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Realistic or Modern Cabin Role Play


it is righteous, as me, as existing unhurtful.
Such slightly dark grey sky with several big, continuosly puffy framed very dark grey clouds of such heartish appearance of such sky's left and of Aetter looking directly up, well, if she should, are, with such beautiful, calm, inspiring of Aetter of her making herbal tea of whipped cream of citrus peel extract and cinnamon flecks of such whipped cream's top environmental vibes, and it effects Aetter with the heavy precipitation of rain sprinkling her dark blue jeans of bright, light blue letter 'l' resembling marks of the front bottoms and like frames around her pockets such more form-fitting of the top and loose of the bottoms like small, mostly traditional bouquet wrappers of her sitting of her legs crossed front of her at her ankles, Aetter sitting upright at her small, arched, black, iron fire escape door. She thought briefly of the fondness she had of humidity during Summer surrounded of greenery. Her little black cat Petunia of dark brown eyes walked at her and snuggled of Aetter's hands placed delicately top of eachother of her lap. Aetter smiles lightly, then looks at her rather large light pink, silk, tied bow of somewhat large ribbon of droopy, large ovals, and two bottom components reaching her waist of the middle of her not-super-tight corset of her left side, her corset fitting of such corset's front of three largely spaced away button clasps of strong string, such corset of light pink silk as well, and emphasizing her shoulders and collar bone, such corset barely reaching her collarbone, and such corset of square top with her light pink, silk high heels of closed, rounded, one inch up toe fashion and skinny three inch heels. She then thought of her hair, it of such messy, large bun of several small strands away of the bun, such bun slightly left of top of her head, then her light pink lip gloss, small white mark of the skin of the inner corner of her eyes, unobvious dark brown eyebrows of her putting dark brown eyebrow makeup on her eyebrows of them of aside each of the middle outer corners of her eyes as such quite fine point, and oil reducing, zero color powder of her face. She inhales of love of the smell of rain, though loves the smell of petrichor more, then looks across her apartment at her cat's small, round pink feeding bowls aside her kitchen's island that required her to put food of since she was vacationing at her father's cabin with her friends. Of such thought, she is destined of packing snacks and drinks that her and her friends can consume, as well! She contains such excitement, and shuts her fire escape door.

Of either side of her fire escape door are pink rose flower plants with six roses of each plant of white, somewhat tall, ovalish porcelain pottery, and a red long, oval cotton rug she walks on, walking past her round, black wood dining table with three black wooden chairs of three tall, square windows of steel black frame surrounding them and steel black cross on each of them until she gets more of her kitchen of such tan, large marble counter island, black refrigerator and black stove against such wall across of her kitchen island with such small,black steel bookshelf of cooking books and herbal remedies aside her stove. Aetter grabs the bag of cat food next of her pink rose centerpiece of six roses of large, white porcelain oval pottery on her kitchen island and pours it of two of the bowls, seals the bag and puts it next of the centerpiece, then gets water of her refrigerator and puts the water of the other two bowls before putting them back on the tan, square tile floor, such tan tile of all of her apartment with all of her walls painted tan.

"Meow, meeeow. Meow."

Aetter's cat starts drinking water, and Aetter says, "I shall see you after one week, love you." her voice know-it-all, tenor, and somewhat tired sounding of subtle rasp behind the words 'week' and 'you'. With her leaning over the counter, Aetter smells the roses of her island, and such moment is beautiful. She walks and is then of her sitting room of such simple pink lounge chair of cotton fabric with such small, square, black steel side table with one lamp of small, pink, oval base of square light fixture of pink chiffon over the yellow light, such light similar of the yellow glow of her chandelier over her dining room table, such chandelier of black chain of ceiling and of small, clear glass oval center, with four clear glass, thin, drooping thornless rose stem-resembling connectors of such base of the four, separate lamps of clear glass shaped as turned over bells. Aetter turns off her retro television front of her loungechair against the wall that only receives old shows, though she rather loves such shows, as well as the square shape of her television. She sits on her lounge chair with her two silk, pink, somewhat large, coinpurse shaped purses with her belongings in them and waits for Lecleo's arrival before they both leave of beautiful destiny; the picking up of their friends.

