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Fantasy Celestial War (CS) (NEED 1 CELESTIAL)



resident problem child
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
>Feel Free to Do Basic Formatting or BBCode+
> Gifted Students are just that, supernatural Entities. (SE for short!) SE's can just have their Normal Form, or A Normal & a Humanoid Form.
> Characters Would have to be between 18 and 24, as they're college students.
>> 3 Types of CS's. Celestial, NPC/Minor & Wielder. (You can Only have one main Muse. So either a Celestial or Wielder. And then have fun with Minor Muses if you want.)
> I'll Cookie if I like your CS!

> Need 0 Wielders
> Need 1 Celestials

> Has 2 Minor.
>Falcuity: 2
>> Headmistress, Nurse
>Extra Students: 2
>Other Minor: 0

Age: Between 18 & 24

SE Type:
Appearance: Detailed description or Faceclaim.
Marking: Image reference or what their Celestials Marking looks like at this current time. Poorly sketch it if you want to.
Have they Met their Celestial?
> When, Where, How old were they.
>> Note: When they meet their Celestial it has to be after they enrolled in the Academy.
Bound Marking:
> Upon Binding totheir Celestial, the Talisman would vanish and brand their Left Palm. What Does their Bound Marking look like.
>> Note: The Marking can extend from their Palm to their fingers or down their wrist.

Personality: Remember that the trait they share with their Celestial is one of their most important Traits.
Virtues: Most Positive Traits/Habits.
Vices: Most Negative Traits/Habits

Any Hobbies?:
Any Worthy Skills?:
Any Weapons?:
Basic Fight Stats: (out of 10)
(Feel Free to Add any other Stats)

Other Information?:
Name: (Please Give a First Time, Preferably starting with the Letter of their element. Last Time I've chosen.)
Space - Svemir
Time - Vemre
Light - Svetlo
Dark - Tamno
Water - Voda
Fire - Vatra
Earth - Zemlja
Air - Zrak
(Fun Fact: Celestial Last names are their Element in Bosnian)

Physical Age: How old do they look?
Have they Won Any Previous Wars? How Many?
True Form: ( Description )
Humanoid Form: ( Either Description or Faceclaim)
Talisman: What would their Talisman look like.

Personality: Remember their trait!!
Virtues: Most Positive Traits/Habits.
Vices: Most Negative Traits/Habits

Any Worthy Skills?:

e.g: Space would create things for periods of time. etc.
(I understand that the Celestials are INFACT The Gods of Everything, but please don't make them too powerful, as they could affect their wielder's health.)

Preferred Weapon: Since they are meant to be wielded. Whats their preferred type of weapon. (Note, a reason why Last Names for Celestials were pre-determined, is because their last name is a command sequence to change form when spoken by Wielder.)

Basic Fight Stats: (out of 10)

(Feel Free to Add any other Stats)

Other Information:
Like, do they enjoy staying hidden in their talisman, or living life with their wielder? etc.

SE Type:
Apperance: Detailed description or Faceclaim.
Role: Student, Faculty, Other?
Virtues: Most Positive Traits/Habits.
Vices: Most Negative Traits/Habits

Any Hobbies?:
Any Worthy Skills?:
Any Weapons?:
Basic Fight Stats: (out of 10)
(Feel Free to Add any other Stats)

Other Information?:
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Female | 21 | Feburary 28th | Pisces
Hetroromantic | Demisexual
Left Eye: Grey / Right Eye: Red
5'6" | ~150lbs
Wielder of Space | Haven't Met
Birth Mark || Bound Marking
Halfing | Human/Demon

> Space Error <
Klare is able to form a small crack in space allowing her to create a weapon. Its pattern is that of the universe and its most commonly used in a Long Sword Form, Dual Rifles or Dual Short Swords. This Will Evolve slightly when She binds to The Space Celestial
> Wings <
Klare has a set of Red Feathered wings, this gives her the ability to fly. However, she's also able to change how her wings look slightly and if they're there. They can either be full-sized and red feathered, Small Compact and kid of Holographic or just completely fold into her back.
> Minor Telekinesis <
Klare is very strange around blood, she has very good smell, so she can smell blood, and use it to identify people. (Gender, species etc) Her also enjoys the taste of it as it helps herself regen from her Demonic Bloodlines.


Klare is energetic, carefree, rash, and over-all hard working.
Klare is a trouble-maker who lives for Social Experiments. Which is why she acts how she does. Klare enjoys breaking rules and causing trouble, she loves to seeing how poeple react to her acting differently. Which is why Klare holds two personality types. Ones the true her and ones more of a mask to make her seem stronger.
Klare's masked personality is that of someone who doesnt care about their own well-being. It's that of someone who has no care in the world and just lives life to see what happens and how everything works. They enjoy to break rules,and take many different paths to situations. They don't think plans fully through and just hope everything goes well.
Klare's true personality is someone who's frigile and worried. She cares a lot about her friends, but not herself. She's extremely childish and over-ly sensitive, which is why she has a masked personality, because she doesn't want people to see her as weak. She coud've been the dark wielder but her drive for creation and adoration for seeing what things make helped her be chose by Space. Since her fear didn't form until eary high-school.


> Hobbies <
Painting, Singing, Minor Music Prouction, Creating Social Experiments
> Worthy Skills <
Drawing, Quick-Witted
> Any Weapon <
Refer to Space Error
> Fighting Stats <
P. Strength: ▰▰▱▱▱
A. Strength: ▰▰▰▱▱
Mental: ▰▰▰▰▱
Speed: ▰▰▰▱▱

Klare dresses in a more grundge/punk rock style. She enjoys the colour red a lot, as its seen a lot in her from her right eye to her wings. He adores flannels and skirts the most.

