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Fandom * careful... i bite [ bg3 search ~ ]


New Member
hello and welcome to my search thread! i’m going to make the ooc stuff as quick as possible so we can get to plotting and such sooner rather than later. i don’t require a code word or anything to prove you’ve read this but let’s be honest, it’ll just be easier if you do! (:

i’m nina, central time zone in the usa, my pronouns are she/her and i’m lgbtqia+ friendly! if you’re comfortable, please share your pronouns with me and what you prefer to go by. all writers and main characters ( save for npcs ) must be over the age of 18, no exceptions to this whatsoever. i’m honestly not comfortable playing minors and ensuring you’re an adult is a given due to possible subject matter. i’ve got over a decade of writing experience and will be more than happy to share a sample should you want one. i write male and female characters with equal confidence ( trans and non-binary characters as well, the more diverse the better! ) and love elements of romance should the story call for it. plantonic and queer relationships are all acceptable and encouraged.

please note, i do have a LIFE outside of roleplay, this is my hobby, so please do not harass me for replies, all it will do is make me not want to do it. i can usually give you at bare minimum, a reply every other day, sometimes up to multiple times a day depending on my schedule and the length of the piece. i’m also ditch friendly, if you’re not vibing with it anymore, godspeed! sometimes writers just don’t click and that’s cool. i don’t require a set word count per post either, as long as it’s something I can reply to. i can use real, anime or no face claim for ocs, it really just depends on what you’re comfortable with. character sheets aren’t required but they can be fun if needed! I also love to build aesthetics around my OCs ( playlists, pinterest boards, etc ) but of course, you don’t have to, just don’t be surprised when i start lobbing these things in your direction. (:

i also don’t have much in the way of limitations, so let me know what yours are off the bat. I’m also not opposed to writing on site or through other mediums but discord is my fav for organization purposes.

if you have any additional questions, please let me know and let’s do this thing!


currently, i am looking for writing within BALDUR'S GATE 3, more specifically BLOODWEAVE but will be down for any other side pairings. i can play gale or astarion, and feel pretty comfortable playing any of the other canon characters you'd like if you want to double.
when it comes to tavs, i'm not opposed to writing opposite yours but please please have a cool story to go along with your character! mostly because i am a nosy bitch and i want to know what you've come up with ~


* i’d prefer to be pm’d to keep the thread clear for bumps but replies here are fine too. hope to hear from you all soon!!

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