Camp Half-Blood

Alright should I tag people when we are finished or just do an update thingy?
Alright so we have children of










:D Doing a quick type list of ages and stufff so hold up 
There is:

Rain - @Lovable Dark-side able - 15 - Nada

Errien - @Lovable Dark-side - 17 - Eros

Hollow - @Lovable Dark-side - 17 - Persephone

Noah - @kirito1337 - 17 - Ares

Satomi - @kirito1337 - 19 - Zeus

Pandora - @a writer - 20 - Artemis (This one is sketchy to me because Artemis is virgin and refuses guys)

Zeus: Rain (Ask Forgotten if she wants to or not, if so, Rain is Cabin leader, if not, Satomi is)

Aphrodite: Ian (If I don't want Ian to be Cabin leader, it's Greogry (Pastaa's charrie) then Nichole (Mine))

Erebos: Drew (Has to be)

Athena: Avery (If not Avery, Asuna, then Noah then Anastasia)

Hades: Seth (If ForgottenBlood Doesn't want to, it's Blake (Mine))

Ares: Ashton (If I don't want to, it's Kirigaya)

Apollo: Preston (has to be)

Posideon: Zax or Brandon (Has to be)

Nada: Silicy (Has to be)

Eros: Errien (Has to be)

Persephone: Hollow (Has to be)

Khione: Lian (Has to be)
Well, we need final words from all of them :D I hope they are gonna post in here saying "I'll be leader" or "I won't"
Forgotten hasn't even posted in the rp yet, So should I take up the role of Cabin leader for Zeus's cabin? 
Zeus: Unknown

Aphrodite: (Either @kirito1337 message me and we'll discuss if you should have this role. :D Because you did say you take a while to rp. Final decision is Nico's though)

Apollo: Preston

Posideon: Zax

Nada: Silicy

Eros: Errien

Persephone: Hollow

Khione: Lian
Nah, that should be fine, I would like to have The role of Cabin leader for Zeus though just because of certain things that happened in to Lightning in the past, and seeing as Forgotten has two characters that are the first in line to be cabin leader, but that's if it's okay with forgotten.

I'd be cool with taking the Aphrodite cabin leader, if that's okay with you @AWarriorcat

EDIT: If not then just act like my last post was helping Lizzy and I wasn't going to the Big House
:D @Pastaa Alright, I don't trust Ian to run the cabin :P Alright soooo...

Zeus: Unknown

Aphrodite: Greogry - Pastaa

Erebos: Drew - TheRuleBook

Athena: Avery - AWarriorcat

Hades: Unknown

Ares: Ashton - AWarriorcat

Apollo: Preston - AWarriorcat

Posideon: Zax - AWarriorcat

Nada: Silicy - Lovable Dark-Side

Eros: Errien - Lovable Dark-Side

Persephone: Hollow - Lovable Dark-Side

Khione: Lian - Nico

:D I feel bad taking so many spots <3 I really want Avery to be Athena's. Preston and Zax/Brandon have to. Kirito said Ashton is fine where he is sooo... :D Oh well. We just need Hades (ForgottenBlood) and Zeus (ForgottenBlood) to say if she wants both spots <3

@ForgottenBlood If you don't want to, you can not take any spots <3
Zeus: Satomi - kirit01337

Aphrodite: Greogry - Pastaa

Erebos: Drew - TheRuleBook

Athena: Avery - AWarriorcat

Hades: Seth - ForgottenBlood

Ares: Ashton - AWarriorcat

Apollo: Preston - AWarriorcat

Posideon: Zax - AWarriorcat

Nada: Silicy - Lovable Dark-Side

Eros: Errien - Lovable Dark-Side

Persephone: Hollow - Lovable Dark-Side

Khione: Lian - Nico

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