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Casual/Detailed Partner Search!


Bust :(

Hello! I'm looking for partners to role play some plots with! I posted pretty much the same thread earlier this week but had to delete it due to some format errors I was facing. Feel free to PM me or leave a reply!

no slide

  • MxF or FxF pairings work for me
  • For MxF pairings I prefer to be the male role
  • I'll write anywhere from 2-6 paragraphs
  • I prefer realistic face claims (if we do them)
  • I prefer third person P.O.V in past tense
  • I prefer PM role plays!


  • A minimum of 1 paragraph
  • Proper grammar and spelling (with the exception of errors, I'm sure I'll make some mistakes as well)
  • At least 3-5 replies a week
  • Willing to talk about the plot


Here are some plots that I found by searching through Google; I'm up for tweaking them, just tell me what you want to change!

*These plots contain romance but I don't want that to be the only focus of the role play; I would like it if we could discuss other things that could happen throughout the role play!

*Red means full as of now, sorry!

  1. Muse A and Muse B happen to be work rivals who can’t stand each other. Both attend a company sponsored cruise. But, when disaster strikes, Muse A and Muse B are the only survivors and end up marooned on a deserted island together. They will have to work together to survive and find their way home. Will romance bloom between the two? Will they form a friendship? Or will these two continue to hate one another.
  2. When Muse A went out to the bar, they never expected to come home with anyone, least of all Muse B , who they aren’t actually sleeping with; rather, they rescued Muse B from an unsavoury situation at the bar. Maybe someone was trying to get them into a back room, maybe they were about to get their face beaten in, whatever the reason, Muse A brings them home so they can sleep it off, bundling them up in their bed or on the couch until the following morning. (starting point, can go somewhere else from here)
  3. Muse A and Muse B are neighbors who have been consistently annoyed by the others habits, but have never actually met each other. One day, Muse A gets is finally fed up and goes to give Muse B a piece of their mind.
  4. Muse A is very well known on campus for their looks and grades. Muse B on the other hand is your typical college student that doesn't care about the latest gossip. One day when Muse A and Muse B were walking home together after their common class, they found out they lived in front of each other.
  5. Muse A is a workaholic who values nothing but work. They don’t talk to anyone in their family, they have no social life, and their love life is non-existent. Several years ago, they made a decision to choose their career over love, and they’ve been alone ever since. However, one day everything changes. Muse A goes to sleep on Christmas Eve after a long night of work. When Muse A wakes up, it is Christmas Morning, but their life is vastly different. Muse A finds themselves living the life they would’ve lived if they’d made the other choice. Muse A finds it awkward at first, and Muse B wonders why Muse A is acting so strange. But, as Muse A plays their part, they begin to want the life they never had. After going to sleep, they wake up back in their old life, with a choice to make. Do they keep everything as it is, or do they seek out Muse B and see if they can make things right?
  6. Muse A lands a part-time job at the local ice cream shop for the summer. Though the pay is better than minimum wage, Muse A’s not enthused to spend sunny afternoons inside, scooping cones for bratty kids and demanding customers while their friends are catching waves at the beach. To make matters worse, the shop manager’s a little weird and Muse A’s sole co-worker is standoffish for no apparent reason, making the work environment pretty awkward. The first few shifts seem to crawl along for Muse A, causing them to contemplate quitting before their starting week is up. Muse A’s outlook begins to change, however, when Muse B strolls into the shop. Muse B is a relative of the manager and the last new hire of the season. Muse B is cool to Muse A (unlike their other co-worker), always lending a hand when Muse A makes a mistake or taking the blame whenever the manager is looking to scold someone because Muse B knows their relative won’t fire them. Muse A and Muse B become good friends in a short span of time, happily spending hours hanging around the shop even when one of them’s not scheduled to be at work. They make the most of their slow summer together.