1000000464.jpg <3

The street that Aetter and Lecleo reside of is of simply Lecleo as it is raining heavily, and of Lecleo walking beyond his tan, four-level apartment building, he puts his left hand before his top of his face of such left of such hand's back against his face, such placement of grace of his opinion, such right hand grasping his black umbrella, and after such moment of putting his left hand up, he then puts it back at his side as walks and then starts running towards Aetter's apartment. His all black Vans shoes splash of the puddles as he runs, and the bottoms of his light blue, nontight jeans of concealed black silk belt of tied, small bow that holds them are totally wet, though his long-sleeved, dark blue and light blue checkered button-up shirt is of such dryness of such cold, winter remain. He shields water of splashing him of passing cars with his umbrella, and thinks of himself as such video game character Peach who uses an umbrella. Someone is causing music of such guitar of one of the first floor patios of Aetter's apartment, and December stringed lights of all white and multi-colored arrangement give distraction of Lecleo's sadness momentarily as he walks of the lobby of Aetter's apartment where she then is of her purses of the inner arches of both of her arms, him folding his umbrella.

"Lecleo, hey! Let's go to the parking garage and then pick up the others." says Aetter, attracting stares of new residents as she and Lecleo walk of such parking garage as such destination, Lecleo admiring such dark green, real December pine tree garland of the central wooden front of the central lobby, large, square, light tan wooden reception table, decorated similar as the bottom of such heart with red sphere ornaments adorning it of such garland's whole, the yellow light ambiance of the two lamps of both sides of the reception table of tan, chiffon, bell resembling light fixtures of oval, white, porcelain bases representing opportunity of new adventure of Lecleo's opinion. Lecleo thinks 'they tricked me...' then goes of thinking of existing happy, then twitches of thinking again 'they tricked me.' He puts such thoughts aside, though, happy again, then enters the parking garage with Aetter, and the both of them put their bags of her back seats of her very light pink, sparkly, year two-thousand-twenty-three Escalade, Lecleo's upright cylinder shoulder bag somewhat large and black cotton, then the both of them hop of the front of her Escalade and Aetter turns on the radio after turning her Escalade on. "Let's bump." she says, her Escalade revealing 8:00 p.m. as such time, and some dance tune gifting sound lightly with some bass.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555
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  • sam jones

    the surfer

    sam hadn't expected to be awoken so early by a text, but here he was, awoken by such things. He groaned, laying a sun-kissed arm over his eyes to block the sun as he groped around for his phone. It was a slightly older model, the screen protector was slightly dented but other than that, it was mostly good. He sighed, glancing at the screen, and his heart dropped.

    A single text from Bart had come across his screen, a single word. March.

    For a moment, he was confused. His bodily reaction was improper for such things. His mind sifted through memories, trying to settle on anything Bart might have said to trigger such things.

    'Woodland? No. Walk... no. Well I'm a March baby, maybe that's it?' He thought to himself. His skin rippled with goosebumps, a telltale sign he was getting closer to the answer. But what it could be still eluded him.

    His memory, ever so messily filed, finally found its mark, a sudden recall of a walk through the woods near Bart's house that suddenly filled him with dread.

    "And then I said, well c'mon aunt Kathy, you surely gotta-" he paused, noticing how glume the blond looked. "What's wrong? You look... sad? Un-bart-like?" He explained. Bart sighed, and in proper manner, explained his short predicament.

    "My parents are sending me on an excursion with two of their family friends for a week. Some... cabin trip, to clear my head." He explained. "Problem is, I don't understand a word they say. They speak English just fine, it's just... like something out of a fairytale book-"

    "And you were never one for that! You always like logical pursuits and mystery." Sam teased, but, noticing that had failed, he sighed. "Look. Do either of them got a phone number? Or a Snapchat? Maybe an insta? I can always see if I can come."

    That seemed to brighten up the younger man immensely, and he sighed. "Would you? I swear, if you do, I will owe you immensely."

