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Fantasy Byara


The Proletariat Robot



Kingdom of Savar: A monarchy where the King holds absolute power. It’s population is mostly fishermen and mariners. Despite its long history of fighting against Impara it recently became their ally following King Estar’s conversion to the Way of White and outlawing the old Savarian religion.

Grand Council of Impara: One of the strongest nations in the world, Impara is ruled by a voting council of six Grand Viziers and the High Priest of the Way of White. The Way of White is the state religion, and all other worship is outlawed. It is the nation responsible for the Byara colonization attempt.

Hussik Imperium: Sworn enemy of Impara, the Imperium is an entire nation of soldiers, every citizen, man, woman or child is a soldier, from the lowliest peasant to the High Imperator himself exists only to serve the military. They follow the Creed of War and punish all other religions even more harshly than Impara does.

Free State of the Goddess: Trapped in the unenviable position of being wedged between Impara and the Imperium, the Free State of the Goddess is as martial as its neighbors, but by necessity rather than choice, its population always stands ready to fend off the next invasion. They follow the teachings of the Goddess, but welcome most other religions, with the exceptions of the Way of White and the Creed of War.

Cantara: A merchant republic, Cantara maintains relatively amicable relations with all nations on the continent, chiefly through clever political maneuvers and control of major trade routes. Nominally neutral in the affairs of their neighbors, Cantara is notorious for intervening when and where it will benefit them and have developed a reputation as a nation of ruthless opportunists and mercenaries. All religions are welcome in their borders.

Damarian State Union: Originally formed a few hundred years ago as a loose coalition of city states banded together to fight off the Imperium, Damara has since expanded it’s territory considerably over its lifetime, building a large, powerful and respected nation through wars against both the Imperium and Vincara. Its government functions on the basis of an elected monarchy, with the territory divided into a series of petty feudal kingdoms with an elected central government. The most common religion is that of the Twin Gods, but most others are welcome in their lands, mainly excluding the Creed of War and the Holy Order.

Vincaran Holy Empire: Technically a secular, hereditary empire, the Holy Order wields considerable power within Vincaran lands, to the point where most common people don’t actually know there’s a difference between the two. Vincara is a sharply divided nation, with infighting between the followers of the Holy Order and Imperial loyalists common. The nation is currently entering a “cool” period, as the Imperial family has managed to assert their authority for the time being while the Holy Order focuses their attention upon Damara. The Holy Order is the most common religion, though within Imperialist territory all religions are welcome.

Byara: Shrouded in mists and mystery, the old legends say this is where the gods dwelt. Few men have ever visited its shores, and fewer still ever returned to tell the tale.
Update: Information posting here will resume later tonight. Work and family difficulties have prevented me from finishing but the rest of the information should be up by Wednesday the 15th.
Major Religions;

Savarian Church: One of the oldest religions in the world. Traditionally the religion of the Kingdom of Savar, its recent outlawing has seen an exodus as the faithful flee their homes or burn at the hands of Priests of the Way of White.

Savaianism is polytheistic, focusing around the worship of four siblings;

Yan: God of the Sun

Danar: God of the Night

Sav: God of the Sea

Ala: Goddess of the Hunt

The Way of White: State religion of the Grand Council of Impara, the Way of White rejects the notion of gods, stipulating that all life is directed by a formless, ethereal power, the titular White. Priests of the Way of White are fanatics, mercilessly purging followers of other religions.

The Creed of War: The exact origin of the creed is unknown, spawned from ancestral legend and myth and eventually brought into something resembling a religion by great-weapon wielding warrior priests, war is the only path and its practitioners are only acceptable if they strive to be the best fighters they can be.

Headed by the High Imperator, half king and half god of war, and preached of by the battle-priests the Creed demands that its followers train and fight for the good of the Imperium and themselves, to do otherwise is heresy and other religions are intrinsically flawed in that they do not require devotion to the High Imperator and the Imperium over all else, devotion proven in blood; be it that of the heretic, or of the follower.

