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No one really knew why it happened. But several nuclear submarines from various nations decided to initiate World War III. Once they launched, the land based response began. Contrary to Hollywood myths, we don’t have enough firepower to destroy everything to kill more than maybe 10% of the population. It was what followed that killed so many. Oceanic transportation was disrupted. No more oil. Whole tankers began to disappear.

It was as if Atlantis had risen in response to our aggression.

Small island populations began to vanish. That was when we started to understand what was happening. Atlantis WAS rising. Before he was killed a journalist caught a few images of a giant octopus… on land and attacking. In fact, there was more than one … working together. The island where the attack took place was never heard from again.

The next wave, if you’ll pardon the pun, was the coastal regions. Inland seemed safe, for now. But people were without power, food, or freshwater. But the attackers were primarily giant octopi. They attacked with purpose, with stealth, and in large numbers.

E.D.S. Octopi Sapiens
Enteroctopus dofleini sapiens. That is the official name. Somehow the Giant Pacific octopus had evolved into sentience. Such a thing could never have happened on its own, could it? There are all sorts of rumors floating about. Again, pardon the puns.

Normally adults usually weigh around 15 kg (33 lb), with an arm span up to 4.3 m (14 ft). Some larger individuals have weighed-in at 50 kg (110 lb), with a radial span of 6 m (20 ft). Unlike most other octopus species, whose life spans normally span only one year, the giant Pacific octopus has a lifespan of three to five years. They reach sexual maturity at one to two years of age. To help compensate for its relatively short lifespan, the octopus is extremely prolific. It can lay between 18,000 to 74,000 eggs.

This new species have four times this mass range. And given their new behavior patterns it is quite possible that they are sapient. Just how sapient is yet to be discovered.

They are the result of cross genetics research aimed at preserving the species from global warming.

Aliens did it.

They are an ancient race that evolved long ago and have been awakened by global warming.

Cthulhu has risen.

The E.D.S. are believed to be eating their victims. Others say farming them (taking them away to store for meals later on).

It is really too soon for reliable rumors. Yes, I DO have in mind how the EDS evolved.

For this I will create a Lore thread. This will be reported strange behavior - and the level of veracity available.

The plot will give an idea of the specialties needed by the group.

Survival - Some of you may have characters suited more to re-establishing technology, fixing machinery, etc. Medics. Outdoor survivalists. Gardeners, farmers, etc. Basically anyone who can keep a community alive - or keep soldiers able to fight.

Investigation - marine biologists, xeno-specialists, etc. These are the people who will search for ways to fight the octopi. Don’t be squeamish. The soldiers are going to need you to do an autopsy. Make theories.

War - Hunters, fishermen, police, soldiers. Kill or be killed.

3rd Person Past Tense

Literate to Semi-Literate. Please proofread your posts to make sure your autocorrect didn’t screw up your post, or your finger didn’t stray across the touchpad.

Multi paragraph (Personally, I tend to have posts at least a page in length. In something like this, very probably more.). The important thing is content though.

I understand real life, but if you can’t commit, please don’t join. I’d prefer that all members be able to post no less than weekly. If you KNOW of an absence - like finals in college, military duties, etc, say something. We can try to work scenes around that. Or if several members all have the same issue, put the RP on a pause with plans to resume after. I used to run tabletop RPG’s in my college days. We all understood Finals Week.

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