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Fandom Butterfly Soup RP


New Member

Okay so I am having a lot of feelings about Min after replaying Butterfly Soup 1+2! Specifically about her home life and the abuse she suffers from her dad. So, this prompt is exploring her going through a particularly bad fight with her dad and the aftermath of it, with maybe some projecting on my part. And, of course, the stars of the show: DiyaMin.

I love hurt/comfort and I love how Diya looks out for Min and tries to help her make better choices. She's just always there for her ;^; and loves her so much. So I'd love to do something along those lines. A mix of angst with sweet, sappy romance from my two favorite gays .

It's set a couple of years after the second game, so probably junior/senior year.

If this sounds interesting to you, please reach out! I'm a bit desperate to explore this starter but I'm pretty positive that this fandom is too niche 😭. If you'd like, we can talk a bit before you reply to my starter, if not a repsonse is totally fine!

Also no need to match starter length! I just ask for about 400-600 words a response at minimum if thats okay!

Thank you for your time 💗

In hindsight, it was a bad idea, a terrible idea, but Minseo wasn't exactly known for her good ideas.

From a young age, she'd been doodling all over her arms; things like knives, baseballs, dragons, scribbled renditions of Diya's face. Once she was old enough and moved away, she planned to get real tattoos of course, but when Akarsha joked about stick-and-poke ones, her interest was piqued.

She'd heard the term here and there when she was in Florida and hung out with less savory people, but the thought of actually doing it had never occurred to her until then. A couple of youtube videos, one pick-pocketed Dollar Tree, and calling in an owed favor from Akarsha later, she had a (very cool in her superior opinion) large dagger on her upper bicep. It was stupid but Min was nothing if not impulsive.

At first she was good at hiding it.

Then the weather got warmer, and by late spring, a slip of her short sleeve shirt caused complete chaos at the dinner table. Her dad grabbed her arm so hard she was certain it was bruised. Fat, purple finger imprints on her thin wrist. At least Jun attempted to help, her mother just sat there in silence. She didn't even look away from the dinner table. Min hated her for it

And then, somewhere in between her swearing and attempting to pry her way out of his grip, he hit her. He'd thrown things, punched walls, slammed tables, but he'd never hit her.

The rest was a blur.

Min had managed to free herself of her father's brutal grip, kicking and screaming like a caged animal. And once she was free of him, she ran out of the house as fast as she could and didn't stop. Even when she heard Jun yelling out behind her. Even when her legs burned and she felt like her lungs might explode from lack of air.

When she finally forced her aching legs to stop, she nearly collapsed. High on fear, anger, and adrenaline, she drew one ragged breath before letting out a scream. It probably woke up half the suburb but she didn't care, her emotions were clawing their way out of her one way or another.

When she finally calmed down enough to assess her surroundings, it took her a moment to recognize it in the dark but this was definitely Akarsha's street. She'd made it all the way here? Of course, talking to Akarsha would help but no matter how close they were, Min was not ready for her to see her this way. But if this was Akarsha's street, then Diya…

Min's legs moved before she could think herself out of it.

There was no way Diya's mom would ever let her in but she didn't care, she just needed to see her. As she got closer to the familiar house her anger began to cool, being replaced with emotions she did not want to feel, and it left her body cold as well. She'd run out of the house in nothing but her house shoes, sleep shirt, and a pair of baggy shorts. She hadn't even stopped to grab her phone. It might be warming, but it was still nighttime in early May. She was cold.

She snuck around the back of Diya's house, picking up pebbles along the way. This was stupid too, but her mind was already made up. She wanted, no needed Diya. So she used that as her excuse when she launced the first pebble at Diya's window, and then another.
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