Call of the Rose Knights


New Member
Call of the Rose Knights.:Sign Up:.

Voice of the Knight Captain

The tendrals of The Rose Kingdom stretched out to all the surrounding kingdoms. Messengers, knights, merchants, fliers, citizens, and even passer-by carried the word of the annual Rose Knight Challenge. Warriors from across the world waited every year to hear the call. The chance to win an unknown prize from great Knights only knowing that it would boost any warriors strength beyond limits of their enemies. The Rose Knight Challenge has been a dully loved news for over 100 years. As the call reaches your city the cries of warriors from every area echo into the sky. As the voices rise the an enchanting feeling embodies your being and a voice reaches your ears over the shouts. The voice speaks in an almost immortal tone. The each syllable spoken in a lullaby tone to your mind. "The warriors you hear shall never reach the Rose Challenge. They have not been selected as appropriate. You are a special child and have been given a mark on your soul by the Kingdom to enter our challenge. We hope to see you at the Rose Knight's Ball."

.:Call of the Rose Knights:.

​The Call of the Rose Knights was created by me to introduce an up and coming group to RPN. It will be created by the end of the challenge even though it is current not. This will not be an issue. My friends and I that have recently joined have talked and decided to create a group. This RP will be 1 of 2 things for this group. It will introduce the group, very slightly, as well as open up anywhere from one to three slots to participants for entry into the group. This doesn't seem like it will be a big deal, which I fully understand, because in the eyes of many who read this we are not but more RPers, but we have exceptional skill in role playing and have some skill in many different aspects of the rules and styles. This will not be the only prize to some challengers. The one who stands at the end will be given "Training" by the knights of The Rose Kingdom. This training isn't actual training but a way to say you will be apart of The Rose Knights and have access to a single weapon (of your choice) which will be custom made with an magical ability (up to you to carry this over to a new character or just not use your character anymore) as well as a set of rose Kingdom Armor which will be defined later. Their will be some rules, regulations, and such stated bellow but I hope you all have a great time.

.:Character Info Needed:.




Fighting Class: (Magic, Ranger(bow, throwing, mix please specify)

Description of Character: (Brief description, 1 paragraph, picture included please)

Special Abilites: (Limited to 5, combinations are limited to 2, if you are confused PM me)

Weapons Used: (Brief description of weapons you will use and any abilites they hold, weapon abilities unless linked to your character dont count to the 5, but limited to 2 abilites)

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to Pm me anything you need. I will try my very best to clarify. I may end up screening characters and limiting I'm not possitive I'll have to see. As of now it's fully open to anyone just know this will be a fighting RP. While not in a mandatory fight (one that will progress the storyline) you may free roam around, fight other people, interact with people and NPCs or do anything that pleases you to keep it interesting. If you are called in for a Mandatory fight and do not show within a certain time frame it can be considered a forfeit. This involves your character entering the actual fight area. If a fight your in is keeping you from entering your mandatory fight this is when you must find a way to get out of it. All wounds that are endured will be handled so don't worry about fighting a non mandatory fight and being hurt. If you die in a non mandatory fight, it will be a forfeit when your turn comes around.

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