By Our Fists, We Are Exalted (Need some interest)


General Wontwit
Rain poured into the streets of the Black City. It was a summer storm, dancing down onto the awnings of buildings and roaring into the streets with a strange eagerness. The sky was dark and the buildings were lit only by the little bit of sunlight that made it through the clouds and the gentle orange light of hung lanterns.


The sky itself roared with their battle.

"I WILL kill you!" Hatta cried out, as if Wan-Li needed reminding. Li had been found in the room of Hatta's sister, his hand on the blade in her stomach. He was innocent, framed, but he had fled out of fear and secured his guilt in Hatta's mind. There was no turning back now. One of them would be ending his life tonight.

The Chiaroscuran man, with olive, sun-kissed skin and long, dark hair was soaked through to the skin, looking down the streets for the slender man who he hunted. His dark eyes were locked in anger, fury burning within them, darting from side to side in search of the frightened prey who hid behind one of the columns lining a small shop.

He saw him. His blade went out, breaking stone and coming within inches of Li's neck.

"Don't do this!" Li begged, imploring the other man as he had at all other times they had met before. Li was a thin man, skin pale, head shaved. He was not an Immaculate Monk, but his orange clothing and bald scalp could certainly convince someone he was. He did not defend himself, merely dodging and avoiding every blow with the careful precision of any man fighting for his life.

His plea went unanswered. The two dashed through the alleyways and streets, splashing mud wherever they went. Li hurled himself down an avenue, hoping to find his escape up a series of overhangs, bounding up a display stand for wares, onto the cloth and across the street onto a roof. Hatta followed. The fugitive let his weight carry him forward, just running and climbing, getting as high as he could and as far away from Hatta was as possible. Soon, he could run no further, as his feet found purchase on the watch tower by the southern gate, the highest building in the city. He had nowhere to go from here.

"Please! Do not do this!" Li cried, tears forming on the edge of his face, but one could not see them amongst the rain. He ducked, the blade singing through the air as the burning, passionate rage of the desert hunter propelled it over his head. "Never!" Hatta replied, waving his weapon in a futile effort to strike the slender target. "I shall never stop hunting you!" His words were spat from a raging fire in his stomach, unceasing, unreasoning anger seething behind his eyes. There was no turning back. "I have hunted you across Creation! I will hunt you beyond it if I must! You! Will! Die!" Hatta roared impotently as every strike landed on unresisting air or easily shattered roof tiles but never the sad creature he faced.

"Very well..." The sad, quiet voice was now definite. There was no resisting what came next. Hatta was infinitely surprised as young, lithe man he had chased for months and who had never displayed anything but apparent cowardice struck back after he ducked an assault. A single sharp blow reached the other man's nose and cracked the cartilage with the ease of ripping paper. Open palms slapped his ears before he could recover, making him lose his balance. A single sweep of his legs and the Southerner was off his feet and falling, landing squarely on a rising knee. He collapsed, off the limb, and spat blood, his sword falling off the edge of the building.

In a moment of stunned surprise and blinding pain, Hatta turned his head, glancing up slowly at the young man standing over him and saw the sad expression had not changed despite his apparent victory. Hatta's eyes expressed the pain he felt, the ineffectual fury, the questioning wonder at his defeat... It did not last long enough for his incredulity to turn into the realization that the person he had chased for months could have, so effortlessly, ended him at any time he wished. It was halted by the roof tiles, which he had been slashing, beginning to slip from under him. As he fell, he grabbed Li's leg out of a frantic attempt to support himself, only to pull the other man with him.

They were falling. They were both doomed. Hatta's face pulled wide into a wicked smile. He was going to die, most certainly, but his ghost could rest easy, for his sister was avenged. That was what he thought, looking up at the other man with a horrific malice in his intention-filled glance. He had let go and, by now, they fell alongside each other, his tight grip relinquished as he enjoyed his final moment of happiness. If he was going down, he would take Li with him.

Li watched him. He saw the malice, the hateful intention, and his face bore sadness, but no fear. His own demise apparently looming ahead did not grant Hatta the satisfaction of seeing his opponent frightened. Li merely shook his head, appearing sorrowful, before suddenly dropping behind as if snagged on a hook. As Hatta spun onto his back to look, his last image was of Li's anima flaring into full view and the white swirls of one of the Chosen of the Dragon of Air became apparent.

