Camp Half Blood - The Next Generation


Blood of the Dragon

Character Sheet


(Art or realistic)




Sexual Orientation:

Godly Parent:


(Bullet form, with explanation.)

Years at Camp:


(Paragraph form)


(Bullet form)


(Bullet form)


(Paragraph form)


(Description required, may also use photo)

Theme Song:




Feel free to put in anything else you want to put in, anything is fine as long as you have everything in this sheet,

DM me if you want to be a cabin leader!


Cabin Leaders

  • Zeus Cabin: Mikhail Cohen; roleplayed by @Captain Silverthay
  • Hades Cabin: open
  • Posedion Cabin: open
  • Aphrodite Cabin: Aryanna Ferguson; roleplayed by @Calisto
  • Asteria Cabin: open
  • (will add more cabins as we get more charries ^.^)
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Lyanna and Aryanna Ferguson




ame: Lyanna "Lya" Ferguson


ge: 17


ender: Female




rientation: Bisexual




arent: Aphrodite, and her father's father is Hephestus


ears at


amp: 11 total, 1 year with her father, 10 summers with only her sister.



  • Charm speak- Lyanna can only use this on really really stupid or naive people, as she isn't very good at it.
  • Pyrokenesis- At the moment, it is only minuscule movements with pre-existing fires and the natural fireproof ability. Her father says this skipped a generation, as he himself doesn't even have the power.


ersonality: Lyanna is shy. Very shy. Only when she's with her sister does she truly open up and become her odd, quirky self. Without her, she is closed and anxious, though that comes off as cold sometimes. She's though of as the serious twin while Aryanna is more the loud, exciting one, but she doesn't mind. She prefers to spend her time bettering her fighting skills or reading a good book over mindlessly flirting and flipping her hair, like the stereotype for her mother's children expects her to be. Lya wishes she could be more outwardly opposing to that stereotype, but her anxiety, brought from her father's side, she assumes, gets the best of her nearly all the time. She resents that, and she supposes, as a result, she doesn't practice her pyrokenesis, though she knows it would get her far in the demigod world.


istory: Lyanna and her twin sister, Aryanna, were born on February 14, 1998 to one of the rare demigods who survive into adulthood, though he was only just legally an adult. Jason, their father, was 19 when the twins were born. He was living at Camp Half Blood, though he was visiting his mother in Pheonix when he met Aphrodite. A 2 week trip turned into nearly a year away, and he came back with two newborn girls. It was pretty safe to say that his brothers and sisters were not thrilled, and the Aphrodite cabin, while happy to babysit, did not want to be taking care of the twins. And so, Chiron let him stay in the Big House with the girls until he could find a place of his own. When Lyanna and Aryana turned 7, Jason decided that it would be a good time for them to go to camp by themselves. That summer and every summer since the twins have been going from their small New Jersey home to Camp Half Blood.


cent: White Jasmine Tea with just a hint of spearmint from her toothpaste that seems to linger.



  • Being alone, surprisingly
  • Tea
  • Reading
  • The woods
  • Hand-to-hand combat
  • Running
  • The color purple. It's her favorite.
  • The number 100



  • Being with people without her sister
  • Archery
  • Hermes kids
  • Rain
  • The dark
  • The cold


eapon: Celestial Bronze sword, called Katastrofis. Katastrofis is a fully functional black and bronze butterfly knife that can become a sword of celestial bronze that's perfectly sized and balanced for the demigod it belongs to. If lost, it will appear again somewhere near Lya where she can find it within one hour. Should anyone other than Lya try to take it, it will vanish and appear somewhere around Lyanna again within one hour.





ong: Aquaman by Walk the Moon




ame: Aryanna Ferguson


ge: 17


ender: Female




rientation: Heterosexual




arent: Aphrodite, and her father's father is Hephestus


ears at


amp: 11 total, 1 year with her father, 10 summers with only her sister.



  • Charm speak- Aryanna is ridiculously good at charm speak. Some even go so far as to say that she is almost as good as her mother. She supposes that makes up for the fact that she can do almost nothing else.


ersonality: Aryanna is flirty, bubbly, and focused on her achievements. She has this carnal need to be perfect in every way. So while she outwardly appears to be focused on her appearance, in all actuality she's fretting over whether she's good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, strong enough, etc. She's secretly jealous of her twin for being so good at things without even trying. While she is way better at charm speak, Lya can run and fight, and actually do things. On top of that, she's never recognized as anything, simply another flirty Aphrodite kid who doesn't want to get her hands dirty, despite all her worry and hard work.


istory: Aryanna and her twin sister, Lyanna, were born on February 14, 1998 to one of the rare demigods who survive into adulthood, though he was only just legally an adult. Jason, their father, was 19 when the twins were born. He was living at Camp Half Blood, though he was visiting his mother in Pheonix when he met Aphrodite. A 2 week trip turned into nearly a year away, and he came back with two newborn girls. It was pretty safe to say that his brothers and sisters were not thrilled, and the Aphrodite cabin, while happy to babysit, did not want to be taking care of the twins. And so, Chiron let him stay in the Big House with the girls until he could find a place of his own. When Lyanna and Aryana turned 7, Jason decided that it would be a good time for them to go to camp by themselves. That summer and every summer since the twins have been going from their small New Jersey home to Camp Half Blood.


cent: Oranges and cinnamon.



  • The water
  • Swimming
  • Studying
  • Fighting
  • Curly hair
  • The color blue. It's her favorite.
  • The number 7



  • Training
  • Apollo kids
  • Reading
  • Being called on
  • Capture the flag


eapon: A silver necklace with a heart-shaped pink opal locket, this gift from Aphrodite allows Aryanna to show others her wrath. When opened, inside the locket is a silver visage of Medusa, complete with ruby eyes. Should Aryanna open it, the person it is turned upon will gain the appearance of a Gorgon for exactly 24 hours. With one exception — if it is turned upon a child of Aphrodite, it will instead cause them to look as though they've gained fifty pounds for 24 hours. Specifically designed for Aryanna by the Goddess of Love herself, should someone besides her attempt to wear the necklace it will imprint the word THIEF on their forehead for 24 hours.





ong: Find My Own Way by Lana Del Rey


ther: Aphrodite Cabin Counselor!


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Damion R. Minor


Almost 18



Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



-Shade Puppetry (Controls shadows. It's very handy for trying to keep an eye on people and scaring the younger kids to death, but they don't speak any common languages with Damion and can't manipulate anything but other shadows.)

Years at Camp:

6 Summers


Damion, when he first meets someone, comes off as a distant, cold, and emotionally neutral guy. Imagine the one rocker guy cliche in every high school movie every created. He fits that idea perfectly. But, as much as he would love to be as hardcore as he pretends to be, he has a bit of a soft side. He can be a bit rude and mean, but always feels bad and makes up for it(or at least tries to). He tends to jump right into things without thinking-if he can be persuaded to take action at all. He's easily startled, but if you sneak up on him be prepared to dodge a fairly solid punch. He can be bitter and refuses to back down from a challenge, but would do whatever is in his power to protect someone he cares about...or someone who owes him something.


-The color red

-The number 27





-History (His way of explaining his fascination with dead things)




-Bright lights

-The color brown


-Bees (He's allergic)

-Being called 'Emo' or 'Punk'



After being abandoned by his mom and dad, Damion was raised by Lillian Minor, his aunt. Her and his uncle, Aaron Minor, treated him as their own up until the point where strange things started happening. Specifically, they took care of him until they walked into his room one day to see a dead cat. Or, what seemed to them to be a cat. He could only see a small manticore that was playing dead. Unfortunately, there was no way for him to explain the manticore to them without sounding more insane than he looked, so the couple sent the boy to live with his grandfather. On his way there, the car they were in was pulled over by a 'police officer'. Without daring to try to explain his panic to his aunt and uncle, he jumped out of the car and the 12 year old boy started running. After a few days. he found his way to camp on his own.

