• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Chaos in Wonderland ( O-P-E-N )


#NeverForget Jajangmyeon lips


'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:

Long time the manxome foe he sought—

So rested he by the Tumtum tree,

And stood awhile in thought.

And as in uffish thought he stood,

The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,

Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,

And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! and through and through

The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

He left it dead, and with its head

He went galumphing back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?

Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"

He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe.

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Hey there! Just your friendly neighborhood co-gm here! I'm letting you all know that we are accepting applications! The roles available are as followed:

March Hare - Mad Hatter's sibling

Bandersnatch - wears an eyepatch after having one eye taken by Dormouse as an effort to weaken their eye-based power ( coordinate with the Dormouse maker in case you do take this? )

If you have any questions regarding availability, don't hesitate to message me or Excelsis! Hope you all have a wonderful day/evening!

EXCELSIS' NOTE : Don't be alarmed that there are details up there ^ because they are just mainly ideas and whatnot. You may choose to follow them or not when creating you character ;)
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MOOD : As normal as he can be

LOCATION : Cafeteria

WITH : The whole student body


Did you hear? Garrick Reed from the third year class got a notice from Rozen earlier!"

"No way! That's scary! Do you think Lilium would save him?"

"They better not! Garrick was evil to me in class yesterday! He deserves being targeted by Rozen!"

"You're so mean! All he did was beat you in combat!"

The chatter of the students during lunch was nothing new, and they usually had very limited topics: schoolwork, romance, maybe sports, or Rozen and Lilium. And a third year receiving a notice from Rozen earlier that day was a piece of news that traveled far and wide within the school. It wasn't anything exhilirating to hear about anymore, or that's what Michael thinks, for two reasons: (1) he was responsible for picking Garrick Reed of 3-B and for putting the rose-scented card on his desk before homeroom, and (2) no one knew it was him anyway. Thank God that the rose scent never got on him or his clothes, or that woul've blown his cover. The three minute limit he had, earlier, was more dangerous. Three minutes to sprint from the courtyard to the third year classroom, place the card, and go back to his normal routine as if he was never gone. His powers may be handy, but it always cut a little too close for comfort.

He glanced at his black wristwatch - thirty minutes before lunch break was over. Rozen's new target wasn't around ( probably cowering somewhere ), and he knew that lunch break was a convenient time for Rozen to do their business. He wondered now if they would do it now or do it later, during the night, when they could go about more inconspicuously. Until then...

" Yo guys! " he hollered at a group of classmates who were starting to leave him behind ( mainly as a practical joke ). " Wait for me! I -- oooff! " Okay, who's the genius that crossed a running guys path?

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- Gemini Quince, "The Caterpillar" -

U.....AEIO....U.....O~....UEIA......UEIA......AEIO.....U....." hummed the young man as he walked casually down the hall, towards the cafeteria, his smoke rings forming into each letter he sang. The area around him was surrounded with the surreal smoke, some of said smoke pink, some blue, some yellow, some purple....you get the gist. Anyways, he was about to continue when a very familiar person ran into him. Distracted by this, he choked on his own smoke, hunching over. "ACK! DAMN—" He coughed again, a series of random smoke-letters forming from his mouth and onto Michael Cruz's face. "WHAT—THE—HELL—" W, T, and H-shaped smoke flew wildly around. Finally regaining himself, Gemini straightened up. "You have got to stop running so fast."

Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: Cafeteria

Varien was, by no means, a small man. His presence hung over most students as they sat nearby. As of the time being, he was standing next to the sitting Whitney Farrel, The Red Queen of Rozen. It was not only his job to protect the girl whenever needed, but an obligation as well. Looking down upon the red themed girl, he sighed. "Are you almost finished eating, Whitney?" The Jabberwock asked as he took a seat next to her. It was his job to protect her, and he would do his job until he was told otherwise. He didn't get to his position by doing nothing after all. Whenever the two were outside of classes, he was there. However, due to school rules, he had to leave her to her own when she was in her dorm and in her classes. Sometimes, Varien felt like a loyal dog, others he would feel like her closest friend in the world. However, it seemed like most of the time he was just an acquaintance. However, he could never be sure with that girl.

