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So I've never used a site like this and I'm pretty inexperienced in serious roleplays, as well as severely out of practice as is, but I'll give you a run down of my thoughts.
I'm kind of just looking for a casual, in-character chat sort of set up. Something where I can act in character but we can mostly build our story together through chatting and not so much of the wordy, in depth plot building. I don't know if this is out of the traditional scope of things, I'm really just looking to try this out as a break from reality.
I'd like to keep this 1x1, as again I'm very out of practice with roleplaying, but I'm also easily overwhelmed (lol). My main interest is in the Harry Potter fandom (myself being Harry), as to who you'd like to roleplay as is your own choice, but I would prefer for it to be another canon character. The details besides this are something we can discuss if you're interested. If you have questions, feel free to ask, but yeah that's the gist of it.
This idea sounds sort of cool :) very different from what people normally want. I RP occassionally as Hermione so that's an option if you'd like.

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