Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Of course we can! But everyone can also stuff their face when they're already there (YES used all three in a sentence), so why wait? Right. Because of anorexia.

Yes, yes, everyone outside of the plane is fine.
Okay. Neither Ryan nor Ace are anorexic then!

If you fall asleep, then I guess you would be too busy sleeping to eat. But wouldn't hunger wake you up?
Okay. I usually can't sleep when my stomach is growling, though, haha. Then your tiredness must outweigh your hunger!
Are you anorexic too? Do you choose to eat nothing for ten hours even when there is a large amount of good food available too? :o
I am very confused as to why someone would buy food at a hotel when he/she has three hours to eat for free on a plane
Because someone wouldn't eat on the plane and made me not feel like waiting to land said plane... Oh btw welcome to Curitiba, Brazil

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But it doesn't take more than three hours to eat food . . . 
Well, everyone whose characters make sense will get a like and a hug from me! ^-^ 
Cupid and Alec are excused because they took medicine that made them drowsy 
But Max is definitely anorexic. He didn't even feel hungry and he hasn't eaten more than a soda in ten hours. He spent three hours flying and ate no food even though it was the afternoon and he ate no lunch! ANOREXIA!!
We can also eat in the fricking plane! Free food for three hours! But no, anorexic people like Max do not accept food. They only eat very little food and save their tiny appetite for hotels, where they eat food to be fancy but not much because they are anorexic.

Wait, sorry, I have to be serious because that is what I have resolved to do from now on. Insincerity is sometimes interpreted as humorlessness.

No. I was pushed off a cliff.

Wasn't that the third time since I was put on the list?
But seriously, is eating really that hard??

Well, I mean, if you're not an anorexic. Eating is hard for anorexic people, and I understand that.

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I'm sorry! I didn't notice anorexia was such a sensitive topic for you. Max must really not like talking about it. He would probably pretend he actually ate something sufficient on the plane so people don't think that of him. His anorexia is probably one of his deep struggles inside. One of his deepest secrets. I'm sorry I probed so far into Max's anorexic life.

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