Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Nicely done! HA at least someone smells the delicious aromas in the dining hall!. But... why is the door just a common wooden door... I made the building seem kinda ornate in some areas :(
Well, sorry! Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome said it was an unassuming building. But I can change it.
Hmm? Ouch? I don't think I said anything that inflicted pain, did I?

And hush, Techie. She also acknowledges the putrid aroma.
Meow? My mom is considering going job hunting and was informed of a job in Cali
I am Lucky, Kitty is my weirdo Glee obsessed best friend. And I totally forgot... xD
No, Kitty is my best friend in real life. This is our name on twitter, and I liked it. So I used it.
Oh my gosh

The three days when everyone was at DC were AWESOME. There were only 20 of us, including some of my really close friends that went with me to DC before, and I wish it would be just we every day. Wednesday was awesome, and we decorated shirts with cool designs and ate outside and stuff, and we climbed on a climbing wall and had a barbecue and it was so fun!! And on Thursday we chaperoned Field Day for the little kids at the K-2 elementary school, where I met the SWEETEST LITTLE GIRL EVER. Her name was Julia too, and I had a name tag, and she thought it was the COOLEST THING that we had the same name. She kept talking to her friends about how we had the same name, and how it was spelled the exact same way, and she thought I was the best person ever and she kept talking to me. When I was about to leave, she ran to me and gave me the longest hug ever and it was SO CUTE!!! And she kept waving to me vigorously while I was leaving. There was also this other girl that was, like, WAY too sassy for a 6-year-old. The class I was chaperoning was playing tag, and this other boy tagged her, and she pretended like she was never tagged. When he said he caught her, she made this sassy sigh and was like "Uh! No I didn't!" in a super sassy voice. And there was this girl that was in my friend Abigayle's group whose name was Abigayle and she looked at her name tag and was like, "You have GOT to stop copying me" in a really mean way.

And today was AWESOME!!! We went to the adventure course at the same camp sort of place we went to on Wednesday, and we were harnessed and climbed up a net and walked on wires and held onto ropes. And there was this one part where we were walking on a single wire and holding onto a single rope and we were SO far above the ground, the people looked like ants, but it was amazing. There were super fun ziplines that went between the trees, and rope ladders, and small staples in the trees that we had to climb on. It was sooo fun. And at the end, we ate delicious barbecued meat and ice cream, and I had, like, a mountain of sprinkles and hot fudge and whipped cream. Haha, I can't wait to make everyone that went to DC to walk around in museums all day extremely jealous.
I know where i'm going this summer!!!! Heinkley, California. Land of the Abengoa Solar Project. Where 50+ Spaniards have no idea what they are doing and are too busy trying to fuck a god damn coconut while the rest of the job is falling apart. And the poor construction workers get blamed for it... Love my job soooo much :) .

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