Howard Baker

Location: Cafeteria

Howard looked around the cafeteria and watched as the rest of the students go on with their daily lives. Although it's only been a year since he dropped out, he felt like it's been forever since he's been inside a school cafeteria. He almost forgot the sounds that used to be common to him back then: the clanging of the spoons and forks, the chatter among students as they discuss today's events, the frenzied yelling among the staff behind the counter as they try to catch up with today's orders. These things sound foreign to him now and frankly, he's having a hard time adjusting.

A year ago, his mother fell into a coma and there was no other way to pay the bills but to drop out and look for any means to earn. He ended up working for different gangs and criminal groups because they paid him just enough to pay the bills. With his abilities, the jobs they gave him was going well and he managed to pay the hospital a 3-month advance until he was caught during a buy-and-bust operation. Since he was still a minor and had powers, he was sent to this academy instead in order for him to have a chance to lead a 'normal life'.

Being a child again with no hospital bills to worry about became unsettling to him. Howard can't help but think of his mother.

"Hey kid, that's our spot", A muscular man with a varsity jacket scowled at him. Behind him were three other people who seemed more like his lackeys rather than his friends. "Get out or you're toast".

The officers told him that he can only visit his mother on school breaks and that they're finding some charity foundation that will help pay her bills. But even so, he still worries about his mother. It's been a year and there's still no sign of recovery.

"Hey, can't you hear me?" The man slammed his fist on the table to catch Howard's attention. "Get the fuck out of the table!". Howard looked up at the burly man. "Sure, but only if you say 'please'", he said. The man gave him a confused look. "What?"

"Oh", Howard chuckled. "Silly me. Of course you don't know what that means. Don't worry, I'll explain it to you in the easiest way possible. It's what you say when-"

"You fucking-", the man yelled as he went in his punching motion. Instinctively, Howard stood up and entered into his punching motion as well. Stealing some momentum from the assailant, his punch hit the man first directly into his face and knocked him down quickly. The cafeteria went silent and turned towards them. The man tried to stand up but was dizzy from the shot. Howard looked at his sore knuckles and gently rubbed it to ease the pain. The rest of his lackeys ran off.

"Well? where's that tough guy persona you had earlier?", Howard jeered. "C'mon, stand up. I'm having a bad day myself so I need to blow some steam. Or you wanna go cry back to mommy? Either-way is fine, I won't judge". The man grunted as he stood up and charged Howard. The cafeteria erupted into chaos. So much for a normal life.
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Mila - Cafeteria/outside under a tree- no one exactly

Mila sighed as she walked out of her former lesson, it was her first day here, yeah she was late but hey they still found her. Mila had yet to remember people's names and the warmer weather irritated her slightly. However it was now lunch which meant food and food was always such a pleasurable thing to her. Now then, she thought to herself as her desired order was placed into a small bag. She didn't like the trays and preferred to eat somewhere outside or that was quiet. Slinging the bag over her shoulder Mila turned around to see two boys fighting and the Cafeteria follow.

"Mother of Jesus..." she muttered in Russian before taking off to the corners of the room dodging out of the way of anything thrown. Fumbling her headphones around her neck, the girl placed them on her head and hit play. Her nerves calmed and she felt the sea inside of her calm.

"Breathe Mila," she muttered to herself before walking out of the Cafeteria and outside deciding to sit under a tree.


Catarina - Caterpillar and Latecomer - Cafeteria.

The Spanish girl giggled to herself as she watched the chaos breakout between the two students. Not forgetting the fire breathing, claw growing and abundance of others all now having a go at each other.

"FOOD FIGHT," she shouted from the corner before the girl hopped away and the Cafeteria roared like flames being fed coal. Cake went one way, sandwiches thrown and she smiled. The Knave quickly took off and wondered where her Queen was. There was always that guy following her...

Catarina yawned, whilst she was here now, the girl had yet to get used to not having siestas mid day and having lunch a little later. "Eghhh," she sighed as the woman walked down the hall with a yawn. Before seeing two boys. "Oh look Latecomer and Caterpillar, hey it rhymes," she muttered as the knave smiled at them as she walked towards the two.

"Relax mi hermanos, relax," she said with a smile as the Spanish woman walked past them chuckling.

