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Realistic or Modern BxG - 1x1 - Read About Me First Please(:


New Member
You’ve been best friends with my brother for several years, what started out as a group of friends hanging out and being goofy quickly blossomed and became one of the most dangerous and cruel gangs around.. a gang in which you’re the leader of.

You and I have always clashed, our personalities both a bit extreme from time to time causing neither of us to really like one another.

We fight and argue on a daily basis just trying to make the other explode however somehow we’ve also developed this raw sort of lust between one another. Theres either constant bickering or relentless teasing, we have done almost everything to mess with one another. It’s always lowkey though, neither of us wanting Seth to notice because we know he’s be pissed with how overprotective he is.


It was Saturday night and Seth decides to throw a party with a few of the guys which ultimately ends up with dozens of people invited.

I come home from the gym, stepping inside and looking at the sofa Seth has pushed out of the way to create a makeshift dancing area With a brow raised, “Hey Lex, make sure you keep your ass upstairs tonight.. I don’t need to be babysitting you or having you crash the party.” He says as he looks up from his phone and I scoff and ignore him with an eyeroll before heading upstairs to my room.

I shower and change into (what’s listed in the character info) before heading back downstairs without being spotted by Seth. I grab a water and hop up on the counter swinging my legs and responding to texts. Hun

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