behind them, You can craft specific back stories for your beast if you wish, for Example: You could go with a race of demonic elves that enjoyed murdering and had pitch black skin. Though try to be a bit more creative when you explain their back story, if at all. The back story isn't exactly important unless you intend to use them as a talking topic in the actual RP.)

2nd Heart:






Beast Form:

3rd Heart:






Beast Form:

4th Heart:






Beast Form:

Appearance: (Pictures are fine, if you do use a picture please be sure to describe your clothing unless you use the clothing within the picture.)


Fighting Style: (How will your character fight in battle? Do they use minions to compliment their attacks or do they support minions? Are they up close and personal or heavily based on support and/or crowd control, ect. Feel free to provide an example post of your character in action. (I'll be doing one myself if you want to wait for that.))

Base Bonuses and Weaknesses

I'll start with the Weaknesses: For us our hearts and artifacts become huge weak points, if the heart is destroyed, you'll die. If the artifact is broken or destroyed it is rendered useless and you're unable to use your powers accurately and more specifically, to use even the most minor of your skills takes years of training, this is mainly due to two reasons, 1. Humans aren't naturally attuned to magic and there for it's a very hard thing for them to grasp and use properly, 2. The heart produces so much power that forming it in to specific attacks is extremely hard. Another weakness is the risk of losing control when in beast form, when in a percentage of beast form you cannot control your heart becomes heavily strained and damaged weakening your powers for as long as a week other effects of this are also broken limbs, it can take as long as a week to heal and be at full power again.

Bonuses include a large increase in strength allowing the players to easily move cars(Lifting them is a strained challenge.) and dent steel with out harming themselves. They're able to regenerate any part of their body as long as their heart is still functioning(This process is really slow and can sometimes result in small amounts of memory loss.), they gain a sixth sense that allows them to sense powerful corruption creatures and analyze the creatures with accurate intuition and finally their other senses are greatly increased.

NOTE: I wrote a lot of this while tired, It needs to be re-read and edited in my opinion so if anything doesn't match up or doesn't make sense don't worry, I will get to the issues in time. Thank you.

Things I still need to add:

Pictures of the Demon Species

Possibly Pictures of Corruption

More Information for the Species List

More Information on the Demon Species

Dominant Beast Form Aspects Explanation

Other stuff.

Character Sheet


Age: Real age: 47. Visual Appearance: 23

Gender: Male

1st Heart: Sub Zero Heart


The ability this heart uses is to draw out the heat from the air and form ice, or ice shards.


This heart is completely frozen over. Often mistaken for glass, unless touched. Anything that touches the heart directly, will be sucked of its heat, and, for instance, a hand touching it will become complete ice, and shatter under the pressure of the blood trying to flow through the hand.


This heart has the ability to create ice, or to remove heat from an area. It is often used for projectile attacking, while still being able to make close combat weapons fairly easily. This heart also enables the user to create armour or other defensive devices. Another added bonus is being able to freeze a specific area, such as a snake bite or another part of the body that is infected. Doing this can make going through forest and other dangerous areas quite easy.


This heart cannot be used during times of extreme heat, Such as in a volcano and other places. The heart naturally gives off a cooling area, but is not able to produce "Ice" in those conditions.


The artifact that is linked to this heart is shaped as an Icicle. In the center of the icicle is a golden rod. When this rod is chipped or touched by something other then ice, the artifact is rendered useless. As well as the heart, this Artifact gives off its own cooling area.

Beast Form:

The beasts form is based off a human. Still keeping the same height and shape, but icicles flowing from the body in a upward and backward motion in the places of :

  • [*=1]2 sets on either side of the head. The temples and behind the ears
    [*=1]Jutting out from the shoulders, 4 sets, going out from the body, then sloping backward and upward. Each one getting smaller, and more jagged as it goes inward.
    [*=1]1 set flowing up the forearm. (Can be used to protect and as a weapon in extreme cases)
    [*=1]16 sets covering the back.
    [*=1]1 set on each "Butt cheek"
    [*=1]1 set on the shins, rising up to past the knee, but is only sloped upward.