Theme Song:




Weapon: Two silver sickles, known as Moon and Stars. They're usually hidden as a silver chain necklace that, when removed and broken in two, become the two blades. It's very difficult to put them back together, but Damion always eventually puts them back to normal.
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razorstar said:




Damion R. Minor


Almost 18



Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



-Shade Puppetry (Controls shadows. It's very handy for trying to keep an eye on people and scaring the younger kids to death, but they don't speak any common languages with Damion and can't manipulate anything but other shadows.)

Years at Camp:

6 Summers


Damion, when he first meets someone, comes off as a distant, cold, and emotionally neutral guy. Imagine the one rocker guy cliche in every high school movie every created. He fits that idea perfectly. But, as much as he would love to be as hardcore as he pretends to be, he has a bit of a soft side. He can be a bit rude and mean, but always feels bad and makes up for it(or at least tries to). He tends to jump right into things without thinking-if he can be persuaded to take action at all. He's easily startled, but if you sneak up on him be prepared to dodge a fairly solid punch. He can be bitter and refuses to back down from a challenge, but would do whatever is in his power to protect someone he cares about...or someone who owes him something.


-The color red

-The number 27





-History (His way of explaining his fascination with dead things)




-Bright lights

-The color brown


-Bees (He's allergic)

-Being called 'Emo' or 'Punk'



After being abandoned by his mom and dad, Damion was raised by Lillian Minor, his aunt. Her and his uncle, Aaron Minor, treated him as their own up until the point where strange things started happening. Specifically, they took care of him until they walked into his room one day to see a dead cat. Or, what seemed to them to be a cat. He could only see a small manticore that was playing dead. Unfortunately, there was no way for him to explain the manticore to them without sounding more insane than he looked, so the couple sent the boy to live with his grandfather. On his way there, the car they were in was pulled over by a 'police officer'. Without daring to try to explain his panic to his aunt and uncle, he jumped out of the car and the 12 year old boy started running. After a few days. he found his way to camp on his own.

Theme Song:


I love it; accepted


razorstar said:




Damion R. Minor


Almost 18



Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



-Shade Puppetry (Controls shadows. It's very handy for trying to keep an eye on people and scaring the younger kids to death, but they don't speak any common languages with Damion and can't manipulate anything but other shadows.)

Years at Camp:

6 Summers


Damion, when he first meets someone, comes off as a distant, cold, and emotionally neutral guy. Imagine the one rocker guy cliche in every high school movie every created. He fits that idea perfectly. But, as much as he would love to be as hardcore as he pretends to be, he has a bit of a soft side. He can be a bit rude and mean, but always feels bad and makes up for it(or at least tries to). He tends to jump right into things without thinking-if he can be persuaded to take action at all. He's easily startled, but if you sneak up on him be prepared to dodge a fairly solid punch. He can be bitter and refuses to back down from a challenge, but would do whatever is in his power to protect someone he cares about...or someone who owes him something.


-The color red

-The number 27





-History (His way of explaining his fascination with dead things)




-Bright lights

-The color brown


-Bees (He's allergic)

-Being called 'Emo' or 'Punk'



After being abandoned by his mom and dad, Damion was raised by Lillian Minor, his aunt. Her and his uncle, Aaron Minor, treated him as their own up until the point where strange things started happening. Specifically, they took care of him until they walked into his room one day to see a dead cat. Or, what seemed to them to be a cat. He could only see a small manticore that was playing dead. Unfortunately, there was no way for him to explain the manticore to them without sounding more insane than he looked, so the couple sent the boy to live with his grandfather. On his way there, the car they were in was pulled over by a 'police officer'. Without daring to try to explain his panic to his aunt and uncle, he jumped out of the car and the 12 year old boy started running. After a few days. he found his way to camp on his own.

Theme Song:


oh, wait, you haven't watched the OoC yet. Just do that, and you're accepted
Character Sheet



Name: Matt Saracen

Age: 17 (April 1st)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Godly Parent: Horkos


  • Standard Demi-God physical enhancements.
  • Dyslexia and concentration problems.
  • Able to read greek writing.
  • Oath Keeper: Matt has the ability from his father to offer deals to make people keep promises. If one wants to make a deal with Matt they must give him something as well as commit to terms of the deal. Remember don't break your promise. Once committed they are given a random super human ability. The ability is totally random, but gives the Demi-God/Person a supernatural ability they do not have. Said ability only last for the length of a single quest or until said magic thinks they have reached end of said contract. Examples: Pyrokenisis, Super Strength, Flight, etc. All of which decided upon by the gods.

Years at Camp: 2


Matt is a mixed bag of cats as his momma would say. Early on in life she tried to instill him with morals or what was right and wrong at least as much as you could for a fifeteen year old and succeeded in many ways. Hes not one to judge to quickly and knows to look at something from both sides of an argument before making his decision. Even when he does take a side, he doesn't brag about it or flaunt around about this new found take on life. Hes modest in that respect, but is not far from speaking out when others are flamboyant and aggressive about their own morals and push them on to others. Matt enjoys long runs, runs usually that last anywhere from three to four hours a day and gets up extra early to fit to these schedules. The youth gets along with most of the other campers without a hitch and fits in quite nice with the whole military like environment that the camp portrays.


  • Color Green.
  • The number eight.
  • Taking long runs.
  • Good home cooked food.


  • Shifty personalities.
  • Dishonest intentions.
  • Bragging.
  • Sweets.


Matt's mother at first was a stripper who worked at a gentlemens club in Shreveport. She was a fun loving and hard working gal, who wanted more in her life. She would soon find out that her dreams were about to come true, in the most indirect way possible. A man came in that night to the club. So what was the allure he had? He wasn't overly handsome, but wasn't ugly either, but one thing was for certain he was drawn to Mallory. For the rest of the evening he had paid for a private room and dances from the girl and the evening was pretty much a blur.

Soon she found herself on a bed in complete ecstasy with him over top and whispering in her ear. " Promise me now that you will never tell anyone about this and I will give you a gift", his words came out like gold. Nodding, " I promise", she called out in pain and pleasure. The next afternoon she woke up and looked for the man. Only to find a suitcase with a note attached to it at the top. The note read, " Thank you for everything, and remember tell no one." Inside there was about half a million dollars. Of course she would soon find out that wasn't the gift he gave oh say about nine months later when she had a baby.

Childhood/Teen Years

Growing up Matt was a rather well behaved boy. He went to all his classes and had many friends. Despite he was in the more easier classes because of his dyslexia his mom helped him through it and he lived a normal child hood life. His child years full of vacations, and travelling on summer breaks. learning about the world the best he could from his mother, still he was always plagued with the idea of why he didn't have a father. To which his mother always replied he had none, he was just a gift from the heavens. A simple and awe inspiring answer that that a little kid would accept for now.

When Matt was older around the age of 15, he would one day come home from school with some papers. He had been excepted onto the school football team and needed signatures from his legal guardians as well as his father's name. He was a amazing physical specimen. He had strength, could run fast, and see so good that he was to be the new quarterback. Little did he know that he was more special then he could imagine. Though his mother was a little hesitant on giving the father's name. The gift from heaven's excuse not going to work this time.

So Mallory decided to tell Matt the truth, that she didn't know who his father was, but told him about that night. A secret she promised she would never, ever tell. When she finished her words Mallroy felt heavy, really heavy and soon fell to her knees, and could hear screams from outside as the windows burst open. In coming strange bird like creatures that tore the house asunder before settling down on random perches and squawking sharp cries. Standing and holding his mom, Matt soon turned to find the front door open slowly and a man clad in black suit jacket and jeans walked in.

