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Fandom Looking for Rpers for DC comics project.


Senior Member
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/DCU.jpg.c14ee5e2b7bc59907ece89e9955770b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/DCU.jpg.c14ee5e2b7bc59907ece89e9955770b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Anyone interested in rping an expansive Dc comics Universe feel free to inbox me or respond here for details.

Basically I want to have an rp based on Dc Comics characters (in my case Raven) that also has a shared universe concept with the likes of Man of Steel, Arrow, Flash, Constantine, Batman V Superman adaptations, ect!! Of course crossover events will occur once the solo characters have been established.

YES you can create an original character for the universe just no god modding and make them sensible.

IF you want to be a Dc Comics character post who you'd like to be, but their involvement must be relevant to Raven's storyplot.



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If we could get like 1 or 2 more we'd be set :] 
Original characters can be created also! 
@Kyd Jhesus I'll tag you here so you can see the shared universe concept and Dc character provisions :]
Okay WonderWoman(A young Version), Kid Flash or Star Fire. Just tell me who you like best. 
I would do Constantine but I dropped his comic some time ago.
Well Constantine has a show coming out in the fall and I want this rp to exist in that universe along with all the others I listed above,

you said a yound wonder woman right? It would be cool if you did Donna Troy or Cassandra Sandsmark, and tie them in with Diana somehow and bridge an arc to Raven. Starfire would be awesome too because Raven is an extradimensional being, and Starfire's from Tamaran so she could give the space and otherdimensional spectrum of things too. @Kyd Jhesus

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