Story Catherine Gaites


Seared with story
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I thought my eyes would have opened up to the brilliant blue sky laying on top of me. Or at least the welcoming ceiling of home. "No," I had remembered, "I made the decision to do something else. Something terrifying. Something exhilarating." I had woken up in a pool of sweat, for the heat here was unbearable. I looked to the left of me, seeing only dark cavern walls. To the right of me, the one figure I've ever truly looked up to. I'd just woken up from a dream.

I wasn't sure what it meant.

I looked around myself at the empty playground, a chilling breeze passing me by as the clouds overhead covered the sky in gray. Something didn't feel right. I had the suspicion of a shadow always lurking behind me - danger that I couldn't prove. Danger that I wasn't convinced was real, myself. I walked down the old cracked sidewalk, moving on from this empty abyss of a park, and allowing the shadow behind me to follow. The distant barking of dogs echoed through my ears, getting closer with each step I took away from it.

It sounded... Vicious. Protective. I looked behind me and there it was. A pure white hound chasing after me as fast as it could go. I didn't know what to do, so I began to run. Running through this forsaken town, not knowing which way was which, being chased after by what I thought to be something dangerous.

I hurled myself into a nearby tree, probably higher than any normal human could leap. The pure white dog kept barking incessantly. It was that moment I realized that it had a more desperate tone. I looked down at the poor fiend, looking into its black and red eyes, reading something more. Maybe something deeper. This shadow that followed me - the one I could never see - was this beast truly attacking me, or it? The animal almost pleaded with me, trying to beckon me down the tree to safety, but I refused again and again.

A light and furry tail brushed against my cheek, distracting me from it all. It was gentle and welcoming. A black cat up in the tree with me walked down the branch in a contented manner. All else faded away as I studied the silence and sleekness of the starkly ash coloured feline. As it turned to look at me with intrigue, I looked back at its featureless face, holding the same intrigue it held for me.

It called to me with promises of control. Control over myself, and the power to defend myself from all types of harm. I crawled towards the completely black cat. I knew the dog below was going ballistic, but its voice seemed muted, to the point I almost couldn't hear it anymore.

It didn't matter if the dog's intentions were good or not. The dog couldn't prove that. The cat, however, was... Settling. It put me at ease. It whispered what I've always wanted to hear in my ears, and it even taught me how to survive on my own. It told me everything I agreed with. It told me to snap off a branch. So I did.

I climbed down from the tree with an unsettled feeling resting in the pit of my stomach. The white hound's gaze looked vicious and fierce from this angle, but that gaze was no longer on me, as it laid solely on the black cat. The brilliantly white animal was consumed with rage, desperately trying to claw its way up the tree, to no avail as the sly feline watched me intently from safety.

I didn't have time to question things.
I knew what side I had to pick.
I knew what had to be done.
This cat knew so many things. So many secrets.
The dog had only chased me away for reasons I couldn't see.
And it didn't matter what reasons it had.
I grabbed the canine by the collar, and held it to the ground.

I raised my branch into the air.

I thought I might have woken up to the sky, or my house's ceiling. I only had the walls of a shadowy cave to look at. To my left, rocks. To my right... A demon. Ash black, he looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back. I chose him over the ones who said they'd protect me from dangers I had no proof of. I still felt sick - I'd hurt them. There was blood. I had destroyed all their hopes for me.

But he said it was okay.

(Thanks to Phadia Phadia for helping me develop this interesting character!)

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