Hatta's last thought in Creation was a realization as sudden as its immediate loss was: That the tears he had seen Li shedding had been not for himself out of pity or fear.

They were for him.


I am mulling over a concept for a game and it's been in my head half-formed for a while now, but it has since burst into clarity.

Scroll of the Monk is one of my favourite books. Not for the martial arts charms, as cool as those are, but for the fluff involved. Martial Arts and epic combat are the foundation stone of so many of the movies/animes/cartoons/mangas/comics/books/whatevers that make up the inspiration for Exalted. Acrobatic heroes who nimbly backflip over opponent's blades, smiling courtesans who slash a man's throat with an airy giggle, swordsmen who fence with narrowed eyes and hardened faces; all these and more make up this amazing iconography.

So I asked myself: "What would make an Exalted game this epic?"

The answer, of course, was a focus on Martial Arts and descriptive stunts.

As such, I am hosting a rather unusual recruitment for a somewhat unusual game. Here's the skinny:

This will be a game of Exalted where I will be choosing players based on a description they will write as a part of their application. In it, they will write a brief story, like the one I posted above, that is epic in nature. In this story, they will emphasize just how good they are at making a character's battles, hardships or what have you become epic.

This story need not be for the character they have created but there will be bonus points given if it is, with more given the more absolutely, mind-blowingly awesome it is. The story itself is, however, the basis for your entrance to this game and it's probably better if it's about your character.

The game itself is most likely going to be low in power. You will either be God-Blooded or Terrestrial Exalts, most likely the former, and the game will focus heavily on Martial Arts. Once I get enough interest for this basic concept (A low-power Martial Arts heavy game of Exalted with a focus on epic stunts), I will start giving you more details on what kind of story you will be enjoying.

However, to give you an idea of what I will eventually put into words of what is essentially going to be happening...


Yeah. That.

Any interest?

Alright, here are the details.

By Our Fists, We Are Exalted is a game of kickassery. It will be a game where every character proves his worth by his ability to be a badass whenever the occasion so calls for it. As such, it is a game where Exalted Martial Arts will be coming into play a lot.

This game will start with the characters as heroic mortals, using the God-Blooded template. You will all get Martial Arts as a free favoured ability. Every one of you has the ability to wield essence but whether that's a natural gift, from ascetic devotion, thaumaturgy, a gift from an Exalt, divine/demonic/ghostly ancestry, etc. is up to you.

The story of this game takes place in the East (not much of a surprise there), south of Denandsor, on the shores of the Grey River. Your characters will find their origin in a small, unimportant town known as Chat, where whispers of unclean spirits now haunt the area. Why you are in Chat, I leave to your own discretion but the area is a small hub for trade, as it resides on a very bumpy area of the river and has a dam that allows them to control the water in a side route, letting ships come and go as they please. Otherwise, it's a fairly unremarkable area, except by its proximity to other things.

Recruitment will be taken on the basis of an interesting character and how well the player can generate an epic bit of story. For that, I will be requiring a sheet with background + personality (doesn't need too much but should let me know how the character acts) and a brief story like the one at the beginning of this post. It doesn't necessarily have to be about your character, but it would help if it is.

As a final note: Charms. No character, regardless of origin, can take any charm save Terrestrial Martial Arts and Excellencies. In the case of the latter, they are excellencies as spirits use them, which means they can only add a number of dice equal to your essence. I'm also ruling that you can only have as many excellencies as you have dots of essence, though that should not be troublesome.

P.S. There IS a good chance you will Exalt during this little venture. Into what type is a good question, and it will probably not occur until the end of the story, but it is quite likely it will occur.
I'm definitely interested, though I have admittedly very little experience with making God-bloods. I will work on putting something together, though my actual submission might be delayed by my (at the moment) infrequent computer access.

Also, would you want the story and the sheet, or just the story? I assume the former, but just thought I would make sure.
An MA-focused game AND a writing competition? Well, damn, son. Looks like I've got a project to do!

