Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP)

Satellite Skin

Junior Member

After a flight to another country goes awry, a group of six young adults find themselves stranded on a deserted island. The pilot of the plane died on impact, leaving the group to defend for themselves with no possible form of communication. Deep in the jungle eerie sounds can be heard at night, but no one knows exactly what's watching them. They survived the crash, now they just have to survive the island.


- Only five boys and five girls for now. (I will add more if there is a ton of interest.

- Two character per person. (You don't have to play two, but you can only play up to two.)

- Romance is encouraged, but follow the site rules please.

- As the site states, no one liners. I want at least a solid paragraph or two please.

- Only characters between the ages of 18 and 23 please. This is suppose to be a young adult trip.

- Please actually write something for your characters appearance, don't just post a picture.










- Anna-Marie Fahey






Hunter Levy

- Travis Walker

Raevum Aerlem



Name: Anna-Marie Fahey

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Anna is pretty thin, with hardly much curves and a small bust. She has slightly tanned skin with a few freckles here and there. Her blonde hair is kept mid length, falling just above her shoulders. Her big round eyes are a light blue color, lined with the thinnest amount of eyeliner. She typically wear earth toned clothing and loves the outdoors.


Anna is pretty shy and rather emotional. It doesn't really take much to set her off, but it is something she has been trying to work on for a while now. She's not much of a people person, but it's a different story than Blair's. Well Blair just hates people; Anna is more of a bookworm type and would rather sit at home reading than go out with friends. One of her biggest flaws is that she trusts way too easily and she has a bad habit of being gullible.
Name: Travis Walker


Gender: M

Appearance: Black hair, deep blue eyes, svelte body type, wears white t shirts and jeans

Personality: Laid-back, funny, Tries to make things better with a joke. He tries to push bad feeling out and get serious when things get really bad.

Others: Carries a long knife with him, it comes in handy.
Name: Hunter Levy

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark blonde hair almost light brown, falls just before his eyes. Has dark blue eyes, an even darker shade around the edge. His clothes consist of jeans and t-shirts, casual wear. He has some muscle, not ripped or overly muscular.

Personality: He has a soft side that comes out more often than not. He is brave, bold, and a bit more quiet as he thinks before he acts. Occasionally he thinks way too much before he acts and loses his chance at taking any action. He loves to be outdoors and was taught well how to survive in the wild growing up. He protects the people he cares about and is a very good fighter (fighting is probably the only thing he does really well without thinking about it too much). He likes to take relationships slow but if he falls, he falls for real, seriously and will protect them the best he can which is really well. He would never take advantage of anyone but sometimes will misjudge someone's intent or purpose

Other: Has no weapons on him but is good with a knife. He has a family and a dog back home that he really hopes and wants to get back to.
Name: Xavier 'Zane' Maine

Age: 17 nearly 18

Gender: female

Appearance: Zane has a devious little heart shaped face that always seems to be poking its button nose into some kind of trouble, you can tell from the little scars pretty much everywere on her petite person, she is pretty short with a large, Chinese dragon tattoo on her back, circling its tail around her waist ad resting its red her upon her tiny shoulders, she has a Chinese/Japanese heritage. Zane has long dark hair, it depends on the lighting because sometimes her hair looks jet black, others a simple dark chocolate. Her clothing mostly consists of a blazer, a black tee shirt, glow-in-the-dark suspenders with a pair of hard wash roped skinny jeans

Personality: She is a bit hardheaded and blunt, but she is surprisingly caring, given her rough past of abuseful patents and cruel significant others, she prefers not to talk about her past, but she has a childish film over most everything she does and says, but she has specific triggers that make her want to just be alone. She is a very touchy-feely girl who doesn't really care tat most people don't like being touched


Name: Raevum Aerlen

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Raevum was about 5'10 as far as anyone was concerned, keeping a cloak on usually kept the elements away, and he had a hoody he kept down unless it was needed in rain, hail, or snow. His eyes were that of a deep red, more of a rosewood shade of red. As well as black hair that went down a far as the base of his shoulder blades, usually he kept the tip held together in a little ponytail. His strength wasn't the best, only fair looking through a life in the woods lands, his muscles more adapted to long terms of straining activity then that of heavy lifting. His shirt was a dark green long sleeve shirt that was loose on his, usually looking a little wrinkly on his arms because of it being too large for him. His pants were black and too large also but not too long, a belt made of brown leather held it up at his waist. He usually tries to keep a sense of direction so he doesn't get lost. Usually his eyes wandering his surroundings to understand situations.

Personality: Raevum is usually a rather amiable person, sticking to the brighter side of thigns when he can. Especially in a wilderness he is familiar with, like the outdoors. He likes to be someones friend and earn their trust. Feeling like everyone deserves the same respect equally despite race, gender, or age. He likes to learn and doesn't mind being told he isn't doing something right or what he learned is either inferior or wrong in the terms of how they would do it. His only problem is he might be more towards small talk if he doesn't know the person. usually assuming people are too busy to mind him or he is simply too nervous to strike up a converstation.

Other: his right shoulder is dislocated from the crash, and he is pretty badly bruised, he had some minor internal bleeding in his right lung but it isn't life threatening so long as he can expel the blood through coughing, he just doesn't know about the bleeding yet.

