Celestial Battle Armor - Explosive Protection


New Member
I am trying out the system for Celestial Battle Armor, we can across a problem when playing with the armor, and that problem was the explosive protection system listed below;

Explosive Protection

By spending five motes of Essence, the wearer can generate a pulse of

concentrated Essence that blasts out from the armor. This attack affects

everyone within range and can be dodged but not parried. The shockwave

generated by this attack also halves (round down) the soak value of all non

magical armor. This attack is specifically designed to allow an Exalt to clear

away large numbers of attackers.

Speed          Acc         Damage       Rate      Range    Tags

5              +3          10L          1         20*      P**

* This attack has no extended range. This is the maximum range of the effect.

* * Against non-magical armor only.

What would be the attack from for using this power? Would the pool be made up -just- of the accuracy? Obviously there is a pool for this pool because that is what one would apply the dodge successes against but I just can not seem to fine it. . .


I like the idea, and the visuals this can generate. But be damn careful that this doesn't become a game-breaker.

What are the weaknesses of this attack/defense? When is it applicable? When is it not?
The 3 dice may be enough since any non-magical armor will lower the wearers DV and any attack actions they take will lower it more, so 1 success may be all you need to dislodge armored troops clinging to your armor and trying to hack their way in.  Throw in a few dice for a stunt and perhaps virtue or just a willpower, and you should clear off most, if not all, the Extras in the area.

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