    "Eh, just promise me if I come and don't have a good time, you'll get me a new board, k?" He joked, but Bart seemed to take it quite seriously.

    "On my honor, I swear, you don't have a good time, we'll go board shopping. I'll get you a custom board if you so choose!" He insisted. Sam, brushing this off as a joke, slung an arm around his friend's shoulder.

    "That's a deal. And hey, maybe if you ask Liv and Josie, they'll tag along too." He suggested, eliciting a laugh out of Bart at long last.

    "I'm sure they'll be fine. But... maybe I will." He said, as he led the way out of the woods. "I'll text you the day of to march. That way you can pack your bags and meet us downstairs." He suggested with a smile.

    Ah, so  that was why Sam had felt so nervous. It was today.

    Wasting no time, it seemed, someone knocked on the door. "Sam! Are you awake? Get up, you gotta pack, let's march!" Josie called. Sam groaned, the loudest he ever had, before flopping back into bed. At the very least, Josephine had been caught up in this too, which mean there was no getting out of this one.

    With a sigh of defeat, he rose, sleepily blinking before going to grab a duffel bag to pack his stuff in.


    rolling out of bed and already annoyed



    josie, bart, liv


    currently in bed, will end up outside eventually

    ♡coded by uxie♡
dormant: of a plant or bud alive though not actively growing, plants dormant of preserving energy of bloom's after of resilience, destination as more favored atmosphere is.
such then, of dormant definitions of several things, one might think it should only define plants and flowers.

valor: great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.
also then, such plant's valor astounding and pretty.

deteriorate: such making of inferior of quality or value.

after, such deterioration of plants of after growth, beautiful though remaining flawed as the resilient existence.

The Walk of Fame of more than 2,700 celebrities with their names center of stars, such stars made of terrazo, such terrazo mosaic flooring of small pieces of marble or granite set of mortar, such mortar such plastic building material (such as such mixture of cement, lime, or gypsum plaster with sand and water) that hardens and is used in masonry or plastering, then given such high polish, and consisting of brass, was very slightly interesting of Aetter's opinion as it emphasizes such beauty that can blossom of cameras, though she stopped thinking of such place with such slight jerk of her head, causing her hair bun to move slightly. She pressed slightly harder on her gas pedal, and honey, honey written towards zero existence though such word as moment's, Aetter's, not so prevalent emotion, such press in her heels, and it felt right of her opinion. She then stops at such stop sign, and turns right with Bartholomew of such street with new people whom he is friends of. It seemingly shall never transition, though Aetter is unfond of Bartholomew's apartment complex with zero real reason.

"We can't be friends, but I'd like to just pretend, you cling to your papers and pens, wait until you like me again." sings Ariana Grande of seemingly alto vocal range and Lecleo sings along softly of such same musical range, he sang earlier, therefore his voice sounded more clear, though was unheard of Aetter. He is quite fond of such song, and Ariana Grande. She is amazing to him and beautifully inspiring! Such dark beautiful, brown as crispy, are wet peony petals that are of the previous street, such peony small bushes decoratively horizontally columned and somewhat decently spaced apart of such specific decorative columns of both sides of such street on the sidewalks of carved place of such plants of such cement of somewhat large squares with soil. Such leaves are of deterioration, and thin stems are soil's adornment of mostly zero visibility because of the soil, and Lecleo found such black silhouettes very pretty, him of zero familiarity of plant dormancy. His main tragedy is melodic with the music, and he thinks of singing thinking 'I don't care anymore,' with certain moments of We Can't Be Friends by Ariana Grande, such as also, with him replacing lyrics from such song with lyrics he wants of him of his own music when he makes such music videos. He ponders of such thought of sadness, and it is definitely something he wishes of him of encouraging others of caution of, and labels his sadness as simply sadness that shall vanish, and then is, as only factual happening. Such song bumps loudly, though not loud enough of hearing of homes, and she sees silhouettes of people that become familiar blessings, Bartholomew and his friends! Aetter pulls over aside them and rolls Lecleo's window down and says of nurturing tone of somewhat loudness, rain her unnoticed adorner, "Hi, Bartholomew! Hi, others, as well." and then looks at Lecleo after turning the music of more quietness of subtle hearing of such Escalade.