All "sets" are symmetrical. Classification of a set, is matching on either side of the body. All ice is shaped to points, and covers the entire body. All the ice is the colour of the deepest blue of the picture below.

2nd Heart: Shadow's bane heart.


The power of manipulation of shadows. From being able to create objects in those shadows, to using the shadows as a movement device.


Gives off a shadow, sucking all light into it, in a certain distance. It feeds off the light around it. The heart has a black, almost liquid form. But that ties in with the Beast form.


Wherever there is shadows, no matter how small, the heart can be used. During the stronger fazes of beast form, able to use a shadow to "teleport" a enemy to another shadow.


The weakness is a larger light. Something such as light that is too close to the heart, or another large light source, can disrupt the use of the hearts abilities.


The artifact that is linked to this heart is a shadow. Once manifested to a host, it is viewed as a tattoo, but a moving, liquid tattoo. This artifact can be used as a weapon, shooting from the skin of the host, but causes extreme pain to use in that way. If the tattoo is taken completely from the body, then it can never be reassigned to the host.

Beast Form:

The beast form, is the same as described in the book "The Black Tattoo" by Sam Enthoven.

"Hearing that voice again, and the way the sound of it seemed to take shape inside her head like black flowers blossoming behind her eyelids... The shadows there began to ripple and coalesce. The dark became a manlike shape of pure liquid black.Then the demon emerged... The demon took another step. It was clear of the shadows now, and the rainy orange streetlight glinted off its inky wet skin. Its face was blank, but she could feel it looking at her"

During this full beast takeover, the heart becomes a liquid, and flows within the body, but a single speck is seem moving throughout the body. If this is touched, which is extremely hard, the heart will be destroyed. The speck can be moved by the host freely, but is usually left to flow on its own, because of the thrill of maybe, one day, dying.

3rd Heart:






Beast Form:

4th Heart:






Beast Form:

Appearance: Using the attached picture, I can describe my appearance better. Change the red in the clothes to blue. remove the cross hanging from his neck. His hair, keep the same length, but make it go (Roots to tip) Black to blue (Shown below as an example, but that colour is specefied). Other then that, deep blue eyes, scar extents down his chest, to below his knee.

Personality: Slightly unstable. My character is basically Bipolar, swapping from being normal, to completely sadistic, sick and twisted.

Fighting Style: The fighting style that my character uses is both melee and ranged. Using his abilities, he is able to create projectile objects, create close combat weapons and completely stop all fighting by using his first 2 hearts. Mainly he will get close and personal, but depending on the situation, he will back off, and use projectiles.
Name: Naguru Leigh

Age: Appears 19 Actual is 63

Gender: Male

1st Heart: Marionette's Heart


The Marionette's heart is slightly smaller then normal hearts, but it comes with three separate smaller hearts, these hearts give live to what ever the user chooses to big his marionette. They work best in human shaped objects but can be placed in just about anything. Each heart pumps a different colored blood, each color represents one of the three gems on the Marionette's Heart's artifacts. The Marionette's heart is very unique, it gives the user three artifacts that create a link between the main heart and the smaller ones. Each smaller heart also gives an artifact that are used by the marionettes and are rendered useless until they are given to the marionettes. The artifacts will change size and sometimes shape to suit their holder if need be.


The heart's color looks as if a rainbow is wrapped around in with many different colors, the blood it pumps out come in three different colors and they never seem to mix color; Blue, Red and Maroon. The smaller hearts are designed the same way but instead of three colors each pumps out their own one color, the heart teamed with two small wooden flintlock toy pistols pumps blue blood, the heart teamed with gloves that grant tremendous strength is teamed with red blood and the heart teamed with the two cleavers pumps maroon blood. When Naguru starts to delve in to beast form the bloods gain auras that wrap tightly to the blood but glow through skin making Naguru's veins highlight in a colorful array of lines through out Naguru's body. The marionettes mimic this with their own blood color, although they don't have veins the blood still forces it's way around their wooden bodies to mimic veins.


