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Realistic or Modern 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖆𝖌𝖓𝖊 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖒𝖘


Yu Yanxuan (余 艳 璇)

  • he

/*right side (scroll)*/

Underneath the brilliant diamond chandeliers, colours twirled, lights flashed and masks spoke. Lost in the swirling patterns of decadent silks and lace, the masquerade revelers were pulled into a trance where faces and identities blurred into a wired haze. They waltzed on the edges of reality, tip toed on lines between fractured truth and woven lies as they got drunk on alcohol and words. It was a night where the upper socialites put on a second mask, one of silver and gems, and pretended the ones made of skin weren't the real facades they paraded around.

Yanxuan found herself on the edge of the ballroom, quietly eyeing the scenery of the masked guests socialize while sipping a glass of champagne. Her stature stood alone, but the woman held no haste in seeking a companion, especially not one of infuriating grins and childish antics. If anything, she was grateful the invitation to this party required solo arrivals. Any moment not spent in the presence of a man-teen was a moment of blissfull solitude, and one she had previously taken for granted. Fortunately for her, TJ Cameron, the person she regretfully had to call her husband, was still not to be seen. Yanxuan wouldn't be surprised if his timely attendance got derailed by something stupid yet so characteristically him, he'd show up two hours late in the incorrect dresscode and uttterly blitzed. The woman could only hope the other guests would be drunk enough themselves by then to completely fall blind to his identity, and therefore, his cursed connection to her.

Yanxuan and TJ's marriage had been nothing but a business move in a world of people on the constant pursuit to expand their golden empire. In her world, there was no move without motive -- no present without strings. Soul framed in duty and tied by blood, Yanxuan's future had always been destined to be traded as a currency. It was something the Chinese socialite had accepted a long time ago, too conditioned to be perfect to stain her family's name as a bad business omen. Declining had never been an option but it was okay. Yanxuan was not a fool who embraced counterfeit fables and illusions of love; she walked into this marriage willingly and without pretense. She and TJ were never going to love each other, him being even more fickle than the seasons and she being as frozen as ice. At most they could come to care for another. Though, for now, tolerating already could be too much a labour to endure.

Yanxuan's reality was a masquerade itself in that regard, seeping with lies and sealed with a charming veil. As much as she detested her husband's juvenile personality, they had to portray a perfect marriage. Fabricated smiles and affection were the only ammunition they got against insidious rumours and cunning agendas, especially now that they had to deal with the public aftermath of another socialite couple's cheating scandal. Yanxuan could not permit any cracks, had to present a ruin as a castle and remain queen. She knew she had to find him and prevent any scandal from happening on his part.

Yet, dangerously selfish, the socialite could not help but wonder.

What if she just didn't?

original theme: roald theme
coded by weldherwings.


chiara ferretti

/*right side (scroll)*/

Chiara had come alone to this event, despite the fact that she hadn't been supposed to. Her parents had urged her to attend with her new husband, Taiyō, but where was the fun in sticking to the rules? Besides, she had texted him in an attempt to coordinate something, but she may or may not have done it last minute so it would have been impossible to do so anyways. Of course, her logic sided with the fact that she had at least tried to make it work.

Now, the curly haired young woman stood with a drink in her hand, her dark brown eyes scanning the large room before her. It was almost overwhelming in a sense, with the lights and colors and masks and commotion, but she found it entertaining. Intriguing, even. To sit back and watch it play out before her was something she enjoyed doing and so, for the past fifteen minutes since she'd arrived, that was exactly what she had done. She'd snatched a drink off of an unsuspecting server's tray and then she'd moved effortlessly through the crowd until she had found a comfortable spot to stand. One that was just far enough from the center of attention that she could linger without being noticed, yet not too far that she was evidently alone. It was perfect.

As she watched the couples move around her, some dancing to the music, others chatting, Chiara realized she might have overdone it just slightly with her outfit and mask. Her gown was impressive, with the floor-length design and shimmering jewels that bedazzled it. Her mask, too, was extravagant. And her heels... well if they could be seen from underneath her dress, she was sure the other partygoers would roll their eyes and call her a little extra. But Chiara didn't care; she loved being over the top and doing what most would scoff at. It was her specialty.

