Can't We Just Learn?

@Kai Ghoul @SimplyCarnage @Kordxna @Dys

If you all are still up for being a part of our RP, we've moved the students to New York now so it's basically a fresh start for everyone. It'll be a lot easier for you to integrate in with the role-play instead of having to try and jump into chaos. :)

Just wanted to tag everyone so they could see the new thread for Washington High.
I'm really impressed with the first post haha, nice. I'll make a couple CS's for my old characters, since I only have around three now.
Thanks guys.

I'm probably going to continue working on that first post though. Fix it up every once in a while. xD
I went ahead and posted Demi, she's back bitches!!! Lol, I'm just happy Kai didn't kill her off now, since she would work very well with Butch or maybe another female that isn't scared to get their hands dirty. I'm very curious on the schools name btw, we all going to the same school?
Yay to Demi!

I actually have no idea what the school will be called so Carnage you have to privilege of thinking up a name for it. xD
Lmfao, hell no, these kids have been through enough Kai! I'm thinking more along the lines of 'Black Forest Academy' so it could house dorms for the students transferring from Washington, among other places.
I'm down for that to be honest... Expecting these kids to move without living arrangements would be retarded, haha.
I like Black Forest Academy.

The idea of dorms sound a lot better than the original idea we had. xD
Hi, guys. ^0^

Yeah, I'm down for that idea. to write up the forms, along with the other characters I'm using.. lol i'm going to make too many characters

Also, if it's a posh school with dorms, do they wear uniform? (In England we mostly wear uniform anyway, but I don't think it's as common in America)
It seems that everyone I was doing scenes with has disappeared. Not sure what I should do.

Right now I'm on my phone and I just came back from a concert so I don't want to type out the CS now but I'll do it in the morning.
Uh, so, I tried to post a form after Syo's, but it didn't show up? And then any post i made after that in the CS section wouldn't show up, either

@Kordxna They mightn't have seen the thread yet, so there's still time for them to post here.
Yeah thats my fault spooks.

I need to fix it.

At the end of your cs put:



Then it'll work.

Kor if they disappeared you can always start it over. Don't have to be post locked.

As for uniforms that's a good question.

Should they wear them?
Ah, alright. Thanks ^^

I think it would fit, if they're being moved to a school with dorms and stuff it'll probably be slightly more posh? So they're likely to have uniforms. (That's usually the case over here, anyway.) But hey, it's up to you guys.

i brb

Actually, gtg

But i'll be back soon
The Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee- jk (although thats where i basically got the idea from, and it is a good song)

I'm not even sure if it'd really be a cult

i mean

there's the narcissistic leader who believes she needs to spread the message of ''HTE ACTUAL AND TRUE GOD'' who only accepts people who believe in constantly being happy into their weird utopia thing (even tho you're only really pretending to be happy since you obviously cant always be happy)

they do chants n shit

and anyone who leaves the group is seveeeerely shunned (they make you cut off ties to your family anyway so)



i dont even know a lot about cults

never been in one, tbh xDDD

also who wants to see drunk syo at some point

''high school more like..'' *hiccup, mumbles something* ''..dumb school. heh HAH''

It worked at first, but when I added Rin/Aric's forms, it isn't working, even with the tabs thing added?
Nope, nothing. I might need someone to post something on there so it can work again, lol. xD

nm, got it working!

Alright. Still working on Nami's form and fixing it up for this. I have no idea what in the world kind of secret she'd have though. xD
''Secret: She likes windows.''

''NO SHIT!''

I still have onneeee more character to do

not sure how much she'll be used but
I figured out what her secret would be. xD

I'm going to put one more guy named Boo. He's sort of a killer so I think he'll fit in here perfectly.
You'll see. xD

I just have to fix up his background a bit since I've used him before and he originally lived in New York so why not use him?

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