The Goddess: Patron deity of the Free State, the Goddess is a single entity divided into eight aspects, as a combined whole she leads the Free State, each aspect coming into dominance when it is needed. The aspects are;

The Mother: Aspect of love, marriage and fertility.

The Huntress: Aspect of nature.

The Crone: Aspect of wisdom and knowledge.

The Widow: Aspect of death and mourning.

The Child: Aspect of family, nurturing and mercy.

The Shieldmaiden: Aspect of battle and conflict.

The Healer: Aspect of compassion and health.

The Whore: Aspect of luck, subterfuge and trickery.

The Twin Gods: Worship of the Twin Gods arose in Damarian lands, its emphasis on community, fraternity, companionship and comradery finding easy purchase in the city states that now make up the Union. Worship of the Twins encourage each member of a group to do their part to strengthen the whole and to repay any insult or injury to a member of one’s community in kind.

The Holy Order: A knightly order that wields considerable power inside Vincara, the Order’s worship focuses on the Order itself, seeing it as a holy thing that all should follow. The Grand-Master's word is taken as absolute, and all other religions are brutally suppressed.

The Fire Touched: The Fire Touched worship Asdrubal,the first phoenix and primal god of heat and fire. He is as old as time immemorial and his worship is only slightly younger. All of his followers carry brand marks on their bodies, marking them with a symbol in his likeness. His worship emphasizes loyalty of spirit and action, and purity of mind and body. Fire is sacred to them and thus it is forbidden to willfully quench a flame.

The Cult of the Black King: Appearing as a masked man cloaked in shadows, the Black King is a figure of death and ruin. His cult spreads his message of decay and violence, appealing to the base instincts of the downtrodden and the outcast. The Black King encourages his followers to do as they please and take what they want, disregarding all laws and authority. His followers bear many marks, ritual tattoos and scarrings according to the whims of their preacher. And all are required to wear a mask of black wood at all times, except when indoors and in the presence of only other cult members.
Magic: Magic is a dark thing, poorly understood and widely feared as heresy and witchcraft. Its practitioners are killed wherever they are found.

Divinities: On rare occasions the gods may see fit to grant one of their followers a blessing, special abilities and powers they can call upon. There are many things these Divinities may do, heal the sick, create flame, control the wind and much, much more. These abilities are performed through repetition: chanting certain words or phrases, repeated hand gestures and the like. These actions help focus the will of the caster, gradually summoning the strength to use their gift.

Farmer's Share: Copper coins about an inch wide, the most common coins in the land due to inflation and poverty. Named because it is the normal payment for a day’s labor by a farmer worker.

Soldier's Share: Silver coins a little over an inch wide, so named as one of these is typical weekly wage for a soldier or sellsword.

Merchant's Piece: Electrum coins two inches in width, typically used by traders and carvanners to carry large sums of money.

Noble's Worth: Solid gold bars around four inches square. Very rare and difficult to spend. Usually only owned by nobility.

Conversion rates;

100 FS = 1 SS

30 SS = 1 MP

15 MP = 1 NW
Character sheet;

(PM me your character sheets for review and approval before posting them)







Quirks:(Assigned by the GM, that’s me, based on history and personality, and more will be gained and lost based on experiences)


Gear and Supplies;

Characters have 15 Soldier’s Shares and 50 Farmer’s Shares to purchase equipment with.