" Mallory my dear you broke your promise. All these years and why no....", came his words before he stopped dead in his tracks at the site of Matt. There knelt the glowing form of a demi-god. After a few moments of explaining his reasoning for being there, and that he was Matt's father he finally gave his name. " I am Horkos, god of Oaths and Deals, and you are my demi-god son", he would finally say and finally claim his son. Matt was all in awestruck but his mother was still in pain and the bird ladies were ready to strike.

" Your mother has broken her promise, and sadly she must be punished. Though there is a way to save her Matt. Swear to me now that you will come with me for a week and then attend a camp for kids like you. Attend until you are eighteen and i will free her of her promise", he said. Of course Matt had to take it, it was his mom's life at stake despite her cries to him to not take the deal. ' I Matt Saracen accept", came his words and instantly his mom felt the weight no more and jumped to hold her boy and sob in his arms. Assuring her it was okay and that he would be back, he got up and followed his father out of the house and was gone.

In that week he soon learned about his heritage and that he would need to go to a special camp where he could learn to harness his powers. So he was sent to Camp Half-blood where he trained with other demi-gods for the future.

Theme Song:


Genma said:
Character Sheet


Name: Matt Saracen

Age: 17 (April 1st)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Godly Parent: Horkos


  • Standard Demi-God physical enhancements.
  • Dyslexia and concentration problems.
  • Able to read greek writing.
  • Oath Keeper: Matt has the ability from his father to offer deals to make people keep promises. If one wants to make a deal with Matt they must give him something as well as commit to terms of the deal. Remember don't break your promise. Once committed they are given a random super human ability. The ability is totally random, but gives the Demi-God/Person a supernatural ability they do not have. Said ability only last for the length of a single quest or until said magic thinks they have reached end of said contract. Examples: Pyrokenisis, Super Strength, Flight, etc. All of which decided upon by the gods.

Years at Camp: 2


Matt is a mixed bag of cats as his momma would say. Early on in life she tried to instill him with morals or what was right and wrong at least as much as you could for a fifeteen year old and succeeded in many ways. Hes not one to judge to quickly and knows to look at something from both sides of an argument before making his decision. Even when he does take a side, he doesn't brag about it or flaunt around about this new found take on life. Hes modest in that respect, but is not far from speaking out when others are flamboyant and aggressive about their own morals and push them on to others. Matt enjoys long runs, runs usually that last anywhere from three to four hours a day and gets up extra early to fit to these schedules. The youth gets along with most of the other campers without a hitch and fits in quite nice with the whole military like environment that the camp portrays.


  • Color Green.
  • The number eight.
  • Taking long runs.
  • Good home cooked food.


  • Shifty personalities.
  • Dishonest intentions.
  • Bragging.
  • Sweets.


Matt's mother at first was a stripper who worked at a gentlemens club in Shreveport. She was a fun loving and hard working gal, who wanted more in her life. She would soon find out that her dreams were about to come true, in the most indirect way possible. A man came in that night to the club. So what was the allure he had? He wasn't overly handsome, but wasn't ugly either, but one thing was for certain he was drawn to Mallory. For the rest of the evening he had paid for a private room and dances from the girl and the evening was pretty much a blur.

Soon she found herself on a bed in complete ecstasy with him over top and whispering in her ear. " Promise me now that you will never tell anyone about this and I will give you a gift", his words came out like gold. Nodding, " I promise", she called out in pain and pleasure. The next afternoon she woke up and looked for the man. Only to find a suitcase with a note attached to it at the top. The note read, " Thank you for everything, and remember tell no one." Inside there was about half a million dollars. Of course she would soon find out that wasn't the gift he gave oh say about nine months later when she had a baby.

Childhood/Teen Years

Growing up Matt was a rather well behaved boy. He went to all his classes and had many friends. Despite he was in the more easier classes because of his dyslexia his mom helped him through it and he lived a normal child hood life. His child years full of vacations, and travelling on summer breaks. learning about the world the best he could from his mother, still he was always plagued with the idea of why he didn't have a father. To which his mother always replied he had none, he was just a gift from the heavens. A simple and awe inspiring answer that that a little kid would accept for now.

When Matt was older around the age of 15, he would one day come home from school with some papers. He had been excepted onto the school football team and needed signatures from his legal guardians as well as his father's name. He was a amazing physical specimen. He had strength, could run fast, and see so good that he was to be the new quarterback. Little did he know that he was more special then he could imagine. Though his mother was a little hesitant on giving the father's name. The gift from heaven's excuse not going to work this time.

So Mallory decided to tell Matt the truth, that she didn't know who his father was, but told him about that night. A secret she promised she would never, ever tell. When she finished her words Mallroy felt heavy, really heavy and soon fell to her knees, and could hear screams from outside as the windows burst open. In coming strange bird like creatures that tore the house asunder before settling down on random perches and squawking sharp cries. Standing and holding his mom, Matt soon turned to find the front door open slowly and a man clad in black suit jacket and jeans walked in.

" Mallory my dear you broke your promise. All these years and why no....", came his words before he stopped dead in his tracks at the site of Matt. There knelt the glowing form of a demi-god. After a few moments of explaining his reasoning for being there, and that he was Matt's father he finally gave his name. " I am Horkos, god of Oaths and Deals, and you are my demi-god son", he would finally say and finally claim his son. Matt was all in awestruck but his mother was still in pain and the bird ladies were ready to strike.

" Your mother has broken her promise, and sadly she must be punished. Though there is a way to save her Matt. Swear to me now that you will come with me for a week and then attend a camp for kids like you. Attend until you are eighteen and i will free her of her promise", he said. Of course Matt had to take it, it was his mom's life at stake despite her cries to him to not take the deal. ' I Matt Saracen accept", came his words and instantly his mom felt the weight no more and jumped to hold her boy and sob in his arms. Assuring her it was okay and that he would be back, he got up and followed his father out of the house and was gone.

In that week he soon learned about his heritage and that he would need to go to a special camp where he could learn to harness his powers. So he was sent to Camp Half-blood where he trained with other demi-gods for the future.

Theme Song:




Name: Abigail "Abby" Leona

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Godly Parent: Hypnos


  • Dyslexia/ADHD
  • Can Read Greek.
  • Standard Demi-God physical enhancements.
  • Unlike other demigods Abby'strue power does not lay in the world of the waking, but in the world of the dreaming. Her father is the god of dreams, and that is where her powers are. Abby's most prominent ability is to sleep, simple as that. Whenever Abby is sleeping, she can move freely in the dream-world, she is a lucid dreamer to the extreme, she can alter dreams and control characters inside of the realm of dreams, usually why they have given her the nickname the Dream Queen. It is possible for her to travel outside of the dreamland in this state, sort of an astral projection, making it possible for her to appear almost anywhere she has been within a 25 mile radius. Because as a dream figure she is often not limited by rules that would normally work if she was awake. She can also enter into the dreams of others, or stand guard the whole night without being tired... she is after all, sleeping. Those that are able to see her is people who happens to be spiritually inclined, that means most demigods, spirits and gods. Some monsters can see her, but not many mortals at all. In her dream form she is very vulnerable to spiritually aimed attacks. Not to mention her physical form is easy prey.

Years at Camp: 3


Abby is the personification of the term "bad girl". Whether it be in the form of something naughty or outright bad and mean to someone. There is no difference. She acts like shes got a chip on her shoulder (which she does) and a no care attitude to anything, but the win. During her time in the day among the other campers it is usually a pretty good idea to steer clear of her. She can be very seductive if it will get the girl her way with any girl or any other man, it being simpler to just flaunt some assets then out right make someone do something for you. Though that's not to say that she won't get physical to get the job done, shes proving many a time with the other campers through violence that shes the top dog and if they want it they got to earn it like she did.