Now where's my Queen..?
Cecil Mayhew Cecil groggily awoke from his place on the windowsill, and immediately felt energized. After pulling one of his roommate's hats from a pile of junk, he all but ran to the cafeteria, without a care for the people he was stumbling into in his hurry. To say he needed food would be a lie- he ate the majority of a loaf of bread as a midnight snack- but he wanted it, which was all that mattered. Cutting into the queue, Cecil gave himself heaped mountains of various food items before making his way to an empty table by a window. The sun streamed through in such a way that it warmed his skin. Watching the scene unfolding before him, the slight smirk that quirked his lips evolved into a wide, tooth-baring grin. It was as if he was viewing a film at the cinema, so Cecil made sure to eat slowly to stretch his food to the end of the 'film'. As always, he quickly became disinterested so began to devour his food, shovelling it into his mouth as politely as was possible. Lunch was his favourite subject by far, that much was clear, and he could often make it last longer by getting huge portions. Or just refusing to go back to class.
Mood: Bored, but happy~~Mentioned: @Xan

Julian Durand As most other mute people, Julian appeared very quiet and unassuming. An appearance which rang true. He taken his sweet time to leave the classroom, just wanting to study, but was eventually kicked out so that the teacher could eat. Sighing softly, the boy shuffled to the cafeteria with a textbook held tight to his chest in the hopes that he could study. Eyes darting around the cafeteria, they fell upon Whitney and Varien sat perched at their usual table. In his usual wordless manner, Julian made his careful way through the room, avoiding the conflict that had broken out, to sit with Whitney. 'With' may not have been the best word: he sat at the same table, but directly opposite her. He nodded over at Varien, before giving the pair a shy wave of his left hand and opening the textbook with his other. From his perch, he could see everything in the cafeteria but most essentially, Whitney. It was a little case of infatuation, but to be expected from one who rarely got annoyed at his staring. His silence had earnt him a number of slaps from women thinking he was leering, when in fact he was just observing.
Mood: Content~~Mentioned: @Cruor Flumine @Kazehana
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Louise Arley | Alice


Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Disgruntled

To say the day had started badly would be an understatement. The day had started with a hurricane whipping her into a series of cold stares from strangers, angry teachers, boring lessons and non-existent friends.

It was only the first day and already she felt ready to jump off a cliff. Sure, like any other average student, Louise detested the idea of going to school, but it was more than that. Never in her entire lifetime had education consisted of conversing with other people apart from her tutors. Needless to say, her tutors were much nicer. They also didn't shove their personal problems in the mouths of the class. Sure, her maths tutor had had a divorce, but at least she didn't spend the lesson crying about it.

The rough sound of the school bell which so many students must detest sounded like music to her ears. It was time for lunch, Louise's favorite subject out of them all.

But as soon as she walked into the cafeteria, she decided otherwise. She had no idea what was going on, but something was terribly wrong. A massive food fight was about to go down, and a bunch of guys were battling their issues out. Why, oh why, couldn't hormone-driven teenagers leave lunch in peace?

Eager to save her clothes from getting wrecked, she dashed to a table by the window without her lunch, which seemed like a safe distance away from the fight that was about to go down, and sat herself down opposite to a pale guy, shoving food into his mouth. He was older than her by quite a bit, but now was not the time to be shy.

"Hello," she said, and stuck out her hand. "My name is Louise. I'm new here."

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Caleb and Jacob | Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum


Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Normal, aka. we're ready to make the student body go berserk

It was funny how many times people had told Caleb and Jacob to get their priorities straight; it was laughable, even. What they didn't know was that Caleb and Jacob had their priorities straight. These included: #1. Impressing Whitney and #2. Ensuring that nobody at this school would ever experience a dull day in their lives.

"A food fight," Jacob started with an evil tinge to his clear voice.

"Perfect," Caleb finished with a flourish.

With no word of instruction, one of the two transfigured into a fox (but it was very hard to say which since they both looked exactly alike) and the other cut his way past the other students to where blueberry pies were stacked neatly in rows of five, ignoring the protests of the other helpless attendees. As if on signal, the cafeteria ladies erupted in screams and shouts as the fox slithered past their feet, screams that lasted about exactly 2 minutes before they realized who the prankster was, having been victim to his practical jokes in the past too. But two minute's time was more than enough, and with the whip of a hand, under each pie was a lit firecracker. And before the white-clad lunch ladies had any time to figure out what had gone amiss, the ceiling of the room was lit by a dozen or more multicolored sprinkles of light, as pies burst gracefully in the air and bits of blueberry and pastry fell onto the heads of students.

By this time, Caleb and Jacob had slunk safely out of the way of dripping blueberry sauce, each thinking the same thing: if the newcomers thought this was grand, it was only just the beginning.

