Catch the Wind or Heat the Fire [Inactive]


Nicest Alien Around
Maykiri updated Catch the Wind or Heat the Fire with a new update entry:

People and Characters

This update is for everyone's benefit. This is where you can find a certain person and who they are playing, instead of having to scroll through the character sign-up. I hope everyone finds this helpful.


Character name (species;power)


Agatha Hellrune (Demon;purple)

Kelwin Lightraven (Angel;pink)

Tarin Eroin (Human)


Israfiel (Angel;pastelblue)

Raziel (Angel;lightgray)


Mikoto Shou...
Read the rest of this update entry...
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Agatha sat on the bed in most of her gear. She was in the process of pulling on her boots and starting to buckle them closed. She wore dark armor so she could blend in with the shadows better. Her armor consisted of heeled boots (not the dangerous kind) that went to her knees and buckled up the front length of them; dark latex pants that seemed to look poured onto her body; a black tanktop and a black corset that sat over the tanktop. She had a black leather jacket to finish it all off if she wanted.

As she finished buckling her boots, she picked up the sheath next to her and slid it into the top of her boot, the hilt of the knife sticking out and accessible. She did the same to the other side. Agatha stood then, strapping on her three thigh sheaths (on each thigh). She put on her belt that held more knife sheaths, but these rested against her back and were accessible as well. Lastly, she strapped on her biggest blade yet that sat diagonally on her back. Her hand raised to the necklace around her neck, her eyes closing before she grabbed her jacket, threw it on and started out the door. She had a war to win.

Kelwin sighed, pulling on her t-shirt. She smoothed it carefully, the color a dark pink to match her jeans that had the same poured on look. She sat on the floor and tugged on her bright pink converse, her favorite shoes. She stood again, grabbing a ribbon and pulling her hair back and tieing it off, a few shorter pieces escaping and falling into her face but she didn't care.

She grabbed her hammer, that looked bigger than her short frame and strapped it onto her back. She drew it a couple of times to make sure it was easy to access and then left it along on her back. She looked at herself in her mirror, holding her necklace in her hand and making sure nothing was out of place. She glanced at her aura, gave a sigh and nodded, grabbing her light pink leather jacket and headed out. She wanted to win the war, for him.

Tarin ran a hand through his hair, rocking on his feet quickly. He paced the room, eyeing the axe sitting on his bed, then the ring on his finger. He wasn't sure what it all meant, but for some unknown reason he felt like he had to fight in this war. The war that could very easily kill him the second he stepped onto the battle field. It was said many demons and angels were already gone as well as even more humans than that.

He chewed on his lip, grabbing his axe and strapping it to his back, taking a deep breath and started to the door only to pause. He turned and went back to his dresser, pulling open several drawers before stopping at one and pulling out a photo. It was him, with Agatha and Kelwin. They were all smiling and looked like they were happy. He slid it into his back pocket and grabbed his dark blue jean jacket and started out of his apartment, glancing back before closing the door fully.
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Israfiel & Raziel

Israfiel paced back and forth - Why did people take so long to get ready? She had only needed to fetch her sword, but Raziel apparently needed to do much more - Whatever she was doing, it had to be important, since it had taken her almost an hour.

I won't live forever, Israfiel thought, her impatience getting the best of her... Oh, wait. I might.

Raziel tapped on Israfiel's shoulder. Israfiel jumped a bit and turned around to see Raziel gripping the Mortal Sword in her left hand. Raziel looked much more powerful and intimidating with the blade in her hand - And while Raziel was only just taller than her, Israfiel feared her at times - Which she had usually found in things much bigger or stronger than her.

Then again, Raziel was quite strong, and she was not.

"Can you fly?" Raziel inquired - She started to poke and prod at Israfiel's wings. Israfiel laughed every time she was poked - Her wings were rather ticklish, and she thought Raziel knew that, but maybe she forgot. "Hey, cut that out! It tickles!" Israfiel tried to turn around, but Raziel was holding her wings in place. "Hey, something must have been lodged between some feathers, here," Raziel said, ignoring what Israfiel had said. She picked out a shard of metal and examined it. "Odd. How did this get here?"

Israfiel turned around. It seemed Raziel wasn't holding her in place anymore. "What's that?" Israfiel examined it closely. It was small, black and it was flashing red. Israfiel backed up as she noticed Raziel squish the thing between her fingers - Israfiel covered her eyes with one arm.

"Raziel, let me know when you're going to do something like that," Israfiel yelled, her eyes still covered with an arm. "You could have made me go blind if I got shards from that thing in my eyes!"

(My posts: Now with 46% more irrelevant things!)

Salim smirked as he walked around in his room. The war has already started and he wasn't the one who started it. This made Salim angry his dark brown eyes almost fading to black. "Wonder when I'll be back in power to finish my job corrupting the politicians" he thought to himself. After a few moments of pacing he turned to his door and opened it. The sun was bright and warm on his face. He looked back at the large shadow behind him. A large red eye opened up in the shadow. Salim grinned and the eye shut. He walked around slightly wondering where he should be going. "Guess I head for the battle field" he said out loud and started walking.