  7. A group of campers (or counselors) decide to play an initiation prank on a new camper (or counselor) at the start of camp festivities. After lights out, when Muse A is fast asleep, the group grabs Muse A out of bed and makes haste to the lake. When Muse A awakens to the sound of raucous laughter, they’re startled to suddenly be adrift in a canoe in the middle of the dark, deep lake waters without a paddle. Despite Muse A’s pleas that they can’t swim, the group leaves Muse A out on the lake for the night, stating they’ll be back by morning. When the group returns at dawn, they’re confused to see that Muse A is gone. They quickly fish the canoe out of the lake and can only assume that Muse A got to shore on their own. The day goes by and no one sees Muse A around camp, nor has anyone in the group gotten into trouble for the prank they all pulled. The group begins to worry that something might’ve gone wrong; maybe the prank went too far. Muse B, the leader of the group insists that Muse A will turn up eventually; everyone agrees to keep the prank a secret.. at first. Several days pass and the group is unable to keep covering for the missing camper ( or counselor) and paranoia starts to spread when it seems like someone is following them around camp; Muse B is worried most of all, since the prank was their idea. Little do they know that Muse A isn’t missing, but hiding, and plotting revenge against them all.
  8. Muse A is enrolled at a prestigious spy training academy. The only way for students to get in to this school is to be recommended by their parents who have attended; the location of the school moves each year to keep the academy a secret from outside threats. Muse A meets their training partner, Muse B, during first day orientation and they are informed that they must be paired until graduation. Each day they take part in combat classes, tech classes where they learn to create and utilize spy gadgets, escape simulations, physical and mental fitness exams, etc. Students are informed that their final exams will consist of a field mission that is truly life/death, so they better get along with their partner.
  9. Muse A and Muse B are part of a tight-knit group of friends who are daredevils. Every Friday night the group gets together in search of their next big thrill. Their favorite pastime is partying on the train tracks on the border of their humble town. There’s nothing quite like the rush of feeling the hard, metal tracks vibrate underneath them as the train comes barreling around the bend. Sometimes they run alongside the train as it rushes by and jump on, hitching a ride to the next town over. Sometimes they climb to the top of the train and jump off into the town’s reservoir for a late night swim. One night, the gang’s party unexpectedly gets broken up by the cops and everyone scatters. Muse A and Muse B head off in the same direction, but Muse A is the one who gets nabbed. It turns out that the police have been monitoring the tracks following reports of delinquent behavior in the last month. As hard as they push Muse A to identify their friends, Muse A refuses to cooperate and they end up taking the fall alone. Muse A is sentenced to a short term in jail and Muse B is the only friend that takes the risk to visit. Muse A and Muse B’s bond grows exponentially over the course of the sentence, developing into something deeper than friendship.
  10. Eager to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life for the weekend, Muse A retreats to the great outdoors for a little camping. Determined to spend the entire trip “off the grid”, Muse A shuts off their cell phone before setting off to find the best spot to pitch their tent. As the sun starts to set and the temperature in the woods begins to drop, Muse A is struck with the realization that they’ve left something important in the trunk of their vehicle [blankets, matches, cooking supplies, etc.]. Muse A tries to hurry back to the car while there’s still some daylight, but it’s not as close to the camp site as they thought and it isn’t long before they get lost. Breaking their own no-tech rule when they start to panic, Muse A is only able to get GPS signal on their cell phone for a few minutes before the battery dies.Luckily, Muse B is camping just a few yards away from where Muse A winds up. It’s Muse B’s first time camping and they can’t help but be startled by every snap of twig or rustle of leaves they hear around them. When they hear Muse A nearing their camp site, they’re relieved to have some company.


  • Gang Rivals
  • Bad/Good x Bad/Good
  • Pretty much any pairing really, talk to me about any ideas you have!

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I'm rather interested in plot 5 if it's still open. It's kinda like "It's a wonderful life" meets "Scroog" type of thing. xD I'd like to play the wife of the man who's the workaholic. :)

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