  • Color Purple.
  • The number thirty-three.
  • Loud music.
  • Reading alone.


  • Pretty much everyone.
  • Herself most of all.
  • Time it takes to cook noodles.
  • Smelly satyrs.


It ain't easy being cheesy. That simple phrase was more then just a stupid line from a commercial. It started back seventeen or so years ago, the day that the commercial ever aired on television. Young Abigail Leona remembered it like it was yesterday, back in Redbank, New Jersey. The day her father went from being the most happy father in the world, to the biggest prick when he realized having kids was shit and they would be around for twenty or so more years then just the blissful birth period. Needles to say every time young Abigail heard those words, something in the immediate area was going to be broken; whether it be a tv, some dinner ware, or even a person. Some things in life just set you off, and there is nothing what so ever you can do about it, ever was the case with Ms. Abigail Leona.

Early life wasn't as bad as she remembered it. Her father had been working at a local paper mill, and was the main means of supporting the family. Back then a paper mill job was barely above minimum wage, and when you drank with your buddies after work every night, there wasn't much cash left at the end of the week to go farther then the bare essentials. Needless to say Abby's mother seemed to make things stretch out and gave her daughter a good start in life through elementary school years. Though all that drinking would lead to arousal and he mother got pregnant with another girl. This would push things even more and force daddy to work more. Needless to say this caused a rift and someone got a little to physical and abusive when he got drunk. Her father even suggested selling off her kid to make some cash.

A mother with nothing left to loose took it upon her self to start pulling tricks on the local corners. Sleeping with men and doing things for cash just to get by. This was a harsh vibe especially for a adolescent girl to take, and through it all gave her one very large chip on her shoulder. With no guidance really of any kind Abby would start to hang out with the wrong crowds doing things that were not really that good. Stealing from stores, robbing places, hurting folks for cash, and etc. One night though her life would change when a certain robbery that was supposed to be a piece of cake turned into a turning point in her life. busting into some research lab that paid out students looking for cash to help with experiments seemed like the perfect heist for some quick spending cash. Immediately after getting in and setting off the alarms, Abigail was left alone, tossed aside by her so called partners and offered up like a scapegoat.

The security guards set upon her like a cloud of darkness that overcame her senses and knocked her out completely. Little did she know that something or someone had intervened and saved her from a fate such as the one she was determined to get, for she awoke some time later in a dumpster in some alley way with her clothes half on. Thinking maybe she got lucky and was only raped, Abigail decided that things needed to change and packed up her shit to head off to the big city. Though like all good things in life they come with the bad, as her father intercepted her mid escape and started to beat on her wondering where she had been. A confrontation broke out and being bigger then her the father slammed her hard into the television, sparks shot up everywhere and the lights in the house flickered, but deep inside Abigail something changed. She could feel something inside her snap though before she could act upon these feelings, the youth was picked up bridal style by a pair of strong and caring arms.

Almost immediately as she was picked up a wave of calmness washed over her and the young teen was fast asleep. Waking up only the gods know when later the girl found herself outside a wooden arch with a bag of supplies and a note pinned to her shirt. She had felt so rested and relaxed and had no bruises or cuts from the brawl with her dad. Upon discovering the note she came to find that everything did happen and it was not all a dream, but the writer of the note insist that it was since her life would never be the same again. Abby would come to know this place she was at to be Camp Half-Blood and she was indeed a demi-god child like the rest of the occupants. Her divine parent having signed the note stating claim and as such that he was Hypnos.
Genma said:

Name: Abigail "Abby" Leona

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Godly Parent: Hypnos


  • Dyslexia/ADHD
  • Can Read Greek.
  • Standard Demi-God physical enhancements.
  • Unlike other demigods Abby'strue power does not lay in the world of the waking, but in the world of the dreaming. Her father is the god of dreams, and that is where her powers are. Abby's most prominent ability is to sleep, simple as that. Whenever Abby is sleeping, she can move freely in the dream-world, she is a lucid dreamer to the extreme, she can alter dreams and control characters inside of the realm of dreams, usually why they have given her the nickname the Dream Queen. It is possible for her to travel outside of the dreamland in this state, sort of an astral projection, making it possible for her to appear almost anywhere she has been within a 25 mile radius. Because as a dream figure she is often not limited by rules that would normally work if she was awake. She can also enter into the dreams of others, or stand guard the whole night without being tired... she is after all, sleeping. Those that are able to see her is people who happens to be spiritually inclined, that means most demigods, spirits and gods. Some monsters can see her, but not many mortals at all. In her dream form she is very vulnerable to spiritually aimed attacks. Not to mention her physical form is easy prey.

Years at Camp: 3


Abby is the personification of the term "bad girl". Whether it be in the form of something naughty or outright bad and mean to someone. There is no difference. She acts like shes got a chip on her shoulder (which she does) and a no care attitude to anything, but the win. During her time in the day among the other campers it is usually a pretty good idea to steer clear of her. She can be very seductive if it will get the girl her way with any girl or any other man, it being simpler to just flaunt some assets then out right make someone do something for you. Though that's not to say that she won't get physical to get the job done, shes proving many a time with the other campers through violence that shes the top dog and if they want it they got to earn it like she did.


  • Color Purple.
  • The number thirty-three.
  • Loud music.
  • Reading alone.


  • Pretty much everyone.
  • Herself most of all.
  • Time it takes to cook noodles.
  • Smelly satyrs.


It ain't easy being cheesy. That simple phrase was more then just a stupid line from a commercial. It started back seventeen or so years ago, the day that the commercial ever aired on television. Young Abigail Leona remembered it like it was yesterday, back in Redbank, New Jersey. The day her father went from being the most happy father in the world, to the biggest prick when he realized having kids was shit and they would be around for twenty or so more years then just the blissful birth period. Needles to say every time young Abigail heard those words, something in the immediate area was going to be broken; whether it be a tv, some dinner ware, or even a person. Some things in life just set you off, and there is nothing what so ever you can do about it, ever was the case with Ms. Abigail Leona.

Early life wasn't as bad as she remembered it. Her father had been working at a local paper mill, and was the main means of supporting the family. Back then a paper mill job was barely above minimum wage, and when you drank with your buddies after work every night, there wasn't much cash left at the end of the week to go farther then the bare essentials. Needless to say Abby's mother seemed to make things stretch out and gave her daughter a good start in life through elementary school years. Though all that drinking would lead to arousal and he mother got pregnant with another girl. This would push things even more and force daddy to work more. Needless to say this caused a rift and someone got a little to physical and abusive when he got drunk. Her father even suggested selling off her kid to make some cash.

A mother with nothing left to loose took it upon her self to start pulling tricks on the local corners. Sleeping with men and doing things for cash just to get by. This was a harsh vibe especially for a adolescent girl to take, and through it all gave her one very large chip on her shoulder. With no guidance really of any kind Abby would start to hang out with the wrong crowds doing things that were not really that good. Stealing from stores, robbing places, hurting folks for cash, and etc. One night though her life would change when a certain robbery that was supposed to be a piece of cake turned into a turning point in her life. busting into some research lab that paid out students looking for cash to help with experiments seemed like the perfect heist for some quick spending cash. Immediately after getting in and setting off the alarms, Abigail was left alone, tossed aside by her so called partners and offered up like a scapegoat.

The security guards set upon her like a cloud of darkness that overcame her senses and knocked her out completely. Little did she know that something or someone had intervened and saved her from a fate such as the one she was determined to get, for she awoke some time later in a dumpster in some alley way with her clothes half on. Thinking maybe she got lucky and was only raped, Abigail decided that things needed to change and packed up her shit to head off to the big city. Though like all good things in life they come with the bad, as her father intercepted her mid escape and started to beat on her wondering where she had been. A confrontation broke out and being bigger then her the father slammed her hard into the television, sparks shot up everywhere and the lights in the house flickered, but deep inside Abigail something changed. She could feel something inside her snap though before she could act upon these feelings, the youth was picked up bridal style by a pair of strong and caring arms.