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A bit skeptical on this character.. let me know if I need to change anything

"A person can only kiss so much ass before they choke on shit."

|| Name ||
Alexa Day

|| Nickname ||

|| Age ||

|| Orientation ||

|| Celestial ||

|| SE Type ||
Normal Form = Humanoid Form

|| Abilities ||
o Illusion Manipulation
o Photographic Memory
She is able to take mental pictures in her head.

|| Appearance ||




|| Marking ||
|| Have they Met their Celestial? ||
Not Yet.

|| Bound Marking ||

|| Personality ||
Alexa can be described as "cocky", "snarky", "outgoing", and "energetic". She's overly confident in anything she does and she tends to act a bit childish. She can be snarky and sarcastic at times, and she's really energetic. She's huge on freedom, and doesn't like it when people boss her around. This is usually why she slacks off in class. She doesn't like being told what to do by teachers, and she plays around all day. She tends to do whatever she wants. She's a very mischievous child, and known for her rebellious attitude and pranks. She barely has trust in people, and she tends to care about herself instead of others. She can be a bit immature. She loves to trick and misguide people. She's very independent. She's very stubborn and determined. She loves to do anything sport related, and she's considered as a "tomboy". She's a loudmouth, and very witty. She tends to use jokes to break the ice. She's very good at stretching out the truth and lying. She seems very dumb, but in reality, she's smart and cunning, due to her photographic memory ability.

|| Virtues ||
o Independent
o Determined
o Cunning

|| Vices ||
o Snarky and Sarcastic
o Mischievous
o Immature

|| Any Hobbies? ||
o Pulling Pranks
o Eating
o Playing Basketball

|| Any Worthy Skills? ||
o Pickpocketing
o Acting
o Basketball and other sports

|| Any Weapons? ||
o Daggers.

|| Basic Fight Stats ||

|| Strength ||

|| Ability ||

|| Mental ||
10/10 (Photographic Memory boiiii)

|| Speed ||

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Name: Adelaide Kanvistr
Nickname: Addie
Age: 20
Orientation: Bisexual
Celestial: Water (Voda)​

SE Type:
Half faerie, only looks human

Cleromancy: a type of sortition and divination, in which she can gather the future of a person by rolling a dice or flipping certain coins.
Ifá: a skill in which scattered shells or pine nuts can tell the future


Have they met their celestial?
Yes. Two months ago, Voda came to her in a dream, speaking clearly through her thoughts. What happened between the two is a secret that Addie has kept from everybody. The only thing that others know is that her bind with Voda is pure and strong.

(It's located where her thumb meets the palm)

Personality: Addie is often a quiet, good natured girl. She will gladly lend her help to whomever needs it, and usually expects exactly no repayment. She is quite good at reading people, seeing, almost straight, into their souls. Of course, as clarity often parallels a certain type of clairvoyance, Addie can see the future. Not a perfectly sound vision, but she can tell the general paths in which a person can walk. Her nature allows her to reveal the future to certaim people, although these people must prove that they can handle it. Addie sets a high standard for friends, as she has been cheated once too many times and has difficulty trusting others.




Any Worthy Skills?:
She is quite good at reading others, and can tell if someone's intent is true or not. As she can usually see somebody's wants and intents, she can use those thoughts against them, using just her words to strike blows hard enough to defeat an enemy.

Any Weapons?:
She carries a small pocketknife, but usually uses her words or her own hands.

Basic Fight Stats: (out of 10)
Strength: 5/10
Mental: 7/10
Speed: 6/10
Connection with Celestial: 10/10

Name: Weitske Voda

Physical Age: 14
She has won a single war.
True Form: Any large body of water is her true form. (ex: Rivers, Lakes, Oceans, Seas)
Humanoid Form: A young girl with shoulder length brown hair. Sparkling sea green eyes accompany a splash of freckles across her nose and upper cheeks. She looks young, but is wiser than the oldest man.
Talisman: A narrow silver ring that can form to fit the finger of her wielder. It has spiraling engraving accompanied by curving lines and a single sapphire in the center.

Personality: Voda is rather laid back, usually relying on her wit and mind to defeat a challenger. She usually presents herself as a young girl because she has always preferred the spirit and energy of children. Oftentimes Voda will stay out of combat, waiting to pick off the winner. Her sneaky tactics are what won her a war. She is receptive and intelligent, and her mind is an object which she wields with brutal force. As she is seen as a goddess of the sea, her temper can rage and crash like the waves and currents. One second she can be calm and peaceful; the next, ruthless and angry.


Any Worthy Skills?:
She is quite persuasive and charming.
With enough concentration, Voda can see clear into a person's soul. If she breaches their train of thought, she can direct the person to do whatever she deems okay. Along with this, she can hear secrets. The deepest, darkest thoughts a person has are hers to take if they are not trained enough. A person can defend against this if they shield their mind from her by focusing on one thing without letting their thoughts stray. She can control energy flows by letting her vision sink into the ley lines and mana of the earth.

Preferred Weapon:
Hand and a half double edged sword

Basic Fight Stats: (out of 10)
Strength: 5/10
Ability: 8/10
Mental: 9/10
Speed: 5/10
Connection with Wielder: 10/10

Other Information::
She enjoys staying in her talisman, directing Addy with a telepathic connection.


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Name: Zella Orpheus
Nickname: Zella
Age: Between 19
Orientation: Straight
Celestial: Dark

SE Type: Human/Witch
Abilities: She can see into the darkness of peoples hearts and bring there fears in to being, Manipulate shadows, Amplify the power of others causing them to turn destructive. See and speak to dark sprites



Back: Birthmark between shoulder blades extending down to centre.
Hand: exstends from wrist down to knuckles

>Zella met her Celestial a few months ago. She still cant decide if she was awake but something called to her in the night, beckoning her in to the shadows of the darkest parts of the academy. There it took the form of a great black wolf. It saw into her heart and bonded with her sole. What was said she wont repeat but now she is at one with the darkness both in and around her.