((P.S. Sorry about postiing before using the sheet, i'm really new to this but i'm getting the knack for how this works.))
((WantYourSoul: Please reread the rules. It states that all characters must be between the ages of 18-23. Also, I'm very sorry, but your character comes off very mary-sue. Also, no hair changing colors please. I can't stand when people do it with eyes or hair. Of course all hair looks slightly different depending on the lighting, but... I don't know. She just seems very mary-sue. I don't want to sound mean, but I just don't want characters like that in my RP.

Raevum: It's completely okay, don't worry about it! xD I just joined a few days ago and was extremely confused myself. Most RPs I do have the character sheets right in the beginning not in a completely different forum. xD You're in though! ^^))
((Grr I need to have those five posts in, i havent ried to do it much yet :/ ))

((Heres number five, shh..))
( at satellite skin

okay, I thought she was good enough and not too Mary-sue-y. I'm too lazy to bother to actually make it better, because, well, just because. )
((I want another girl in the RP, just tone down the whole "she's super tiny" and all that and I think she'd be fine. That and the hair thing.))
( Okay. I'll make her into another of my female OCs. I also had eighteen written, but if forgot and changed it to seventeen by mistake, so, yeah. I'll fix that up when Ivey off my iPod. That's what I've been writing on for a while, explaining shorter posts ;_; )
:( Sigh... I'm loving this Lord of the Flies type setup, but I'm just really not confident in my ability to role play as a female character.

Any chance you'll break your rules and let me make a dude, or am I going to have to hold out on this one? :/
Hmm... I know a few people are unhappy with the setup right now, because of the fact that I'm the only girl, but sure, I don't care I guess. xD
I don't think it's a problem personally. I just don't want to be bothering anyone with a set up they feel should have more females. I would gladly accept anyone no matter their gender :P I like this going places one way or the other.
I think I'll just take away the gender ratios and allow whomever to join. I only did that, because the old site where I use to RP I get like ten people to join, but they'd all play females and we'd have one boy whom their characters all fought over. xD I've never had this problem before with guys. xD
Well ain't that silly :P I always thought it to be the other way around, I don't think we'll argue. I think this will be really fun..I don't know about fun for our characters though =P
Oh, that's awesome! thanks for letting me join. Hopefully this character is up to snuff-

Name- Adrian Halloway

Age- 19

Appearance- Clothed in punk band tee shirts and ripped jeans, Adrian looks like your prototypical youth in revolt. His dark brown cascades down to the nap of his neck in a hap-hazard fashion, with a practiced non-nonchalance, that gives off the impression that he rolled out of bed and didn't worry too much about his look. Adding to this perception is the light stubble creeping in and covering the lower half of his face. His average stature - roughly 5.9 ft tall - makes the slightly underweight boy seem less small then he actually is. All of these details, however, are simply supporting facts, all there for the sole purpose of highlighting his intriguing eyes. One is a stark, icy light blue, whereas the other is a dark, soothing brown. (This is called heterocromia. It actually is a quirk certain people have.)

Other- Adrian is from a rich family, but he almost completely rejected his family's elitist attitude when he turned 15 and stumbled upon the Chicago (his hometown's) music scene, which included tons of bands who wrote about things like poverty, the underprivileged, and the downtrodden. since then, he has developed in to a prototypical teenage activist. He may come off as gruff, rude and irritating individual to some, but if you look past his exterior clothing you will find a man who has a lot of wonderful ideas, and a person who is very opinionated. Adrian utilizes a large amount of sarcasm some people might love, and others might hate. That sums him up wonderfully: he is a love/hate individual. take it or leave it.
Bawahaha, true, very true. Less unneeded drama? xD

You're in logan! :D He's great, join in the RP whenever you want. Not much has happened really. Everyone was kind of thrown from the plane when it crashed, but shortly after it exploded. Our characters are sort of in the jungle part of the island.
Name:Cole Collen



Appearance:Cole stands about 6'1",brown,shaggy hair with light blue eyes. He wears a white tank top with a dark green,long sleeve jacket over it that's slightly torn at the bottom along with simple bell bottom jeans with two belts,one with a pouch hanging on it.He has gloves that match his jacket,the fingers cut off halfway and wears square lensed goggles around his neck with a necklace that has a vile with pills hanging from it.

Personality:Doesn't like people very much so he doesn't talk much,but he is very sweet when you get to know him.

Other:He tends to have seizures often thanks to a medical condition he has,also causing many other problems along with it.
Alright, here's the list of cryptids I found. There's all sorts of different creatures on there. Some are explained, some are not. Just post your favorites I guess. You don't need to use something from there though. If you think of something else, just explain it. xD


Personally, I like the idea of the Aswang. It's a vampire-like creature that can shapeshift. That fact alone could be really cool to play out, because maybe it could find them somehow and shapeshift into the different characters? It could practically go almost undetected. Maybe it could be more of a... Trickster kind of creature that wants to mess with everyone to try and get people against one another? Something along those lines?

Here's the whole wiki to it if you're interested.
I like the Aswang idea. it would work well in the RP, good idea.

But also Lizard people? Haha Well, just a thought anyways.

Moreover than the previous suggestion, how about the jackolope? They could probably hunt them and they have better meat than regular rabbits. It has antlers and feathers too, which might be useful, I guess.

I mean this link: Sorry my copy/Paste is all outta whack.

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