Butterfly judgement character sign ups

Plot: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/1329-butterfly-judgement-Plot

Actual role play:

**you can be a human, or a spirit for a neighboring city, but I will limit the amount of spirits in this role play to 3, including Settsugekka

*** if you want to be a spirit please add your animal your charater sheet




Age: (no younger than 15)

Appearance: (Pictures, or descriptions work here )

Theme song: (optional)

SHORT bio: (do not go on and on.)

My Character:

Name: (each for has its own name but his real name is) Settsugekka

Gender: Male

Age: 1,000 (apparent age differs between forms)

Appearance: (He has different forms, read the plot and see why.)



Seiji form:


Theo Form: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/076/8/e/snufkin_returns_by_dark_persian-d3bvew9.jpg

kenji Form:


Female form/ anne form: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/017/a/e/anime_girl_yawn_in_the_morning_by_lichtdiamant-d37ewps.jpg

Trueform1/ Settsugekka form:


Trueform2/ butterfly form:


Theme song:

Short bio: Past unknown. He is the spirit of health and good fortune. He judges weather a person deserves their health and happyness or not, and if he thinks they don't he can bring them or their family illness, and even death. (




2) no god modeling

3) you may not role paly until I approve your character here (unless it's a mary sue, I most likely will :) )

4) have fun :)

To ensure you do not have a Mary/Gary sue, please complete the following:

Each question will tell you to add or subtract one depending on your answer, add up all of your points and post your final score with your character.

1) Does your character have light and or dark powers? ( if yes add 3 if no subtract 1) (if you subtracted one here, you're starting with negative one.)

2) Does your character have a tragic back story?(if yes add 1 if no subtract 3)

3) Does your character have an illness? (If yes add 2 if no subtract 1.)

4) If so, is it an illness that will eventually kill him/her? (If yes, add 2 more, if you answered no to this question or the last one do not add or subtract any for this question)

5) Does he/she have a love interest? (if yes subtract 1 if no add 1)

6) If so, is it going to be another RPer's character, or your own? (If it's your own add 2 if it's another RPer's subtract 2 if he/she has no love interest do not add or subtract anything.)

7) Is your character so strong, not even stronger seeming good guys can beet him/her? (If yes add 3 if no subtract 1)

8) Does your character end up getting kidnapped, amnesia, or having a near death experience? (if yes add 3 if no subtract 2)

9) Will your character ever consider turning to the bad side? (If yes subtract 1 if no add 1)

10) If so, does he/she actually end up joining the bad side for any amount of time? (If yes subtract 2 if no add 1 if n/a add 0 )

11) When he/she does join the bad side, will he/she actually attempt to injure another RPer's character? (If yes subtract 4 if no add 2 if n/a add 0 )
I got four and I am not really sure what that means but I would be interested in this RP once I learned what the plot line was.
Name: Atori Layrec

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime blond girl/AnonymousLolita/Anime Female/ff3a541a3b679014003cd7ab62269b347722b088.jpg?o=1 (Ignore the cigarette. She doesn't smoke.)

Theme song:

SHORT bio: She grew up normally. Her past is a boring story, mainly family issues that any kid could have. This makes her a mellow person who doesn't care for stuck up girls, sluts, or anyone that acts out for attention. Atori can mainly be found wherever there's food, she loves to eat. Her companion is a completely black wolf with blue eyes she named Axis.

Axis: http://media.photobucket.com/image/wolfs rain blue/Okami_Amaterasu/Wolfs Rain/Blue72.jpg?o=166 (Blue © Wolf's Rain. I'm just using her to depict Axis.)

Score: -5
Name:Seiko Amaya

Gender: Male

Age: 27


Theme song:

[ (its a generic song, but it sets the mood in a good fight >>)
SHORT bio:

Seiko is a laid back character, never frantic or edgy. he enjoys rainy days over sunny ones, even for walking (a natural habit). he keeps his raincoat on him at all times, as well as his grandfathers sword. an old blade passed through the family once the man of the house reached 18. Seiko is well versed by his father, an experienced swordsmen, who showed him mastery over his Grandfathers Amaya Blade Tactic.he also always sports a clock, tied to his belt by an iron chain. He enjoys frequenting local pubs, being an occasional smoker, and is a kind educated adult

Name: Raistlin Majere

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b4/Raistlin.png

Theme song:

Biography: Raistlin has always been sickly, from a young age. He is envious of his brother Cameron, who is healthy and robust. He is fairly secretive and distrustful, and spends his time trying to become more powerful. He has a soft spot for those who are weak or mistreated for faults they have no control over.

Score: +3, -3, +2, +2, +1, 0, -1, +3, -1, -2, -4

Total: 0
[MENTION=214]Supsdg[/MENTION]: You're in.

[MENTION=1239]Revolutionary 72[/MENTION]: You're in.

[MENTION=66]NEO[/MENTION]n: what do you mean? Like an animal, or a friend?
(This might be a stupid question but what do you mean when you say she isn't a Mary Sue? Do you mean she is not completely normal or average ?)

[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION]: Oh you don't know what a Mary sue is? That's not stupid. A Mary sue is a character in a role play that for the most part everyone except the character's owner hates because he/she is perfect in every way. for instance,their powers are stronger than everyone else's, he/she is unimaginably attractive, and he/she has a horribly tragic back story, and everyone is in love with him/her.
Name: Rosalind Faire

Gender: female

Age: 20

Appearance: Rose has dark brown waves that curl at the arch of her back. Her face is very slim as is the rest of her figure, she is not very curvy she is almost stick like. She has a tan complexion but you can still see a few freckles scattered across her nose. Her eyes are a soft grayish blue.

Theme song:

Bio: Rose just moved back to the small town where she grew up after attending Savannah College of Art and Design. While she was there she majored in Equine Studies. Her family has always been very supportive of her but when she moved to Georgia she felt alone until she met Jacob. Rose dated him all the way through college and put up with his crap. She dealt with his drinking and took care of him when he needed. She broke up with him after the relationship began to become abusive but it was still hard to leave him. She is still a little shook up from the relationship but she is getting better. She is working at a little a tack shop in town until she gets enough to start her breeding and training facility.
Am I allowed to join? :)

Name: Jack Conroy

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/11508101/2/stock-photo-11508101-young-man-with-white-shirt.jpg

Bio: Jack is a confident, lively and daring college student. He is rather snobbish, though he deems it as "optimistic." All his friends know of his devotion to painting, as well as his irresponsibility. Jack has a habit of skipping classed and getting a low grade; often he is found painting in his room instead of studying. Ignorant, he takes the importance of education for granted, claiming that he can make a living without it. He is immature and prone to anger, often dismissing others' thoughts simply because he thinks he is right.

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