Personality: Zella is a loner by nature and is shy prefering to hide in the shadows and observe constantly collecting information. She has always feared people and found them difficult however she is also extremely honest and once you gain her trust she will be the truest friend but cross her and she can turn at a switch. People have always seen her as a bit creepy and distant resulting in bullying and very few friends. Zella has conquered almost all of her fears but the one that gets her is the fear of not being able to protect those she holds closest.
Virtues: Honest, determined, independent, intelligent, observant
Vices: Loner, emotional, mischievous, Twisted , shy

Any Hobbies?: Watching others
Any Worthy Skills?: Blending in to the background,
Any Weapons?: scythe (an be called out of the shadows)
Basic Fight Stats: (out of 10)
Strength: 5/10
Ability: 6/10
Mental: 8/10
Speed: 4/10
(Feel Free to Add any other Stats)

Other Information?:
(if there is anything i can change/improve pm me please) truthofself truthofself please let me know what you think)
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Name: Ranell Rangarson
Nickname: Rane
Age: 21
Orientation: Straight
Celestial: Fire

SE Type: Human

-Immunity to heat and fire
-Flame Manipulation
-Smoke Manipulation


Have they met their celestial?

Bond marking:

Personality: He likes to catch people off guard, usually going into a situation with multiple plans in mind. He won't know what plan he'll go with, until he has to choose. He is a people person for the most part, though even those closest to him will say that there is a part of him he keeps closed off to everyone. He is slow to trust people, but once he does trust someone, it's for life. Due to him being one of the few humans in his school, he relies mostly on skill and trickery to get him out of situations, rather than his strength alone.


-Will go for shock value over what might be more sensible

-Observing people and events around him

Any Worthy Skills?:
-Throwing his voice

Any Weapons?:
-One handed sword and shield

Basic Fight Stats: (out of 10)
Strength: 8/10
Mental: 7/10
Speed: 6/10
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Name: Ciana Bianchi
Nickname: None
Age: 18
Orientation: Lesbian
Celestial: Light

Description: Ciana has thick, wavy hair that can be absolutely unmanageable some days. Her skin is olive-ish and a little tan, a color she can't seem to match with any makeup on the market. This is part of the reason why she forgoes makeup most days. She has large, brown, oval-shaped eyes that tip up at the edges, and a small, thin mouth.

SE Type: Mage
Abilities: Ciana can produce light, and that's about it. However, it's up to her to decide how much she uses, or how, so she's learned to be pretty inventive: a ball of light can be a guide in dark passages, but it can also be a flashbang, or blind a sniper trying to hit her team. She's also learning how to fire lasers- it's hard to keep all the photons concentrated and she'll never be able to use it as a main attack, but one well-placed hit might make the difference someday, so she's determined to get it. Because of her control over light, she also has some small ability to heat things up- she can't really start a fire or anything, but with time, concentration, and a lot of power, she can melt metal. As a side project, Ciana's developing a healing spell, which involves pouring light energy into the cells of the wound. It's not pretty: when she's used it on herself, it really hurts, and it leaves an awful scar- but it works well enough to keep someone alive, and that's what matters. It does take most of her energy, however. It's one of the most demanding spells she can do.

Marking: Her Talisman, when she had it, hid behind her hair at the nape of her neck. It was small, inconspicuous, and easy to hide if she kept her hair down. It's not there anymore, and she misses it- the mark on her hand is much harder to hide.

Have they met their Celestial?

Note: I will probably end up rewriting this once someone makes the Light Celestial. I just wanted to get some ideas down, namely the fact that Ciana got her mark via a sort of branding.
About halfway through her first semester, during the break, Ciana wandered out into the woods. She didn't know where she was going or why- but she knew something was out there, and she had to find it. The pull led her to a field, coated in unbroken snow, the white glittering under the stars, and it was there that someone stepped out of the trees, draped in the constellations of the night sky. An owl perched on their shoulder, feathers shimmering. She didn't try to see their face under the mask- she knew it didn't matter. Ciana stood, stock still, as the Celestial approached and knelt before her.

Ciana didn't need to ask. She knew who they were, and she dropped to her knees as well.

"Ciana Bianchi. You know who I am." Ciana bobbed her head, words stuck in her throat. "You know what the mark on your neck means. You know the burden you must bear."


"Are you willing?"

Ciana is standing on a cliff's edge, standing just before her future. She speaks through her fear and she does not waver. "Yes."

"Give me your left hand." She does. They take in in both of theirs, and the smooth silk of their sleeves slides along her palm. "This will hurt. Are you ready?"



For a moment, nothing changes- and then there's agony, white-hot, spilling through her palm, up her veins, burning behind her eyes with the brightest light she's ever seen. She curls in on herself, biting back a scream, but she can't move her hand and it hurts, like every heartbeat is amplified in her palm. Ciana stays like that for a while, breathing hard, waiting on it to end because there's nothing else she can do. But when, finally, it fades and she manages to blink her eyes open again, they are gone. All they have left is a patterned scar, already healing to white on her hand.

Bound Marking:

Personality: Ciana is a social creature. She tends to form groups around herself and take charge, a trait that may or may not have been born from years of large family reunions. This has, however, made her very good at delegating. It has also made her slightly panicky if she feels a situation is getting out of control- and now that the stakes are this high, that stress has only gotten worse. She hates being weak or uncertain- people already doubt her enough- but she's still only eighteen, and for all she tries she is weak, and she is uncertain. The fact that she's extremely cognizant of her flaws will be beneficial if she ever learns to balance it, but for now it just leads to self doubt, which plays right back into those fears about being weak or uncertain, and she ends up trapped in a vicious cycle. Ciana's a intelligent, observant girl, and on some level she knows that, but on another she's constantly wondering if what she's doing is best, if she's right, worried about what consequences will there be and does she have a backup plan. However, she is good at connecting with people, and if she can get a team behind her she's practically unstoppable- she draws off their experience and gains confidence from their trust. In return, she'll keep her team safe, even to the point of self-sacrifice; seek to understand them and further their goals where she can; and lead them wherever they need to go. Ciana's got her shadows and her doubts, but when she shines, she shines.

Virtues: Self-aware, understanding, observant, strategic
Vices: Doubtful, controlling, anxious, closed off

Hobbies: stargazing, photography, dance
Skills: Light production and manipulation, strategy
Weapons: Ciana wields a staff, which shrinks for one-handed use.

