
Osea Rey made his way to the chamber of the meeting. He had been summoned only moments ago and for him it was a pleasant called. He often sat silent in his dorm. Gazing out the window, staring at the bleak abyss that was Hueco Mundo.

For Osea, He rarely if ever questioned what he was ordered. He had no reason to do so. Even in his vengeance, the only reason for doing anything was self preservation. He would sacrifice someone in a second, in order to g et the upper hand in a fight and we would do it without any remorse. A life for a life, as he saw it.
As Riyoshi sonido'd through the white sand desert, he withdrew his blade and cut down some low level hollows.

"This is not good enough!" Riyoshi said aloud as his blade pierced the skull of his last victim.
Zander Blaze walked through the desert, clothing rippling to one side in the wind. He had herad the call and had wondered what it was about that he would have his time making things explode disturbed. But then nothing was really worth blowing up here, nothing at all. Everything was too weak, to easy to predict, he wanted something that would be a challenge.

Adjusting his bazooka across his back he spotted something up ahead, something that was destroying a couple hollows. "interesting." Zander said a large grin spreading across his face as his paced picked up more.
As the last hollow disintegrated in front of his eyes, he seen a figure moving towards him and fast.

{This might be the one that i want to be up against.} Riyoshi thought as he sonido'd and closed the gap between them.

As he sonido'd again, he was about 20 feet from the man.

"AGH!" Riyoshi shouted as he slashed his blade downward towards the man's shoulder.
Zander raised an eyebrow at the man before sonido-ing away from the attack. "Is that really anyway to greet a man of my type?" He said, voice loud, deep, and booming before he put his bazooka on his shoulder and aimed it at the man before firing a round at him. "Then I guess I'll greet you the same."
As Riyoshi's blade made contact with the ground, he looked up and saw that the man was holding a large weapon.

"I am going to love this." Riyoshi yelled out as he raised his blade up to shoulder height.

As his blade reached the height of his shoulder, it pointed towards the man. As the man fired a round from his weapon, Riyoshi's eyes opened wide.

{What is up with that weapon! that is interesting!} Riyoshi thought as he crouched and spun under the incoming projectile.

"You are an interesting opponent to last this long!" Riyoshi called out as he sonido'd to try and close the gap between the two of them.
Zander countered every sonido that the man took with his own, going back farther and to the side so they were making something of a circle. "As are you." He commented back.
As his opponent countered his moves and kept at a distance, he was at a loss for words.

"May i ask your name?" Riyoshi asked as he stood upright and placed his sword back into his sheath.
Staying at his distance and not being so ready to put away his weapon he narrowed his eyes at his opponent. "Blaze. Zander Blaze."
"Well, its nice to meet you. I will make note that i should fight you later." James said as he turned towards the meeting place.

As he turned, he started to run.
"Interesting man indeed." Zander said shouldering his weapon and continuing on his wak to the meeting, before realizing the man from before was going the same way. Quickly running after him, Zander laughed as he by-passed the man purposely kicking up sand into his face to slow him down a bit, turning this into a race.
As he was passed up, the man kicked sand up into Riyoshi's face. Raising his hand up to protect his eyes, Riyoshi sonido'd into the air above him.

"That is a cheap move like your weapon you have there!" Riyoshi said as he dashed across the sky.
"Cheap, my Kits-kun? How dare you." Zander said following the man's lead with sonido-ing but kept closer to the ground still kicking up a lot of dust as he started closing in on hte man again.
"Where is the fun if you do not get into the action with your hands and get dirty while fighting!" Riyoshi yelled back as he started to pick up the pace so he is not to be caught by Zander.
Zander bared his teeth, leveling his bazooka with the path the man was following as he sonido'd up into the air and fired. "Eat dirt you old man!"
As Zander yelled out, Riyoshi turned around and charged his cero.

"You are going to have to try harder!" Riyoshi yelled back.

As he yelled, Riyoshi sonido'd back gaining distance from the missile, and launched his cero.
Zander growled dodging around the cero, and sonidoing forward towards the man bringing back his fist to make contact with the mans face.
As Riyoshi blinked, Zander was in front of him launching an attack. Moving his head to the right, he dodged the attack, but his ear was grazed slightly.

"You are fast even with that large weapon there." Riyoshi said.

He then sonido'd to the ground. Placing his hand on the hilt, he started to withdraw it, but he then realized.

{I need to get to that meeting!} He thought.

"I have to go! I'm needed else where!" He shouted up towards Zander.
Zander simply laughed pointing to the general direction of that meeting, "You going there as well?" He asked from the air before simply shaking his head and going back to sonidoing through the air towards the meeting place already sure he was going to get his butt beta for being late as it was.
Cinqo was gnawing on a hollow-corpse as Voche's mind suddenly entered his. He was ordered to come to the meeting place, he didn't particularly cared for being disturbed during a meal but he knew better than to let Maldios wait.

He shifted his balance and turned to face the direction of the meeting place. On all fours, with his trusy 4-skulls-mace tied to his waist by his brown shawl, he darted forwards, keeping up a steady speed.
"OH MAN! You are going too!" Riyoshi said as he sonido'd at the same pace as Zander.

"I just hope we are not too late." Riyoshi said as he appeared next to Zander.
"Nn." Zander said and the building place came into view. "Maldios would destroy us if we were."
After running for what seemed to be a long time, Cinqo finally reached the meeting place. Having changed from his on-all-fours position to walking on his hindlegs he entered the room he had grown to fear and respect.

" Hail, Lord Maldios. " He said as he crouched to one knee in front of his lord. Silently awaiting Lord Maldios's response, anxious, fear and respect were the 3 most apparent emotions that were boiling up inside of him. Yet he remained kneed, waiting.
As Riyoshi and Zander arrived, Riyoshi ran ahead and entered the building and walked to the meeting room. As he entered the room, he seen a guy on one knee. Looking up towards the 'main' guy, Riyoshi took in a deep breath.

"Sup. You rang." Riyoshi said as he exhaled and walked towards the east wall.

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