1 Day’s Food Rations: 5 Farmer’s Shares

Rope per Foot: 5 Farmer’s Shares

Blanket: 10 Farmer’s Shares

Gallon of Water: 10 Farmer’s Shares

*Lasts 3 Days

Pound of Meat: 50 Farmer’s Shares

*Lasts 5 days, must be cooked

Salt Brick: 1 Soldier’s Share for 1 Pound

Log of Firewood: 5 Farmer’s Shares for 3

Lantern: 50 Farmer’s Shares

Gallon of Lantern Oil: 75 Farmer’s Shares

*Lasts 7 refills

Torch: 5 Farmer’s Shares

Matches: 1 Farmer’s Share for 5

Flint and Steel: 50 Farmer’s Shares

Paper Scroll: 1 Soldier’s Share for 5

Loose Paper: 1 Soldier's Share for 20 pages

Ink and Quill: 25 Farmer’s Shares for 1 ounce + Quill

Medicinal Herbs:75 Farmer’s Shares

Bandages by the Foot:10 Farmer’s Shares

Compass: 2 Soldier’s Shares

Tool Set: 2 Soldier’s Shares

*Includes a small hammer, pick, shovel, and axe

Travel Sack: 20 Farmer’s Shares

*Can only carry bare basics

Backpack: 75 Farmer’s Shares

Luggage Crate: 1 Soldier’s Share

*Hard to carry by person

Gear and Equipment:

Set of Clothes: 10 Farmer’s Shares

Winter Clothes: 25 Farmer’s Shares

Travelers Coat: 50 Farmer’s Shares

Heavy Winter Coat: 75 Farmer’s Shares

Rain Poncho: 25 Farmer’s Shares

Foot Wraps: 5 Farmer’s Shares

Half Boots: 15 Farmer’s Shares

Mud Boots: 25 Farmer’s Shares

Sun Hat: 15 Farmer’s Shares

Rain Hat: 25 Farmer’s Shares

Cloak and Hood: 15 Farmer’s Shares

Boiled Leather Chest: 1 Soldier’s Share

Boiled Leather Gloves: 50 Farmer’s Shares

Boiled Leather Greaves: 50 Farmer’s Shares

Leather Scale Chest: 2 Soldier’s Share

Leather Scale Greaves: 75 Farmer’s Shares

Leather Scale Helm: 75 Farmer’s Shares

Iron Scale Chest: 5 Soldier’s Shares

Iron Scale Hood: 1 Soldier’s Share, 50 Farmer’s Shares

Iron Scale Skirt: 2 Soldier’s Shares

Iron Scale Sleeves: 1 Soldier’s Share

Mirror Chest: 8 Soldier’s Shares

Iron Chestplate: 10 Soldier’s Shares

Iron Gauntlets: 4 Soldier’s Shares

Iron Halfhelm: 2 Soldier’s Shares

Iron Helm: 5 Soldier’s Shares

Iron Greaves: 4 Soldier’s Shares

Leather Faced Buckler: 25 Farmer’s Shares

Leather Faced Round Shield: 50 Farmer’s Shares

Iron Buckler: 75 Farmer’s Shares

Iron Faced Round Shield: 1 Soldier’s Share, 75 Farmer’s Shares

Iron Faced Tower Shield: 4 Soldier’s Shares

Short Spear: 50 Farmer’s Shares

Long Spear: 75 Farmer’s Shares

Pike: 1 Soldier's Share

Halberd: 4 Soldier’s Shares

Glaive: 3 Soldier’s Shares

Hatchet: 15 Farmer’s Shares

Woodsman’s Axe: 25 Farmer’s Shares

Waraxe: 50 Farmer’s Shares

Picked Axe: 75 Farmer’s Shares

*An axe with a pick spike on the opposite end.

Poleaxe: 1 Soldier’s Share, 50 Harmer’s Shares

Dagger: 50 Farmer’s Shares

Throwing Dagger: 60 Farmer’s Shares

Long Dagger: 75 Farmer’s Shares

Short Sword: 1 Soldier’s Share

Arming Sword: 2 Soldier’s Shares

Bastard Sword: 3 Soldier’s Shares

Zweihander: 5 Soldier’s Shares

Rapier: 1 Soldier’s Share, 50 Farmer’s Shares

Scimitar: 2 Soldier’s Shares

Warhammer: 1 Soldier’s Share

Hammer-Pick: 1 Soldier's Share, 50 Farmer’s Shares

*A hammer with a pick spike on the opposite end.

