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Fandom Casual Partner Search


A Little Fruity
Usual here: first time member, long time roleplayer. Looking for some fun stories to create with others in my spare time. I won't bog you down with too many deets, but here's the basics:

  • No one-lining. I get bored and wander off if I don't have something compelling to work with. I personally tend to respond with 2+ paragraphs, per character.
  • Shorthand text talk is an immediate nope from me if it's used in an RP. Totally fine in OOC chatter, though.
  • I prefer romance. I'm a sucker. Doubling also makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That being said, it can't be the sole focus. Need substance!
  • Don't pester me for responses, and I'll treat you with the same courtesy. I'm not going to respond everyday and I don't expect you to.
  • PM RPs only, please and thank you.
  • Don't ever be afraid to pop ideas at me in the middle of our story. I love plot twists.
  • It goes without saying, but no god-moding or Mary/Gary Sues. Perfect characters are boring and lame, and controlling my character without permission is a huge peeve.

Le Fandoms. Characters in brackets are the ones I am looking for my partner to play. If it's bolded, I am craving it super hard and would love you forever if you asked about it:

  • Devil May Cry (V/Dante)
  • Mass Effect (Joker)
  • Final Fantasy 15 (Prompto)
  • MCU (Loki or Tony)
  • Stranger Things (Billy)
  • Gensomaiden Saiyuki (Sanzo)
  • Resident Evil 4 (Leon)
  • Dragon Age (Fenris)
Feel free to ask about other fandoms as well. These are just the ones at the front of my mind. ^_^

Please PM me your interests! Thanks, friends!
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Hey, I've been interested in an MCU roleplay lately. Practically dying for one. Was wondering if you'd be interested in doubling?
Usual here: first time member, long time roleplayer. Looking for some fun stories to create with others in my spare time. I won't bog you down with too many deets, but here's the basics:

  • No one-lining. I get bored and wander off if I don't have something compelling to work with. I personally tend to respond with 2+ paragraphs, per character.
  • Shorthand text talk is an immediate nope from me if it's used in an RP. Totally fine in OOC chatter, though.
  • I prefer romance. I'm a sucker. Doubling also makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That being said, it can't be the sole focus. Need substance!
  • Don't pester me for responses, and I'll treat you with the same courtesy. I'm not going to respond everyday and I don't expect you to.
  • PM RPs only, please and thank you.
  • Don't ever be afraid to pop ideas at me in the middle of our story. I love plot twists.
  • It goes without saying, but no god-moding or Mary/Gary Sues. Perfect characters are boring and lame, and controlling my character without permission is a huge peeve.

Le Fandoms. Characters in brackets are the ones I am looking for my partner to play. If it's bolded, I am craving it super hard and would love you forever if you asked about it:

  • Devil May Cry (V/Dante)
  • Mass Effect (Joker)
  • Final Fantasy 15 (Prompto)
  • MCU (Loki or Tony)
  • Stranger Things (Billy)
  • Gensomaiden Saiyuki (Sanzo)
  • Resident Evil 4 (Leon)
Feel free to ask about other fandoms as well. These are just the ones at the front of my mind. ^_^

Please PM me your interests! Thanks, friends!
Hey might I ask about a show aimed at little boys but stanned by teen girls? And I know it's weird, but yes I mean Lego Ninjago. If not I can play Loki in exchange for my Scruffy Asgardian baby, Thor.
Hey might I ask about a show aimed at little boys but stanned by teen girls? And I know it's weird, but yes I mean Lego Ninjago. If not I can play Loki in exchange for my Scruffy Asgardian baby, Thor.

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Lego Ninjago. :( But I'd be happy to double as Thor for ya! Hit me with a PM and we can hammer out some deets.

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