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MOOD : As normal as he can be

LOCATION : Hallway from cafeteria

WITH : Gemini Quince

MENTIONS : @femjapanriceball ( special mention: Catarina / @LaDyGrEy )

Michael looked up to see a familiar face - Gemini, or as Lilium calls him, Caterpillar. Not that anyone knows that
he knows about it, as it was his private claim to fame. But he has to play, one, his role of seeming like a normal high school student to keep his identity as secret as possible. He groaned as he scratched his head, and looked at Gemini with a shocked face.

" O-Oh! Sorry, bro! " he tentatively apologized, jumping on his feet. " My friends were kind of leaving me behind and -- "

And then the chaos from the cafeteria erupted, and someone screamed for a food fight. For once, Michael was kind of glad that he was delayed and late this time - food fights were messy as much as it was fun, and it usually smelled lile detention. He'd rather not get one of those or Red Queen will have his head on a red tray. Then a girl emerged from the cafeteria, and referred to the two of them. Latecomer and Caterpillar. If he remembered correctly, she was Rozen's Knave. Seriously, referring to Lilium's Caterpillar with his alias was kind of... dangerous, wasn't it?

" 'Caterpillar'? What was that about? "

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Caleb and Jacob | Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum


Location: Cafeteria hallway

Mood: Excited

"So how many detentions will we get into this year?" Caleb asked casually to his twin as they strolled down the hallway, being the more cautious one of the duo. Which, when compared to Jacob, was not very cautious at all. "Twenty, I reckon. More if we have Mr. Harrenhal for Math again," he replied, but not before giving a wink to a first year, who giggled into her palm. Nobody could deny it, they were quite the heartthrobs. Mix it in with some reckless behavior and you have the school's dream dates. Bad boys wouldn't be the word you'd describe them as - that title had been taken by Gemini - but popular nonetheless. Their calendars were filled with a steady stream of dates, yet none of the girls either one of them took out made it to the "girlfriend" title. Jacob was looking for nothing but perfection, but Caleb...he jut enjoyed the game.

"Speak of the devil, it's Gemini!" Jacob ran over to the boy who smoked alphabets, Caleb following closely behind. "GE-MI-NI!" They rushed over to him, and had him in a noogie spree before the boy could even catch his breath.

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"la la la la were are we my friendly wittle Flowery" she said with a giggle as she hold a flower pot as she walk in the hallway of the school 'go left and make sure u wont fell down in the slippery slide i dont want to fall and die' said the pot as Jinx as she walk slowly try not to fall to the slippery floor as her stomach rumble "can u tell me were is the cafeteria?" she said with a smile as her pot made a leaf palm 'to the left' said the flower pot as she smile and start walking. she reach the cafeteria her stomach rumble a lil bit loud as she laugh "oh im so hungry" she said as she smell the food "mmmm~" her pot look around and told her that there were people around 'oh no my pot know's my weakness' she thought as she walk normally as he pot look at everyone then it felt a little hungry as Jinx notice this like always. she walk and sat in a table and placing down her pot and taking something out of her bag. tapping inside she found a sesame seed and place it to her pot in reality she place it in the table. her flower face palm and told her what she have dont as she smile sheepishly and take the seed and this time placing it to her flower as it thank her and she eat some burger.

@Anyone T-T
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Cecil Mayhew Turning to the small girl, his eyes lit up with potential mischief, masked as joy to be with a new person. "Louise..." His voice was silkily smooth, a low purr that dragged out each syllable in her name. Cecil lightly tapped his fingers on his jaw, lightly flicking a lock of his dark magenta hair behind his ear. "Well aren't you a twee little thing? Most know me as Cecil, but you can call me..." He paused in mock thought, before deciding,"Ceecil. But I'd rather you didn't. Did you have any queries? No? Good. On your way." No malice was held in his voice, only a contented joy which manifested in a chuckle. Then the boy returned his gaze to the dining hall, watching the exploding pies with glittering eyes. Nothing was going right for the people in charge: it was utter chaos. And he relished in it. It wasn't too long before he finished the heap of food, pushing the tray away and resting his elbows on the table to prop up his head. 'If I had a tail, it would be swishing right now' he thought to himself, 'Or maybe I'm barking. Well, I know I'm barking but now it's on the inside.' Cecil physically shook his head from side to side in order to shake himself from his thoughts, replacing his grin.
Mood: Gleeful~~Mentioned: @Needle
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Whitney Farrell