Seriously, I have more Martial Arts love than ought to be allotted a man in his life. Though it's hard to think of a character that will fit into ANY story, so some sitch info is needed before I get started. Just a bit, though (location, amount of goodguyness, possibly the realm from whence most of the badguys will spring).
To answer your questions, Mnemonix, and to explain what will occur to you, Brick, I want both sheet and story, in time. This is just an interest gathering thread, for the moment. When I have at least five interested people, I will post an explanation of the story I have in mind.

I just want to know people are interested in a Martial Arts game. If you want it to be set anywhere in particular in Creation, just let me know.
Sounds pretty cool. You can definitely count me among the interested. :D Terrestrial and God-Blooded martial artists, as well as martial arts in general have always been a point of interest for me. Martial arts movies, fighting games, comics of all sorts... it's all good.
Oooo!! I am definitely interested. I'll have to see if the used book place has a copy of the terrestrials book as I have yet to pick one up, but this game idea sounds like a lot of fun.
Oh heck yes, this is exactly the sort of thing I've been looking for since I got into Exalted.

EDIT: More relevant, are we looking at limits on character concepts? This being Exalted It's pretty easy to make some... out there ideas (not the concept I'm working on, but an example being someone with an artifact mount with a specialty in using that mount as an improvised weapon).
I'm interested. Are we limited to the Terrestial Martial Arts in Scroll of the Monk, or can we pitch Martial Art styles from other sources (namely non-canon, subject to ST approval, of course)?
Very interesting, I'll definitely try to post something later on.

One question: wouldn't the Exalted mechanics turn out to be too cumbersome?

We had a couple of MA duels in one of my games, and the rules consumed away all the drama... oO
One of the basic rules I have for dealing with that kind of stuff is that I shred the rules where necessary to make things awesome.

For example: In combat, rolling before you post lets you determine your success or failure. If your opponent has a DV of 6 and you roll only 5 successes, you can then roll three dice, one after the other, and see if you get at least two success on them. If you don't, you can't hit them even with a stunt. If you do, you find how many dice were necessary and that's the level of a stunt you must accomplish if you want to hit them.

I warn you that three dice stunts for me have to make me go "Oh, that's AWESOME!", so don't pin your hopes on that unless you have something epic to show for it. Two dice... You merely have to be epic, such as leapfrogging over a palace guard who is charging you, kicking his legs out from under him and letting him land on your fist to break his neck.

It's really the best system I can devise to keep the drama in this. Two dice stunts are fairly easy to achieve and I tend to like awarding at least one dice at an attempt for it.

You're probably also going to be God-Blooded, but you don't need divine ancestry. You're simply going to count as enlightened mortals. If you want to have divine blood or demonic blood or what have you to explain such, go right ahead. You can play Ghost- or Demon-Blooded, but the standard will be God-Blooded.

I'll get story details up fairly soon.

Edit: And there you go.


-Terrestrial Martial Arts... Nnnn... I'm hesitant to allow any non-canon ones but I might. I'll probably give it extra credence if it's from someone trusted, like Plague of Hats.

-I try not to limit character creation. If you have a good reason for things, I'm happy to allow them. Being mortals, you're really going to have to justify any artifact you have, for the record. Having a daiklave and not having it taken by the first Dragon-Blooded popinjay who decides he wants to add it to his wall is an unlikely proposition.

Still, if you have a good idea, far be it from me to tell you no. If you have any misgivings over whether it's appropriate, PM me the details and let me say so.

On the same subject, mortal physical/spiritual merits can be taken without asking, though I would like an explanation for something blatant (I.E. Was your character born telepathic? Did they acquire it when their chakras were opened to essence?) if that is what you choose. However, flaws ALL require permission and, believe me, you WILL be playing them out.

However, if you want to get a character created and have more bonus points, I will be giving them out, up to a maximum of 9, on the following basis:

-1 to 3 for a character portrait. One point if it's something you got off the internet, two if you didn't but it's super-awesome or made it yourself, three if you made it yourself and I deem it awesome. If you want to know what I define as super-awesome, see the picture in the old intro.

-1 to 3 for the character being epic. You'll all get at least two on this if I want you in this game. Three points is reserved for that special stuff where we all salivate and want to read more.

-1 to 3 for inspirational extras. A theme song, images, anything that inspired this character and makes me think of them in the same way when I read about them. This is pure numbers, really.

