
Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.


After the Great Cataclysm, the realm of Gaia was blessed with the gift of magic. With the help of magic,the land entered an era of peace and prosperity. However, Gaia was also cursed with Ghouls, souls poisoned by demon spirits. In the year x924, seven hundred years after the cataclysm, the sudden destruction of a great kingdom shocked the world and the rumour of a second cataclysm spread like wildfire.

The Story of Maesphora
Maesphora is a fantasy world separated into three realms; the Overworld, the heaven of the deities; Gaia, the realm of mortals; and the Underworld, the dominion of demons. Although the three planes may be part of the same world, inhabitants of the different planes cannot physically travel to other realms. This is due to the Mortal Boundary, a collection of magical seals created in order to end the Great Cataclysm.

Great Cataclysm was the historical event in which the natural barrier between the three realms of Maesphora cracked. This gave spirits—both holy and demonic—a gateway to Gaia and to vulnerable mortal souls. It began in the late x232 and ended on the first day of x234; the deities came from the heavens and the demons broke through the crust of the earth, causing it to splinter and split.

With no way to protect themselves from the hostile demonic spirits, mortals were given the gift of magic by the deities and used it to create the Mortal Boundary; they successfully restored the barrier, drawing the power from the deities, between realms and Gaia was once again the realm of mortal men. The land was suddenly at peace again and, with the help of magic, the inhabitants of Gaia built their civilization up from the ruins.

Leftover remnants of the spirits still remain in Gaia in a physical form, these beings are called
Monsters. They were once spirits but with the prolonged exposure to Gaia, they became mortal and bred into Gaia's wildlife. Over time, some monsters have been tamed and referred to as animals but there are still very hostile monsters roaming the lands.
The Lands of Gaia
Aurelia — Aurelia is a diverse kingdom in the west, built from the ruins of the Chroma Empire by the surviving people of the Great Cataclysm. The kingdom's city is always bustling with life but the countryside is peaceful. The great stone walls surround the city and the castle is a magnificent white; the church of the Sun rivals it in magnificence as well as popularity due to famous Sun Knights.

Leosa — Surrounding the eastern south of Aurelia is the seeming never-ending forest of Leosa. The grass in this land is evergreen and there are many springs for life to flourish. Elves and other mystical creatures have claimed almost all of the forest, building themselves a great kingdom in the trees. The kingdom of Leosa is also an exchangeable name for the forest; the kingdom of Leosa is also where the Fairies live.

Dracon Desert — Located in the middle of Gaia, the Dracon Desert is a dry, desert-like terrain with many canyons and mountains. It has a hot climate and rain tends to be an uncommon occurrence. Oases can be found sparsely located around the desert but its enough for there to be life. Half-beast tribes are often roaming the land and there have been some towns and cities set up by the Galadrian Empire.

Galadria — The great Galadrian Empire is a beautiful land of prosperity; wine and food are an abundance here, credited to the magical aqueducts that provide the entire empire with fresh water. Gladiator fights and other events are frequent occurrences in the Colosseum, which is run by the empress as public entertainment. The Galadrian Empire is loosely allied with the half-beast tribes of the Dracon Desert and has many of its trade routes going through the desert. Slavery is legal here.

Xera — Xera is the "sin" land of the north but the frequent crimes in the streets are covered by the sophistication of the upper class. For the past eight generations, Xera has been ruled by the same family of half-beasts and is mostly populated by half-beasts and humans. The culture is Asian-like and the climate tends to be cold all year but can get hot in the summer. Many assassins are trained in Xera.

Port Navia — A sweet little village by the sea, Port Navia is a popular place for peaceful tourism and retirement. Although they are at frequent risk of getting attacked by pirates, Port Navia is protected by the Galadrian Empire. Fishing and sailing are common activities while myths of mermaids attract more attention to Port Navia.

Esreal Lands — The land of mystery, Esreal is a tropical jungle taking up the rest of the southern part of Gaia. The lands are lush with green and the flowers are of many different colours. However, despite the beauty of Esreal, it's a dangerous place filled with poisonous plants and hostile monsters. Only a small portion of Esreal has been explored, the rest is unknown.
The Races & Ghouls
Humans A diverse race that lives up to 80~100 years, humans are known to be very adaptable and can live in almost any environment. They are able draw power from demons or deities to use magic but most of the population uses Demon/Common magic. Humans are not born with the innate ability to use magic and must learn it, although some families can pass down magical talent.