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Lucifer flew around in the Realms of the Humans, looking for something to cure his boredom. His father wanted him to participate in the war, but that could not be anywhere close to fun. Planning, strategy and being told what to do. No thank you. Instead he wished to look at the humans and how peacefully they were currently living their lives, what would happen if he wanted to give them some misfortune, how would the humans, who lived such short lives, react then?

Lucifer made a small gesture with his hand, making a truck crash head on into a smaller car, and it turned into an explosion. It took little time before the humans had gathered around, looking at the explosion and few helping.

"That is correct, humans value their own life over anything else. They will not risk their own life for strangers," Lucifer said, smirking at his small creation.
Noein stood at the edge of a tall hill. She was crouching down on her one knee, sitting in her leg, looking straight down at the city in front of her. Her scythe rests on her shoulder. She holds on to her scythe as she touches her brother's carved name on the handle with her thumb. She whispers to herself like she was praying.

Her wings went close together, whistling an old song she used to sing to her brother. "Hopefully, someday I get to see you. But when...?"

She sighs deeply, she has a soft expression look on her face but deep in her eyes are seriousness. "I swore I would help out. Defeat the evil. This is no ordinary war..." She repeated to her self. She stands, looking at her brother's name once more, soon looking at her ring.

Noein spreads her wings as she starts to hover over the ground.
And So it was this day that had finally arrived. Something that Naomi Amaya Had always known was bound to happen. The whispers of angels in her sleep had always told her a great war was coming. It was always her destiny, at least that's what she thought...or rather liked to think about it. Still the Day had come, and the entity's from the Heavens the Underworlds, and the Earths were preparing for a fight of their lives.

The girl sighed. She had been sharpening for hours, making sure the Blade of her scythe was cut just right, just fine, and Extremely Sharp as she wanted it to be. Her long white Hair Gently flooded over her back, softly pouring into the wind like water. Her eyes were sad as much as they were tainted by this worlds slow evolution, through its time. She closed them taking a deep Breathe and sighed, opening her eyes once more, as she slid the Rock against the Scythe's blade once more, letting off a few sparks off the tip. It made a light simple ting sound, like Music.

At the sound, immensely two tattered wings fluttered upwards, and a head lifted from her work, a very sharp toothy grin, with drool coming down the face, as well as the swirling and Lustful sensation in the eyes for something red and potent. Like Blood. "Has Naomi-San finished her beautiful sword?!" The Angel Chuckled, as her wings flickered like an insects would; stiff and Twitchy.

Naomi Nodded Standing and running her finger along the Blade before placing the scythe at her side, and looking down upon the town below her. "Yes...I have..." She muttered. Amora Leo fluttered over next to her dragging her sword on the roof top behind her like nothing. It wasn't Heavy and she didnt mind it much. "Is Naomi-san and Amori-chan going to go kill some monsters." Naomi shook her head turning to her 'friend' and looked over before she heard a loud explosion down below for which she heard just a moment ago.

"Ahhh!" The tattered winged girl covered her head looking over to the source as well as Naomi who gritted her teeth. "What was that!?" She asked a little shook up by the sound.

"An Explosion Just over by that street Corner!" Naomi Shouted with a light growl in her tone. "Come on! If we Hurry we can put out the fire in time and help them!" Naomi turned her Scythe around so it was facing upward and toward the Sky.It created just enough wind for her to rise and levitate somewhat off the roof, letting the wind carry her down. "AH! NAOMI-CHAN" Amora darted down, letting her sword disappear in a puff of light pink fog, grabbing her friend by her arms and quickly carried her down to the ground letting her down onto her feet. The young Girl darted off and Away down the street, eager to help any pained victims in need. Amora just followed after, with the wind sharply carrying there speed.
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Karael sat atop a building as a slight breeze caressed his wings which stretched out behind him white as newly fallen snow, cooling from the exertion of flight. Up so high and caught up in watching the humans so far below him it was easy to forget about the war which had brought him to his perch in the first place. But forgetting was futile; the war still remained regardless. Soon enough he'd have to summon his weapon and even sooner yet he'd have to fight. His purpose could not be fulfilled until the demons were conquered for once and for all, until then he was grounded to the Earth by his duty to the life the demons sought to destroy. Briefly he wondered if this war would finally be the last war, for as long as he cared to think back the demons had always clashed with the angels. "But does fighting ever really accomplish anything?" he pondered aloud, the question snagged away by the wind but still lingering in his mind. No answer rose to meet him, he had only ever known war for it's destruction and pain. He had watched the humans wage war against each other before and he cared not to think how much greater the stakes would be in this war, how much greater the casualties would no doubt be for angels, demons, and humans alike. For now he would enjoy the calm before the storm, absentmindedly he brushed dust off the suit he wore. It had been tailored specifically for him but like all human clothing he still found it to feel course and heavy; he missed his life in Heaven though he dared not say so aloud.

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