If anyone here gets 9 BP, you're pretty much automatically in and get smiley stickers on any future application to any game I run.
Let me see if I have this correct:

-We get Martial Arts as a free Favored Ability, on top of the one Heroic Mortals get.

-We get Awakened Essence at the 4-dot version and the ability to learn Terrestrial Martial Arts as the Merit Root of the Perfected Lotus, though our Essence score starts at 1

-We are free to choose the origin of our Enlightenment, though explanations will be needed

Anything I have wrong there?

Also, do God/Whatever-Blooded characters get any manner of Inheritance?
1. Yes, Martial Arts is a free favoured ability ON TOP of the one you get normally.

2. Close. You use God-Blooded character generation. This does not mean you ARE God-Blooded, necessarily, but that's what you use. For the unaware, the stats for creating a God-Blooded are identical to creating Heroic Mortals as laid out on page 81 of the Exalted 2nd Ed core rulebook but for as follows:

-Attributes are 6/5/3, not 6/4/3

-You get 6 background dots instead of 5. Artifact and Manse are still prohibited.

-You can buy Essence and Charms with bonus points at the start (though you cannot raise Essence higher than 2 at the beginning. This is a house rule). These cost 12 bonus points and 7 bonus points respectively. Sorcery or Necromancy charms cannot be bought at Essence 2. The only charms you can buy are Excellencies and Martial Arts charms.

-You gain an Essence pool. This is ([Essence x 5] + [Willpower x 2] + [sum of Virtues]).

-You gain a heritage power.

I repeat that your characters are not God-Blooded unless you wish them to be, we're just using this stat generation. Inheritance is out the window and is not allowed.

Heritage powers, for the record, are different for your enlightened mortals than for God-Blooded. Instead of the standard heritage power, you gain an additional -1 health level and, by spending a willpower, can regain (your highest Virtue x 2) motes of essence once per scene.

Characters who really are God-, Demon- or Ghost-Blooded gain normal heritage powers.

3. Yes. Doesn't have to be more than "I was born with it" but it should be interesting.

Also, anyone know why I keep having to enter my post twice to post?
Ooooh shiny.

Expect a submission from me too.

I haven't toyed with the god blooded chargen, yet I have a very interesting concept in mind.

Ghost blooded exorcist the opposite of the White Walker, protects the interests of the living from the wrath of the dead and tries to bring peace to the restless souls... also kicks the occasional wandering demon :twisted:

Hope this game will last... most martial arts game have had a short lifespan here (I should know, I ST one).
God, if only the majority of arcanoi were actually useful to ghost-blooded, granted it has been a few months since I looked at them, but I recall them not jibing very well. Sad, because nothing about ghost-blooded martial artist doesn't sound cool.
Basic concept ready. Expect a street criminal who uses a very Capoeira-inspired style of fighting. This means lots of acrobatic stunts, of course.

Also, magic is expensive to start with. Hope I can earn some of those extra BP.

Speaking of which, what's the policy on the 'negative mutations' in the God-blooded section? Same as Flaws? Actually, what's the policy on the positive ones, for that matter? Same as supernatural Merits?
magnificentmomo said:
God, if only the majority of arcanoi were actually useful to ghost-blooded, granted it has been a few months since I looked at them, but I recall them not jibing very well. Sad, because nothing about ghost-blooded martial artist doesn't sound cool.
Thaumaturgy rituals is where it's at baby ! 8)
Yeah, for the smart exorcist, the Art of Warding and Exorcism is staggeringly potent, especially in the hands of an Exalt...

Negative mutations are the same as flaws. In other words, ask me. Positive ones, same story. Human merits are within the bounds of the mortal (for the most part), so they're acceptable. Supernatural ones are clearly not.
How would you feel about me taking a modified version of the 1-point Mute Flaw, limiting length and frequency of utterances rather than volume (actually, it'd probably impose harsher penalties than the current version, mechanically)? I can probably go without the point and just be relatively quiet, but I figured I'd ask, since my character will be rather quiet either way (backstory thing).
No, because it's not a flaw. Stuttering is a flaw, needing glasses is a flaw, being hard of hearing is a flaw. Just being a bit shy/quiet isn't.
Uh... if it imposes some kind of penalty on social rolls, it might be considered a flaw... but you da boss :wink:
Yes, I was figuring 'sufficiently unable to express things that it causes mechanical problems'. But, then again, my Social scores are low enough that I probably can't make the rolls Flaw or not, so it might be a bit unfair to get points from it.