Basic Fight Stats:
Ability: 7/10
Mental: 8/10
Speed: 5/10

Other Information: Her raw ability skill is actually average at best. However, because she is clever with how she uses it, it becomes a very strong asset. Her mental skill is not strong so much in academic areas or in memory, but in her ability to think outside the box and create plans (and backup plans).
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  • Name: Ki'Tavi

    Nickname(s): Kit, Damn Cat!

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Species: Demon (Cat)

    Appearance: Like most of his kind, he is tall and lean, with muscle tone evident even through his fur, which is astoundingly soft to the touch save for the more coarse hair around his neck. In this particular patch of hair, Kit has been known to store odd small items that he may need for later, such as pencils.
    Height: 6 feet, 3 inches

    Weight: 177 lbs

    Personality: Ki'Tavi is, well, a tough individual to read. He likes playing games, though that doesn't necessarily mean the other party enjoys the games as much as he does. Rarely, though, do his games have any actual malice to them. However, if anyone should draw his ire, he is known to be exceptionally vindictive and calculating in exacting his revenge. One of his quirks is that he tends to rate events that happen based on whether or not they were 'worth his time'. Considering he spends most classes asleep, one has to wonder what he needs the time for....

    +Punctual :: He is always exactly on time to class. Some teachers even use him as a timer for when to start classes, as his butt hits the seat the exact second class is supposed to start.​
    +Charismatic :: It has to be the feline charm... He can be such a pain in the ass but somehow he's so damned endearing people just end up liking him most of the time.​
    +Sharp Wit :: Although he rarely applies it to his actual studies, Kit is devilishly quick on the quips. Those daring to challenge this wit best come equipped with aloe.​

    - Slacker :: He tends to put forth the bare minimum effort to get by most of the time.​
    - Prankster :: Anyone can be a target at any time. Fortunately, his pranks are usually harmless unless you've done something to piss him off. In which case... well, let's leave that to the imagination...​
    - Short attention span :: Basically, he stays on a subject only as long as its interesting to him. Once he gets bored, he moves on without a second thought.​

    • Meat
    • the wilderness
    • Animals (except chickens)
    • Naps
    • Music
    • Baths
    • Karaoke
    • Ear Scritchies
    • Women

    • Lectures
    • Vegetables
    • Chickens
    • Having his naps interrupted
    • Boring people
    • People yanking his tail

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"Just because the spirit fades, does not mean that time stops"
Tenga Vemre

Physical Age:
19 years old to all but his wielder, who sees him as 13.

True Form:
Tengas wings expand outwards and glisten with a silverish coating to augment the purple color, his stature shrinks slightly and his clothes become rugged. It becomes
hard to focus on him and those looking at him see those around them aging randomly, their friends turning to dust or enemies reforming into babies, time seems to almost
stop for an individual. Those who see him feel overwhelming doubt and pain about their decisions as if their lives are shifting away. Small objects that indicate time appear around him, and any that were already their spin into chaos.

b a s i c s

Have they won any previous wars: Over the course of 1800 years and eight hours he's won 3 wars.

"I don't care about your stupid cat naps"
As his celestial, and 'teacher' in his own eyes, he treats Ki'tavi in a weird way, often making jokes about the importance of him being the 'chosen one' who needs to carry the burden of time for the world...which is bullshit.
Tenga finds most of his tricks funny, and will often try to influence them behind his back having a lot of fun with those around him. Tenga doesn't really understand how or why he acts around girls, simply because he doesn't see the reason for him to act any different, either way, it's funny to see him like that.

Weistski Voda-
"Hey, big sis, what's the matter with you?"
Tenga is disheartened by his 'sisters' dispassion towards the others, although he definitely treats her the worst, albeit it's from a child's innocence. Not understanding the spiritual nature of her magic, and picking out the resemblance she often has between her and her wielders. To him, his sister is a bit boring, however, is she has something to say Tenga could listen to her for hours

"C'mon C'mon show me... you're so cool!!!"
Tenga views Dallas as a close friend, and the things he does are in the spotlight of his attention, anything he does is impressive, even with his lackluster nature towards the wars. The talisman and true form impress Tenga and definitely reinforce his title as the most fashionable celestial.
"Hey!!! You, stranger, how'd you get in this realm???"
Somehow, Tenga often manages to forget about him, he finds him mysterious and his interest weird, and the times he won the war Tenga didn't really spend much time in the celestial realm, he has a lot of connecting to do. So far all Tenga knows, he's just a guy who appreciates boring humans and strange owl's.
"C'mon let's fight, let's go"
Tenga, unfortunately, doesn't respect his passive nature, and truly want's to bring out the volatile bits of him he's seen. Tenga picks up little habits he has seen him do, like not wearing shoes and avoiding touching the ground, he's almost
like a fun cousin he sometimes hangs out with.
"So how was' school today buddy"
Despite it being wrong, Tenga often makes fun of Fay finding his metamorphic nature strange, he will try to put him in awkward situations. Altough after watching him solve puzzels and little situations



h i s t o r y

Similar in nature of a young child, yet with the wisdom of an old man Tenga naturally acts on a whim and 'luck' is the reason people belive is the reason for his sucess. Of course, this isn't the real factor, with knowledge that has been accumulated since the begining of time, anything that others dont know, Tenga does. Because of this, he has become cocky and can easily offend others, and will brush it off without worry.

Light-Hearted: Tenga finds no trouble in quickly forgetting and moving on from wars and mistakes.
Knowledgeable: With time on his side, he has dedicated a lot of his infinite time as a god simply learning, and with the gateway to the human world being open, theirs plenty more for him to discover.

Rash: As long as there seems to be a way to fix something, Tenga will do it without thinking
Under-whelming: In physical combat, Tenga in no way is as impressive as any of his siblings.
Air of obliviousness- Those in Tengas presence may find him to be out of place, and not expect much of him.

Useful Skills:
Master at an ancient art of dancing-


p e r s o n a


Temporal Branching:
Tenga wraps an object within his wings, this object then becomes easily manipulated,
so that any potential paths of the objects may occur. This means that if a toaster was on recently
he could cause it to overheat or explode, however, it couldn't randomly fly at a person's face and knock them out.