Almost immediately as she was picked up a wave of calmness washed over her and the young teen was fast asleep. Waking up only the gods know when later the girl found herself outside a wooden arch with a bag of supplies and a note pinned to her shirt. She had felt so rested and relaxed and had no bruises or cuts from the brawl with her dad. Upon discovering the note she came to find that everything did happen and it was not all a dream, but the writer of the note insist that it was since her life would never be the same again. Abby would come to know this place she was at to be Camp Half-Blood and she was indeed a demi-god child like the rest of the occupants. Her divine parent having signed the note stating claim and as such that he was Hypnos.
accepted. also, liking the punk edit





Homoromantic Asexual

(Gay, but doesn't like sex and stuff)



-Immune to fire

-Sometimes, when he
deeply needs to, he can summon fire in his hand.


-Reads Greek


Sword called ????? ????? ("deep fire" in Greek)

Years at Camp:



Robby is quiet; he is sometimes mistaken for a mute. He's normally not very approachable, either, and has a mean-looking neutral expression. He comes off as cold, detached, and rude, but is really a big sweetheart. He's also a great, big, stuttering mess around people, which is why he stays away from them. He's clumsy, shy, and sweet, but very blunt and anti-social.






-The number 6

-The color

(Orange is an unappreciated color.)





-Aphrodite kids that try and "match-make" by setting him up with girls




Robby lived a completely normal "apple-pie" life until he was 5 years old. He had a mom, a (step)dad, and was expecting a baby sister. He was just about to start kindergarten when the monsters started showing up.

It all began with a creepy man that lurked in the shadows, following him whenever he was out shopping with his mom or playing catch with his "dad." He told his parents of the creepy man, but they just thought he had an overactive imagination. So, he took up drawing. But, eventually, the "creepy man" attacked.

Robby came home after his first day of kindergarten, age 6, to find both of his parents dead and a funny man with goat legs turning the "creepy man" into gold dust. The goat-legged man, explaining that he was a satyr sent from a place called Camp Half-Blood explained everything; demigods, gods, monsters, et cetera, and took him to the Camp.

He was there for 4 years before he was claimed. He made no friends, rarely spoke, and mastered swordsmanship. He spent a good amount of time in the forges, and most of his time drawing; he often drew the "creepy man."

He figured out he was gay at the age of 13, when the Aphrodite girls tried to set him up with one of their youngest, prettiest girls. He also figured out he was asexual; the girl suggested skinny dipping, and he felt nothing toward her. Nothing sexual, nothing romantic. No attraction. The girl spread the rumors and there was more added onto the list of things he was made fun of for.


Theme Song:


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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-10_0-53-16.jpeg.9da49e9d92515a4b60e4bbc0cc03f58a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56186" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-10_0-53-16.jpeg.9da49e9d92515a4b60e4bbc0cc03f58a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Art or realistic)

Name: Mikhail Cohen

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: 'Straight'

Godly Parent: Zeus



Summon a thunder= [Do i need to explain?]

'Electro'= Can summon eletricity on his hand, being able to power some things ON and use it agains't someone. [Non-lethal attack]

Drain= Drains the eletricity.

'Electro Punch'= He can use the 'Electro' to "charge" his fist with eletricity on a non-armed combat.

Years at Camp:


ersonality: Mikhail is 'Creeply' calm, sometimes a 'cold person' and sarcastic, but if you are his friend, he will always be cheerful, kind, nice and funny, he will usually be found playing video-games with the ones of the Apollo cabin




Any 'Military associated' books


Rock music


Favorite number: 15



Any kind of 'Mental traning'

'Cray Cray' people

People that hate russians. [His mother is russian]


Mikhail life is only based on running, when he was ten years old, a Manticora attacked him. He runned away from his home and was never found again by his mother. When he was eleven, two cyclops decided to follow him and take him as a hostage, they tied him in the sewers, but, he used his power to eletrocute the leaking water of the pipes, killing both of the cyclops.

When he was fourteen, he got in the way of a Satyr named 'Sply', the satyr runned after him, convincing Mikhail to go to the Half-Blood camp.

Theme Song: [media]

Weapons of choice: A small 'Tesla pistol' powered by eletricity.

Two celestial bronze sabers named: Erin and Eres. If Mikhail lost them, they would quickly appear in his pocket in form of two coins.



  • upload_2015-6-10_0-53-16.jpeg
    7.1 KB · Views: 75
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Character Sheet 1 of 2 : Mariah Ambrose

Favorite number: 16


Name: Mariah Nicole Ambrose

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Godly Parent: Ares


  • Odikinesis - or the ability to manipulate feelings and emotions of war (such as hate and rage), which is used to start violent fights/conflicts with with one another or others. Mariah is really at this, some say she might be just as good as her father. She mainly uses this as prank, though she has other useful uses as well, such as a tactic in Camp Half-Blood's war games, such as Capture the Flag.

Years at Camp: 10 years


Mariah first comes off as emotionless, cold, and not giving two shits about anything. She keeps to herself most o the time, only hanging out with her half-brothers and sisters, along with her twin brother, Jonathan. She can be sarcastic and she tends to speak her mind, Like the rest of the Ares Children, Mariah is stubborn, aggressive and competitive, though her brother says she might be a bit too aggressive. She is also hard working, she always takes the time to train, always is, though she prefers to train against others. Though although she doesn't show it, she does have a caring side and can be nice, though she only shows it to her brother.


  • Training
  • Fighting
  • Leading
  • Winning
  • Weaponry
  • Red
  • etc.


  • Losing
  • Aphrodite kids
  • People
  • Taking orders from just anybody
  • Spiders
  • etc.


In the middle of December, Isabelle Ambrose gave birth to a pair of twins, Mariah and Jonathan. Though Isabelle died and their father didn't want them going anywhere else, so he sent them to Camp Half-Blood. Both children grew up to be true Ares children, living up to his name. Both children trained, though Mariah tends to train more than Jonathan. Both have stayed there for now, seven year, through they have never left, not even for quests, since nether child had never been on one.


  • Celestial Bronze Sword
  • A few knives she uses for close combat and throwing.
  • A javelin which also posses electricity to well shock opponents, though she rarely uses it.

Theme Song:



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Mariah[/URL] Nicole Ambrose

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Godly Parent: Ares


  • Odikinesis - or the ability to manipulate feelings and emotions of war (such as hate and rage), which is used to start violent fights/conflicts with with one another or others. Mariah is really at this, some say she might be just as good as her father. She mainly uses this as prank, though she has other useful uses as well, such as a tactic in Camp Half-Blood's war games, such as Capture the Flag.

Years at Camp: 10 years


Mariah first comes off as emotionless, cold, and not giving two shits about anything. She keeps to herself most o the time, only hanging out with her half-brothers and sisters, along with her twin brother, Jonathan. She can be sarcastic and she tends to speak her mind, Like the rest of the Ares Children, Mariah is stubborn, aggressive and competitive, though her brother says she might be a bit too aggressive. She is also hard working, she always takes the time to train, always is, though she prefers to train against others. Though although she doesn't show it, she does have a caring side and can be nice, though she only shows it to her brother.


  • Training
  • Fighting
  • Leading
  • Winning
  • Weaponry
  • Red
  • etc.


  • Losing
  • Aphrodite kids
  • People
  • Taking orders from just anybody
  • Spiders
  • etc.


In the middle of December, Isabelle Ambrose gave birth to a pair of twins, Mariah and Jonathan. Though Isabelle died and their father didn't want them going anywhere else, so he sent them to Camp Half-Blood. Both children grew up to be true Ares children, living up to his name. Both children trained, though Mariah tends to train more than Jonathan. Both have stayed there for now, seven year, through they have never left, not even for quests, since nether child had never been on one.


