Camp Half-Blood Redefined

No, I'm not planning on posting very soon. This isn't a priority. And I dislike everyone in the OoC tab.

*I go to the arctic circle and carry Nugget. I slowly go to Julia and give Nugget to her.*

Okay fine...

*I take five steps away from them then sit down.*

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Opposite Day is on January 25!

*sees Ryan walking towards me holding Nugget and my eyes light up and I fill with joy as Nugget leaps into my arms and I feel so ecstatic now that Nugget and I are together forever <3 and I hug Nugget forever and cradle him in my arms because he is the cutest and sweetest thing in the whole world*
*I look at Julia and Nugget then lie down the icy ground.*

Dang why does Nugget have to think I'm evil? Julia why are you saying I'm evil?

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CLONE NUGGET?! That would just make him worthless! There is only one real Nugget!!!

Because you are The Evil Ryan and you make Evil Plans and say Evil Things. But FINE, you can hold Nugget for a maximum of two seconds. *walks over and gently hands over Nugget*
Nevermind! You have passed on the evilness to Techie! Techie is now The Evil Techie! BAH! WAFFLES ARE WORTHLESS!!!
On that note...

*I look at Nugget* You know why you're awesome?

*I use my magical powers and let a nice apple pie on a plate pop up into my hand* Because you were born with awesomeness.

*I lean back on one arm and give Nugget the pie with my other arm.*
*falls in love with the pie*

Nugget said:
*looks tentatively at the pie, then back at Julia, then nudges the pie towards Julia because they are my owners. then hugs The Ex-Evil Ryan for one moment and runs away happily with Julia and Pie*
Nugget is not only awesome because he was born awesome. He didn't start out so awesome. But then he just got progressively more awesome with each second and he ended up EXTREMELY awesome and if you can get that awesome but not start out that way, that shows how truly awesome you are.

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