butterfly judgement Plot

Character sheet/ sign ups: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/1328-Butterfly-judgement-character-sign-ups

Actuial RP:


why do bad things happen?

Why do people get ill?

Why do some people get sick but not others?

Who decided who get's sick and who doesn't?

Spirit's do.

Each city has an assigned spirit, to walk alongside it's residence, disguised as one of them, who observes people and their actions, and decides to make healthy the ones who deserve health and their families, and to make sick those who he/she deems not deserving.

In this particular city, the spirit in charge of judgement is Settsugekka, the spirit of the butterfly. Each spirit judges a certain city, and also has a certain animal to represent them.
Question: Does this roleplay have magic? Obviously it's fantasy with spirits and incarnations of animals. But, are humans able to harness magic within this fantasy realm?

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