  • Celestial Bronze Sword
  • A few knives she uses for close combat and throwing.
  • A javelin which also posses electricity to well shock opponents, though she rarely uses it.

Theme Song:



Accepted, and yes, you can be the Ares cabin leader!

???? ??????



Danielle "Dani" Quinn Lacona





Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:


Powers (More like abilities I guess...):

-Strategic Planning: One of her biggest strengths. Dani is extremely strategy-oriented and uses this to her advantage whenever she wants. Whether its battle layout, guerrilla tactics, or long range, you can be sure Dani has already had a battle plan created in her mind within a matter of seconds.

-Enemy Weakness: A trait from her mother. Dani is able to simply look at a person and be able to calculate their weaknesses. Whether it be physical weakness or emotional vulnerability, Dani will know within a matter of seconds. How she tends to exploit this and use it to her advantage usually depends on the situation.

-Hand to Hand combat: Again, from her mother. Due to her unexpected strength and quick-thinking skills, Dani is very tough to beat in hand-to-hand battle. This is the talent she is widely known for, and has only last a handful of one on one battles in her entire life.

Years at Camp:




Dani strongly takes after her mother when it comes to personality. She is very independent, strategic, cunning, and strong-headed. Her mind is almost always results-oriented and when she dedicates herself to something, she intends to get it done right. The majority of the time she is very serious and focuses, although this tends to teeter when around her friends. She loves being around people that help to loosen her up and remind her to just have fun. As for boys, yeah, she doesn't really spend to much time chasing them. Boys are basically useless, overconfient twats in her mind. Now, don't get her wrong, she's very friendly and even humorous at most times. Like her mother, she tends to take a defense stand on everything. It's only when she gets stressed or frustrated that she tends to lash out with her mouth. Other than that, Dani considers herself to be a pretty good person.


-The color green

-The number 2

-Drawing, sketching, painting

-Strategy and Planning


-Close combat battling

-Boys who aren't afraid to lose to her in battle




-People who can't focus

-Obnoxious people


Like most Demi-gods, Dani was born from the meeting of her mother Athena and a mortal man. Her father raised her on his own for most of her life, telling her that her mother died during childbirth. Dani lived a relatively peaceful childhood until her dyslexia and ADHD started to appear, and her father knew instantly that he had to finally give in to the fact that she wasn't a normal child. The next summer, he explained everything and Dani was shipped off to camp.


A pair of deadly daggers. (Picture to come when I'm not on mobile.)

Theme Song:

The Phoenix -- Fall Out Boy


Other: -

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Jayson Rayder



ame: Jayson "Jay" Rayder


ge: 18


ender: Male




rientation: Pansexual; Aromantic (Doesn't care about gender, etc., but doesn't feel romantic feelings toward anyone)




arent: Eris, goddess of chaos, strife, and discord.



  • An uncanny ability to ruin everyone's relationships. Not really a power, just a result of his dickiness.


ears at


amp: 4


ersonality: Take Joffery Baratheon. Multiply by 10. You have Jay's personality. If he's nice to you he's either A.) Trying to get in your pants or B.) About to play a cruel trick on you. He has a habit of wiggling his way into people's minds and turning them on their loved ones, causing brief chaos before they realize Jay had gotten to them. There is no "misunderstood villian" side of Jay. He's literally just pure evil put on this planet to cause commotion.



  • Dark teal.
  • Destroying friendships and relationships. It's kind of his thing.
  • His uncle's kids, AKA, the Ares cabin.
  • War.
  • Chaos (The god)
  • He rather enjoyed the attack on Manhattan during the War.
  • The number 8.



  • Harmonia and her children.
  • The Aphrodite cabin. Well, they're hot. More the setting up people part of the Aphrodite cabin.
  • Love.
  • People calling him out on being a jack ass. He's just having a bit of fun, after all.
  • Hera. Then again, does anyone like Hera?
  • Peace and quiet.
  • Anything calming.


istory: There's not much to it. His father, Justin, was a General in the military. He dishonorably discharged after leading his troops into certain death, and fell into the role of "violent drunk" in Jay's hometown of Nacogdoches, Texas. His mother liked the strife he caused in the small city and approached him one night. 9 months later, Jayson is born, and Eris reveals her identity to Justin before leaving for good.

As a child, Jayson was a monster. His soul purpose in life was to make everyone around him miserable. He succeeded and at 13, his father finally kicked him out. Jay was fine with that. No authority meant even more possibilities. At least, until the monsters caught his scent after he was away from the smell of booze his home radiated. A satyr found him 9 months in and brought him to Camp Half Blood. They made it to the gate on Jay's 14th birthday, and he's been there ever since.


eapon: A simple, unnamed sword. No enchantments.



Character Sheet 2 of 2 : Jonathan Ambrose

Favorite Number: 16


Name: Jonathan Michael Ambrose

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Godly Parent: Ares


  • Odikinesis - or the ability to manipulate feelings and emotions of war (such as hate and rage), which is used to start violent fights/conflicts with with one another or others. Like Mariah, he is really good at this, but he only uses it for battle purposes.

Years at Camp: 10


Jonathan is the typical Ares kid. He can be stubborn, aggressive, though not as much as his sister, and competitive. He can be sarcastic and cold, though he is more less cold than Mariah, whom he is protective of. He will pretty much kill anybody whom hurts his sister, physically or mentally, though her battles are an exception. He not afraid to share his mind. He tends to keep to himself, only spending time with Ares kids.


  • Training
  • Fighting
  • Competition
  • Winning
  • Girls
  • Blue
  • etc


  • Girls who were too preppy
  • Losing
  • Bad food
  • People messing with his sister in the wrong ways
  • etc


(See Mariah's History)


  • Celestial Bronze sword, identical to his sister's. Both swords are connected in some way, neither the twins know how. If lost, it will appear in front of the child it belongs to. Each is sized and balanced for either Mariah or Jonathan. If someone were to take it, it will disappear and reveal itself later.
  • Shield. This shield was given to him by Ares. It will protect Jonathan from any harm, physically intended towards him. The shield, fold in on itself, to Jonathan can carry it wherever he goes.
  • Knives for combat use and throwing purposes.

Theme Song:



Shatter Glass]Character Sheet 2 of 2 : Jonathan Ambrose [SIZE=10px]Favorite Number: 16[/SIZE] [IMG][/IMG] [B]N[/B]ame: [URL=" said:
Jonathan[/URL] Michael Ambrose

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Godly Parent: Ares


  • Odikinesis - or the ability to manipulate feelings and emotions of war (such as hate and rage), which is used to start violent fights/conflicts with with one another or others. Like Mariah, he is really good at this, but he only uses it for battle purposes.

Years at Camp: 10


Jonathan is the typical Ares kid. He can be stubborn, aggressive, though not as much as his sister, and competitive. He can be sarcastic and cold, though he is more less cold than Mariah, whom he is protective of. He will pretty much kill anybody whom hurts his sister, physically or mentally, though her battles are an exception. He not afraid to share his mind. He tends to keep to himself, only spending time with Ares kids.


  • Training
  • Fighting
  • Competition
  • Winning
  • Girls
  • Blue
  • etc


  • Girls who were too preppy
  • Losing
  • Bad food
  • People messing with his sister in the wrong ways
  • etc


(See Mariah's History)


  • Celestial Bronze sword, identical to his sister's. Both swords are connected in some way, neither the twins know how. If lost, it will appear in front of the child it belongs to. Each is sized and balanced for either Mariah or Jonathan. If someone were to take it, it will disappear and reveal itself later.
  • Shield. This shield was given to him by Ares. It will protect Jonathan from any harm, physically intended towards him. The shield, fold in on itself, to Jonathan can carry it wherever he goes.
  • Knives for combat use and throwing purposes.

