Change Canyon [Inactive]


Troyler Shipper
Toughchic236 submitted a new role play:

Change Canyon - When teenagers have a bad turn in the road of life...this is where they get their second chance

When teenagers have a bad turn in the road called life...this is where they get their second chance.
Dear You,

We have been looking into your odd situation.After the crime(s) you've committed,we've decided to give you a second chance.This is totally optional,but it can help you have a normal life.We would offer free food,a free cabin,free therapy,etc.If you were to accept this offer,you would stay with us a minimum of four weeks.It can expand after certain circumstances....
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Megan walked outside of the main lodge,and waited for the bus to arrive."I can't wait..." She muttered,petting her dogs,Thunder and Lightning.Megan went into the log building,picking up the rule sheets she would give the 'guests' for their stay.She walked back outside,admiring the beautiful sky.She was wearing a black cowgirl hat,black cowgirl boots,black jeans,and a navy blue and black plaid button-up shirt.
Among the Bus Riders was 17-year-old Keiji Miyagawa, a troubled Japanese-American boy. During the bus ride, he was taking time to reflect on what he has done the past few years and why he was going to Change Canyon. Unlike most of the other kids on the bus, Keiji was going by choice. Although a very polite boy, he was often bullied and picked on. Thankfully, charges against him in court were always dropped and he was always off the hook. He looked out the window during the bus ride, enjoying the view.
A woman with brown hair and eyes,dressed alike to Megan in a black and red cowgirl outfit,left the log building."I checked everything off,ma'm. Everything is cleaned,and there's not one spot out of place."

"Thank you,Rylie.They should be arriving any minute now." Megan watched the dirt road in anticipation,and was very happy to help teens in need.
Grace Parker sat at the back at the bus, where the vehicle bumped and readjusted her.

She had her her headphones in, blocking out any white noise. Music always seemed to calm her down. Not now though, her thoughts seemed to be everywhere and she might be on the edge of a panic attack. She didn't want to be here, she shouldn't never had trusted him, he got her in this mess and this is why she should never trust people ever again.

