Centerville: the Aftermath

Ly North

New Member
This game will be hosted on a different site than patternspider.

"On March 28th 2010 a somewhat poorly understood incident took place here in Maine and all of the population fell ill. At first we just thought it was the sniffles... it looked just like a cold or a hayfever. Little did we know it was some kind of bacteria or something. I'm not sure. I'll stick to what we do know, here are the facts...

In 24 hours 98% of the population was either incapacitated or showing signs of infection. All traffic came to a halt and the town was placed on quarenteen by the nearby armed forces. Then they fell ill. In two days there was a panic as most of the sick had begun attacking others violently, the streets were flooded with cars and no one could go anywhere. On the fourth day it was all over. there was nothing left to do except survive."

Things looked bad, if only we'd known how. Still the sign gave us hope. We'd been walking for days up the coast and for the the last few nights things were quiet. Attacks were less frequent and the sign gave us hope. For about an hour we had hope...

Then Jane started to cough.

I was able to suvive... to get here before I dropped the supply pack... miles back... I feel feverish, probably starvation... all I can think about is how hungry I am. So hungry...

This is a pbp zombie survival game taking place present day in the town of Centerville* Maine. You play as one of the survivors in a full scale zombie appocolypse. The setting encompasses a small town complete with shopping center, appartment complex, industrial park and an army base as well as the possibility of surrounding city.

You can follow a center plot or do your own thing. "GMing" will be limited to narration of the center plot and the rest is free form. At current there are no dice rolls. If your interested feel free to take a look, if you have questions comments suggestions please let me know.


*this is a fictional location

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