Whitney's lunch had been rather boring thus far, though she couldn't say that it had been uneventful. In the large hobo bag she had slung across the back of the chair sat the request just nestled between some other important papers. Didn't she just do one of these? This was getting to be like, a job or something. Too bad she didn't really get paid. Her girl friends were all chattering about the latest gossip, the most recent, of course, being the request. She really didn't know the guy, so she wasn't sure how to go about something like that. But she wasn't going to worry about it now. She finished her stalk of celery, coated with peanut butter obviously, and glanced down at Onyx, who was eating a stick of licorice. For some reason, he ate that sort of junk to sustain himself. That totally wasn't fair; she had to eat celery! Nevertheless, she couldn't be mad at her special little guy. Or.. girl. You know what? Her special little star. Yeah.

The girls' chatter quieted as Varien approached, mostly hushing themselves and staring at him. Whitney closed her eyes and let out a rather forceful exhale. "Read the mood, Varien. Read the mood," she said calmly. The girls, at this point, had resumed their normal chatter, that is until someone
else decided to show up. Honestly! She was about to say something, but a massive fight broke out in the cafeteria, sending most people into the chaos. The girls didn't know what to do, their eyes darting wildly as Whitney took another bite out of her sandwich. They all quickly got up and left, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. Whitney calmly packed her things along with Onyx' candy, much to its dismay. "Don't worry, little one. We'll just have to find somewhere else to finish, okay?" she asked, earning a gleeful noise from her favorite thing. She smiled and stood up, lifting the strap of her bag over her shoulder.

She abruptly stopped doting over Onyx when an entire egg flew just in front of her face. "Okay, yeah it's time to go now," she decided, holding Onyx and starting to walk off. She stopped only to turn around briefly, almost forgetting her manners. "Er, you two can come with if you want. We're not staying here," she said quickly, not wanting to stay any longer than she had to. With that, she bolted from the cafeteria, no longer having anything tying her with social responsibility. Her entrance into the hall could not have been more welcome to her relief. Finally leaving the chaos and the indecency of the cafeteria, she made her way... somewhere. There had to be somewhere else convenient to eat, right?

She, of course, passed the two boys just like everyone else. It's a running gag, you see. She walked calmly passed, her heels clacking on the floor. "Hey Mike," she said as she kept going. It was more like one of those hallway formalities where you always say salutations to your friends, but don't necessarily have time to talk. For her, finishing her food was a priority. Also sitting; she felt like she had been going all day!

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@luthor[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@femjapanriceball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Excelsis[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
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Louise Arley | Alice


Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Disgruntled

Saying Louise was offended by the boy's satirical manner would be a downright lie. Sure, he had dismissed her the minute she had opened her mouth, but then again, today, who hadn't? So she did what she'd done throughout the day today: she ignored his jests and chose to irk him even further. She'd read in a book somewhere (a book which obviously contained pictures) that the best revenge is the kindest one. Now, kindness was exactly her forte, but who could say she lacked in sass either? After all, what use was a girl without intelligence and the knowledge of how to get on a man's nerves?

She was about to speak, when Cecil started to
physically shake himself. A smirk playing on her lips, she couldn't help but think about how he acted like a cat. Louise would know what a cat acts like, having had one or the other for herself ever since she was a little girl. Her's was ginger however, whereas Cecil would make a purple cat. Had she ever come across a purple cat? She couldn't quite remember, though she was convinced she would remember seeing one.

And on that note, her mind had wandered, and soon she caught herself recounting ever encounter with a cat, trying hard to determine whether she'd ever seen a purple one, until she remembered where she was.

Now, this may seem as if she'd been in quite a daze for five minutes or so, but for the duration of this conversation, she'd only been mute for a good 5 seconds. Never the one for beating around the bush, she stated bluntly,
"You act like a cat. Tell me, Ceecil," she said, jokingly, her eyes laughing, "can you turn into a cat?" Her tone was thick with curiosity, yet to some it could appear as sarcasm or even pure disinterest, depending on the type of person they viewed her as.

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Aurelius Blanche

It was needless to say he was late. He'd woken up and realized with some small amount of shock and betrayal that his alarm hasn't gone off properly. Or rather, it had gone off and was continuing to go off, but hadn't done the proper thing and woke him up.

