Chance (Ambria x BlueMist)



Waiting. . . that was all Amber ever seamed to be doing lately. However, today was the day she would meet her best friend, Amy. This girl, she didn't know, or she claimed she didn't, but in all honesty, this was the only person on this earth that truly understood her. That ever cared about her. . . that ever made an effort to talk to her.

Please show up.

Her mind raced with the thoughts of being stood up by this so-called-friend. But, why would this girl do that? After all, Amber would have been perfectly fine with just throwing it all aside to stay at home with her animals and family.

But there was a reason these two were friends; they had more in common than you, or anyone else could have ever guessed. For one thing, each girl had grown up loving animals, horses to be exact. Each dedicated their lives to either that, or if you were like Amber, schooling. She wasn't going to throw her life away for a few good high school years - would you? No, ok, not many would. It's just school right? Just a waste of time? Wrong. School, for Amber, was much more than that; it was a way out of this miserable life she had to deal with at home. A way out of that mess. . . No, she didn't ever have it easy there; she was picked on, made fun of, pushed around, called names, oh god, the list could go on and on. She just never talked about it to anyone but Amy. . . an online friend from half way across the country!

Amber rubbed the back of her neck as she sat at the airport, awaiting someone to pick her up. Surely Amy didn't forget about her, or about today being the first time to meet each other in public. But, it was starting to look like she'd already been forgotten.

"Some friend you are," She was starting to doubt it all. To doubt the fact they were ever friends. . . maybe she was just one of those people who were messed with online too. Of course, being as negative as Amber was, this didn't surprise her. "you were supposed to be here like. . ." She glanced down to her platinum watch, only to see Amy wasn't even ten minutes late - oh, she'd overreacted. Was she really that scared of this?

Not scared, but nervous. . .

Amy's mom laughed and said "Stop boucning Amy!" Amy stuck her tongue out and said "I can't help it mom! I get to meet Her!!!" Amy was only 15 but she had lived in Oregon her whole life. She had joined some online horse game at the age of 12 and she had made a friend, Amber. The two had connected immediately and what was the first thing they talked about? Art, Amy couldn't draw anything even if her life depended on it! She had gone by this girls page by chance and saw she was selling some of her art and Amy PMed her and there started their friendship.

Now they had become fast friends and here they were. Amy ran through the airport yelljng "Amber!!!!" She skidded to a stop and her jawdropped when she saw Amber. She said "Amber?!??!?!!" Amy smiled and said "Oh My God... your beautiful!!!" Amy hugged her tightly and said "Sorry, traffic was terrible!" She then said "Ready to go?" She smiled shyly and helped her with her bags.

Amy lead Amber to her mom and she said "Mom this is amber... my best friend." Her mom smiled and said "Nice to meet you." Amy then led amber out the the red ford Explorer they owned and they put her bags in the back and Amy jumped in and her mom slid in the drivers seat.
Yep. That was Amy alright. The voice was unfamiliar, but the words; those were far from it.

Amber had been waiting to meet this girl for three years, but it'd felt like so much longer. Just the wait felt like hours; that's why she was so freaked out. She felt like she was being abandoned by someone she had known for years. . . it didn't even seem like Amy's character, but to Amber, anything was possible.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Amber laughed softly at the sight of this girl skidding on the slick tile floors, "You need to be more careful! God, you're going to break something! Could you see me having to stitch you back up?" She teased, getting onto her feet just in time to be smothered in a warm, welcoming hug. No way she was going to forget that. It was nice to feel the love, and affection of her best friend who she had been dying to meet for so long. Oh too long.

"Beautiful? Are you serious? . . . Don't make me have this talk with you again! I think you only say that because you want me to smile- yeah, it works. . . but it's not true!" The girl merely continued to laugh at this statement the whole way out the door. You see, Amber was 17. Though, it seemed she always passed for 22 or 23. How funny, just old enough not to get have to worry about being carded at bars! Only one problem; Amber had never touched, drank, or tried liquor. It wasn't her thing, most knew that, even Amy.

Once outside, the cold weather immediately hit her like a ton of bricks. This was not what she was used to. This was not what she wanted. Therefore, this was not good. "It's so cold." She wrapped her arms around her small waist as she finally was able to get in the back of the car, only to find the heater on. "Oh, this is amazing." She giggled softly, looking to the front seat to see Amy's mom. "I'm Amber," she extended her hand to shake the older woman's hand. "It's nice to meet you,"
Amy's mom shook her hand and she said "I am glad you are here. AMY WONT

Amy's mom shook her hand and said "I am glad you are here, Amy wont shutnup about you." Amy said "MOM!!!!!" Amy's mom laughed and she turned down the volume on the stereo, Amy's Aerosmith CD was inside and it was playing What Could Of Been Love, Amy's current song for roday atleast. She sighed softly and she leaned over and whispered in Amber's Ear. "I am still I nlove with Steven!" She said softly, Amy grinned happily and she said "Mom doesn't know."