Potential Regression: Certain events that occur are able to
be reversed by Tenga, especially ones that unnaturally progress, meaning
certain regeneration abilities or teleportation may be neutralized and even worsened.

Sunrise: Depending on the hour Tenga is able to fly higher, with the
highest point being at 12 and the lowest being 1.

A weapon that shares some of the nature of his both himself and his wielder, he has a
scythe side that changes sharpness based on the claws of Ki'tavi, and a hammer that changes bluntness based on time of day (sunrise rules).

Basic Combat Stats
Strength: 2/10; Yeah, No unarmed for you
Ability: 8/10: Due to the setup of his abilities it's generally hard to use them, although Tenga is able to gain massive control over those it works on.
Mental: 4/10; Despite the precision and concentration needed to control time, ever since the celestial spirit incident he's been unable to focus clearly.
Speed: 10/10; Able to fly and control potential projectiles, getting hit is a rare occurrence for Tenga.

m i s c
One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost Tell me if theirs anything you wanna discuss or change - being the time celestial and all.
This is what the Celestial Dimension used to look like to him at least before spirit left and kit invaded.
The longest Tenga had stayed inside his telaismin is two years, after a wielder had said all the wrong words, altough to Tenga it was only the legnth of one appropiatly long temper tantrum.


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― aaron bluhan shuuya.


HAIR grey ┋EYES light teal

HEIGHT 5'3 ft or 160 cm ┋ WEIGHT 50kg ┋ ORIENTATION bisexual ┋ CELESTIAL earth
SE type : human

abilities : earth manipulation, extreme plant growth / wither

marking : small moon with stars and earth on lower neck

celestial? : no

bound marking : compass rose on left wrist







///////virtues - always helpful

tries his best


/////vices - easily distracted

neurotic (negative emotions)

― aaron bluhan shuuya w/ description.

Ain is a social butterfly. He loves conversing with others and helping out. He's a calm and happy person, his melodic-like personality is soothing. His nurturing and calm persona helps out and is great working in a team, but his powers can be ruthless if he wanted.

Name: Daedalus "Dallas" Tamno

Physical Age: 22
Has won one previous war.
True Form: What can most accurately be summarized as a wereboar; at least 7'5" tall, with multiple tusks, including an oni-esque maw. Their arms widen towards the hands to end off on massive hands with large claws. Two sets of eyes glow on their face, and a massive mane flows around their upper body. Their body looks to be disproportionate, with the upper body being much larger, though once on all fours Dallas can easily outrun the best of them.
Humanoid Form: Standing at 5'10, Dallas is a moderately attractive, androgynous (though leaning towards feminine features) black individual. They go both they/them and she/her, although prefers the former from strangers. Their hair is usually seen pulled back, and despite what one might assume from their existence as the celestial of darkness, they love to wear bright colors. Perhaps their most iconic accessory is a large scarf they tend to wear.
Coming soon (i gotta draw it lol)
Talisman: A pair of bone earrings.

Personality: Daedalus can be intimidating to meet at first. They talk a lot, and seem to have a silver tongue and are very good at reading people. Insults will cut deep and come from truths, or dig towards the individual's fears. Not to mention their clear fascination with the macabre, and dark humor. However, they're not all bad, Actually, far from it. Dallas, with their innate ability to "understand" others, is deeply empathetic, and actually rather enjoys talking and being around others. However, it's the way they can so easily switch between being overtly caring to an entirely apathetic creature that is frightening. They enjoy poking people's buttons and finding their limits, and despite being a massive flirt, doesn't appear to have much interest in any sort of fun of the flesh. They are easily annoyed if people are either excruciatingly dumb- Dallas fancies themselves rather intelligent and clever -or try to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Extremely observant- Daedalus, though they never seem to stop talking, is extremely adept at reading people, even without the aid of their powers. This also extends to their environment, making them resourceful.
Compassionate/empathetic- Daedalus becomes easily attached to individuals, available to listen to their issues and offer advice, or even protecting them/coming to their aid when they maybe shouldn't.
Clever- Daedalus is speedy and resourceful, but not particularly strong. They win fights by out-thinking their opponents, not beating them into the ground.

Comes on strong- A speedy talker who thinks everyone should either adore them or despise them, Daedalus can be a little decisive with the people they are introduced to.
Selfish- Daedalus may love quickly and easily, but most of their desire to protect or really do anything spawns from a selfish desire to reap the benefits. ie. they like having someone around, so they want to keep them out of harm's way so they can enjoy their presence more, not because they're innocent and it's the right thing to do.
Sensitive- While they have no issue being cruel to others, they can't take the fire if returned.

Strategist- Using their natural talents, Daedalus can quickly formulate plans on the fly, usually to great effect.
Hand to hand- Even though they are decent enough with an axe, Dallas' true talent is in hand to hand. Though smaller and much less powerful than their opponents, Daedalus has learned how to use someone's weight and momentum against themselves. It is the same skill they use to wield their weapon.
An eye for fashion- Yeah, not really useful for winning wars or anything, but Daedalus has a passion for fashion, especially if it's unusual.

- Daedalus is able to see into a person's heart and mind, akin to mind reading but not quite. It's more like they experience the same thing as the person, if only for a moment. This is what allows them to understand someone's fears.
- They can create mirages, though limited only to a small area, and can also shape shift their own body. This is usually done to take advantage of a person's fears.
- Daedalus can float and teleport. Not fly, not really, and not even move quickly, but casually float in the air, and quickly transport themselves from place to place, though this is limited to a one mile radius.
- Daedalus can manipulate a smoke-like substance that seems to rise from their form. This can be used as an offensive ability by condensing the substance and sending it through something to either cause harm, break something, etc.

Preferred Weapon: A battle axe made of black metal and bone.

