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Can someone draw me?


Running, always running and never stopping.....

Now please do not think me a beggar for artistic integrity here, but I am not the greatest artist; my skills are in graphics design and photo editing not making things from scratch. I am good on a sketchbook but not so much with a mouse when it comes to drawing something from the ground up. I would very much like a picture drawn of me, anime style or otherwise....

Early 18th century London clothing and style mayhaps? I loved the style back then.

Here is a pic of me for reference:


Kind of an older pic, I am a bit skinnier now, but you get the basics.

I would like this drawing done just to have a universal character sketch I can use for various things rather than find pics on the internet or edit others. Do this for me, and I will be so happy. Feel free to draw me in different styles and clothes if you have that much time on your hands.

In return I will owe you a favor. My skills include Photoshop artwork of any kind such as sigs and avatars or editing, writer and great roleplayer if you need someone in your RP, I can sing you a song too, I'm a great singer! Or possibly some kind of payment can be arranged somewhere down the line maybe.

Thank you! Take all the time you need.

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