Amy talked to amber durning the entire hour drive. She had actually snagged tickets and backstage passes for a aerosmith concert. Even more amazing was that Jesse Amber's celebrity crush was opening for them. Once Amy got away from her mom she told Amber, she didn't want her mom to know. She knew their would be all kinds of liquor, possibly some more illegal things going on. Amy said "I have the keys to my car... if you can drive us there we can meet them..."
Amber's baby blue eyes lit at the sound of that name; Jesse. If ever there was a moment when Amber was all submissive, it was when she was thinking of him. She'd met him once before; when she was twelve. But, now she was seventeen. Much older, much more mature, but still in love with the same man. If you could even call this love. What it felt like to Amber was love, but how was she supposed to know the difference between love and lust? Her heart had been broke, and she'd stitched it back up time in and time out. Jesse, now he felt like the real deal. . . the one she wanted to married.

What Amy said almost caught her off guard; was she really thinking that they'd get away with. . . that? Amber was seventeen, right? Amy was fifteen. Underage. Both of them! Nothing good could ever come of that. . . but it might be worth it if they could possibly ever get to meet the ones they had both sworn to love forever.

"I'll. . . I-" Amber stammered, getting out of the car, then shut the door to lean on it. "I'll do it." She winked down at the girl, who was only a couple inches shorter than she was. Amber being 5'8", there wasn't much difference. "But, what will we tell the guard dogs?" She paused, "You know they won't let us out, my dad made sure that we were under lockdown once I got here. . ." She rolled her eyes softly, giggling to herself. She'd never been a bad girl, maybe it was time for a change. Maybe she needed to learn how to do things daddy didn't want. If she got into trouble, so what? It'd be worth it if she met the man she'd been in love with her whole life.
Amy's stormy blue grey eyes lit up and she said "Yes!!!" Amy had falen in love with steven tyler at age 13. She listened to dream on and after she heard that song the girl was head over heels in love with him. What Amy didn't know if why she loved him, the man was 60 years older than her! It was odd but Amy didn't care she loved him. HE was the man she saw in her dreams each night, HE was the man she pictured when she thought of the perfect man.

Amy snapped out of her little daydream and she looked at Amber and said "What should we wear?" She grabbed Amber's bags and carried them up the steps. A little black and tan dog greeted them at the door and Amy said "Back Tucker!" Fhe little puppy back up and Amy led her down the small hallway and into her room, Tucker followed them, wagging his little tan body excitedly.

Amy's room wasn't huge but it was quite large, there was a bookshelf filled with books. All kinds, Since amy was a big reader. Also there was three different saddles and a small ten gallon fish tank. Amy's bed was pushed against the right wall next to the fish tank
What should they wear? Good question. . . amber hadn't really brought anything along with her to go to something like that. She and Amy defiantly were not the same size either. Amber was a size six, at least. And Amy looked like a two. Now, this is what you call screwed. How could she ever go meet the man of her dreams in a pair of ripped blue jeans, and a t-shirt? Come on, she couldn't ever even walk up to him like that.

"Amy, I don't have anything for that! I brought normal clothes. . ." She said. Though Amber's voice got quite a bit lower as she spoke, not wanting anyone to know what they were talking about. "Well, I do have. . ." once they were in Amy's room, Amber turned full circle to look around. Not bad, this would be pretty nice to stay at. Right?

She gently took her bags from Amy, then lowered them onto the twin bed, where she opened them and began to dog through them. Finally. After a few minutes. she pulled out a short, black dress. However, it was nothing more than her favorite nightie. But, no one knew that except Amber, and well, Amy now. "This would work, right? It's a nightgown, but. . . it looks like a dress, doesn't it?" Amber asked softly as she looked up to see her standing in the door way.

Something inside of her told her that this would be a night to remember, and this dress. . . it would not cut it. For some this was just a concert; but for Amber, it was a chance encounter with the man she could never get off her mind. But, knowing her luck, she'd end up having to watch him swoon all over some other girl. Oh what great fun that would be.
Amy looked at the dress and she said "You need to put it on, we need to see how you look in it!" Amy smiled sweetly and she then locked the door and she turned on some music so her two little sisters at age 12 and her parents couldn't hear what they were planning. She so didn't want to be grounded and missing her chance to meet the man she was well in love with!

Amy said "Change into it and let's see if you look good in it." Amy turned away so Amber wouldn't feel awkward about changing. She carefully looked through her closet trying to find something to wear. Amy called over her shoulder, "What do you think? A Pair of jeans and a shirt or a dress?" She tossed a few shirts onto the bed and then a pair of jeans and a few dresses. Amy sighed softly, what would impress this 65 year old man? From what Amy knew less would definitely be more.

Amy played with her dark hair and she chewed on her bottom lip while she looked through her clothes. Steven had to be into her tonight, she wanted to be with him more than nearly anything. Amy yawned and she said ""You put that dress on yet?"

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