Cause and Effect


~ 7th Leginate of the Agyrn Precursor Codex ~
Hello everyone. I'm new to RPNation but. Not new to the RPing community. I've been RPing for about 5-6 years now.

I'm game for any medium; Fantasy, Sci-fi, Modern, SoL, etc.

I usually write in detail but I'm not against a casual RP either.

I'm free to join & also willing to help start a new RP if you'd like.

Cheers! ♥
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Welcome! I'm also new here(just joined in a couple of days ago). Maybe one day we can RP together. (When I actually learn how to do this xD )
Ha, I would love to!

Nice meeting you Schwagnatt.

I'm slowly getting the hang of this, some things are still confusing though.

How long have you been RPing? If you don't mind my asking :)
Actually, the only time I ever "roleplayed" was when I was playing Warhammer with my friends. After that our group kinda fallen apart, but I always wanted to try RPing in a "bigger scale" i guess. So to answear your question. I've RPed for a mere 9 hours. Dissapointing, I know.
Lmao! Not disappointing at all! We all have to start somewhere. :) Honestly I started RPing way back when Starcraft: Brood War was still huge. At first I would just lurk in the lobby and read as others RPed, and it really peaked my interest. After a few more times lurking I started to join in, and eventually started RPing a lot. When Starcraft 2 came out I started an RP clan, we were one of the biggest for a while. But, sadly the community fell apart :(

We'll get you RPing like a pro in no time! :3

Welcome To RPN!!!~


Hope you enjoy your time here!~

(If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll help out if I can.(:3)(o'v'o)(B'))

Also, If you'd like me to tag you in some good Rp's I'll be sure to do that!~ :D I hope we'll meet again around the site. :3


Hellooo~ I'm pretty new to this site myself and still getting the hang of it eheh^^; I hope you enjoy your time here and hopefully we can become acquainted~
Hello~ and welcome! I'm new as well, but have the same experience in roleplaying. I try to forget my early years though. That deep dark abyss...

I hope to see you around!

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