Cal'uktend's Cache


New Member
When the Solar Exalted sank into evil acts which urged action from the Sidereals and the Dragon-Blooded host it was not unwarranted. Ilkeb is the heir to the Exaltation of Cal'uktend the terrible Princess of Poisons. When Cal'uktend fell in battle, defending her Solar spouse, she was buried with her powerful artifacts out of convenience. Years of raiding attempts lead the Sidereals to hide Cal'ukend's cache across Creation.

The items of Cal'ukend's are as follows;

    - Cal'uktend's Collar

    - Cal'uktend's Gauntlet(The Gauntlet of Five Souls)

    - The Cloak of Cal'uktend

Each of these items were crafted at the height of the First Age and thereby qualify as level 5 Artifacts. It is not my intent to compel you, the Storyteller to write each of them into Ilkeb's story. The only artifact of the list that I would like Ilkeb to have is Cal'uktend's Collar. The stories for each of the artifacts are included below. Although, again, I do not wish Ilkeb to have each of these artifacts for they may over balance the game and the character. Perhaps they could serve as tools for stories! What if a Abyssal or even a Solar got a hold of one of these powerful artifacts? Sure they would have to commit extra essence to attune to them but the terrible powers offered by each of the artifacts make them a huge asset! Would Ilkeb be compelled to at least remove these items from evildoer’s grasp?

Cal'uktend's Collar

Artifact Four

     Cal'uktend's Collar is a powerful artifact created for the First Age Lunar Cal'uktend. It was intended to keep the moon-beast in check after she discerned that her Solar mate had fallen from the Unconquered Sun's grace. Cal'uktend's Collar is modeled after Inuyasha's necklace of subjugation and enforces obedience in the wearer. For 5 Motes the Solar reincarnation of Cal'uktend's spouse may command Ilkeb to perform one action. The artifact hears and acknowledges the Solar's words and forces Ikleb to undertake the action. The collar slowly constricts around Ilkeb's throat if he does not obey until he complies with the order. The artifact will respond to the presence of the reincarnation of Ilkeb's spouse. For 1 Mote the Solar may become attuned to the artifact, the Solar doesn't have to handle the artifact at all, just merely commit the cost for attunement. Afterwards the Solar may spend 5 Motes and expect his/her order to be followed. The artifact is not very intelligent. In the High First Age it didn't need to be, Cal'uktend's spouse was a master word smith and so this was unnecessary. This creates an interesting flaw to the artifact. Ilkeb only has to follow the letter of his order and not the spirit.

    Cal'uktend's Collar also has other powers. The artifact allowed Cal'uktend to conceal her Tell (a royal crest, like Ilkeb) flawlessly. All attempts to discern Ilkeb's Tell are at increased difficulty.

    Typically the Lunars radiate a powerful and unnoticeable mental influence on people who perceive the Lunar in any form commanding them to ignore the Tell. This counts as natural mental influence, despite its obviously magical nature. The Tell acts as an attack with 12 successes on the roll, automatically slipping into the blind spot (or the equivalent for other senses) of any target with a Dodge Mental Defense Value of 11 or less (Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars p130). To the wielder of Cal'uktend's Collar the Exalt is able to add the artifact's level or the wielder's Essence to this natural mental influence, which ever is higher. When Ilkeb uses this ability, which only costs 2 Motes he must also pay my increasing his Limit by one, punishment for suppressing his bestial identity.

    In their true forms the Tell obscuring effect only operates at half its power. Ilkeb however may use the power of Cal'uktend's Collar to again summon addition power (he may add the artifact level or his essence whichever is higher in this instance was well). Someone who has seen Ilkeb's Tell is not allowed to increase their Mental Defense Value by two. People on the look out for shapeshifters also are not allowed the benefit of a +1 to Mental Defense Value.

    Cal'uktend was known for her venom. After she was saddled with the burden of the Collar this reputation increased. The Lunar was prone to more outbursts (as a result of concealing her nature and thereby increasing her Limit), and more importantly she became ferocious. There were things that Cal'uktend's spouse wanted to go unknown and when he needed enemies to disappear, he went to his slave-spouse. Cal'uktend would devour the enemies of her spouse be they mortal, god, or Exalt. She then assumed their role to Creation and no one was the wiser. Although Ilkeb has yet to master the ability to assume the stars of those he consumes, he does have the one ability that the Collar passed on to Cal'uktend.

    The central power of the Collar of Cal’uktend is the ability to increase the effect of the wielder's various toxins, this was a terrible effect when applied to a Lunar poison master and a ghastly applied to Cal’uktend, who was renowned for her powerful acid breath. The necklace has the power to increase the potency of any poison generated by the wielder by the artifact's level or the wielder's Essence level whichever is higher.

    Once on, the artifact requires the reincarnation of Cal'uktend's spouse to remove. The Exalt may do so without any expenditure of Will or Essence.

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