And as such, that was the start to his day, and it was one Blanche supposed was a bit unfair. The sun was already high enough in the sky to be a pain to him, so as he closed and locked the door to his shared room, he had to blink a little, eyes peering into the overtly bright light to try and remember just what he was meant to be doing at this time of day. Well for one, he needed sunglasses before he went any further with that thought process.

His eyes carefully shaded, Blanche found it a little easier to concentrate at the task at hand, which was food. He'd realized suddenly and throughly that his stomach growling, and if it hadn't he certainly wouldn't have remembered to eat. The human body is always the best alarm clock, one may say.

The male had gleefully yanked the cafeteria door open, only to be met with utter destruction and mayhem, to which he quickly sidestepped an incoming pastry. "What a disaster," was his immediate and insightful assessment of the situation. And as much as Blanche loved to watch things unfold, it did him no good if he wasn't apart of it.

The male put his hands on his hips (dodging an errant needle that threatened to lodge into his palm, how did that get there) and decided he really rather have food to eat rather than food to throw and he got himself some lunch. And spotting his roommate sitting at a table (talking to a girl, to add to the oddity) he decided he ought to have a chat with the male about the repercussions of not doing the kind, neighborly thing and making sure to wake up your roommate.

And he did this by poking the other in the back of the neck with that errant needle he had found minutes ago, and taking a seat on top of the table he was sitting, tray in lap.

"Good day, you're very pretty, you know?" he said to the girl enigmatically, considering his rather unkind gesture to Cecil enough greeting for this particular moment.

@luthor @Needle

Louise Arley | Alice


Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Flustered

Curiouser and curiouser, she couldn't help but think. The day continued to grow more eventful with each passing second. If you counted being ignored as an event, that is. She admitted to herself, much to her disbelief, that she wholly preferred the upperclassmen to her classmates. At least the upperclassmen had the decency to talk to her, albeit not always nicely. Then again, she'd spoken only to her first, and one mustn't judge the pond by a single fish. (Was that a real idiom? Louise wasn't quite sure, yet at the time it seemed a plausible thing to think.) Overall, the day hadn't been quite what she'd expected, but in the most wonderful of ways. Having had an older cousin, she knew that it was always considered an achievement in high school to be in relationships with students older to you. And even if Cecil didn't consider himself her friend, she considered him her's.

A lovely surprise came to her in the form of a boy, clearly older than she was, with hair the oddest shade of pink. She watched with mild amusement as the boy pricked Cecil in the back. (Later on, she realized the lack of pity she felt for Cecil - surely a prick in the back must hurt, and Louise wasn't the most unmerciful girl around. Perhaps the day had hardened her, or perhaps she'd been unmerciful her whole life and hadn't just realized it yet. Needless to say, this led to many a sleepless night consumed with pondering over the human nature and her lack of self identity, which were grave matters indeed.) Presuming the two knew each other, for how
mad could a person be to prick strangers in the back, she remained silent, until the boy sat himself down and commented on her appearance.

Even a blind man could tell - there was no way Louise was prepared for this. She had never been directed such a compliment from someone who wasn't related to her by blood, let alone the opposite sex for the matter. She'd seen in the movies how the lovely girls handled themselves when spoken to in this manner, but Louise was certain she would never be able to imitate their methodology.

Ignoring the blood rushing to her cheeks, which appeared starkly on her pale features, she decided to shrug off the compliment like it was a courtesy. Regaining her composure as quickly as she had lost it, she responded with a kind smile and twinkling eyes.

"Why, thank you! Although this isn't usually the first thing people remark when they see me. You have lovely hair too, that's a beautiful shade of pink. The name is Louise, by the way."

Sneakily changing the subject, she directed her attention towards Cecil. "I am curious as to whether your friend here can turn into a cat, for he has the mannerisms of one. Can he?"

@luthor @Xan
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Howard Baker

Location: Cafeteria

Violence spreads like wildfire. A simple fight can escalate into a frenzied free-for-all brawl, or in this case, a frenzied food fight. Since this school is filled with students with magical abilities, food fights are no joke. Some threw pies and cakes at each other at speeds faster than a bullet. Others brandished whole loaves of baguettes like longswords and engaged in a 4-way close combat brawl. But most just simply walk away the battlefield, which might be the best choice for some. But not for Howard, who's been itching for a good fight since he got here.

