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Multiple Settings Chainsaw Plot Pit (Originals)


go girl! give us nothing!

I haven't written originals in a bit but...feeling a hankering....

my fandom search

really only looking for the one plot I have listed (and I'll add more but looking for the oneee)​
Hello! I am Chainsaw or Fami, whatever you preferrrrrr.


I write MxF, M//, F//

I can write here or on Discord, we can also just do ooc on disc and keep main rp on here. It's up to you.

Despite this being originals, I still double, it will always be my bread and butter....

Ghosting friendly.

I also prefer that anyone I write with is 18+ for my own comfort.

I'm currently in college, so if I'm MIA assume I'm drowning in assignments.

I do adore ooc and getting to know my partners. I do play a few games so I'm happy to add anyone to my friends list .

No real face claims please, drawn or animated only.

I love making fan art of our characters + ships, chatting about head canons, playlets, etc ,etc. I don't shut up! I love babbling about stupid stuff, I am insane!

If I had to label my writing style, it would be:

Novella, or Advanced Lit

I (try to) write a minimum of 500+ words, split into 3-5 paragraphs depending on the content. Openers and beginning posts can stretch into 600-1000+ words, 5-10 paragraphs. If I'm really invested I go fucking crazy. I will say I'm informal as hell in ooc chatter, I write in lowercase and there is hella typos but I promise my replies in 'IC' are quality.

Can provide samples if asked!

Typically my reply times vary, sometimes it could be once a day, others it could be once a week, and sometimes it's once every once in awhile. It all depends, but I hope my partners are mindful of this.

My expectations for you in that subject is...nothing, you can launch a response once a month and I'd be chill with it. I welcome a partner who isn't a stickler for reply times in general. I'm happy to wait!

I am very ghosting friendly.

Due to me currently being in college, expect at least 1-2 responses per week.

My only real 'expectation' is that I politely ask that you do not bump/nudge/poke me, at least at a frequent rate. I will leave immediately due to previous bad experiences. It's a zero tolerance thing yk?

I believe that's all, will update if needed!

General themes| Romance, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Drama, Angst
Pairings| Any, or found family/platonic

These plots have been passed down to me by a good friend. She gave me brain worms.

There's A Demon In The Woods.
*The demon is cold, the demon is cruel.

Behind the kingdom, far away from the walls, lies a dreaded forest, full of abominations and creatures. Father had always warned to steer clear of the dark woods, your concerns lay with your duty as the heir. They cannot afford for you to get killed, after all there's a demon in the woods. Of course, you don't listen, it couldn't be that bad after all, right?

It was bad, very bad.

As you're about to mauled to death by the dread wolves, someone saves you in the last minute: The alleged demon of the woods.

But to you they don't seem so bad, they patched up your woods and sent you on your way, warning you to never return. However, your fascination has been sparked, you want to know more about this demon. No matter how many times they yell at you, scare you or simply give you the silent treatment, you always come by their cave to talk. Perhaps the demon slowly begins to enjoy these conversations too. Yet this all spells trouble for the both of you, your father isn't pleased you're fraternizing with the horror of the kingdom. It's time for that blight of a creature to be killed.
NOTES: I NEED THIS PLOT UGHHH. I have both a male and female demon, ideally I'd like to play both so doubling is on the table. Your character doesn't have to be nobility, maybe a crowned knight or loyal slayer to the kingdom? Romance or platonic stuff is on the table too. JUST LET ME PLAY MY DEMONS

Do I Look Like Your Girlfriend?
*Your face will always be something I seek out in the crowds.

NOTE: Not as fleshed out as my other one, but basically some Silent Hill inspo. I really just want to write about a person who looks a lot like someone’s dead lover. Although this person is definitely not them. Of course there are more nefarious things at play, (body snatcher, hallucination, physical manifestation of guilt, the possibilities are endless). Really want to play on the more psychological horror angle.

I'll add more later...

Found Family, or paternal figure/child figure| Theme of "You remind me of my dead kid" or "I adore you because you're always there for me type" shit

Idol x Idol (Think Japanese pop idols)

Idol x Stalker (Fun idea of maybe the stalker being also a idol lmao)

Knight x Thief
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