Elves Often mistaken as immortal, elves can live up to 150~200 years. Elves are tall, nimble, and graceful beings but due to their light bone structure, women have the tendency to die during childbirth. Elves can populate any area of Gaia but tend to stick to the forests. Magic is often assumed to be natural to elves but they simply have a long time to learn to use it. They also have the option to learn elemental magic as well as spiritual.

Half-Beasts Easily mistaken as human and have the same lifespan as them, half-beasts are humanoid beings that have some sort of animal attribute (ex. cat ears to talking animal). They can live anywhere but the nature of their animal can affect them. Half-beasts have a natural affinity to elemental magic and are usually taught it from a young age. This is because they can communicate with nature's spirits and call upon them to use magic.

On the topic of Ghouls

Ghouls are souls—be it human, elf, or half-beast—that have been infected by a demon spirit. This is usually because of the use of Demon/Common magic, in which a magic user is exposed to a demonic spirit. Sorcerers that have turned into Ghouls are random and there are no relations between them; it could be a first time user or someone who has been using it for sixty years.

Symptoms of becoming a ghoul include but are not limited to loss of appetite, fever, skin/eye discolouration, hallucinations, and death.

The appearance of a ghoul is trademarked by discoloured skin, murky yellow eyes and a black sclera. They have an unnatural appetite for human flesh but can live off animals if need be. Ghouls can no longer use magic but have heightened senses and increased physical ability. Insanity is normal in ghouls and they are able to speak but the words they often do not make much sense.
The Types of Magic
Magic is very common in Gaia and has even helped advanced technology. Magic is spirit manipulation, it draws power from something. The usual power source are the demons from the Underworld. You can either inherit magic or learn it, depending on the race of the user. There are four kinds of magic, distinguished by their sources of power; demon magic, holy magic, elemental magic, and soul magic.

There are two ways to use magic; free-form or by spells.
Free form magic allows the user to do whatever imaginable with magic (ex. levitation, forces of power) but requires much more skill and strength. Spells are a pre-made sets of magical procedures that take less effort but tend to be a bit more time-consuming due to the need of the phrase. Generally, spells tend to be more visually appealing since they are more structured.

Demon Magic — One of the two branches of magic humans can use, Demon magic is also known as Common magic because it's used in the day to day life of most people. This type of magic has no restrictions or qualifications; if you're a human who wants to and can learn can use it. Demon magic has its uses in transportation, communication, heavy construction work, and even tedious chores. However, there have been isolated incidents where the demon spirits clash with the human soul resulting in a Ghoul.

Holy Magic — The other of the two magic branches humans can use, Holy magic is only available to members of the clergy because of the belief that Deities are sacred and holy (hence the name), although it should be easily accessible like Demon magic. It is also similar to Demon magic in its capabilities but can heal due to the fact that it does not clash with the soul.

Elemental Magic — A magic that is known to be exclusively used by half-beasts, elemental magic is drawing power from the elements. Half-beasts are born with an affinity to elemental magic and can call upon nature to harness this magic. The lower form of elemental magic is when the user needs a nearby source (ex. a lake) to use elemental magic (ex. water). The higher form, however, user can cast even without a source nearby (ex. a spark for a fire).

Soul Magic — Soul magic is rarely practiced due to the fact that it's almost guaranteed to be fatal. It draws power from a mortal's soul, be it the caster's or someone else's. Unlike the other sources, a soul is limited and depleting a soul's energy will cause harm or even death. However, soul magic can be very powerful and is legal only out of self-defense and if all other magic cannot be used.
The Roleplay Rules
English, please. This means no "txt talk" and it has to be legible. Also, as a personal preference, please space out your paragraphs. It's easier to read.

2 paragraph minimum. Be kind to the other roleplayers and give them enough info to give you a reply! Easy, eh?

No Mary-Sues. Every character has their flaws, I'm very lenient but please don't make me read a perfect princess sailor.

No claiming a character. Basically, please don't look at another character and say, "Can they be my character's love interest?" at the beginning of the roleplay.

Digital pictures only. Also known as "anime" pictures but I just don't want Selena Gomez in a fantasy roleplay. Descriptions are allowed as well but pictures are preferred, both would be awesome.

Don't God-moding. No character is indestructible, don't be the guy who dodges an arrow that should've hit him and counters by slashing the enemy in half.

Bunnying and meta-gaming is not ok. So no taking control of another roleplayer's character without permission and if something is discussed OOC, your character can't magically know about it.

Be polite. Just be nice to one another. If there's a problem, please tell me. :)

No smexy time! This is a PG-13 site and although we're completely okay with gore and violence, sexy times are not allowed. If it happens, fade to black!

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