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Calling All Active Role Players!

Artificial Sugar

Plus Ultra

I have some ideas- mostly from fandoms- and some pairings.

Before we get to that though, I need to lay out some requirements.

-I'm looking for an extremely active partner, which means a few replies a day.

-I need someone literate, who can match my post length, whether it be 10 paragraphs or 2.

-PLEASE be able to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

-Use third person only.

-Provide me with a sample of your writing.

So, all of these are pretty much canon/oc, and I'm looking to play the Oc.

However! I am willing to double and play a canon for you as well, so don't worry about that!

| Harry Potter |

I need someone to play Snape, as a teacher.

This is a student/teacher romance, although if preferred, he can be younger than he is in the books.

| Plot |

My oc is a seventh year Slytherin who's parents are Death Eaters.

My oc has always been different than her family, and so she's been shunned for most of her life.

Her parents decide that she needs to join them so she can become a better, more acceptable person, but she has other ideas.

Since her parents (and of course, my oc as well) have known Snape for a long time, they decide to trust him, and ask him to keep an eye on her during the school year, and persuade her to join the Death Eaters.

He agrees, but in reality, he's just keeping watch on her to keep her safe.

He's had feelings for her for a while, and he wants to protect her.

She feels the same.

They bond over their love and talent of Potions, and by Winter Break, since she hasn't decided to be a DE, her parents decide she needs to stay with Snape during that time.

| Thor/Avengers |

I need someone to play Loki.

| Plot |

My Oc is a princess from a nearby planet, Morgul. Since the age of nine, she's been bethrothed to Thor, to unite Morgul and Asgard in times of need.

Every Summer since she was nine, she's been visiting Asgard to get a feel for the place, and to become closer to Thor- but the idea backfired, and she's been getting closer to Loki every year.

She loves Thor, but only as a good friend. My Oc has romantic feelings for Loki, but they've never actually done anything.

My Oc arrives a few weeks before the wedding, and since Thor is always busy with meetings and such, she and Loki spend a lot of time together, and begin a secret relationship.

| Percy Jackson |

I need someone to play an older Nico.

| Plot |

My Oc is a daughter of Aphrodite, but she's nothing like her siblings.

She enjoys reading and art, poetry and nature.

She's often left out of things by her siblings, and she's shy, so she hasn't made many friends.

Seeing that Nico is often alone as well, she decides to befriend him.

| My Chemical Romance |

I need someone to play Gerard Way.

| Plot |

I am willing to play any celebrity/band member/singer that you ask of me, as long as I have at least heard of them (or if you can at least tell me their personality), and as long as I like them well enough (which means no Justin Bieber or One Direction members. Sorry!)

My oc, who's name is Atropa, and her best friend, were best friends with Gerard and whomever you choose me to play for you, if anyone, when they were in elementary school, up until high school.

Atropa and Gerard dated for a while as well, but then he got famous and ended up leaving, which led to them breaking up.

The two boys tried to keep in contact with the girls, but eventually all contact stopped.

It's been about five years now, and Atropa is 21 (your character can be however old you like), and the girls are going to a concert with the two bands (or one if you choose mcr or no doubling), and have decided that after the concert, they're going to sneak backstage and meet up with the boys and see if they remember them.

:> So! If you're interested, please let me know if you'd like me to double for you, and who you'd like me to double as.

I also have some random pairings and some anime pairings. If you're interested, lemme know!​
1.Are there any other pairings you're willing to do?

2.The Percy Jackson one sounds nice but I read the books a long time ago so I will be a bit spotty on his personality.

3. Is Loki going to be the bad guy in Thor?
1- The only people I'm really interested in are Snape or Draco, maybe Sirius.

2- That's alright!

3- Yes, that's him! But he's not gotten so "evil" at the time of the role play.

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