Lecleo hops of Aetter's Escalade and says, looking of each face politely, "I shall open the trunk. It is wondrously special meeting you all, and hi Bartholomew." and then opens the trunk. He waits there so he can close such trunk, and stands of such trunk of him remaining dry. He resists crying of thinking "They tricked me." and stands upright, specifically flexing of different modeling gazes, slightly unfocused twinkly, head arched slightly down of eyes of glimmer lightly, then rests of his normal glare. Such tragedy is whatever of his opinion of fleeting sad reality, that's what he keeps telling himself understanding such beauty strength, since his heart is such broken after accidentally letting his poodle out and such poodle never coming home, such men's behavior of forcing Lecleo of swimming of such home pool and partying of dancing and forced socializing tiring him, thus him different of his arrival home after such party.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 ^u^
MOOD: sam: already confused / josie: bart is definitely going to pay / bart: already nervous / olivia: REGRET

OUTFIT: sam / josie / bart / olivia

LOCATION: aetter cl's car
MENTIONS: aetter, lecleo

INT: aetter, lecleo
TLDR: none of them understand a thing being said, once again. Bart is going to be so fucked.
jones | li | cunningham | perez
meet the team. sam the surfer, josie the swimmer, bart the socialite, olivia the fashionista
Already, Josie knew that Bart was going to be completely screwed. She could tell by the way each of her friends eyed the others nervously as they approached, seeing Lecleo step out of the car to greet them. She smiled, trying to hide the shivers that went down her spine as he spoke. It sort of felt... off, the way he spoke. Bart, noticing her nerves, was two steps ahead. "Oh, no, no Lecleo, we can open the trunk for ourselves-"

"This car seems kind of small. Is it gonna fit all of us?" Olivia asked, her brow raising slowly. Sam paused, his mind already halfway out the door as she spoke. "I mean... push comes to shove, I can always chill out on the roof." he offered, pausing in shock at his own comment. "Oh crap."

Josie giggled, shaking her head. "Um... I think we can fit Sam and Liv in the back. She answered, moving to the passenger side to talk to Aetter. "Uh, is it ok if we stuff those two in the back?" she asked politely, a frightened shiver running down her spine. Sam immediately jumped in, shaking his head.

"I can get on top of the car, Bart can deal with it!" he said, even as Bart grabbed him. "We can put you in the trunk, Mr Jones." he stated, tone firm and clear. "Shall we get going? We don't want to get to the cabin too late." he suggested. The others, now resigned to their fate, sighed and agreed. This was going to be quite the journey, for all of them.
code by valen t.
Aetter is privileged of meeting Barthololmew's friends, and she is hoping they all like her father's large mansion. She quickly thinks all of them shall, such cabin one hour and thirty minutes of their current location of two large, standing cylinderesque arches of both sides as corners of such cabin's front two hundred and sixty feet of width, the cabin's back width two hundred and sixty feet also, and such sides two hundred and sixty feet, such two level cabin consisting of somewhat large cylinder logs, each six feet of thickness and sixteen feet of length as dark brown. Such, though, besides such specific lengths of certain places around windows and doors! Such cabin flooring is quite similar, only different of such dark blue, small square tile of such cabin pool room. Of several happy and sad enterings imbued, such of exquisite differentiating existence energy, the happiness of always defeating sadness, is the only entrance, such front large, flat square, dark wood double door of brass, half-moon shaped door knobs of center of cabin front wall. Such two of Aetter's father's cabin's windows are of the front of the cabin, both somewhat large and square of both sides of the front door with somewhat thin, dark brown wood shutters of the both of them.