Naguru is able to use one of the weapons to the same effects as his Marionettes as long as they're active. This means he is able to use one of the gloves of the strong marionette to gain incredible strength in that one hand, this also means that the marionette's get a decrease in how effective they are. The Gloves make the users body a lot heavier and allows them to smash through concrete with easy using their fists, it also increased the strength of their arms. The Cleavers grant the user great speed and agility and are sharp enough to cut through steel, however they'd likely get stuck in the steel. The toy flintlock Pistols grant the user amazing accuracy and a selection of four different bullets, each that look like small rounded pellets, each is made of metal besides one. First is the piercing pellets, these have the piercing force of a sniper rifle however they don't do as much damage as a sniper would. Second is the exploding pellets, these explode on contact or after five seconds the explosion varies depending on the users desire, the larger explosion that can be created in normal form has a blast radius of four feet from the point of impact, but this can be changed to be as week as a small sting with a bang. Third is the shrapnel pellets, these pellets don't have long range but the pellet explodes after a very short period in to hundreds of smaller metal pellets that pack a lot of force. Finally is the prank pellets, these are foam pellets that have no use in battle but can be fired rapidly and with enough force to know someone off balance who isn't expecting it from really close range. The prank pellets have a layer of paper around them. Naguru is able to control his Marionettes using strings that aren't apart of the dimensions that we can consider to be reality(That being, Length, Width, Height/Depth and time.) however Naguru is able to bring them in to the reality dimensions to use them as deadly strings that can't be cut, he is able to force his will along these strings with the movement of his fingers, this allows him to control his marionettes the way he does, it also allows him to untangle and tie his strings just by moving his fingers. There is one string attached to each finger and they cannot be removed.


The marionettes are very hard to control properly and controlling one to have fluent movement takes a lot of practice. Controlling more then one is extremely hard and requires a lot of attention, Naguru will likely fail to be able to control his first one while moving too much. Naguru's heart drives him to created or find something to place his smaller marionette hearts in too, these hearts can then be removed with out damaging the doll by Naguru, anyone else has to rip it apart to get to the heart. Naguru has a deep emotional attachment to his marionettes and puts their safety above his own. He is able to direct any and all damage from his marionettes to himself, however he takes double the damage the marionette received. This can make his marionettes invincible however it only lasts as long as Naguru is able to withstand which isn't very long. If the marionette's hearts are destroyed then he isn't able to bring them back, if the marionettes have their weapons removed then they loose the benefits granted by the weapons, however the weapons are extremely hard to remove, your best bet would be attempting to sever of remove their limbs in which case Naguru would usually take the damage in the forms of really deep cuts. If Naguru's artifacts are broken or not on his body he is unable to control the marionette that is assigned to the gem of the artifact that is broken or lost. The marionettes are linked to their respective ring as the marionettes take damage and begin to break the gems and rings will also form cracks and brake. When Naguru repairs his marionettes the rings repair as well.


Naguru's artifacts take the form of three rings, each with a gem that represent their connection to the marionettes.

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Maroon(The first.) is connected to the cleaver wielding Marionette. Red is connected to the strength gloved marionette. Blue is connected to the toy pistol wielding marionette.

Beast Form:

Chaotic Demon; This beast form uses the figure of the old demon species but the color is of the typical Chaotic representation. The skin turns grey and darkens until pitch black, the eyes begin to glow red and horns become bigger. The marionettes take on the same transformation when Naguru reaches 25%, however before that point with each 1% Naguru increases the Marionettes grow an inch in size and start to become more life like, even their wooden texture becomes soft and skin like. After the 25% mark the marionettes are life size and life like and begin to change form the same way Naguru does. As Naguru progresses through beast form his control over the marionettes becomes far more easier and fluent, at 100% he is able to move them just through the movement of his breathing. Bellow is a picture of what Naguru's beast for is based off, just be sire to imagine black skin instead, he doesn't look exactly like the beast but he does gain the same features while keeping his human figure: Increased muscle mass, horns, his hair becomes longer, his teeth and hears change and he grows a tail.