Theme Song:













Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



  • Healing; can heal wounds
  • Hunting; is good at hunting/killing with her bow and dagger
  • Singing; has the sweetest voice when singing, but is self-conscious
  • Glows; when nervous or scared, Cress glows: also a weakness

Years at Camp:



Cress is kindhearted and sweet. She has been diagnosed with both ADHD and OCD, but not dyslexia. She cannot bear to see people hurt or dying, but does what she must. She is athletic, creative, and smart; getting A's in all of her subjects. This girl has an evil side though; when Cress's emotions get too serious(NOT happiness) she is taken over by an altered personality. This personality is cold hearted and wants nothing but bloodshed. Cress has learnt to keep her emotions in check, because she doesn't know if she'll hurt anybody.


  • Color Turqoise
  • The number 7
  • Sketching
  • Singing(Music)
  • Is deeply engrossed with her books
  • Alone time/ Friend time
  • Books
  • School
  • Sports
  • Sunshine/ warmth
  • Books


  • Death
  • Cold
  • Cowardice
  • Awful spelling
  • Idiots/ Stupid people
  • Laziness


Cress was in an orphanage for 6 years of her life(0-6), not knowing what had happened to her parents. She was adopted by kind foster parents, and lived with them until she was 12. One day when she was 12, her foster parents were talking about her mother; Cress was in the living room, watching TV. Her foster parents were talking, and arguing. Cress stood up, and hid behind a wall. She couldn't help but eavesdrop. They were talking about her mother. They said her mother would never allow Cress outside, and her foster mother abided. Cress whimpered. She loved the outdoors, but what was this about? A knock came to the front door, and Cress scrambled to the couch. She sat there, acting like nothing had happened. Her mother shouted for Cress to open the door. She did. Outside was a horrid creature. It had the face of a lion, with a snake as a tail. Sprouting out of its back was a goat head. "A chimera," Cress muttered. She passed out, her foster parents screaming. Everything went black.


Cress awoke with her shirt in the beast's mouth. A blinding light came, telling Cress to shut her eyes. She did. The light flashed brighter, and the chimera yelped, turning to dust. Opening her eyes, Cress found she was outside of a camp. Someone, a male about 15, came to her. He helped her to the infirmary, where she laid down on a bed and blacked out. . .

A bow;
and a dagger;

Theme Song:




Did I miss anything???
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"Perfection is achieved only by those willing to destroy it."


Name: Angelo Lorenzo

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Godly Parent: Hades

Sexual Orientation: Bi, though mostly straight

Years at Camp: 3 years at camp


- darkness

- quiet

- those he's acquainted with


- babblers

- unintelligent people

- ignorance

Habits: Runs his hand through his hair when nervous, taps his foot when he's impatient

Fears: Messing up, Embarrassment, Being alone

Personality: Darkly serious most times, even when amused Angelo displays a dark humor that confuses or scares most. Sarcastic comments are quick to spill from his lips, and his words are usually blunt in manner, aimed to prod at whatever weaknesses he finds within a person. He's not much of a people person, as he finds it hard to relate to others, especially when they display strong emotion, which makes him feel especially awkward. He rarely smiles, a frown a commonality on his face.

Place of Origin: Italy


- As Hades is the god of wealth and riches, Angelo is able to sense precious metals and rocks in the ground, as well as display power of geokinesis

- As Hades if the god of the dead, Angelo displays the power of necromancy

- Umbrakinesis, which is power over shadows

- Able to shut down his body for at least 3 days if needed, going into a 'death trance' of sorts

- Able to freeze the world around him, power over cold

- Hypokinesis

- Able to 'radiate' emotions of fear and death


A sword, made entirely of silver, though it often changes color at the gem located at its center. When anyone but him is touching it, due to a charm placed on it by his father, the blade dulls.


The only son of world-famous Italian fashion designer Russo Lorenzo, from a young age Angelo Lorenzo would willingly modeled her best and worst work. He was used to the spotlight being directed onto him, so used to it that he mostly ignored it. Unlike most who are raised by a single parent, Angelo never openly or mentally expressed interest in his father identity. This may have been due in part because of his mother's many lovers of whom she would take home, as well as her multiple other female children, though she would call Angelo her "favorite".

Even from a young age Angelo knew his mother was different from other parents; she was more of a supervisor then anything else for him. She also didn't have much time for her son, preferring to interact with those of her age group. When Angelo hit the age of ten, her underwent a rebellious stage in which he refused to comply to his mothers rare demands and often ran away from home. Russo didn't recognize her sons rebellion as a way of calling for her attention, and instead sent him away to a boarding school for the remainder of his elementary and middle school.

Angelo didn't like elementary school, and he virtually hated middle school as well. All the kids were 'stuck-up' little brats in his opinion, (much like himself) and he made so clear his opinions on the whole student body that the majority of the students stayed as far away from his as possible. This continued on into middle school, Angelo pretending to be prospering in total social isolation while the other kids continued to whisper about him as well as give him a wide berth. This all changed in his 8th grade year, when odd things begin to happen about him. First he begin to see his teachers to all be rather odd in appearance, almost inhumane.

He though he was imagining their gruesome appearances as everyone else acted as if the monsters were normal. His attitude towards the schools teacher's didn't change until he was given detention one day after school, and while sitting in the classroom the creatures all begin to attack him. Paralyzed by fear as he prepared for death, Angelo would've died if it weren't for the only other person in detention that day, one of his classmates who he'd thought to be rather creepy revealed herself to be a satyr. They rushed off to Camp Half-Blood, where he's resided ever since.

Other: Favorite Color & Number: Red & 6
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Calisto said:










Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



  • Healing; can heal wounds
  • Hunting; is good at hunting/killing with her bow and dagger
  • Singing; has the sweetest voice when singing, but is self-conscious
  • Glows; when nervous or scared, Cress glows: also a weakness

Years at Camp:



Cress is kindhearted and sweet. She has been diagnosed with both ADHD and OCD, but not dyslexia. She cannot bear to see people hurt or dying, but does what she must. She is athletic, creative, and smart; getting A's in all of her subjects. This girl has an evil side though; when Cress's emotions get too serious(NOT happiness) she is taken over by an altered personality. This personality is cold hearted and wants nothing but bloodshed. Cress has learnt to keep her emotions in check, because she doesn't know if she'll hurt anybody.


  • Color Turqoise
  • The number 7
  • Sketching
  • Singing(Music)
  • Is deeply engrossed with her books
  • Alone time/ Friend time
  • Books
  • School
  • Sports
  • Sunshine/ warmth
  • Books


  • Death
  • Cold
  • Cowardice
  • Awful spelling
  • Idiots/ Stupid people
  • Laziness


Cress was in an orphanage for 6 years of her life(0-6), not knowing what had happened to her parents. She was adopted by kind foster parents, and lived with them until she was 12. One day when she was 12, her foster parents were talking about her mother; Cress was in the living room, watching TV. Her foster parents were talking, and arguing. Cress stood up, and hid behind a wall. She couldn't help but eavesdrop. They were talking about her mother. They said her mother would never allow Cress outside, and her foster mother abided. Cress whimpered. She loved the outdoors, but what was this about? A knock came to the front door, and Cress scrambled to the couch. She sat there, acting like nothing had happened. Her mother shouted for Cress to open the door. She did. Outside was a horrid creature. It had the face of a lion, with a snake as a tail. Sprouting out of its back was a goat head. "A chimera," Cress muttered. She passed out, her foster parents screaming. Everything went black.


Cress awoke with her shirt in the beast's mouth. A blinding light came, telling Cress to shut her eyes. She did. The light flashed brighter, and the chimera yelped, turning to dust. Opening her eyes, Cress found she was outside of a camp. Someone, a male about 15, came to her. He helped her to the infirmary, where she laid down on a bed and blacked out. . .