Such deciduous, the word deciduous as plant's leaves of zero existence of the plant as current, is not of evergreens, evergreens non deciduous of storing of green leaves all year, and one very large evergreen is beside the back of the cabin of the right side of the cabin of some existence looking at the cabin of its front, such cylinder trunk dark brown and thick, then such long, cylinderesque top branches as its crown, crown as such top of many trees, branches longer of bottom of tree, then by small amounts thinning until top of tree tine, tine as sharp point, dark brown such somewhat thick branches. It is thin, cylinderesque branchlets of such branches as dark brown of such green, small, very thin cylinder leaves of all of such branchlets as rows. Shy is the evergreen as earth's, and secretly nosey are the neighbors of such cabin. Of the back of such cabin is one barbecue place of white iron, square table of three small white iron chairs of flat square backs, the place of one, black iron solar light of square top beside the barbecue, and such place of dark wood flooring and tall dark wood fence.

Such Aetter's father's cabin is of the kitchen of the very front of the cabin, such black refrigerator and black stove of the right of some existence standing of their back facing such front door, such refrigerator and stove facing such similar direction on the wall of white, square marble top counters of square, dark brown wood bottoms of both sides of such refrigerator and stove. The left is of row of white, square marble top counters of square, dark brown wood bottoms of one purple coffee machine since Aetter asked her father of such purple coffee machine since she was really fond of purple one year ago, one small black television top of one counter beside such front door, and one black iron, square, small spice rack beside such coffee machine. Such clear glass staircase of glass stair protectors are of such center of main room with the pool room left of it, such pool square and rather large of large, dark brown dark wood archway entrance left of such staircase of some existence standing of their back facing such front door. Small bedroom and bathroom are behind the staircase that Aetter mainly uses of her vacations at such cabin, and the floor is cluttered of make-up, soaps, and floral scented perfumes, mostly of the front left corner of the room somewhat beside the main entrance staircase, such back wall of room as the back wall of such cabin. Such bedroom door is large, square, dark wood of brass lighthearted, lighthearted as untight, swirl. Such lovely, slightly light-reflecting pink satin comforter is of white wood queen bed of zero headboard, though whole moon top adornments of corner cylinders of such bed with white, small wood nightstand of herbal remedy books and one small, whole moon light of yellow light.

Second level is of three bedrooms and such sitting section, the sitting section behind where the stairs are, such section of certain surprises Aetter wishes of seeing if Bartholomew and such new acquaintances can like. Such left of sitting section of back facing front cabin wall of such sitting section is one bedroom of small red bed, one white cotton, cube organizer of nothing, and one small antique lamp of brass base and dark yellow square glass fixture top of small brown nightstand with one small, square window of the other side of the bed. Next right of such bedroom is another room if someone were of viewing such space of the lounge space of facing the back of the staircase, with two other bedrooms straight front of such viewing angle, then such small hallway of one small, square window of the side of the cabin is between the two back bedrooms and two bedrooms beside the sitting section. Such both back bedrooms are of one small, square window with one small bed both, both of white cotton comforter and dark brown wood base of zero headboards. There was such small special at some unique store of two similar lamps, thus Aetter bought them with her father, Aetter fond of such somewhat large, red chiffon turned-over bell resembling light shades of yellow light and black iron standing lamp bases, one lamp beside both beds.

"Looks as if it does, I hope everyone is comfortable," Aetter says politely of reply of Liv, looking at her and then back at the road front of her, "I am Aetter, everyone. If you need anything of this vacation, I can see if I can help!" she says, and puts her's and Lecleo's windows of only small fresh air. Lecleo shuts such trunk and hops of Aetter's Escalade. "I'm excited and privileged of our vacation together." Aetter says, thinking of Sam's seemingly joking expressions, and though of slight disagreement of such expressions and synchronizing Sam and Lecleo as somewhat non austere, austerity as strict, she then focuses of driving and starts driving, such cabin of forest of Topanga, California. Lecleo chimes of looking back quickly, "I am Lecleo." and then looks back at the road of "Flowers" by Miley Cyrus starting of such Escalade radio very lightly.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555
MOOD: sam: slightly squished / josie: this is awkward... / bart: im about to be out serious money / olivia: at least they're understandable...

