Catching a Whisper Character Signup


One Time Luck
Here is where all the characters' profiles will be kept all neat and tidy ;3

It's simple really, just follow the skelly I've posted below, and reply with it filled in with your character's info.




Name: Demetra Griffin

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Occupation: Runaway Peasant

Personality: Being almost invisible for most of her life, Demetra has grown into a quiet and reclusive lifestyle. Unlike other peasants and beggars, she refuses to beg or take handouts from passersby. But very like her own people, Demetra will not stick up for herself in most instances where the need arises, but will instead roll with the punches.

Background: Growing up on the streets, Demetra remained a peasant until the night she escaped, making her a runaway and a criminal of the town she lived in. She's never really had any friends or ones she could call on for advice or support, and therefore has grown up alone and forgotten.



Name: Cole Dixen

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Occupation: Traveler

Personality: Quiet, but out going. Never being the first to take an action, Cole believes that he is a better supporter than a full on leader.

Background: Cole grew up in the wild. His father and mother moved from town to town, and sold their wares to make a living. However, at age 16, Cole decided he did not want the life of a merchant. He hated dealing with other people that wanted to scam them out of their money. So instead, cole decided he would be a gatherer. Hunting animals for their skins, and generally never entering a town, Cole learned to defend himself in the wild when needed. Bandits, wild wolfs, all had attacked him. He would either defeat them when he could, or knew how to run away better than any in the area's.


Name: Kalypso (Kali)

Age: 9 months

Gender: Female

Occupation: Runaway Prisoner

Background: All I can remember is growing up on the icy cold grounds of a science lab. I was chained up and everyday, scientists would just come and stare at me. Yeah, that's right, STARE! With their notepads and everything. One day, I said to myself, "I need to escape this prison! Its horrible!" So... I did! I pulled with all the might I had, and for the first time, the chains actually broke! I ran away and soon, found my self in a little village. Today, I still live in the village, hungry and not noticed. People will walk by me and not notice me, or my markings (wherever they came from). Not even a little kid will come up to me and say. "Look! A puppy!" Well first of all, I'm NOT, under any circumstances, a PUPPY! I'm a WOLF!


(( exactly does Kalypso tie into the plot? If you could make it a little more clear, I'd be okay. ^-^;; But I'm just not sure how your character will fit into the plot..))
Well she's a puppy who has escaped and trying to find a home. Soon she will find Demetra and join her on her journey to find a new home.
Name: Maggie May O'Hara

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: Primarily a pickpocket; Up for anyway to earn money just above prostitution.

Personality: Maggie's brother always joked that she had a sword in place of a tongue. She is very plucky and is unsatisfied with the role of a woman in that time period. Frail, delicate women annoy her and she is always happy whenever she has the chance to wear pants as opposed to her skirt. While she is something of a tomboy she wear her hair long, viewing it as her only real beauty. She is very protective of the people she cares about and if you are good to her she will defend you for life.

Background: Maggie lived with her older brother Collin and their abusive alcoholic father, her mother having died during childbirth. One day when Maggie was walking home from the market she found her brother being taken out of the house in chains, guilty for the murder of their father who only just the day before had brutally beaten Maggie. Maggie is currently trying to earn money either to pay the bale for her brother or to pay someone to help get him out.


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