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Fantasy Castaway|OPEN|werewolves/vamps needed


The Lone Wolf




"Oh, the ridiculous things one has to do when one is a pirate."
~Tricia Levenseller

Pirates, royals, and creatures of the sea and night fill the land of Ladina. Pirates fight for gold, plunder villages, and terrorize royals. The creatures of the sea were seen as folktales yet many sightings have confirmed that the treacherous siren is indeed real. They keep to their pods deep in the sea and come to sing their haunting songs to send people to their watery deaths. The creatures of the night stalk the villages and royals each race yearning for power, some already in power and ready to expand. The royals must defend their lands and overpower the forces that wish to take their power. Will they succeed or will they be castaway?


~Please use your common sense, even if this world uses magic please make sure it's realistic.
~Take OOC talk to OOC
~If you have questions please ask them
~This is a first come first serve roleplay there are limited position so everything is equal
~Please follow all rpn rules
~Don't power game or metagame, it just isn't fun
~Please write at least 1 good paragraph, but aim for at least 2
~Please be active!!!
~Try to have connections with other characters before the rp starts, so just ask someone if they want to be associated, whether it be good or bad terms
~Please have a face claim, I don't care if it's drawn, animated, or real life.
~Don't be overpowered! I don't care how many powers you have just make sure there are equal weaknesses or ways to be beaten
~More than one character per person is encouraged but not mandatory
~Please be kind
~Try to not hinder the rp if you have to leave for the day/night
Positions and Races

Total of 6 Kingdoms (two non-magical kingdoms), each with a king, queen, prince and or princess

Creatures of the Sea
Sirens (4)
Selitia Selitia

Mermaids (10)

Creatures of the night
GaugetheRage GaugetheRage

Heavenchi Heavenchi
Royal blooded (4)
Prince: mauverie mauverie

Werewolves (10)
Royal blooded (4)
Princess: bxbydoll bxbydoll
Prince: Selitia Selitia

Demons (10)
Knight: RedLeftHand36 RedLeftHand36
Ticl Ticl

Devils aka royal blooded (4)
King: Japanime Japanime
Queen: Neo Alice Neo Alice
Prince: Webs Elk Webs Elk
Princess: ghostvillage ghostvillage

Magical (8)
Princess(1): Selitia Selitia
Prince(1): GioGioReq GioGioReq
Knight(2): SeraDomiCher SeraDomiCher

Non-Magical (20)
Princess(2): Fluffy-Kat Fluffy-Kat and bxbydoll bxbydoll
SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck

Selitia Selitia

Character thread

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Could I claim the Demon King?
Hey, all I've decided to put up the character sheet. I feel as if we have a decent amount of characters to start character development. I will tag you all when it's up.
Interested! Probably either have a main in werewolves royalty or non-magical royalty, but not sure as of yet until I make a character sheet
Interested! Probably either have a main in werewolves royalty or non-magical royalty, but not sure as of yet until I make a character sheet
Ok! You can have 2 characters if you'd like. I'll post the in character thread here.
I'm interested. Could I claim Demon Prince?

I'll probably make a second as well but I don't know yet

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