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Two Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Okay, consider this a social experiment. As I have noticed, most people are very fond of romances and will often bend storylines to make them as such or imply that people are more than friends. Whether this is because they lack romance in their own life or are a die-hard romance writer, I don’t judge, but quite frankly overly romantic roleplays are not my cup of tea. So, without further adieu, welcome to my thread.

(btw the “+” means friendship, no romance exists here, nor will it ever)

Best Friends Section (take your pick)
-Nerdy + sporty
-Shy + outgoing
-Uptight + relaxed
-Motherly + doesn’t need it but actually needs it
-Couldn’t live without + the same but toned down a bit

Parents/Mentors/Guardians Section (one of my personal favorites)
-Adopted child + adopted parent(s)
-Struggling student + understanding teacher
-Well meaning squire + gruff ol’ knight who never learned how to accept help
-Mean ol’ necromancer + the apprentice that melts their heart
-New recruit + commanding officer

Miscellaneous (fancy word for a junk drawer)
-Dragon + trainer
-Survivors of a zombie apocalypse
-Violinist + pianist
-Artist + author
(Adding some more later)

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