Campaign idea: The Key to the Empire


New Member
I will just mention the plot of the campaign, give away some tips and stuff. Anyone who wants to contribute to the idea and/or give me feedback on the idea (both good and bad), feel free to do so. It will be very appreciated. Remember that this is a very rough sketch of the campaign.

I created this campaign with new players in my mind. It will give them a feeling of the different places in Creation and a better understanding for the world of the Exalted. Another positive thing is that it can be either very short, very long or however the Storyteller wants it to be.

An Outcaste contacts the players and needs them to help him with something. He promise them money, power and glory. The only thing he wants in return is four stones and an artifact, but it may be a dangerous journey. They will have to travel to each and everyone of the elemental poles and there they should find what he wants. (Through puzzles, dungeonbashing or anything else up to the ST to decide. Maybe it's a tomb that cannot be entered unless a relative of the dead one(s) let them enter? He probably got a quest for the players.)

Do not worry, I know how players work. Most characters will ask a lot of questions:

"Why can't you do this yourself?"

- Simple. The Outcaste can't walk. He sits in a wheelchair and he also claims that he's more of a politician than an adventurer. Even though he claims that he's a cripple, he really isn't. He's not a politician either, he's a sorcerer.

"Why do you want these things?"

- This may be a trickier question. Many players understand that artifacts and such that's placed by the elemental poles are quite powerful.

Claiming that he's a collector may work with new players, but the more experienced Exalted players may be harder to work with. It's up to the ST.

More questions may come, but I won't go through any possible question.

If the player's accept, they'll have to travel. Got any good side-quests in your head? Go ahead. Something is bound to happen when they travel across the entire creation. Maybe every young girl in a village in the great forests of the east have been kidnapped by barbarians? Throw anything interesting at your players instead of time-jumping to every location.

The artifact is a white jade glove on the top of the Imperial Mountain and has settings for each elemental stone from the poles. Together, they form a key to the Imperial Manse,and on top of that, the glove and the stones gives the wielder tremendous power.

When the Outcaste gets his hands on the key, let him enter the Imperial Manse. For the mood, it should be a stormy night with thunder and rain, though that's just my opinion. When the player's arrive at the scene, they find the guards slaughtered and the doors to the Imperial Manse opened.

Groups of soldiers and Dragon Blooded's of every kind have followed the dangerous Outcaste and as everyone probably knows, the Imperial Manse is full of nasty traps and deadly guardians. This may get sweaty for the Solars.

I picture the control room at the top of the manse and that there's a throne in the middle of the room that protects the owner. There are surely a lot of First Age devices in here that let's the owner control the security system.

A bloody last battle? Probably. How does this end? I'll leave that up to you. As I said, it's a rough sketch.

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