Chiara lifted her drink to her lips once more to take another sip, but when no liquid hit her lips, she realized she had already drained the alcohol. Sighing to herself, she decided it was time to venture out into the crowd once more to snag another drink. Perhaps she would take a quick tour to look for Tai, too, if she felt up to it. He was late, but she hadn't expected anything less from him.

Truth be told, their expectations for each other sat at a grand old zero on the spectrum of low to high. They were married purely for their families' benefits and that was that. Neither cared for much more, although Chiara could admit, if only to herself, that it was nice not to live alone anymore. She'd moved out of her parents' mansion a year ago to venture out on her own, but since being arranged to marry Taiyō and moving in with him, she had found herself a little less lonely. That wasn't to say she loved the man, or even liked him, but his company was decent. Now, if only he would show up...

original theme: roald theme
coded by weldherwings.


Hayashi Taiyō (林 太陽)

/*right side (scroll)*/

The soft vibration rattled the surface next to a frustrated, concentrated pair of hands as they scattered across the keyboard in a frantic manner. Hushed curses slipped from his lips; a combination of English and Japanese rantings whispered into the air as the determined boy was planning on making his victory in this game. What time was it anyway? The whole concept of seconds, minutes and even hours had slowly melted away along with the remainder of the soggy ice cream sandwich he had placed aside, claiming that he would pick it back up once he defeated this level. There was nothing better than that euphoric feeling of the illumination of the screen flashing, indicating that his hits were critical and that the boss was going down. And then that was it; those heavenly words formed upon the screen.

Boss defeated.

A puff of air escaped as he reclined into his gamer chair, running his hands through his locks and resting his palms against the top of his head. He still couldn’t believe it. He had been trying to get past this boss for the last three weeks and he had finally managed to get it done. His eyes were glued to the screen, filled with awe and wonder, and ignorantly refusing to bring his attention to his mobile which proceeded to hum and illuminate. It couldn’t be anyone important. After all, it wasn’t like there was anywhere he needed to be. Well, okay, yeah, he needed to be somewhere. It wasn’t like he wanted to be there though. Which was how he ended up sitting in front of his computer in the office, cowered over his screen like a gremlin in the dark surrounded by empty ramen bowls, eleven empty beer cans, and apparently a melted ice cream sandwich.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sudden sound of thumping upon the door rattled him enough to sit him up straight in his chair. Were they trying to break down that door with their fists or something? “Mr. Hayashi,” a muffled voice cried out from behind the door. “Mr. Koizumi has asked for us to bring you to the party

Oh, no, no, no. No. Going to that damn party was the last thing he wanted to do. He had been avoiding everything about it – so much so that he had resorted to staying at his old apartment complex, instead of staying with his… wife (ugh). Maybe if he just sat there incredibly still, then no one would hear him and no one would make him go to that stupid thing. Well, that would’ve been ideal. Had it not been for the sound of the main door clicking and opening with a swift force. How the heck did they get keys to his apartment?! Automatically, his body slunk from the chair he sat in and cowered underneath his computer desk. There was no way they were going to find him. He was in the complete and utter darkness – especially as he closed his eyes and covered his head with his hands.

Mr. Hayashi,” why did the voice sound so close? “Please, sir, it’s time to get ready for the party

I’m not here

Sir, I can see you

No you can’t


I’m his twin brother

Mr. Hayashi doesn’t have a twin brother, sir. He is an only child

Wow,” his head popped up, looking up at the suited man before him “You really gotta remind me that I’m a lonely orphan, don’t you?

Those were his famous last words before being manhandled by a mob of quite pleasant thugs that made him look good and smell nice for this event. Of course, he didn’t agree with how they were forcing him here. But he did agree that they were happy enough to stop off at McDonald's on the way for a burger in the drive-through. Top-notch kidnapping gang right there. However, he was going to have to take some points off of them for abandoning him in the middle of some red-carpet situation. He had no clue where he was, what he was doing or what the heck was going on. Sure, his wife (ugh) had mentioned something about a party to him. But had he been listening? Hell no. Boss number 28 had consumed his brain since the moment he had laid his eyes upon him.