Basic Fight Stats:
Strength: 4/10
Ability: 9/10
Mental: 10/10
Speed: 7/10

One might wonder where their name came from. According to Dallas themself, the Greek hero was actually named after them and their creative thinking. Or something along the lines of that. The story changes every time. Now, considering they've only won once, some might also question how powerful this Celestial actually is. Well, definitely powerful. They could easily win many more. However, once Dallas won, they found out they kind of hated it. So they decided never to honestly try again, and only to make it seem like they were still in it to win.

Other Information:
Daedalus is kind of an enigma when it comes to how they live their life. Sometimes, all they want to do is be out and about, almost like a normal person. Other times, they'll seclude themself in their talisman for weeks, or rapidly appear and disappear. As a general rule, they enjoy being out of the talisman more than within. Dallas is a lesbian (yes nb lesbians are real).
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Name | Edelin Zemlja
Nickname/Alias |Edin
Physical Age | 18
Gender | Female
Battles Won| six and proud

Edin's true form is pretty much just like her human form except she grows a pair of antlers and vines crawl all over her body with roses adorning it. The vines serves as her clothing and hides her feminine parts.



Edin is a very nurturing yet strong celestial. She is feminine, sweet, bubbly and appears to be passive most of the time despite the frequent wars. She holds an undying optimism and she will always have this kind smile on her face wherever she goes (except when she's getting attacked). On the other hand, it is unwise to underestimate Edin because of her innocent facade and beauty. Once provoked, she is not scared of using her powers and crushing her enemy (literally). She is the embodiment of nature and earth, she may struck you in awe or struck you with a boulder in the face.

She is also very motherly and loves to nag her wielder all the time.

|VIRTUES| kind, caring, loyal, optimistic & elegant
|VICES| can be really violent, not the brightest crayon in the box, vain & spoiled

singing - not so useful but it can entertain people, plants, animals, rocks and dirt.
she knows how to grow plants manually - plants gives oxygen and more oxygen equals to more happy humans.


Earth & Plant Manipulation
Super Strength
Can talk to plants and animals (BFFs!)

*She passes out when she overuses her powers except the fourth one cause it's more like a passive power.


-She dislikes being stuck in her talisman for a long time and prefers living physically with her wielder.
-hates pollution and global warming
- glares at people when they are eating


Strength: 10/10
Ability: 8/10
Mental: 4/10
Speed: 3/10

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☆Physical Age☆
Genderless: Unknown
Female: Early 20s
Male: Young teen, maybe 13

☆Wars Won☆

☆Celestial Form☆
There is no face only a mask, what they look like has no significance to them. The masks looks similar to an owl's face. A creature both wise and knowledgeable, being able to fly closest to the stars in its nocturnal environment. It's robes were made from the very stars and constellations in the sky. Complete with the soft, white glow and twinkle atop a black canvas.

☆Humanoid Form☆
Sova's humanoid form is a little tricky to explain, soley because there are elements and reasons to their appearance. They usually prefer a genderless appearence of a human in armor: a little tall, slender with a body type that could be either a very slim male, or a female with little development, complete with a helmet to hide their "face". In this form, even if the helmet were removed there would be no head, theyre repesenting the element of Light after all. Most deities dont really have forms, only when coming in contact with a human do they create a form the human can assosiate with.
Something along the lines of this......
Just...with out the sword. Im assuming this takes place during modern times? If not i can change the look of the armor :3

Then there are the male/female forms. With past experiences, most people are a little intimidated by the armor walking around, so Sova uses these forms if they are trying to blend in, or in public situations. This would mean at a school or exploring a town. If they had to choose between the two gendered forms, Sova would most likely stick to a female form, feeling that their persona matches most with a woman (theyre going based off observation and experience), however they will occasionaly alter between both if they feel like it.

A precious hand-held/pocket stone. It harnesses the light of stars for thousands of years ago. Carved on the back are mysterious runes of an unknown language.

Sova holds a very calm and inviting disposition. They are kindhearted, brutally compassionate, and their level of patience could almost be a fault. Despite the soils of war and other tradgedies through the ages, Sova has retained a childlike purity. However dont confuse their seemingly passive nature for naive-ness (is that even a word?), Sova has a high level of maturity and wisdom, as well of a strong sense of right and wrong.

Sova is very passionate, but slow to spark anger. At times competitiveness can arise but overall, anger is one emotion that does not bubble up quickly, it takes a lot to get under their skin....or knowing the right words to say.

On a more subtle level, Sova displays a likeness toward others like himself, mostly women for their sensitivity, and motherly behavior. They also have an unadmitted fondness for humans. Other deities may see the species as weak, primitive or lesser than, but Sova believes they just need to be led into the right direction.

On an other note, Sova is not a huge fan of war and conflict, but will fight for what they feel is right. And with tensions high between Celestials, they fight for their loyalty to the Queen, in hopes she may return.

Responsibility, Patience, Wisdom, Humility

(Too) Forgiving, Seeking to Please

☆Any Worthy Skills?☆
1. Light as light: Literally! Sova is incredibly light, their density is as light as a feather. They can walk atop snow, and because theyre so light, their footsteps are quite quiet and can easily go unnoticed.
2. Decision Making: As the Celestial of Leadership, Sova is very efficient in making quick decisions
3. Social Skills/Easily Trusted: Sova (despite their appearence in their genderless form) is very approachable. Theyre an attentive listener and always offer advice or a piece of wisdom when needed. Compassion combined with independence makes Sova the go-to being for any help that may be needed.
4. Speed: Oh lordy are they quick. Between strength, stamina, and agility, agility takes the cake. Sova is nimble, quick, and creative in their fighting style. Being able to sneak up on someone is sec9nd nature, even out of combat.

(I may add more but this is what comes to the top of my head to mention)

Inner Light Externalization: Exactly what it sounds like. Sova is the Celestial of Light, and encapsules a large amount of light/light energy with in their body. In darkness, upon command, Sova can reveal that inner light and will appear to glow or burn bright as they please.
Illusive Appearence: They can change their appearence at will, but they dont very often. This is usually used for recon or impersonating
Photokinetic Whip: A whip made from light. It has a white glow.
Light/Photokinetic Barrier: By gathering light, Sova can create a shield or barrier for a set amount of time. This shield has proven to be effective against dark attacks in the past, and can block physical ones too. However the more blows it takes, the harder it is to hold up. Once it breaks it will have to recharge.
(I sort of lazily/quickly described these, Im sorry its just late. I will add more detail to them in the rp)

☆Preferred Weapon☆
A star light staff that helps the wielder gather, harness more light than they could on their own. Then can use/cast/expel the energy anyway they want. This sort of amplifies their current skills and abilities.