However, as it turns out, his current adversary didn't put up much of a fight. The jock lay unconscious on the floor, his body caked in bruises and icing. Howard stretched his sore arms as he stared down at the poor guy. Although it wasn't a satisfying fight, but it was enough to get his mind off things. Broken pieces of muffins fell above him. "Thanks!", he yelled at where ever that came from and took a bite. "Alright, settle down people! or else it's detention for all of you!", a few security officers yelled as they tried to disperse the crowd. The threat of detention was enough to scramble the crowd and make them leave the area. Thinking that they might find out that it was him who caused all this ruckus, Howard looked for a way outside the cafeteria. He found a window and focused on the area in front of it. In a blink of an eye, he teleported outside the cafeteria and right in front of a tree. A girl sat under it's shade, with earphones plugged in.

"Listen", Howard gave her the bigger part of the broken pieces of muffins as if he was bribing her with it. "When someone asks, you tell them that I've been here the whole time and I never stepped inside the cafeteria". He sat beside her and casually munched on all the broken muffins he salvaged.

"I'm Howard, by the way".

Cecil Mayhew In all honesty, the boy had entirely forgotten about his companion until she chirped up with a response. His head snapped round to face the girl, seeing an opportunity to show off and gain some attention. True, it wasn't from anyone he expected or really cared about, but he leapt at the chance.

Suddenly he was torn from his happy whirlpool of thought by a sudden pain at the base of his neck, followed by an all too familiar voice. He turned around to look at his roommate, nimbly plucking the sewing needle from his skin,"Pleased that you decided to join us today, Aurelius. I was just greeting our new friend, Louise." His smile had wavered, but was renewed as he gestured towards the girl with the needle between his index and middle fingers.

Cecil chose to change only his eyes and teeth, his smile now impossibly sharp and predatory. His now slitted pupils were fairly wide against the amber irises."And you act like a mule so tell me, Louise, can you turn into one?" Cecil tilted his head to the side as he watched for Louise's reaction, fully aware of his now rather strange appearance. In fact, he was proud to look so odd- much like the lords and dukes of old, his eccentricity only added to his class and character.
Mood: Sickeningly friendly~~Mentioned: @Needle @Xan

Julian Durand The boy eagerly sped after her, seizing his textbook as he trailed behind her. Unable to catch her attention verbally, he was forced to move in front of her, gesturing to a lightly shaded spot in the school gardens.
Julian Durand

Those who did gardening club had been experimenting with different types of flowers, introducing new species of poppies, tulips and hydrangeas. It was lightly shaded by a few towering oaks that bordered some of the school buildings. Unsure if she had caught on, Julian hurriedly shuffled in the direction of the garden, glancing over his shoulder intermittently.

Whenever he could, the boy tried to steal the attention away from Whitney's beloved little Onyx. It offended him on some inner level to be ranked beneath a questionably sentient
thing that had never even placed a rose in a room. Was she even watching him?
Mood: Needy~~Mentioned: @Kazehana
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Louise Arley | Alice


Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Playful

Louise bit her lip, preventing herself from spouting some nonsense she was sure to regret later on. She'd learnt to control her short temper, through many a fit of rage, but she was now proud to state that she was a master of it. Well, almost.

The magenta haired boy was eccentric, no doubt, but in the best way. She'd never liked the company of decent people, much preferring a bit of strangeness here and there. And although this much of strangeness wasn't quite her cup of tea, it was a tasty one no doubt. Furthermore, an exchange of brutish words was far more fun to participate in than an exchange of meaningless compliments. And, he was friends with the nice pink-haired boy, so how bad could he really be?

If Cecil thought Louise was a girl who would burst into tears at the sound of the word "mean," he was about to be proved dead wrong.

"My, oh my, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," she said with mock grief. "And I'm as much of a mule as you are one, though I suspect that's quite a lot." Her eyes glinted mischievously, and she hated to admit it, she was enjoying this encounter. Perhaps this day wouldn't turn out to be quite so bad after all. "But I'm sure people use much politer words to describe you, dear Cecil. An ass, for instance?"

@luthor @Xan
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Aurelius Blanche

Of course, it always a mistake to call Blanche by his first name, at least in his book. He wasn't fond of such a floral name in the least, and it almost always actively offended him when teachers slipped up and called him by it.

Cecil was no exception, though Blanche had thus learned that loosing his temper often didn't do any good.