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Marionette Details:

The marionettes each represent a different personality Naguru has, because of this he'll never fall in love with any of them. Each represent different aspects of Naguru as well and judging the way each behave towards certain things is a good way to understand Naguru's true feelings and his psyche.

  • [*=1]Alice is the Agile Marionette who wields two cleavers. She is a motherly figure and takes after the personality Naguru designed to help keep him fed, alive and bandages. She represents his hope and dreams of a brighter future and never gives up. Her psyche changes in battle and she is very vengeful and protective of the other two Marionettes and Naguru is particular. She enjoys limited an enemies movement then slowly chopping them up. She's 3 foot 2 inches being the second smallest/tallest of the marionettes and by 25% is at 5 foot 2 inches.
    View attachment 11438
    Her weapons continually grow in strength and length through out Naguru's entire beast transformation, they have three main forms.
    View attachment 11441< OriginalView attachment 11440< 100% Beast FormView attachment 11439< 400% Beast Form
    [*=1]Mark is the Ranged Marionette who wields two toy Flintlock Pistols. He is a cool and calm figure and takes after the personality Naguru design when he reached the bottom of his depression, at first was an empty and dull figure but over time it built a cool and bad ass persona. Mark represents Naguru's ambition and strive to be his own version of 'cool'. Mark becomes a beast during a battle and enjoys toying with an enemies mind rather then body before landing the killing blow. He acts like he doesn't care too much for the other Marionettes which is a lie and he takes Naguru as his subordinate of 'cool' offering advice to him when he needs in mainly involving girls and social interactions. Mark is the tallest of the Marionettes standing at 4 foot 1 inch making him 6 foot 1 inch at 25% beast form.
    View attachment 11425
    His weapons continually grow in range, force and length through out Naguru's entire beast transformation, they have three main forms.
    View attachment 11426< OriginalView attachment 11427< 100% Beast FormView attachment 11428< 400% Beast Form
    [*=1]Charlie is the Strength Marionette who wears two gloves that grant him incredible strength. He is childish but also usually very depressed and only wears a smile when he's got sweets, he takes after Naguru's childhood personality. Charlie is immature but respects and follows what ever adults say due to his fear of what might happen if he doesn't follow their orders, Naguru had been experimented on from an early age and before that traded many hands on the black market going to brutal and evil owners each time, in battle he comes the demon of curiosity constantly asking to play and pulling his 'toys' apart to see how they work. He's always close to Alice who he see's as a motherly figure and argues with Mark a lot. He is the shortest of the Marionettes at 2 feet 10 inches making him 4 feet and 10 inches when at 25% beast form.

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His weapons continually grows in strength and width through out Naguru's entire beast transformation, they have three main forms.

View attachment 11430< OriginalView attachment 11431< 100% Beast FormView attachment 11432< 400% Beast Form

2nd Heart:






Beast Form:

3rd Heart:






Beast Form:

4th Heart:






Beast Form:

Appearance: Naguru has black hair and grey eye pupil color. He's 6 foot in height and has an athletic figure.

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Personality: Naguru originally had multiple personality disorder, this is what made him able to accept the Marionette's heart. He now only has his true personality, however it's deeply damaged and psychotic. He treats his marionettes as if they're real using some of his abilities to talk through them and change his voice so it's no longer recognizable. Naguru is childish in a lot of ways but understands how serious a threat corruption is. He treats his Marionette's like family and even feeds them when they ask for certain things like sweets. He puts their comfort above his own, He's socially awkward at times but is relatively nice, he hates it when people ignore his marionettes and gives back the same treatment.