☆Basic Fight Stats☆
Strength: 4/10
Ability: 7/10
Mental: 9/10
Speed: 8/10

☆Other Information☆
•Sova doesnt mind staying in the talisman, but would prefer being out to explore and experience the world
•Favors star light
•As far "love interests" or "flirting", Sova likes who they like, male or female. Which is easy for them considering they can be which ever gender the other party prefers. The dating pool is very large for Sova, to put it simply hue hue.

Theme (s)

(This song is perfect for their tendencies to help others. I like the male version better but it didnt have subs u.u)

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Ali Zrak

Physical Age:
Have they Won Any Previous Wars? How Many?:
Ali has won 2 wars in total, but only due to some ridiculous turn of events.

True Form:
Ali's true form is fairly similar to his human form, he is just more translucent with his features muffled by an eerie glow.

Humanoid Form:

Minus the horns, and it should be noted that Ali does not wear shoes (socks if he really has too).


Ali is a whimsical being, refusing to be controlled or be told what to do. He is mostly easy going, never really taking things too seriously. Ali isn't usually seen as threat or an obstacle due to the fact he is never really serious when it comes to the wars. He is way too playful, and passive in nature to the point where he refuses to get way too violent. There are only a few things that really set him into a rage, two of the main triggers for him are being betrayed, and killing. Betray him, and that happy go lucking attitude is transformed into a storm, never ally with him if you plan on backstabbing him. It'd be much easier to just break things off than be sneaky with him, Ali has no issue with stepping aside for someone else to win as long as he is able to do whatever he wants whenever.
Although Ali seems to not really care much, and maybe even enjoy all of this because he can "do whatever he wants", he really does miss Spirit and the old days. Which is why he refuses to get seriously violent with any of the other Celestials. He might mess with them for funsies, but he could never seriously hurt them . . . Unless it involves a pie in the face, in that case he might hurt them a little.
Virtues: Most Positive Traits/Habits
Optimistic -
Nothing seems to bring Ali's attitude down easily, and he is always looking for a positive even in the worst of things. Its rare to see Ali without a smile.
Peaceful - Being passive in nature, Ali is always looking for ways to settle things peacefully. Even as a weapon, he is purely redirecting, never offensive.
Forgiving - No matter how many wars can be fought, or what happens during the wars, Ali doesn't hold a grudge. He still views all the other Celestials as dear friends of his, even if they doesn't always feel the same way during the wars.
Vices: Most Negative Traits/Habits
- The only thing serious about Ali, is how seriously he doesn't take things serious. Everything is all just fun and games to him (which is why he doesn't take things too personally during the wars, its just a game to him).
Inattentive - Ali switches interest fairly easily, his attention switching to something else at random. Sometimes he'll "participate" in the wars, sometimes he'll go off and do something else. There have been many instances of him letting someone else take the lead after being bribed with something ridiculous.
Stubborn - Getting Ali to listen to an order is like trying to hold onto a kite during a tornado. Unless there is something he is interested in that he can get from listening, he won't budge. The more you try to force him, the more he resists. Especially when it comes to taking fighting way to far. If a wielder gets too aggressive, he will refuse to help them even if the situation is dire.
Any Worthy Skills?:
Ali is very skilled in evasive maneuvers both metaphorically and physically. He is excellent at making getaways, both in combat and in taking responsibility.
Air manipulation -Basically just manipulating the air flow, raging from a gentle breeze to a tornado . . . Or just a funnel to launch or suck up stuff.
Form shifting - Ali is able to reduce himself into air molecules, which makes it hard to keep him contained. This is a bit harder for him to do, since he has trouble keeping all himself together.
Flight - Being one with the air around him, Ali is always light on his feet if not quite literally floating along with the wind. This is probably why he is so weak, since he floats around everywhere rather than walk.

Preferred Weapon: Since they are meant to be wielded. Whats their preferred type of weapon. (Note, a reason why Last Names for Celestials were pre-determined, is because their last name is a command sequence to change form when spoken by Wielder.)

Basic Fight Stats: (out of 10)
Strength: 2
Ability: 10
Mental: 4
Speed: 8
Awesomeness: 100

Other Information:
Ali is hardly ever in his Talisman, always off wandering around as much as he can. Unless he is able to get on friendly terms with his wielder, in that case he will try to drag them around with him.
Ali's feet never touch the ground, he is always a centimeter above. He'll usually act like he is walking, but he is actually floating just slightly (claims the ground is too restrictive). Sometimes he forgets to do a walking motion, so he ends up appearing like he is sliding across the ground.
In one war, inspired by his wielder's passion for baking, Ali actually used pies as a weapon. He doesn't really get close to winning these wars, but he does make his attempts very memorable.​
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Shura Svemir the Celestial of Space

Shu-shu/Shu - Nebula
|~Physical Age~|
In all his years he has won only 9 wars

Bi-sexual leaning toward whatever he feels that day

|~True Form~|
In his true form, his skin including his hair changes to a material that seems to be a window to space. It reflects the universe with stars and storm clouds that cycle as if he himself was the universe. His eyes turn full white and glow brightly. He also has two horns made of the same material that sprout from his temple about the length of the average male hand.
|~Humanoid Form~|
He has raven black hair and pale skin. His eyes glisten like his true form.

A green gem that reflects a nebula connected to a chain to form a bracelet

Shura can either be the most expressive being anyone has ever met or the least caring. He is very hard to read given he usually has some ulterior motive and prefers not to show his true self to strangers. In truth he is lighthearted and a prankster, coming up with elaborate ways to trick people. He craves intimacy and connection being that space is completely devoid of the concept. He would gladly go out of his way for companions, especially his wielder and someone he fancies, making sure they are the happiest they've ever been or providing for them whatever they need. On the other hand, he is not opposed to being cold and actually rather rude if provoked.