Polehammer: 2 Soldier’s Shares

Club: 25 Farmer’s Shares

Spiked Club: 50 Farmer’s Shares

Mace: 75 Farmer’s Shares

Morning Star: 1 Soldier’s Share, 50 Farmer’s Shares

Heavy Mace: 2 Soldier’s Shares

Flail: 4 Soldier’s Shares

Hunter’s Bow: 75 Farmer’s Shares

Longbow: 2 Soldier’s Shares

Hand Crossbow: 3 Soldier's Shares

*Smaller, single handed Crossbow

Crossbow: 5 Soldier’s Shares

Arbalest: 10 Soldier’s Shares

Hunter’s Arrow: 15 Farmer’s Shares for 10

Knightslayer Arrow: 25 Farmer’s Shares for 5

Bolts: 20 Farmer’s Shares for 10

Crossbow Bayonet: 75 Farmer’s Worth

*Permanently attached to a Crossbow or Arbalest

Knightslayer Bolts: 40 Farmer’s Shares for 5

Spare String: 15 Farmer’s Shares each

*Lost after 2 missions in which weapon was fired, useable for Bows, Crossbows and Arbalests.

Hand Cannon: 8 Soldier’s Shares

*Can scare animals and people

**Does not work in wet conditions

***Highly inaccurate and unreliable

Arquebus: 12 Soldier's Shares

*Can scare animals and people

**Does not work in wet conditions


Matchlock Pistol: 10 Soldier’s Shares

*Can scare animals and people

**Does not work in wet conditions


Lead Rounds: 50 Farmer’s Shares for 3

Black Powder: 75 Farmer’s Shares

*2 Mission’s worth of powder.

Spare Slowmatch: 15 Farmer’s Shares each

*Good for 3 Missions

Divinities: 10 Soldier’s Shares

*Requires being a priest or equivalent within a religion, specific abilities granted will be discussed during sheet review.

You will need at minimum of 7 days worth of rations(food and water)to make the journey and you will need a weapon suited to the job, the rest is up to personal desires and ability to carry.

Before making your purchases you owned;

1 Set of Worn Clothes

1 Pair of Worn Foot Wraps

1 Weapon of your choice worth 25 Farmer’s Shares or less

20 Farmer’s Shares worth of supplies.
And finally: A few notes on the nature of this game.

For starters this game runs a strong risk of character death, as noted on that first image. Characters can and will find themselves in fights they can’t win and situations they can’t get out of and they will die, possibly through no fault of their own. However, fresh characters will arrive at the town every in-game week, allowing for a steady stream of replacement characters to compensate for any deaths. As such it may be a good idea to draw up some backup characters, these can be sent to me the same way that your starting character was, where I will review it and help you work on it.

Combat will run narratively but with an initiative ladder. This ladder determines which players or enemies go when, failure to post your actions within three days of initiative passing to your character will result in the GM making your character’s turn for you. Initiative is determined by many, many factors, including but not limited to: weight, quirks, terrain, hours since last sleep, hours since last meal. At the start of each turn of combat I will post a simple map listing initiative order and illustrating the current positions of players and visible foes as well as the terrain around the fight.

Combat actions should be written in a short, descriptive style detailing what the character is doing an, importantly, not what the results of those actions are. For example if your character is attacking an enemy with a bow, you would write: “Seeing the foul enemy rising up before her, Shana raises her bow, letting an arrow fly at the foe.”

Or something along those lines, whether or not that attack hits, how much damage it does if it does it, etc, should all be left in the capable hands of the nebulous supercomputer that is the GM. At the end of your post put, in brackets, an OOC specification of what exactly you’re doing that round. For example;

[shana attacks Foul Enemy 1 with Knightslayer Arrow]

That way there’s little room for confusion of what exactly you’re doing.

Aside from that y’all are free to ask questions or begin working on sheets at your leisure.

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