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Realistic or Modern C H A O S

Scientists. They've played a big role in our society in this day and age. New inventions, better medicine, we've really advanced haven't we? Well... Scientists are now also the ones responsible for the current zombie apocalypse.

Woah. A zombie apocalypse? How original!

Yes, I know, it's an overused plot. But I felt like doing it, so hell, I am doing it. Yes, anyways, Scientists. After trying to find a cure for who knows what, people started chaging into these undead creatures. The virus is practically airborne now, and every single molecule is contaminated with this virus, awakening the dead from their deep sleep and sending them towards every human brain in existence.

Our characters start off in Jindai Academy, an average high school for average teenagers like yourself. Everyone here has no experience whatsoever in a real life situation like this, and the only ones with any real fighting experience are those kids from the martial arts and weaponry extra curricular activities.

So imagine what happens when an announcement is made telling everyone to stay calm and that everything will be alright, before getting cut off by screaming and yelling, with a growling noise in the background?

No one's calm.

Everyone's panicking.

Everyone falls into a state of .

People are running, screaming and trampling over their classmates and teachers, and now it's killed or be killed in this school. But there's a group of teenagers, a group of teenagers, that when banded together, make a spectacular team, capable of surviving this chaotic world.

The only problem is, will they be able to brave this crazy situation while still sticking together with their sanity in tact?

Hello! If you've made it this far, congratulations, here's a cookie.

So anyways, this is a Casual roleplay, something I haven't hosted in a long time, so I hope to make this one last... That is, if I don't get lazy halfway.

I'll be using anime/drawn faceclaims for this, since I've been in so many realistic and serious roleplays recently, I thought I would switch it up with a loose and casual setting, nothing too dark or gritty. I hope you guys have some sort of interest in this!

Some of you may not know me personally, some of you probably think I'm a creepy stalker and don't even knows my name, and some of you I'm pretty close with. So hopefully, you guys are interested.


With all their knowledge coming from video games, the gamer is a semi useful and semi burden person to have on your team. On one hand, their incredibly intelligent, but on the other hand, they really can only fight those undead creeps from afar... But a rampaging gamer with a gun is something you should be very, very scared of.

-The Joker-


The Joker is almost like comedic relief. They're the ones that are funny, but yet leaning to the dumb side when it comes to actual smarts in this wild situation. They might seem useless, but hey, they might have some hidden potential.

-The Sissy-


Alright, The Sissy isn't as bad as they sound. Sure, they're a bit weaker, both mentally and physically, but they're kind and nurturing personalities make up for it, and they sure as hell make good medics.

-The Druggie-


Do you remember that dude that was at the back of the school, a blunt in hand and shivering from the cold? That dude that never seems to know what's happening around him? Yes, that dude is the stoner. They might be a bit blur at times, but the stoner is pretty smart actually, just make sure they have their daily smoke or they'll be facing withdrawal symptoms.

-The Brawn-


Ooh, how tough and daring you are. The brawn is the situation of all punch and no talk. They might have a brain, but they sure as hell don't use it often. Punching, kicking and swinging stuff is what they do best, and that's exactly why they're useful.

-The Brain-


Opposite to The Brawn, The Brain can't punch, kick or swing anything. In fact, they have the strength of a twig when it comes to physical activity. However, The Brain is great at planning, and knows all the great hiding spots within the school and even within *Tokyo itself.

-The Royal-


They always got what they wanted, and their butler always drove them to school in a limo. They're prisses to the extent of being even worse than The Sissy, at least they know how medicine works! The Royal is a lazy ass, always lazing around and waiting for people to help them with everything. But under pressure, The Royal is a bit of a psycho... Hey now, you can't be perfect all the time!

*This roleplay will be taking place in Tokyo, Japan.


[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]Just realized that there is a tag that says "What am I doing with my life"

How can you not notice Tag-Kouhai?

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