It might of been a lie that he thought this girl, 'Louise', was attractive as he honestly couldn't pinpoint a single interesting or eccentric trait about her, as in his memo he found the best people were often the most colorful. This cheeky, blond hair, blue eyed creature bore a bit of a resemblance to a girl he was dated last year, who had sat outside his door for a week every evening and cried, vigorously begging that he take her back. Of course, it hadn't been personal, Blanche had just realized he dreaded school subjects and that was all the poor creature knew to talk of.

"He does morph his features into the most peculiar look sometimes, though I'd be inclined to say it's not a talent or a turn off. And call me Blanche, it's what everyone does." The male said this quite pointedly in Cecil's direction

@luthor @Needle
Varien Adal | The Jabberwock

Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Slightly angry

Varien, thanks to his abilities, was able to dodge every piece of food that flew towards him. His eye twitched as she told him to 'read the mood'. That was not his job. The 1st lieutenant of Rozen sighed heavily as he caught up with her. He stared at that little...thing she always had with her. He assumed she was searching for another place to eat since her spot in the cafeteria was ruined. Next thing he knew, that mute boy was standing in front of her, gesturing towards a spot in the gardens. The little knave thought he had the right to just step in front of her like that...

Letting out a breath, he retracted the half-foot long claws that he used in combat. He was a part of Rozen, and a useful one at that. Unless Whitney wanted him gone, he could stay.

Mentioned: @Kazehana @luthor
Whitney Farrell

Julian startled her to say the least. Though his eerie lack of a voice always unsettled her. She always wondered how his shriek thing would work under the negative zone. It might be nice to hear him talk for a change, that was for sure. But she didn't want anyone to know about that ability. The less they knew, the better it was for them. Besides, they didn't really need to know, right? She shook her head and stopped briefly, trying to see what he was trying to tell her. She glanced at the garden and nodded. "Okay, Julian. It seems nice enough," she replied, then followed him into the garden. He was a rather odd fellow, and she often wondered how her image was affected by associating with him. Most people thought him weird or perhaps even creepy. Whitney wouldn't mind if it didn't make her look different by association. After all, she did spend most of her time with the popular girls.

Nevertheless, he was basically family, though not in the same sense as Mimi. Or Onyx for that matter. She took a deep breath as they entered into the wonderful flower filled area. At least out here, she could know that it was peaceful and calm. She set down the picnic basket she used as a lunch box. When you have a reputation, you have to keep up with your aesthetics, after all. Thankfully, it had all the necessary decorations for an actual picnic. "Who knew this would actually come in handy?" she mumbled to herself as she pulled out the checkered cloth from beneath the food. She unfolded it and whipped it a few times to make sure it was nice and flat as she laid it on the ground. With a satisfied nod, she moved the basket onto the blanket to start unpacking once again.

Onyx, of course, just grabbed its candy and started munching, eliciting a small smile from Whitney's mouth as she busied herself with setting up her own things. "Silly little guy. If only I could eat unhealthily like you and keep my weight," she commented, causing Onyx to elate with joy as he finished his first stick. She moved her assortment of foods out onto the cloth, most of which were untouched due to the fact that they had just started eating when chaos ensued. She frowned, remembering that today was their lunch potluck, and she had essentially packed far too much food.

She looked up at the two noticing that they didn't themselves have any food. Well that was rather convenient, wasn't it? "?Would you two care to join us? I have far too much food for just me and my little guy," she offered, petting Onyx with a light stroke. She grabbed a few of the small plates and set them across from her to serve as their place settings. She then grabbed a few glasses and placed them just the same, then remembered drinks. She pulled out a thin glass bottle, then reached into the basket for a corkscrew. "I hope you guys like red wine, 'cause that's all I got," she said, fairly rhetorically. She popped off the cork and poured herself a glass, setting it in the basket off to the side in case they wanted any. She took a sip and set it down, waiting to see if they would join her.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@luthor[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']

Louise Arley | Alice


Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Playful

Louise followed Blanche's gaze, quickly realizing he preferred not be called by his first name. I could point out that Marcus Aurelius was a great Roman Emperor, the last of the 5 Good Kings, but quickly decided against. It was too early in the school year to have earned herself the doomed label of bookworm.

Unlike most people Louise had met, Blanche was fairly hard to read. His companion was eccentric, no doubt, but she had nothing to say for the boy himself. Well, man. He looked like an adult, anyhow.

"Sounds like a talent and a turn off, depending on whom he directs it," she said in reply to his statement. "And what about you, Blanche? What powers do you posses?"

@luthor @Xan

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