She sat in a curled position, her knees right below her chin, her chin resting on top of her knees and her arms around her legs. Her green eyes scanned her surroundings, terrified. Grace prayed to God that this would be worth it.
Megan watched the road,growing very anxious for the new arrivals.More people arrived outside near her,and they all wore cowboy/cowgirl outfits.They were all the staff,and they chatted amounts themselves.
Keiji sighed as he had been sitting on the bus for at least two hours. As they were going to camp, he had a feeling that all electronics would be confiscated on arrival. As a Gamer, Blogger and Reviewer, he did not like the idea of his Laptop being taken from him. However, he did not mind his Phone or other devices, as he doesn't often use them. As the Bus Ride continued, Keiji continued to think about his troubling past.
Blair sat silently at the the back of the bus, staring blankly out the window. She had done what she had done, and for her it was over. She didn't want to repeat her story to another person who thought they could help, but she decided to give them a chance. Tired, she brought her knees up and rested her head on them, humming the tune to one of her favorite songs, Next Year by Two Door Cinema Club. She didn't really know what to feel right now, anxious to get there and leave? Afraid of what they might do, or try to do to change her? Thinking of someone changing her made her think of her past, which made her cringe. She hoped that the bus ride would end soon, and fast.
Megan looks down the road.In a faint blur,she sees a yellow bus."Perfect!" She says to herself,backing up.
Since the bus ride had been pretty long, Keiji started thinking more and more about his past, about how violent he got, how all the situations that led him to being sent to Change Canyon (Despite going willingly) could have easily been avoided. Sadly, every time he did go to an adult for help after being bullied at school, it only made things worse. Although his actions, in his eyes and perspective, were justified, they were still morally wrong. In the end, he still had no regrets and no remorse for his actions, feeling that they were rightfully deserving. Since he has a habit of listening to music depending on his mood, he was listening to "God gave me style" by 50 Cent.
Blair looked out the window, watching as the yellow bus lurched down the road. Although a blur, Blair squinted to see a woman step back, 'probably the welcoming committee', she thought. She practiced her "award-winning smile" as her father used to say before her downfall. Looking at it in the window, she decided it was convincing, but not as much as it used to be. She knew all she had done was out of choice, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time, so she didn't bother fighting with anybody this time. Maybe Change Canyon would be different. 'Despite the cheesy name', she laughed quietly and said aloud to herself. She brushed herself off and sat up, getting ready.
Feeling the road lurch onto a dirt road, she turned up Luke Bryan louder. She sighed quietly, her chin resting ontop of her knees. Maybe this wouldn't change her, maybe it would. She didn't even bother trying to be excited. She was tired and depressed, still not fully recovered for what her boyfriend did. Plus, her sleeping pills didn't work at all last night as she twisted and turned in the bed.
As the bus began to approach their destination, Keiji turned off his iPhone, neatly put away all his electronics into one bag, so he can give it to whoever was in charge, in case Electronics were going to need to be turned in upon arrival. Keiji was a good kid and usually went by the rules if there are any, otherwise he just goes by his moral values. He then gave one final check on his traveling bag, which had all his clothing, accessories and other necessities. He then waited patiently for the bus to come to a stop so he can get off the bus.
As the bus stopped, Leda stood up. She finally noticed the other people she had been on the bus with: An asian boy, two terrified looking girls, and a few others she didn't bother to look at. Leda ran a hand through her light pink-dyed hair and noticed she was most likely the shortest one out of all of them, standing up straight at a height of 5'3. She grabbed her drawstring bag and her larger duffle bag from under the bus seat as she started to get off of the bus. Her headphones blasted Kendrick Lamar and Tyler, the Creator.
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After he heard the Bus Engine shut off, Keiji quickly grabbed his Backpack, Messenger Bag and Duffle Bag, wanting to get off the bus after a long and fairly boring ride. After he got off the bus, he just stretched his arms and legs, having been sitting down for an extended period of time. He was happy that he finally got to have some fresh air.
Feeling the bus stop suddenly, Grace quickly grabbed her backpack and stood up. She stood at the back of the bus and stared at everyone else. As long as no one tried speaking to her or making eye contact with her, she was fine.
Leda stood up and was the second one off of the bus, after the Asian boy she had noticed earlier. She quickly took her headphones out and tucked them safely into her drawstring bag. Immediately, she noticed a young woman who seemed to be running things around here. She also noticed that everyone was wearing western attire, and wrinkled her forehead, not a big fan of country folk.
'Great...I thought this was a Therapy Camp, not a Cowboy Summer Camp...' Keiji thought as he noticed all the western-style buildings and attire. 'I just hope I made the right choice coming here...'
Being one of the last people off the bus, Grace's eyes immediately went to the surroundings. There were a lot of people in western sort of outfits... they were sort of cute if this was a costume party. She bit her bottom lip as her grips tightened on her black backpack.
Blair trudged off the bus, and ran a hand through her hair. She saw one girl with light-pink hair, another that looked shy and quiet, and an asian boy looking doubtful. 'Good. I'm not the only one having sudden regrets,' she thought. Her backpack was slung over her shoulders, balancing on her right as she leaned to the left. "I just hope they don't make us do those dumb introduction exercises," she muttered under her breath, glancing around slowly, bored.
Haley followed the others off the bus. "There had better be a lake or a pool." She said as she scanned the area with her eyes. "They can shove their introductions up their asses!" She said to Blair after overhearing her.
Blair laughed, covering her mouth to muffle it. She noticed a lady with two dogs at her ankles. She must be the leader of this...this place. She yawned, stretching after the long bus ride. 'Where even are we?' She thought.
Keiji just waited patiently as he held onto his bags. He had hoped that his Electronics will not be Confiscated, but he was prepared for it to happen
"They better let us have fun around here or i'm stealing the bus and heading home!" Haley commented as she crossed her arms. She was wearing a pair of skinny red jeans with a pink shirt that she had tied a knot in at her mid section along with a pair of brown shoes.
Mason opened his eyes slowly. He hadn't been able to sleep at all on the ride there with the bumpy ride and his mind racing. Mason watched a few other people wander off the bus before closing his eyes once more. He really didn't think it was worth it -- being here. He really just thought that maybe this place would be a change of scenery and it was more or less a requirement at this point. To keep him from going to jail, he was allowed this chance at change and of course he would snatch that chance up in a heartbeat over going to jail and being stuck with only men for the next few years or so.

I wonder what their regulations are about sleeping with the other people here are... Mason re-opened his eyes after realizing it was practically silent on the bus. He thought it was a bit odd that nobody decided to socialize and get to know each other but then again he hadn't done that either. So, he just kept his mouth shut and left like everyone else did.

Making his way off the bus, he glanced around at everyone here. Most of them looked younger than him; maybe not by much, but younger. He held his bag in one hand before flipping it up and over his shoulder. Mason let his eyes continued to wander, looking at each person for only a few seconds before he brought his eyes back to look straight in front of him.

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