Man, this suit was killing him. Did all men who wore suits feel like they were being strangled and constrained too? And the mask – oh God, were these people trying to turn him into the Phantom of the Opera or something? A frown was constantly plastered upon his features, but thanks to the hideous mask upon his face, those around him would’ve had no clue what was going on.

Ugh. He needed a drink.

original theme: roald theme
coded by weldherwings.


tj cameron

  • he

/*right side (scroll)*/

It was like a man cave but less manly. More like a teenagers room--no scratch that, a college dorm room that was expensive. The room was thick of white smoke that hazed across the ceiling and down the walls, beer bottles lying in different areas, a large bed that had looked like it went through a war with how the blankets and pillows were tossed off of it. The young man who lived survived in this room was none other than--

"So fuck me like a rockstar."

TJ had tossed his long frame up in the air, clearing the smoke as the soles of his feet hit the bed. His tie was wrapped around his head, pulled tightly in the back so it stayed in place around his wavy locks. His hips moved with the beat of the song currently blaring out of the sound bar attached to his large television. The joint was placed now lightly between his lips, his hands coming up to untie the makeshift headband on his head before the tie was tossed to the side like one of the empty beer bottles.

What time was this stupid party anyway? TJ knew if he wasn't there he would be killed by his...wife. "Fuck." He cringed at the thought, pulling the joint from his lips as he let another puff leave them. This whole arranged marriage situation was almost like a death sentence. He would have much preferred to have gambled all his parents money away and played that smacking paper game to get into the Squid Games. Now that sounded like fun.

"Sir, it's ti--"

TJ pulled the door open almost immediately, his hands smoothing out the white suit he had decided to wear. "How about one hundred bucks to make up an excuse as to why I can't go.", TJ grinned at the man standing in front of his door as he reached into his pocket to grab the cash. The man simply shook his head, taking a step out of the doorway so that Mr. Cameron could come out of the bedroom. "I did that for you last time, sir.", the man nodded his head, "Besides, your new wife is terrifying." TJ clicked his tongue, rubbing the joint out on the door frame before he made his way out. There was no denying the fact that...fuck what was her..."Yanxuan, sir." With another cheeky grin, TJ had just about ran down the hallway to the large home, mask in one hand and helmet in the other.

Vroom. Vroom.

The bike glided around the sharp corner, TJ's eyes focused on the building in front of him where there were massive amounts of people and a--was that really a red carpet? He had no intentions of parking the expensive bike that he wasn't even supposed to be driving to this sort of event on the side of the road. This was TJ Cameron we were talking about. Nothing had ever come about the boy without a...grand entrance.

Within seconds he had made it to the building, making sure to check for anyone coming on his right before revving the bike up, slamming the clutch until he was right up on the carpet. The crowd had cheered causing TJ to lose focus, his dark eyes moving to the bright lights of the flashing photos. His gaze moved back, eyes now catching sight of the guy who was about to lose his anal glands to the front end of his bike. "Jesus Christ." TJ down shifted so the front of his bike bucked down quickly, his hands gripping the handlebars harshly as he managed to get the bike's nose low enough to scoop the gentleman's butt entirely off the ground and onto the front frame.

TJ didn't stop at the carpet, his bike moving quickly into doors that were now hurriedly ripped open. He slammed on the brakes, skidding the back tires on the marble flooring before coming to a complete stop. The male finally opened his eyes, peaking them open slowly only to see that the man who was supposed to still be on his front frame was no longer on it. TJ hurried off the bike, pulling the helmet carefully off of his head so his mask was still in tact. "Oh man, I definitely thought you were dead.", a sigh of relief passed through TJ's lips as he saw the man plopped onto the floor in front of the bike.

original theme: roald theme
coded by weldherwings.


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