Kyros of the morning breeze


Son of an air elemental

He is wandering creation trying to find his purpose.

Fighting style:

He uses breaks in air to avoid his enemies and moves faster than the wind itself to strike them down.


The warm breeze caressed his face as he lay across the large rock. It was his first challenge to a duel, and while he was unsure how it worked, he was sure the challenger wasn't supposed to be this late. As he pulled the scroll from his travel bag he heard a hearty laugh and he looked up. You showed, I hadn't thought you to be such a fool. Yelled a mountain of a man standing on the edge of the forest. Kyros stood and slipped his covering back over his mouth and eyed the man who pulled a large war-hammer from across his back.

The man lifted it to his front as Kyros began to approach, it must weigh as much as Kyros, but the man spun it as if it were a feather. Grinning he swung the axe to his side and busted through a tree in one strike. The tree fell as Kyros approached and it fell near him, but his eyes unwavering as he approached. Fool's are those who repeat their mistakes, I have simply accepted an opportunity to learn from your skill. The young man's voice was calm and soft, it floated on the breeze and landed on deaf ears.

The giant made his first move swinging the great hammer horizontally with great speed, but Kyros simply ducked as it went overhead and parted his hair. The hammer came around the man's head and straight down as Kyros sidestepped and the head cracked through stones and sent shrapnel and dust into the air. The man pushed the hammer to the ground and spun over it to deliver a spinning heel with speed greater than a man of his size should, but Kyros lifted himself into the air and landed where the man had been before. Irritated the giant pulled his great weapon from the ground and spun but in under a breath he found the tip of something pressed against his throat. yield now, or I may be forced to use this. Kyros says tapping the man's throat with the bokken's tip.

At first it seemed the man would relent, but upon realizing the weapon at his throat the man began to laugh and fell backwards to his rear. Kyros held his position arm extended weapon in front of him. You expect me to fear a twig? I could chew through that tiny weapon. The man bellowed has he regained his footing. The giant picked up his hammer with one hand and spun it in a show of strength, and then flipped dirt out of his other hand as a distraction. Kyros sidestepped the earth, and saw the man swing the mighty hammer down again. With one arm Kyros lifted the bokken and met the hammer head on stopping the giant hammer as if it were a bokken swung by a three year old. Kryos pushed back into the hammer parrying it backwards and spun driving the hilt of the wooden weapon into the man's metal breastplate. The metal gave-way with a crack driving the full force into the man's ribs. A crack followed as two ribs gave way from the force. Turning back to his right he brought the sword in a spiraling arc and into the giant's left thigh taking the man up off his feet and slamming him into the stone ground.

Yield now, I think this lesson is over. Kyros said placing the bokken across the back of his neck and shoulders moving away from the man. The giant gasped for air, and stumbled to his feet anger in his eyes. You will pay for that little man He grunted as he stood placing both hands back on the war-hammer. The giant took a deep-breath as to let out of a war cry but what came out was a scream of agony. He looked as the young man was no longer in front of him his right arm dangled from his elbow, bone sticking out and blood streaming down it. Yield, or I do the same to your skull. The soft voice said from behind. The giant agreed, and held his useless arm. Kyros walked over to his bag and pulled bandages from his belongings, the man screamed in pain setting the bone himself, and Kyros helped to splint the arm.

Well fought little man The giant whispered as Kyros walked away. The breeze carried the words to Kyros and filled his nostrils with spring. He blinked thinking back to the final moments of the battle, the man was bringing his hands to bear on the hammer. He began to take a breath, Kyros felt the world slow, he was gliding through the air barely touching ground, and behind the man before he even finished his intake. Turning he drove the bokken into the giant's elbow joint pushing the bone through the skin and splattering the ground with blood and bone fragments. The recall was over before he opened his eyes from the blink, and Kyros sheathed his bokken behind his back. The warm breeze caressed his face with another kiss, and Kyros turned to follow its path to the east.


Kyros is calm and collected, but lacks direction in his life. He changes his mind as the wind changes direction and has a hard time finding much direction. He follows the winds where they might take him, and believes everything will work out

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