OUTFIT: sam / josie / bart / olivia

LOCATION: otw to the cl's house
MENTIONS: aetter cl, lecleo sunshine

INT: aetter cl, lecleo sunshine
TLDR: on the way! this vacation shall be odd
jones | li | cunningham | perez
meet the team. sam the surfer, josie the swimmer, bart the socialite, olivia the fashionista
Sam smiled gently at Aetter's speaking, She sounded mostly normal, even if the words seemed to be somewhat foreign in her mouth, she seemed to handle them well. But there was an... oddness, in the way she spoke, like she wasn't human, like she was barely even that. It chilled him to his very bones. Same with Lecleo. It felt like they were shapeshifters that weren't quite used to this form. He looked to Bart, who seemed to come to the same conclusion, and he sighed, laying back in his seat. "Thank you, Aetter. My uh... friends are not quite the talkative bunch, so... just be aware." he lied, not wanting any of them to feel the need to speak.

Olivia took the opportunity, mostly staying on her phone and texting her parents until they got to the cabin. The cabin itself was... fine, if a bit confusing. Bart sighed, letting the women hop out of the car first as soon as they arrived before being able to get himself and Sam out of the car. "Alright... ladies, I suppose the three of you should pick your rooms before we gentlemen do." he suggested, closing his eyes and taking a moment to breathe in the cool forest air. He didn't notice Sam dropping his bags upon seeing the lake. "Bye guys, I wanna get in the water!"
"Sam, no, come back!" Josephine shouted, chasing after him and leaving her own bag behind. Olivia sighed, grabbing it. "I will be inside. Barry, if you need anything, just find my room." she said, moving into the large cabin with a smile. Bart sighed, turning to Lecleo and Aetter. "My friends are... of their eccentricities. Much like yourselves. I do hope you don't mind." he said, moving to walk inside.

This was going to be one hell of a week.
code by valen t.
The cabin seemed very different of Aetter's opinion, and Lecleo did his best of zero pretending they were of some horror movie and imagining certain scenes of his mind, since, well, it wasn't really his thing, though he does it rarely, sometimes of imagining him of friendship parts of imaginary movies. Aetter takes off her heels of them of zero wetness and mud gathering, clothes them, and the models step outside and close their doors, and after, Aetter looks at her Escalade of satisfaction, her headlights shining on the forest beside her father's cabin, only seemingly subtly putting light of the seemingly eerie forest of Lecleo's opinion and somewhat familiar forest of Aetter's opinion until the lights shut off. There is such loud owl hooing of the forest, and Aetter and Lecleo both grab their bags of the back of such vehicle as the rain starts pouring more softly, Aetter walking slowly with Bartholomew and saying, "I am simply happy they are here, uniqueness is common," until she is inside, then once inside she says, "there are three bedrooms upstairs, and one of this level, please step safely on the stairs. Lecleo and I shall sleep of the couches upstairs of the seating section. There's food of the fridge, you are all welcome of eating and drinking as much as you want." and smiles lightly at Olivia and Bartholomew if they should see such. Such lighting of the main room is of one chandelier of four clear glass, bell-resembling fixtures placed similar as each corner of one square of slightly drooping stem connectors of the square brass center, yellow light of each fixture. Aetter walks upstairs of putting her belongings at one of the upstairs couches. One of the neighbors stands outside on her porch, she who very recently squinted of evilness at the black silhouettes, she destined of spying and seeing who is at the cabin tomorrow, she as such existence of rage and thinking someone at the cabin might exist as such reason of such rage.

Lecleo thinks if he should follow Sam and Josephine, and he is somewhat nervous, though thinks his politeness shall guide him of him deciding he shall follow them. He reaches of his bag and his flashlight is then on of his right hand, the wet tan sand of many little shells and few large pieces of driftwood of him walking of such sand. Lecleo's flashlight falls unpurposely and splashes of the water. "Oops. If you need towels, such towels are of my bag. If you are cold since the water is probably very cold." Lecleo says nurturingly. Lecleo then kneels and screams when he sees one fish of his flashlight, though quickly obtains his flashlight again if someone wants him of him shining it of such path. "Sorry, I saw one fish. It scared me." he says, laughing softly and setting sadness aside of such happiness.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 ^u^
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