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Multiple Settings Care for a one on one? [semi-lit]


New Member
It's plag.

// Personal // how I write, what to expect
I used to do short roleplays 3-4 years prior then stopped during the start of uni when things got hectic. Really took a liking to it but never really got in deep enough to do any novella plots, trilogies, or the like. Now I'm trying to get back my head back in the game. Skill level not high, but I'm not clueless either.
My grammar isn't perfect. x-x
I'm normally not a length-based writier.
Usually it would be 2-3 paragraphs, but they are considered by me to be solid. I like things to be concise- no fillers, everything meant everything.
Roleplaying is hobby for me, I would love to take a more experimental and relaxed approach towards it. Reply times will not be resolutedly frequent, ranging from 2-4 times per week. If things come up, I'll not leave you hanging. If I do, feel free to give me a nudge.
I'll appreciate if you're open to communicate your ideas and sometimes give a little feed back, doesn't have to be much, a general direction you want the RP to go in would already be great. I'm hoping to learn the ropes and become more literate and detailed so I'll consider any kind of advice constructive. When I'm not sure about things I'll be open about it, if you're comfortable feel free to do the same.
I mostly play male leads.
Sides can be whomever. romantic pairings are only mxm any other types of relationship (friends, etc) are not fixed. RP does not need to include romance.

// current interests // not constrained by genre, very flexible
something with power play, mental manipulation, and a little bit of getting under the skin.
- some out of this world, first class absurd, like waking up with an extra head
- something that deals with decay and rot, of the mind, of the fictional setting, destruction. creation.
- shape shifters, werewolves, the ultimate guilty pleasure of mine
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