Ocean of ideas
Doesn't know what it means to be gentle with others - Aggressive
Sculpture/Painting - Most of the fine arts
Piano and Guitar
Learning the Spanish language through song and fotonovella
Watching movies

|~Any Worthy Skills~|
Shura is very intelligent. His powers require a great deal of mental prowess to control so his mind is very sharp. He also is great under pressure, able to keep his thoughts from becoming erratic or distressed. His creativity is also second to none. He was blessed with the gift of having spontaneous yet effective ideas on the fly.

Pocket Dimensions:
Being ruler of space gives him the ability to create and manipulate a space to his whims. He has one main small dimension that he keeps for alone time, like a safe space. Other than that at max strength he can handle creating up to three smaller dimensions at a time, usually used for storage or anything else.
Teleportation: Shura has the ability to open portals through a space to instantly teleport himself to another place. Only drawback is that he can only teleport to places he's seen or can visualize.
Cosmic Manipulation: He can alter the state of any object as he wishes or even create new objects out of cosmic energy. The effects of the alteration vary in permanence depending on his level of concentration and difficulty of what is being created. Most commonly he alters his wielders armor and weapons to more powerful ones or constructs tools needed for the situation.

|~Preferred Weapon~|
He prefers a long sword imbued with cosmic power. It is identical to his body in appearance but it made of refined cosmic energy. It can channel some of his powers based on the will and prowess of his wielder.

|~Basic Fight Stats~|

Strength: 5/10
Ability: 9/10
Mental: 10/10
Speed: 8/10

|~Other Information~|

♥ Would rather die than stay in his talisman and he wouldn't mind living with his wielder since he needs companionship.
♥ He doesn't mean to hurt others or come off as an aggressive control freak but it happens sometimes. Shu isn't perfect leave the cinnababy alone.
♥ Shu can become very depressed or angry if a sculpture or something doesn't come out right or something isn't too his liking.
♥ He randomly asks to use people as models in his works if they catch his eye.
♥ Usually seen with a camera of some kind, although he owns many of various kinds, a sketchpad, and snacks.​
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"Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed."

||Name ||
Fay Vatra

|| Physical Age ||

|| Have they Won Any Previous Wars? How Many? ||
Yes, four.

|| True Form ||
Fay's true form is indeed incredible. In his true form, he looks devilishly handsome with thick, black feathery wings, and his eyes have slits. Other than that, he looks like his humanoid form.

|| Humanoid Form ||
{Picture at Top}

|| Talisman ||

||Personality ||
Fay is known for his unpredictable mood swings. It's surprising that he's not on his period 24/7. At one minute, he could be angry, but then upset. Happy, then sad. For a god, he has BPD, or "Borderline Personality Disorder", meaning he has unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. Fay, overall, is a determined fellow, and very loyal. He's comedical, and loves to joke around. Most of his jokes are dark humor. He loves to pester and annoy people. He's also socially awkward, and doesn't really know what to say most of the time.

|| Virtues ||
o Determined
o Hot af (Get it? Har har)
o Loyal

|| Vices ||
o Dark Humor
o Socially Awkward

|| Any Worthy Skills? ||

Fay is extremely cunning and intelligent. If you trap him in a metal box, he'd get out, easily. He can also solve problems in situations.

|| Abilities ||
o Fire Manipulation
He can manipulate fire.
o Supernatural Beauty
Just like the beauty and gracefulness of fire, he's beautiful and graceful.
o Enhanced Speed
Since fire is fast in one place (flames) he's also fast.

|| Basic Fight Stats ||
(Can't fight for the life of him)

|| Strength ||

|| Ability ||

|| Mental ||

|| Speed ||

|| Hotness ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ||

|| Other Information ||
o They don't really enjoy being inside their talisman, so he's not really in there, sixty percent of the time, and doesn't like living with their wielder.
o Cinnamon roll when he's flustered and embarrassed.
o Is ashamed of his disorder, being a god and all.
o Bisexual, but prefers men.
o Yandere, bitches.




each of Odin's twelve handmaidens who conducted the slain warriors of their choice from the battlefield to Valhalla.​

Dahlia Elin

age: 32 (technically 64, but age was slowed down due to health treatments)
orientation: Heterosexual

SE type: Human-Angel
abilities: Heal, Damage Reduction, Ressurrection
Helpful, Exciting
virtues: strong abilities, constant healer, super strong in the right scenarios,
vices: stress, health issues, only a support, no solo potential

hobbies: piano, flute
weapons: has a small dagger, but other than that no
basic Fight Stats: 3/10
strength: 2/10
ability: 9/10
mental: 8/10
speed: 6/10
resurrection: 30/10

code by pasta pasta

"I'm a sweet disaster."

|| Name ||
Arteyu Grim

|| Nickname ||

|| Age ||

|| Orientation ||

|| SE Type ||

|| Abilities ||
Mystic Vampire Physiology
Like a normal vampire. c:

|| Role ||

|| Personality ||
Artreyu is a cold and rude guy. He barely talks with anyone, and is usually alone. He's classy and formal, and loves suits. He likes to humiliate people, and finds joy in being a smart ass. Or so, everyone thinks. Deep down, he's a softie, who's very upset about life, and wants to die. His rude side is just a facade. He's also socially awkward and clumsy when it comes to talking with people in a friendly matter. He's a determined and brutally honest fellow, but not so loyal.

|| Virtues ||
o Good Looking
o Intelligent
o Determined

|| Vices ||
o Not Really Loyal
o Socially Awkward/Socially Clumsy - Low EQ
o Rude and Cold - Can't express emotions

|| Any Hobbies? ||
o Humiliating others
o Playing Violin
o Playing Piano

|| Any Weapons? ||
None. He prefers his vampire powers.

|| Basic Fight Stats ||

|| Strength ||

|| Ability ||

|| Mental ||

|| Speed ||

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