A bow;
and a dagger;

Theme Song:




Did I miss anything???

Nope ^.^ accepted

Marnie Black



Godly Parent: Asteria - Goddess of the stars and the last immortal to live with man


  • She can read the stars, predicting futures, sensing peoples intentions, and reading horoscopes.

Years at Camp:

This is her 2nd year.



Marnie isn't the type of girl to stand back and let someone control her life. She will fight for what she believes in, and isn't afraid to give her opinion. Sometimes that hurts other people, but the truth is important to her. Without it, there would be no true relationships. Hr sarcasm can get a little too out of hand and this tends to make her come off as a bitch or stuck up. She's never been the favorite, and is never afraid to get into an argument with her parents. When she was a teenager still in high school, her father and her would get into countless fights over the boys she was seen hanging around with. She was a bit of a basket case, and hung with the stoners, but now she is straightening herself out.


  • Music

  • Eating Sweets

  • Tacos

  • Food in General

  • Reading

  • Painting


  • Snobs

  • Critics

  • Judgmental People



Marnie grew up with her father, a rich man who couldn't find it in himself to remarry when his wife suddenly disappeared. He had no clue that her mother was Asteria, goddess of the stars. When Marnie started to show signs of being different, and straying from the crowd, her father became worried. He put her through therapy, but it didn't help. Marnie believed she knew what was going to happen to people, but no one would listen. Her therapist thought she was a witch when the girl, who was eight at the time, told her she was going to get cancer. Years later, she did, and it only proved how "messed up" she was. It wasn't until high school that her father got the call. He didn't know where she was going, but she knew. She knew she'd finally fit in.



Her weapon is that staff, it senses auras from people and turns them to colors. It's also good for hand to hand combat.

Theme Song:




  • She is a sucker for sweets and puppy dog eyes
  • Video Games are a lifestyle for her
  • She wants to be a comic book artist for Marvel one day or Dark Horse
  • Gerard Way is her idol
  • 13 is her favorite number
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Name: Daan Kreig

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Godly Parent: Apollo


  • Glows at basically all times.
  • Has basic control over light. He prefers to focus light into thin beams to burn or blind enemies. He is not powerful enough to bend light, to make things invisible, or make a room lighter or darker.
  • He gains energy from the light. So, basically, he is a solar-charged battery. In the dark, he loses energy.

Years at Camp: 2


Daan is a unique sort of personality, with abundant reserves of cheer and hope, although he can come off as a little naive. He is always trying to make people smile, and keep others safe. In a way, he is a little oblivious, and not too skilled at talking to people. He doesn't understand sarcasm, and doesn't really know when he is being teased or picked on. Additionally, he is overtrusting, allowing him to be easily betrayed. He has a strong will, and can continue to be hopeful even in the darkest situations. Although not literally. He basically shuts down in the darkness, being terribly afraid of it, and terrible weak in it.


  • The Sun
  • Light places
  • Sun-related puns
  • Nice people
  • Helping others


  • Mean people
  • The dark
  • When he is unable to help


Born to Diana Krieg in a rather small, isolated farm town, Daan had a rather lonely childhood. Which in the long run, helped him greatly to keep him safe from monsters. From a rather young age, very strange things could be noticed about him. For starters, his body almost seemed to glow at times, and he awoke with the rising sun, and fell asleep exactly when it set. Diana was quite confused, as the man she had Daan with hadn't seemed too strange. However, throughout the years, Apollo made small, minute attempts to explain things to Diana without breaking too many rules. He warned her about the monsters she would face, but she payed little attention, continuing to raise Daan on her farm. At the age of fifteen, the farm was attacked by a rogue Cyclops, killing his mother in the process. With her dying screams, she told him to go to Camp Halfblood, where he has been since. In camp, Daan has quickly shown a prowess with a spear that had appeared in the Apollo cabin upon his arrival, and a unique joy and hopefulness that few other campers posses.


A nameless spear that Daan is rather fond of. It is made of celestial bronze, and imbued with the power of Apollo

((It is the spear in the picture, except that it isn't so fucking big.))


Theme Song:



  • Likes every color in the rainbow
  • Favorite food is chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs.
  • Favorite number is 74
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SirDerpingtonIV said:

Name: Daan Kreig

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Godly Parent: Helios


  • Glows at basically all times.
  • Has basic control over light. He prefers to focus light into thin beams to burn or blind enemies. He is not powerful enough to bend light, to make things invisible, or make a room lighter or darker.
  • He gains energy from the light. So, basically, he is a solar-charged battery. In the dark, he loses energy.

Years at Camp: 2


Daan is a unique sort of personality, with abundant reserves of cheer and hope, although he can come off as a little naive. He is always trying to make people smile, and keep others safe. In a way, he is a little oblivious, and not too skilled at talking to people. He doesn't understand sarcasm, and doesn't really know when he is being teased or picked on. Additionally, he is overtrusting, allowing him to be easily betrayed. He has a strong will, and can continue to be hopeful even in the darkest situations. Although not literally. He basically shuts down in the darkness, being terribly afraid of it, and terrible weak in it.


  • The Sun
  • Light places
  • Sun-related puns
  • Nice people
  • Helping others


  • Mean people
  • The dark
  • When he is unable to help


Born to Diana Krieg in a rather small, isolated farm town, Daan had a rather lonely childhood. Which in the long run, helped him greatly to keep him safe from monsters. From a rather young age, very strange things could be noticed about him. For starters, his body almost seemed to glow at times, and he awoke with the rising sun, and fell asleep exactly when it set. Diana was quite confused, as the man she had Daan with hadn't seemed too strange. However, throughout the years, Helios made small, minute attempts to explain things to Diana. He warned her about the monsters she would face, but she payed little attention, continuing to raise Daan on her farm. At the age of fifteen, the farm was attacked by a rogue Cyclops, killing his mother in the process. With her dying screams, she told him to go to Camp Halfblood, where he has been since. As one of the few kids in the Helios cabin, Daan became leader of the Helios Cabin. In camp, Daan has quickly shown a prowess with a spear that had appeared in the Helios cabin upon his arrival, and a unique joy and hopefulness that few other campers posses.


A nameless spear that Daan is rather fond of. It is made of celestial bronze, and imbued with the power of Helios.

((It is the spear in the picture, except that it isn't so fucking big.))


Theme Song:



  • Head of the Helios cabin
  • Likes every color in the rainbow
  • Favorite food is chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs.
  • Favorite number is 74
accepted, of course~



Crystal Martin





Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



  • Has a bit of control over water
  • Can know the contents of a liquid. For example, someone is drinking water and there's poison in it, let's say, then she's going to know it.
  • Breathing underwater

Years at Camp:

Two whole years


Crystal is a nice person around everyone. She likes to spread a smile around. But when she's mad, she gets very gloomy. She doesn't like anyone talking to her. But during all times, she is tough and brave. She fools people with her looks sometimes, and ends up surprising them with her skills as a fighter. She doesn't give up when she wants to help people or at least to prove a point. She knows no hesitation.


  • Swimming
  • Summer
  • Animals
  • Having people around her


  • Mean people
  • When people think she's weak
  • Letting down people


Crystal's mother always took care of her. She wanted to keep her with her, but when she knew monsters would start attacking, she moved her to Camp Half-Blood. Crystal was really unhappy. She wanted to continue with her school regularly without any "summer activity" getting in the way, and she thinks she's never going to find any friend. As soon as she got to Camp Half-Blood, though, she was glad that everyone was welcoming her warmly.


She has a celestial bronze sword, but it has Poseidon's trident on its hilt.



Loves the color white because it represents pureness. She also likes the number 1.
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