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Realistic or Modern Cedarville High School's Dramatic Arts Club


A Lady in Perpetual Waiting
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Cedarville Students

Spring Musical

Sign Up's for the Spring Musical, Aladdin, are now posted on the bulletin board by the gym! If you're not already part of drama club, now would be a perfect time to broaden your horizons. (Aka, it looks good on college applications and Director Sloane would appreciate the help) For current members of Drama Club, don't forget that auditions begin next Monday, break a leg!

~ Director Oliver Sloane

I want to do something like Glee, a high school club setting, but with original characters and story lines. I would play a couple characters as well as Director Sloane, who makes casting decisions and such, so some competition for main roles would be really cool! I'm not sure how many characters I'll take, but it won't be first come first serve. I'll need a pretty decent Character Sheet as well as detailed role players who are willing to cook up drama with one another. I've got a lot of ideas for this game as GM, so it should be relatively exciting for all involved!

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