Fighting Style: Naguru has four stances each assigned to a different style of his own martial arts. He has three stances each used for teaming with one of the marionettes and his own stance he uses for fighting by himself. Alice is best at one on one combat but can handle pretty well against a small group of enemies, Naguru works on this by separating enemies long enough for Alice to get a kill. Mark is best at crowd control, ranged assassination and directing enemies, Naguru usually acts as bait to draw out Marks targets, Mark is also good as using his explosive pellets to prevent enemy escape. Charlie is good at taking out large numbers, fighting in open areas and ripping apart and moving terrain, Naguru takes on a more deadly fighting style usually killing stunned or off balanced enemies. Naguru's solo fighting style allows him to use his strings, these are strong enough to bend steel when wrapped around metal and can slice and rip flesh apart when pulled hard enough.
Character Sheet

Name: Kitai

Age: 53, Although she only appears 16.

Gender: Female

1st Heart: Arcane Heart

Power: ​ Arcane Mastery

Spells: Magic Missiles, (Fires several magic bolts that seek out the enemy.) Telekinesis, Invisibility, Summoning, Magic shield. She's also able to cast multiple curses and buffs.

Appearance: The heart is a blood read colour with some dark purple in some areas, It has a glowing blue and purple arcane circle which covers all of it. The heart pumps out thick dark purple drops surrounded closely by a purple aura.

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Strengths: Due to her arcane mastery she has magic resistance, the amount of resistance goes off the percentage of her heart.

100% = 25% Resistance 300% = 75% Resistance

200% = 50% Resistance 400% = 99.95% Resistance

Weaknesses: She has a weakness to corruption, her magic weakens depending on how much the corruption is touching her, to the point where if she's fully covered in corruption her magic is completely useless.

Artifact: It's a small palm sized pendant. The red marble will be a round purple gem, and the bead at the bottom will be another purple gem a similar shape, the silver beads will be gold balls, the chain will also be gold, there will be a chain at the top that connects to the scythe. With the pendant attached the scythe becomes infused with a purple aura and makes her attacks more powerful.

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Beast Form: Her beast form is a demon, Although similar to her normal form, her beast form has really light grey skin, she has black holes where her eyeballs should be and her mouth is covered in stiches, around some of her limbs is missing flesh, and her horns are larger then usual.

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2nd Heart:






Beast Form:

3rd Heart:






Beast Form:

4th Heart:






Beast Form:

: She has long straight black hair that goes down to just about her hip with a straight fringe that sits just about her eyes. Her skin is very pale and eyes are pitch black she has pointy ears, and small horns that just poke through her hair. She's quite short, only 4'7 with a very thin body (Her hair looks exactly like the picture I put up to show the horns.)

Her clothes look just like what is shown in the picture. The other picture is one of what her face looks like.

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Personality: She can be a bubbly person who can really lighten the mood and bring happiness to those around her, but when she's fighting, or in an intense situation she's very serious and can also be very sadistic.

Personal Strength: She has very fast movement speed and acrobatic skills, these help her to dodge almost any attack, and duck in and out of battle to produce surprise attacks, regain energy, or when required it helps her to flee.

Personal Weakness: When fighting in small spaces she suffers a large disadvantage due to her fighting style involving moving at fast speed, dodging and acrobatics. When she's in a small areas the space to preform these movements is no longer available, she'll sometimes crash into things from misjudging the amount of space. She also lacks some what when there are multiple opponents, as her fighting style is purely based on fighting one opponent, although she has been working on taking on more then one at a time, she still comes across as reasonably weak compared to others.

Fighting Style: She uses a chain scythe as a weapon, in using this she takes advantage of her arcane heart to control the movements of the scythe. She has very quick movements, acrobatic skills, and takes advantage of her invisibility a lot in battle. When taking on a single opponent you'll often see her using her movement speed and invisibility to dodge attacks to confuse, and/or surprise the enemy by sending Magic Missiles at it from one direction, disappearing then within a second or so attacking it with her scythe from another position

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